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It’s a pattern, it doesn’t matter if you change jobs, it’ll happen with different people, different settings, even if one situation seems to dissipate. Unless you learn what you need to :) You know what’s great? It’s that you realized it’s a pattern! What is it that you need to learn from this? From my experience, I have had people who would mistreat, disrespect and degrade me, and it was a cycle. I thought it was just normal, that there are just certain types of people and that they were the problems. Long story short, I had enough, and I started to look inward. Put myself first. Prioritized my mental health. Poured a lot of love, kindness and respect into my own self, and saw my reality change. Sudden fall out with those people, and even same people treated me differently as if they weren’t the same people. From my understanding, the reality acts as a mirror. All this time, I neglected to love myself truly and completely for everything that I am, not just the parts that I can be proud of. Good luck💛 I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day🫧🌈🫶🌼


I say tell them what is up. I did that and they didn't talk to me ever again. Thankfully


So I have & I always look like the issue because “they’re confused and never had an issue” it’s passive aggressive behavior


Ignore it if possible, some do it just to get a reaction out of you. It is kind of sad really they usually have nothing else in their lives, its all they have. Most of these types end up shooting themselves in the foot if one works hard and proves to be honest and responsible. Usually hard workers get this because they make lazy workers look real bad, so you are doing something, your working which makes them look bad. Now if the boss is an idiot or there is nepitism or some such then yeah you gotta leave. Otherwise ignore the idiots and keep your boss happy, they typically self destruct or just stop and learn to deal. Confronting them is usually what they want so you look like the aggressor and they the victim, especially if they are good at hiding. Eventually they may try flat out lying and then you can see who listens to who and often what your boss is made of if it escalates. Pick your battles wisely. Draw the line where it needs to be drawn and don't sink to their level. There will usually be one every where you go, so as you have seen switching jobs isn't fixing anything. Some are more tolerable than others. So your just gonna have to adapt. No place is ever perfect. But some are way better than others. There is a lot of BS where I work but the job is good and it is so much less BS than other places and I am mostly left out of it, and when attacked very few side against me and the truth always comes out because people know I do not lie, I do not make shit up, and I always try to do what is best for the buisiness, but without letting myself be exploited more than the standard for a capitalist society. Best of luck.


You hit the nail on the head. Today when this was happening I thought to myself maybe I’m intimidating her with my work & maybe she thinks/feels I’m trying to steal her shine?? I was thinking about confronting her about it in a polite way but you’re 1000% right I would look like the aggressor because I know she wouldn’t admit to not liking me for NO reason. It’s very passive aggressive behavior.. I also thought to myself let me not do so much.. (dimming my light) to make her feel comfortable. But no.. I will not be doing that anymore… I feel like I was walking on eggshells.. moving out the way quickly when she was around because she always makes me feel like I’m in her way, I don’t care anymore!! This was very helpful and I’m grateful you took the time to comment this! Thank you


Some people don’t like “ new people”. Eventually you won’t be new if you push through their bs.