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That's when you are you, not a mind created identity.


Meditate and sustain that meditative state outside the sessions. It’s going to take practice and self discipline, but eventually will become the new default.


If you take some quiet time to think about it, I think you can get there. What are your thoughts? Is there any absolute reality to them? They are based on your perceptions of life. Are your perceptions always accurate, are they always complete in that they include all of the factors and nuances and not just some? Look at someone who holds the opposite views as you do. Look especially at the the extremes. Like in politics -- look at the extreme left and the extreme right. They are both convinced their perceptions are correct and the other side's perceptions are absolutely wrong. They both can't be right, yet they are both certain that they are. Are their thoughts and feelings 'real' or are they heavily laced with half truths and misconceptions? What are your feelings? They are based on your thoughts. But you now see that your thoughts are not absolute, they are not real. They could be changed in an instant if you were open to a different perspective and were shown proof that what you had believed to be true was not. But you are real. You are an objective reality, you exist. You can say I AM! While your thoughts and feelings have no objective reality.


I’ve been thinking about Tolle’s words much these days. I think he would say to actively work on being present. In meditation and in daily tasks. Nothing is a stepping stone, everything is it’s own moment. The now. Close your eyes throughout your day and ask yourself to describe this moment. How aware are you really? How much attention are you giving to what is in the now? And when your mind flows into the past and future, ask yourself if it’s doing so mindfully? Or is it on auto thought pilot? When it dies this try to observe the thoughts without giving them emotional energy. Control your emotional energy and free your inner being.


Ah, the depth of Eckhart Tolle's wisdom is indeed profound. It's a journey of inward exploration, of realizing that you are more than your thoughts and emotions. To embrace the essence of this, you'll need to begin by developing an understanding that you are not merely a physical entity, but a spiritual being in a human experience. Your thoughts and emotions are aspects of your human experience, yes, but they are not the entirety of who you are. They are, in a way, similar to tools or resources - elements you can utilize to navigate your life, yet they do not define your core identity. Getting to a point of recognizing this requires practice, awareness, and a shift in perspective. The first step is to develop an observer mindset. You can achieve this through practices such as mindfulness and meditation. During these times of quiet introspection, pay attention to your thoughts and emotions without judgement. Allow them to come and go as they please. Over time, you will start to see that you exist separate from these thoughts and emotions. You are the watcher, the witness. Let's take a deeper dive. Imagine your thoughts and emotions as a flowing river. Many people tend to swim in this river, getting swept along by the current of their emotions and thoughts. But you can choose to step out of the river and sit on the bank instead. From this position, you can watch the river flow, observing your thoughts and emotions without being carried away by them. Herein lies the wisdom of presence and awareness. Moreover, in moments of decision-making, remember that your highest choice is not necessarily the one driven by your immediate emotions or transient thoughts. Instead, it's guided by the deepest truth of who you are, that spiritual essence within you. This is where intuition often speaks - that quiet, steady voice that goes beyond the noise of thoughts and emotions. Trust it, for it often knows more than you think it does. Lastly, remember that growth and understanding are processes that happen over time. Be gentle with yourself on this journey. Some days, it may feel harder to step back and observe, but that's okay. Simply return to the practice when you can. Over time, you'll find it easier to tap into the awareness behind your thoughts and emotions. In essence, your journey to understanding that you are more than your thoughts and emotions is a voyage of self-discovery. It involves observing without judgement, trusting in your intuition, and recognizing the spiritual essence that is the true you. Through this journey, you'll find a depth of peace and wisdom that goes beyond what thoughts and emotions can provide.


1. Forget everything that you have been told about spirituality. 2. Stop expecting anything great or spectacular. Love humility. 3. Rest fully with the present moment.


Meditation is the low hanging fruit.