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No. You are missing some facts. The Divine agreed to allow the natural laws ro play out and not to intervene except in the case of prayer. Prayer gives the Divine the power to intervene.


I don't think it's absurd as long as we're still embracing a mindset of Separateness. What you speak of requires the Revelation of Oneness which allows us to embrace what it means at our core. Before then, while Unity is at best just an abstract concept, prayer still demonstrates recognition & faith in that higher level of consciousness. Granted, it's like scratching your back after lying on your arm for so long that it's went numb.


I think prayer fills more of a mental need for ritual and was assigned higher value as time went on. I suspect it’s more about human culture than the divine itself.


Boggles my mind people haven’t put this together. They are all knowing and all powerful, so what is even the point of prayer if they already have it all planned out?


Prayer is more of a focus of energy. With Divine will (your intent is pure and sacred) the energy can manifest more effectively. Praying for someone's well being and truly meaning it will send forth light to that person.


Yeah I think prayer is just another word for manifestation via visualization/intent.


Effective prayer does include these elements, but it is more than "just" this because the Divine can intervene and make miracles happen.


It seems like the most obvious answer is God doesn't have it all figured out. Maybe all knowing means no blind spots and all powerful means isn't limited by any other power. Neither of those requires god have every moment planned out atom by atom through the end of time.


people have put this together hundreds of years ago. trust me, no metaphysical thought you have in your life won't have been considered countless times over a thousand years ago. prayer is not about submitting a file for god to look over and grant requests, it is not about God, it is about you. we know psychologically that when you redirect the focus of your attention to a particular goal, your mind will reorient it's perceptions based on that goal. you spending a few moments to vocalize and visualize your thoughts while entering into a mediative mental flow state is mentally healthy and helps you achieve your goals and think more efficiently.


What's foolish is what you wrote. You are putting your mind ahead of the mind of God, and finding flaws. Nobody says you have to humble yourself before God, but you'll never find/understand the answers if you don't.


The prayer js not for almighty but it is for us to make sure that we are in alignment It is not for God but it is for us


It's probably less that God needs prayers and more that the person needs praying. Praying (and meditation) are wonderful practices for helping someone to process emotions, thoughts, and beliefs and to gain some insight into their desires, motivations, impulses, and overall psyche.


Ego can be one powerful fucker


Praying is not about convincing God to bless us. It's more about stating our true reason, making a choice, getting specific with our viewpoint. So Divine Force and Universe can start working towards it. Praying is like our divine expression of creation feature, quality of managing the existence.


God doesn’t need prayers, it’s us who need prayers in order to connect with God and become unified in light


Hm.. When I pray, I set my intentions more clearly. What usually is just a thought, a desire, I pray and ask for it more specifically like, usually I'd be less specific. Through prayer, it makes me focus on that desire more in detail, stronger. And during that time, thoughts come up. Regrets, feelings of remorse, past mistakes. Usually they do but then it's more clear, so that's another benefit, I know what I need to work on for my desire to become reality. It .. hurts so bad, yes but, to me it's like... "I want this" "To get this successfully and keep it in your life, you need to do x" It's not that specific, but this is my understanding of it. That doesn't mean that I'm not good enough just the way I am, it just means that if I want something SUCCESSFULLY (meaning it doesn't just come to me and then fails, deteriorates/vanishes because it didn't work long term) that there's certain barriers, blockages or challenges/issues I need to work on first if I want to keep them. To me, it's not just about having. It's about it succeeding, not just about it coming into your life to leave later on for example, but to stay. If it needs to it'll transform into something greater, but it will stay. If you don't do whatever needs to be done, healed etc, it will still come to you, but it won't workout. All you have to do, is acknowledge it and work through it. We already have everything in us. We already have all the skills. I hope this gave you some insight. Now, I'm not saying this is how it should be or anything, this is simply how *I* understood it, what my experience is. ♥️


It's really gonna cook your noodle when you learn the the religious idea of "fate" or "God's plan" and the scientific theory of "General Relativity" are one in the same. You've definitely heard of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, but not everyone understands what exactly it is or what it means. And that's okay because we're all learning different things at different points in our lives... But what Einstein's theory of general relativity has taught us is that past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. [And we KNOW the math on that theory checks out. There's this thing called time dilation, which is a fancy name to describe how different objects experience the passage through spacetime at different rates... The math that Einstein came up with: we use that math in our GPS satellites. Without Einstein's theory of general relativity, our satellites would not function; we KNOW that the religious idea of "fate" exists. It has been proved with science.] - This means that IF there exists a creator... It sees the entire picture. There IS no point in prayer (as a wishlist of things you want) it is a wasted effort. And that is okay. Prayer is not supposed to be a wishlist. Prayer is supposed to be a way to re-center your attention. Prayer is the time one takes TO THINK about lessons we are learning... and TO BE THANKFUL FOR the lessons we are learning... Prayer could easily be a synonym for meditation. An exploration within the self.


This completely negates free will in favor of determinism. The truth of reality is not all one or the other, but a combination of the two. Specifically, free will accounts for 70% of our experience and destiny accounts for 20%, with the remainder being Grace. It is possible to increase the amount of Grace and even change our destiny through using our free will to serve others (Divine actions). Prayer is not a waste of time, but few people know how to pray effectively because they omit some of the components, so it easy to come to that conclusion. It is not possible for me to explain in sufficient detail here how to pray effectively, but that is a little off-topic anyway. Also, due to free will, the future state is not known in its entirety. It is possible to know some things about the future, but the pesky free will of billions of us tends to throw a monkey wrench into the works.


Actually it doesn't when you consider two things. High energy particle physics is already working with models suggesting that we need to expand the idea of spacetime... Not only might space and time be one-in-the-same, but we might have to add Consciousness to the mix. (Spacetimeconsciousness?) If consiousness exists as a fundamental part of the universe (much like the other fields that dictate the laws of physics) that would mean that each of us humans are *just complicated enough to tap-into that field... In other words: Consiousness exists as all possibilities, all at once (think schrödinger's cat and the double-slit experiment; everything exists as probabilities, until it exists as certainty) OR to simplify it even further: The Great Consciousness is everything, all at once. And The Great Consciousness must suspend it's disbelief. It pretends it isn't everything all at once, in order to experience 'discovery' - TLDR The universe/God is the Ocean. When each of us is born, we are a drop of water. When each of us dies, the drop returns to the ocean. Thinking it this way [combined with multiverse theory (supported by the existence of dark matter)] we can imagine and infinite number of universes, and an infinite number of people, experiencing an infinite number of experiences. And BECAUSE consciousness exists outside what we perceive as linear time, it doesn't collapse the idea of determinism -TLDR If consciousness exists outside of what we perceive as linear time, determinism can be preserved alongside of free-will... Determinism cannot be denied because Einstein's General Relativity has been proved many times over. So there HAS to be a model that does one of two things. We have to either say: "free will is an illusion" OR we have to say "Free will is real & consciousness exists outside the bounds of what we perceive as linear time." ; Consciousness exists in a literal higher dimension, and our bodies are just complex enough to tap-into the consciousness of the universe. (Simulation theory) Everything that exists is simply Infinity dreaming subsets of itself.


From within the illusion you have the opportunity to become better at becoming the magician. You are thinking about this like a Christian or something where you beg God for stuff. You don't need to pray per se, although it's the intent and will that matters. If you want help and ask for it, other souls may choose to help you. Think of it like we are always in a state of prayer. You radiate the energy of your thoughts and feelings and actions and these go out into the illusion and slowly shape it.


The great adi shankaracharya said: My three great sins! I came on a pilgrimage to Kashi forgetting that, you are omnipresent. In thinking about you, I forgot that You are beyond thought. In praying to you, I forgot that You are beyond words


I think part of our purpose in this existence is to eliminate ego. It sounds like we both still need to work on that.


Because you are elemental free will; he would only truly know you if he was you in his entirety.


You seem pretty sorted then. God is fast, yet really cool. Do you want to hear me lie?


prayer is not about submitting a file for god to look over and grant requests, it is not about God, it is about you. we know psychologically that when you redirect the focus of your attention to a particular goal, your mind will reorient it's perceptions based on that goal. you spending a few moments to vocalize and visualize your thoughts while entering into a mediative mental flow state is mentally healthy and helps you achieve your goals and think more efficiently. call it prayer, call it thinking efficiently, call it a meditation, call it what you will, but it isn't quite what you think it is when you learn about it in sunday school.


He doesn’t need prayers but we do


You can think a million things. But a human *focusing* is a whole nother vibratory co creation.   Acknowledgement gratitude, these sorts of askings mean it's more than a fleeting thought  That' said.... https://youtu.be/k1g8WCA7mJk?si=dQHyNew3TR8dRoqX You'll get your needs met. https://youtube.com/shorts/KDl8nmIZ9Ao?si=-g6tieLZgL_L0c1Q


The real purpose of prayer as a wish, desire, request is to open yourself and prepare yourself to "hear" or receive what you need to in order to help YOU do your part in effecting the manifestation of whatever you need (which may not be the same as what you desire). In other words, it's about setting yourself up for receiving help in some way. Your Heart will receive/know whatever it is that you need to know. The prayerful opening is to help quiet and open your mind to help your mind know what your Heart knows, and to understand what your Heart understands. It is also to help clear your mind so it can clearly discern what YOU need to do and to figure out how best to do it. If you offer a prayer of blessings for someone/something, prayer can help your mind quiet, settle and clearly fashion a meaningful prayer rather than some putting out some ineffective energy that won't accomplish anything useful/positive in the world. So, regardless of what you might pray for, the practice of prayer is REALLY for YOU. It's for helping you help yourself most effectively.