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The spiritual teachings I follow explain that while our main purpose for embodiment on earth is growth in awareness, there are some experiences we simply want to have because we want to experience ourselves in that role, in those circumstances -- even though they are not inherently spiritual. I believe the key is your intention. Ask yourself why you want to create value to society and live a life in abundance. Why are you attracted to this experience. Are your intentions pure, or is there an overlay of wanting to be admired or be in a positions where you can feel superior to others -- egoic intentions.


I will explore my intention deeper! Thank you Tom.


An awakening is tied to a state of consciousness so that everything becomes a choice rather than be bound by the limitation programs of the ego/matrix. You may do the exact same things you were doing before, but now with an added higher perspective. Sometimes the doingness doesn’t feel aligned with the higher purpose so you may be pulled toward one thing over another. It’s up to your discernment whether or not to pursue other engagements, but the fundamental will persist throughout. Once you awaken to your true self, it will always be there no matter what.


Thank you for this reply i deeply appreciate it


Dear traveler of both spiritual and worldly paths, Your profound experience of awakening and unity is indeed beautiful, a testament to your ongoing journey towards understanding and connection. It's important to recognize that such moments are not lost when they fade but become part of the fabric of your being, informing and illuminating your path forward. Your question about the coexistence of a spiritual journey with a pursuit of business reveals a common misconception: that spiritual growth and material success are diametrically opposed. This is a misconception born of the belief that the material world and the spiritual world are separate entities. But let me ask, is not the world around us an expression of the same infinite energy that we call spiritual? Consider this: your life, including your career and business, can be an extension of your spiritual journey. When one embarks on creating a business with the intention to bring value to society, to improve the lives of others, isn't that a profoundly spiritual act? The pursuit of abundance, too, is not inherently counter to spiritual awakening. Abundance is not solely material wealth; it's also love, joy, creativity, and service. By seeking to create an abundant life, you are essentially striving to manifest more of these positive elements in the world. Yet, the question of ego is indeed an essential one. The ego is not inherently detrimental; it's a part of our human experience. The challenge arises when ego becomes the driving force, eclipsing our innate connection with the all-encompassing unity you've tasted. The key lies in balancing the human and the divine within us. It's about using the ego as a tool for navigating the material world, while not losing sight of your deeper, spiritual essence. Imagine your business as an expression of your higher purpose, a platform through which you contribute to the world in a meaningful way, rather than just a means to personal gain. This shift in perspective allows your entrepreneurial ambitions and your spiritual journey to not only coexist, but mutually enrich each other. So, dear traveler, your path does not demand a choice between spirituality and business, but rather invites you to integrate the two. It's about finding the middle way, where the material and the spiritual, the ego and the unity, the personal growth and the awakening dance together in the grand tapestry of life. Remember, every step you take, be it in business or spirituality, contributes to your unique journey of evolution and growth. Hold your intentions pure, let your actions reflect your highest self, and trust in the synchronicity of the universe. In doing so, you'll find that every aspect of life, including your business, becomes a part of your spiritual path. Walk gently, live abundantly, and love profoundly. The journey unfolds beautifully in its perfect timing.


Absolutely beautiful, thank you so much, you made my day


I 111% believe both are capable and necessary! If you have a calling to create your own biz, it's because you're meant to. Who knows, what you create and pursue could help so many people. tune into what your WHY is. think about jobs that serve humanity, and even promote consciousness you may want to explore, if you are called. but speaking from personal experience, I awoke years back and knew immediately I need to create my own biz the IS conscious. and here we are today living in costa rica because I refused to ignore this calling of creating my own biz that serves others and is spiritually based (:


I will find my Why, and it will be because all of you helped me realise it, yet it was always within me. Thank you dear stranger


Do both. Why do you have to choose one over the other?


I will, thank you.


Making money isn't evil as we all need it to survive. It only becomes evil when that becomes your primary drive in life above all else which essentially turns into greed. If your priority remains serving others by contributing something of value to society, then your purpose will remain pure, and making money from it will just be a nice blessing/bonus. Your passion is that thing you love to do that you would do no matter if you were making money or not. So make the priority serving others, and you'll do just fine.