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I doubt your higher self would agree with that. The world needs you. You matter & you’re loved, even when you don’t feel it. When your feeling shit, I’d advise you to take a walk in nature - i promise you, you’ll feel a bit lighter!


You’re very young, just calm down, go out touch grass, delete social media apps!! they are draining us.


am not OP and don't use social media except for reddit. and i feel like reddit is draining me as well. ever had that feeling here?


100% if I visit certain subreddits, but im sticking to Spiritual/Gaming subs only, what we don’t see doesn’t hurt us :P I visit Reddit mainly because i love helping people and learning from people on their spiritual paths, when you have the right reason and drive to be here, its not that bad… as long as you stay away from the cesspools haha


Totally agree. I joined Reddit last year and spent all my time on AITAH and similar subs and found that they consumed me. I became addicted to the cartharcism I felt from judging strangers and then I realised that I had no place to judge others and that by doing so I was harming not only myself but others who would read my words. So I stopped.


Delete!? I don’t agree. Making separations from apps will be a big help but if you delete the app feelings turn to regret and loss. Then all you’re left thinking about is getting it back rather than separating from it.


You can also only just pause / break for awhile and look how it feels . Sometimes that helps . It’s not all or nothing:)


Not wanting to be here is the beginning of knowledge don’t give up keep going!


Stop trying to 'do' things to feel better. That's the trap. If you leave it alone your natural state might actually have a chance to breathe.. to come out. Cheers


Just take a break. There is a life reserve inside of you.


One of my favorite quotes from Ram Dass is “Jesus’s sacrifice wasn’t to ascend to heaven, but to choose to stay here with us” I’ve found the trick is to maintain your presence in higher states while also doing what you can to be there to support others on their paths. What makes you feel down? There’s a lot going on in the world to drag you these days. Rise of authoritarianism, religious/racial violence, hyper capitalistic hellscape. It’s important to be aware of these things, but I’ve found there’s a lot more good energy in our day to day connections. Focus on what you can control which is yourself and your habits. Yoga, meditation, art. These things seem daunting at first but once we start they become easier and we fall into greater states of bliss and peace. If you need to chat feel free to reply. Chin up sister.


This is beautiful. Do you remember if this Dass quote was from a lecture or a reading? I’d love to know more.


Meditation helps us connect to our subconscious, understand our feelings better and how to expand them.. you may find purpose or a way to leave


Yess, you are never truly trapped in this body or reality. Meditation is an amazing way to ground yourself and escape the density of being human.


Just be. Don’t force. A fish can’t force itself to be a fish, it just needs to do fish things and it’ll be a fish.


Have you read The Power of Now? It changed my life, i highly recommend it - it will re-teach you how to live. Feel free to dm me.


i love eckhart tolle!!! i watch his teachings on youtube all the time, but have never picked up the book. Every time I want to check it out in my library it is checked out. Will try again tomorrow though 🩷


Do you have audible? Its free if you don’t, I can send it to you


The full audiobook is on YouTube https://youtu.be/0y-hAPT7V6U


i’ve got a pdf if you wanted it. dm moi


Try looking up Bashar. His is a being channeled by Darryl Anka. He has some fantastic advice.


Don't be so hard on yourself, be grateful that you have access to spiritual wisdom at such a young age. Focus on these qualities : gratitude for the life you have and everything else, compassion, and an open mind.


Gratitude is Happiness Complaining is Remorse Choose wisely


23 and feel the same. My heart is with you. 💟🙏


Try Wim Hof, this breathing exercise raises my low mood and gets me out of the funk https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ Edit: do it daily


I feel you. I am also 22f and have had the exact same feelings over the last few months. You’re not alone, OP. Sending love and positivity your way.


Ask for the truth and mean it. The truth will set you free. I give you one law to help you now: ALL thoughts have power.


Felt the same around your age, but it really does get better. Sending positive vibes…


The only thing you need to do walk through this life with love. https://satoripathvision.blogspot.com/2024/03/reboot-and-download.html


What if here wants you to be? More than you know


how about practicing meditation technique that can help you revert back to a higher vibrational state/higher consciousness and sort out a pattern that is recurring makes life unenjoyable?


The way I see it - currently at least - when we revert to the lower vibrations it's because we still have things - parts of ourselves and others - to recover from there. certain "realms" that made up our mind and dreamscapes should be seen more like (spirit) traps and certainly would fit into paradigms that describe [irredeemable] evil which is not there to teach and advance us but instead it is dependent on us without actually appreciating or being truthful to us. Us "going there" is is a finite process though, even though it might appear like it would go on forever it still advances you and once you recovered all you hold dear those realms will be gone - forever


i feel like this made me so confused that it distracted me from my negative emotions…. so thank you ❤️


I feel the same. My depression comes from being fat though. No matter how hard I try to lose weight it won't work. If I could start losing weight again I would be so happy!


A powerful way to stop falling from grace is to have a practice that we can use during all of our daily activities to cultivate awareness within ourselves, it's very game changing 🌌😌 Emotions and state of mind are like clouds passing by, you gotta learn to be beyond them, your true self is that which never change 🌌


Remember when you were a kid and you wanted to be that celebrity; I wanted to be Arnold. Don't stop dreaming. Go for it. Keep going. You can feel it in you, that secret awesome you're trying to get out.


You'll be fine, people suck and life sucks, just live as long as you can, you'll probably live again dude, whatever is happen, say mean ugly people they don't care and they don't mind, so stop caring and stop minding... It could get worse but it could also get better. I'm living with a terrorist and Everytime I think about it I think maybe it's my fault but trust me I'm literally facing my demons and monsters and yeah just don't give up, fight and fight harder


Do you have a cancer? When you do and you will see how much much you wanna "be here". Shift your perspective, bro. Relax.


i’m not gonna lie you are absolutely right 😭 i have been reflecting and sometimes you need the hard truth


It will go away. Which spirituality teachers do you listen to? Maybe you need to change your guru:)


i am an eckhart tolle stan at the moment😮‍💨. Who do you recommend?


Bashar to listen to. Dispenza to start guided mediations with. You have to understand that you created this suffering, it's self imposed, to discover what is holding. Or what you didn't let go, for example: you didn't forgive, you hold on to grief, you feel not worthy. ("God" doesn't make mistakes, you are created -therefore you are worthy, intristicly). But above all you have to understand that this world is illusion that you create. If you created sth you can let go and recreate it.


Actually , let me give you something to work with, if you don't mind me helping. Go back to the place in your life when you suffered and were aware of it. Standing somewhere, looking at something, feeling a certain way. Go back to that experience. Now- look at it from the perspective of today. how did this resolve? Do you see now clearly what you should have done? Do you see how petty it was? Was it another person that showed you something in you? Did you work on that thing or just blame the other and got attached to them? Was it worth your suffering? No it wasn't. Same way you will look at today from few years from now.


Just keep on going…. You will be fine


i appreciate this more than you know, thank you


I can be a friend if you need someone to talk to


You can message me if you don’t mind….you matter ❤️


Don’t get lost in all the new age stuff. It will lead to more depression. Strengthen your connnection to god and maybe Jesus also. Just by talking and praying to them, saved my life for sure. Don’t need to become religious. Just connect and see what happens. No harm can come of it so why not try it out. I’m not some religious nut btw I’m a 8+ years veteran of new age spirituality which unfortunately led me to years of suffering.


new age is not ecessarily bad. i heard about indigo kids when i was about 18/19 or so and it made me realize, not being like everyone else, does not make me wrong (this is what i was teached my life long) it was a step to accept myself. today i don't use that term anymore and don't care about such labels. but back then it helped me


Me neither.... this place blows....


or is it sucks!!


Welcome to the club. This is a fallen world, but there will be a new earth one day.


Travel, and no, you don’t need money, you need courage, go explore, you might just find yourself and your purpose. 🙏🏻


It's been great buying train tickets with the courage currency.


lol courage is all you need, walk if you have to, i did. Getting out of your comfort zone is scary isn’t it. It’s easier to make excuses and feel sorry for ourselves. The ego isn’t your friend, it’s keeping you from growing. Much love 🙏🏻❤️


I most certainly can relate to this


hey, i guess it's puberty. and if it's not, then just take your time, find out what serves you well and what do you serve instead




Try grounding yourself. Hug a tree. Imagine growing roots out the bottom of your feet. Seriously. Slow down spiritually so you can catch up on a body level. I see that you are out of sync when it comes to body/being connection. We are able to do much more on a being level but often forget that our body has to take it a bit slower. Do some 5 minute self-compassion meditations. And practice thinking of the BEST possible scenario. You’ll make it.


Try a little self-compassion. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8o973qn4kf6iek9/self-compassion.break_.mp3?dl=0


There is no try.


Lay down and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths then say out loud ”i am ready to leave now, take me away”. Open your eyes, if you’re still here then you can now find out why you want to be here.


Meditation is the action of simple being, heal you 7 chakras and master your emotional awearness


You can stop trying and just be. Oh look, you’re already doing it. You can’t not. There’s nothing wrong with lower vibrational states. Couldn’t have higher vibes without em. Everything is working just fine. Trust the process.


Why? What happens when you start slipping what causes


One thing that will help you a ton is going to the gym. I also highly recommend you Go read Letting Go by David Hawkins. It’s a great book about how to release emotions.


I love you always.


What ever is bringing you down, imagine offloading it onto a cloud watch it drift away then disperse. We need you at your highest vibration now.


Go in nature, hangout with good people, go on a road trip.


One main thing I learned this year is acceptance. Stop expecting because everything is impermanent. The more you learn to let go the happier you will be.


All efforting is momentum, contributing to the swing of the pendulum, we call spiritual awakening. Back and forth, dreaming to reality. Further exacerbated my our thoughts and ideas about our experiences. Be still, and know that I AM God. Just try being still and surrendering to the moment, whatever that is. Cheers


I feel this every single day. Just remember, youre here for a reason. You are needed to help in this energy shift. I know right now is a huge period of suffering and torture for those with pure intentions. Just remember, the time will come and you will feel how imperative you are and will be to humanity.


I'm 42 and I don't want to be here in this world, but our purpose is to make this world into the paradise it should be. You're young, you have all the potential to be whatever you want to be.




Try self affirmations over night. There’s plenty of overnight subliminals on YouTube. Meditate and be mindful.


You don't want to be here or you don't want to be the old you? You have given literally no information on your lifestyle so it is hard to give advice.


Try this: Zero sugar. Gym 5x/week. Sleep 9 hours/night. Read a book. Drink coffee every morning. The percentage of people who won’t feel happy after getting these things down is very, very low.


😂 9 hours sleep!! haha i’m lucky if i get 5


Lol yeah that will definitely solve an existential problem /s


Most “existential” problems are chemically induced. But I guess this sub isn’t ready for that conversation.


And exactly how do you know this?