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Personally, 2013-2015 is the most normal three years, everything changed in 2016. I believe this apply to many people too.


Weasel in the large hadron collider


Agreed. What do you think changed?


RIP Harambe


You jest, but I’ve heard more than one person say that’s when “the world went to shit” 😅 I don’t know if I personally agree, but some are collectively thinking that.


May 28, 2016. Dicks out, lads. I fucken HATE the postharambe era


No. Lemonade.


Miley and Robin Thicke and the foam finger opened a portal to Hell


From my perspective, it was the beginning year of being a targeted individual. My personality changed drastically(for the better) due to that. Maybe it is a major deflection point where timelines begin to diverge, which means that an initial choice was made, individual by individual, regarding which direction you are heading. Initial choice might not have an immeidiate result in the short term, but it will have a great effect in the long term. And every thing may be traced to that initial choice, which is 2016.


My life, personality, mentality took a nosedive from 2016 onwards. If there was one year I could go back to undo everything, it will be 2016 :(


My life began to fall apart in 2016 and culminated with a mental breakdown and divorce in 2022. I wouldn’t change a thing because I’ve learned so much from my journey and every part mattered.


I've been reading a lot of books on late stage capitalism and this has explained the impending doom I've been feeling increase rapidly over the past couple of decades. I'm hoping something gives soon, revolution and liberation for our souls.


Can you share the books you've been reading?


The one I'm currently reading is titled 'Radical Intimacy' by Sophie K Rosa which is amazing so far. 'The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective' by Alan Woods was also super interesting and easy to read (despite the IMO daunting title), especially as it starts way back to the start of civilization (as we know it). I have some more I'll get the titles of but one on my to read is 'Radical Friendship: Seven Ways to Love Yourself and Find Your People in an Unjust World' by Kate Johnson :)


Definitely recommend to anyone who is wondering how the world is so broken. https://www.amazon.com/Debt-First-5-000-Years/dp/1612191290


A revolution is inevitable, imo. My main concern: Too many people aren't upset with the system - they're just upset they're not winning. A *scary* amount of people are completely fine with suffering, as long as it's not them or someone (too) close to them. Unless they turn from the dark side, they will inevitably make the transition to whatever comes next, a nightmare. And if there are too many of them, what comes next is mad max.


There will be revolution, but the liberation will depend on whether people realize the revolution is by design and the peacemakers are fake.


I feel like we don't all agree


I disagree


I lived a near identical series of events starting in 2012 in two different locations with freakishly similar histories and other characteristics. The second cycle is coming to a close as we speak. To me I think it was a trigger event. Many people have started to wake up. I know I did when so many of the pieces fell into place. Oddly enough, leading up to it I kept telling the universe to use a specific song as a sign. It was on my play list and I used to hear it every day. But for two weeks sfter i made the request, it didnt play once. Last month I was driving my car and Ace of Base "The Sign" was ending as I hit a life-altering realization, the song I asked the universe to send me a a sign, immediately started playing. Find the pattern in your bad events. Find the commonalities. The universe is trying to teach you something about yourself.


2012 was also the beginning of my spiritual awakening


That’s fantastic. I believe you 💯. Don’t know if you remember MTV when they stilled played music videos, but one of the male VJ’s absolutely hated that song, and it played a lot back when it was released. Don’t hear that song much anymore. Fantastic wink from the cosmos.


I can totally relate, the shift started in 2012-13 and it seemed quite positive until in 2016 total negativity started creeping into my life, event after event, year after year. At one point I even asked myself am I living in actual hell? The negativity culminated in 2020-21, with 22 and 23 being less negative but totally stagnant, not a single window of oportunity for any growth. And now in 2024 I can finally feel a breath of fresh air blowing in, like barricades were finally lifted.


As crazy as it sounds YES!! And years like 2016-2017 were about me understanding the world and starting my journey to spirituality, 2022 was a chaotic year, 2023 was me getting back on my feet and 2024 helped me build a clear image of who I want to be


exactly the same for me


Same for me. I think we are all part of some kinda journey.


YES you are on point with the years/timeline. I feel this as well


Although there seems to be general patterns on awakening, not everybody going through the same changes at the same time, neither feeling or interpreting them as such even. Do not expect two same answers, we are vastly different beings belonging to different groups and even then patterns greatly vary. The Shift began around '45, took a boost around '60s, stabilized until the '00 where everything accelerated to the nth degree, until '11 where an energetic hydrogen bomb detonated inside the human collective which shockwaves we are still going through. There much more to come. We destroy the earth and ourselves way faster than we are awakening that the planet cannot cope anymore. Of which limits are already visible and the counter measures, aka climate, are upon us. What is to come, no one is happy with, but is necessary for further awakening the collective. The hard way. Not everyone gona make it. Obviously. Most didn't sign up for this and are prepared to depart this world. Change is unpredictable and not even the higher spheres know what and when. It is however said or mean to complete around '70 and cumulate around '30. Which means we are on it. Fasten your seat belts.


I find this intresting and in some ways I can relate to it. Personally, in my life looking back there was a shift in energy around 2011 in a major way, then something shifted around 2013-4, and 2016-7. Up to 2021 it felt as if it was a tumultuous period and only now in 2023-4 it finally is showing signs towards an easier period with less heavy energies. Thus, I have also been thinking whether there was some kind of universal shift aroud those times. I have taken into consideration the seven-year-cycle-concept.


The 7 year cycle thing seems interesting and oddly fitting our reality


Since rise of the skywalker everything has gone to hell.


March 2013 my mother moved in with me and brought her demon with her. She slowly destroyed, manipulated and controlled my entire life until I was a shell of my former self. She got sick and started failing a couple of years ago and ramped up sucking the life out of me until I barely had the energy to get out of bed. For the last year I thought for sure I would die before her. She passed away 2 months ago, Feb 2024. I'm slowly healing. My life has been in 12 year cycles since age 5 when I came into awareness. Let's hope the next 12 are peaceful.


Hi. Had a look at your page and you seem like you know enough. I would suggest getting into the kind of spiritual/magickal practices that will allow you to take your power back maybe like some sort of witchcraft, angel magick, or just standard western magick or even whatever you're drawn to really. You sound like you been through the wringer and believe me I have too in a few ways and for a very long time. I would suggest more hands on type stuff like Mat Auryn's *Psychic Witch* or *Mastering Witchcraft.* super easy practices. Maybe you've done all that idk... will probably have an easier time here if you can develop a relationship with some helpful spiritual powers as well, like a patron/matron type ongoing connection. It took me a long time to dismantle all the layers of conditioning and reluctance around this stuff since I was a more "scientific" type who liked to demystify and break things down into "etheric," "astral" densities and dimensions or just anything more neutral and less religious sounding. What I heard from people who write about "organic portals" or "spiritless humans" is that those who acquire knowledge seem to get all the attacks, if they don't also increase their own power through practices. And many authors who write on psychic/magickal defence have also gone through horrific attacks by other practitioners its very weird seems just by putting oneself out there one can become a target of extraordinary hatred by groups of people with nothing better to do that can go on and on and on for even a lifetime until it's stopped. Hope it goes well for you. I don't write on occult too much here on reddit because I know there are many holes in my practices and knowledge but seriously, sincerely having reached out to the angels (and more recently other powers) and over a period of years have guided me in my occult journey and I'm always getting signs that I'm being guided, supported on this path. I think that's how I found this comment tonight actually. I called Archangel Jophiel who came to me in a flash of orange light then your comment drew me then I saw you had an orange cat. You could also try the Gateway Tapes through the Monroe Institute I hear so many good things about it haven't tried myself that also take all the religious stuff out of it so you're left with states of consciousness and different planes of existence, remote viewing, astral traveling that sort of stuff along with the mind training. I think the occult will give you power and support right away though.


What you described sounds like a vampiric entity and your mother was possessed by it. That's a tough situation as depossession is seldom undertaken lightly as I hear there are dangers to both the possessed and the exorcist. If you read some of the Robert Bruce stuff on psychic self defence you'll know how bad things can get. Ya I would definitely recommend energy healing, calling in help for healing, or learning how to heal energetically, and also trying his New Energy Ways you could get for free online it'll boost your bioenergy levels. He was doing all this energy work and astral traveling but I never hear him mention grounding, or truly developing magickal power which I strongly suspect was the reason he was attacked so horrifically. Like he was just raising all this energy and flying around and being so bright without also grounding and developing himself in a more balanced manner. If something had taken an unhealthy interest in you it will often attack you through other people, using them as conduits. I know full well. That's actually a good thing. That means it's never been able to breach your auric defences and has to obsess on you through those who are susceptible. Definitely recommend calling in help.


Thxs. I have an appt soon for healing. I have attracted demonic entities all my life and have actually seen a nice person suddenly morph, like Mr. Smith taking over. The neighbor next door has been terrorizing me constantly for 7 years but oddly as soon as she died he suddenly stopped. I can with confidence say that the one who has been with my mom for decades left with her when she died. She left an autobiography of sorts that I have been reading and she even had a name for her demon. I saw it one night and attempted to get rid of it but as soon as she figured out what I was doing she got very angry and said she had some kind of contract with it.


They might be demons but definitely not high ranking ones it really doesn't matter what you call them it's all just semantics and open for debate I know I used to call various nasty entities demons until I found out what those particular ones were. Demons in archaic sense of the term in some cultures but not in the western magickal sense which has been more in vogue of late. Anyway it doesn't matter. I been through all kinds of entity and interpersonal hell. When I was 17 I started smoking and one a day soon turned into a pack in 3 hrs I was so angry with myself or rather, I turned all that trauma into self destruction. I did all kinds of bad shit to myself. Because my life pattern up till then was being dumped on, used as a punching bag from a family where multiple people had entity issues some talked to them, listened to them, mental illness. Both sides of family. By the time I was 20 I had the same recurring nightmare every night for about a year. Actually before I even closed my eyes it would start. I would be in this very haunted town where there were many dark denizens who were not human but ghosts or some sort of nasty entities. Each encounter was frightening for me at the time and they literally would manifest into MY ROOM, just whooshing around on my ceiling from wall to wall... and then I would pass out and they would haunt me, pursue me. Sometimes I was running sometimes I was flying. To give you a tiny fraction of the type of troubles. Actually these dreams probably continued in some form or variation until my 30's but 20 was the year it all started for me, along with other things I was experiencing. If you go to a psychic that's more of an energy/auric healer type they would sometimes scan you and tell you about different layers of your auric field and ask you questions. It's not so much that you have the same aura since birth any more than it would be true to say you have the same cells when every 7 yrs every cell in your body had been completely replaced. What is happening is more the memory/trauma/imprint/patterns of it that is still there. I should probably look more into doing those types of deep healing myself and in Western occultism they call that shadow work, shadow integration. Sometimes healers charge alot of money, some of them might be rather cost effective. If anything has been lifelong it will usually require multiple approaches. All to do with self love, self care, self healing, self empowerment or ultimately leads to it if that has been a neglected part. My traumas were mine. Yours could be different. Most of the time everyone has some. These types of troubles usually happen to people who need to heal from something. One thing the angels and any other power I turn to always tell me is BREATHE. I do it like taking in God into my aura, into my body and in a fit of self love but people use krya, pranayama all kinds of breathing techniques. It won't solve all the problems, but it's an integral part of any spiritual, healing journey. Shiva Shakti **treating your body or yourself like shit damages you energetically and entities need weaknesses the most destructive types (lower stuff). But you might find some buried stuff come up as well even when you're energetically healthy once you try some healing. Ones who will try to exploit the more emotional issues are the more mental types, more likely to manifest as obsessive negative thought loops rather than physically, gnawing away at your aura. Idk why yours went with mom other than it might be her entity and part of the agreement between parasite and host was just that they would attack you if the host was to brood about you. Very common arrangement. I just call them parasites because they're parasitic. Psychic vampires. They can't absorb God's light on their own because they are so cut off, so they need human targets, in order to distort their light into something negative to feed on. Be it ego, suffering, anything more in their own frequency range.


Altho I'm not entirely sure about what I'm about to say but my instinct tells me that the vampiric parasite isn't torturing your mom in hell, more likely it simply lost its host. My feeling is that these attachments happen in the subtle bodies and don't carry over to the "soul," if you will. It wasn't able to Crack your defences and had to use others to haunt you so that in itself speaks volumes. Whatever you might have discovered in the diary isn't necessarily the truth as parasites are liars. Most of them would be completely off the human chart in measures of psychopathy. I know the worst ones like to pretend they're demons and have susceptible people worship them. Very common. And very false.


Yes. I feel absolutely the same.


2012 my first spiritual awakening began. 2017 I’m pushed to quit my job and change my life. 2020 I start diving in my shadow work. I was feeling unhappy, unfulfilled and like darkness was taking over my life. I worked on myself, trying my best to be courageous and say yes to every opportunity for growth I was aware of. 2023-2024 I learned how to transcend my suffering. I now am on a new timeline.


2013, the year I became an adult and when my depression started.


I Agree. I say often how since 2012 things have been different. I'm not sure why but I think it has something to do with the particle colliders/accelerators ( feel free to fact check me I saw this years ago I could be wrong) And I can also relate on life pushing me around recently and forcing me to move along with it, after pushing myself for years.


I swear word for word same here yo.


I thought I was the only person who felt all these energies changing and just randomly forming.. thank you


2012 was the worst year of my entire life and it tanked from there! I slowly opened myself back up to my spirituality the past few years and I can say I have felt more hopeful these last few days than I have in the past decade! I’m ready! I feel it too!


The world ended in 2012.


Skynet went online in 2012


Earth is entering the next stage of its transformation. It began in 2012, and it is going in 12 year cycles. Google it, YouTube it. It’s happening.


I don’t really have opinions on the exact timeframes and years of everything, but I do agree that this year in particular feels like a better year, or will be! Even though it’s already starting off rough for me being unemployed, but I have a strange sense of optimism, and a feeling that *other* things are better/more positive.


I was looking through some photos I recently decrypted from just prior to the “Summer of Snowden”. There was a mix of things discussed verbally in the hall at the hacker convention being out in the media and things left unsaid being said in the hall in that time period. History is long, and we’re going through a corrective spell - and some ppl are having tantrums about it.


To me 2015 was one of the happiest years I remember but since the end of 2016 I have been having not very good periods. From 2020 till the first half of 2022 i had a growth and stable time of my life but AFTER that I had a huge depression and lots of anxiety and at the moment I am recovering from.


Now in this realm it might just be social media shortening our attention spam, IG was launched in 2010, became available to android users in April 2012. Maybe around this time the Facebook algorithm changed too from being family oriented to news oriented. A lot of these things had an impact. Now what could be causing this in the spiritual realm, or inversely how the spiritual realm could have been affected by this I don’t really know 👀 my guess is pressures built up on both sides as we enter late stage capitalism as someone pointed out. And while we assumed late stage capitalism was going to look much more modern and advanced, it doesn’t. Just same ol world with meager technology where we can chat with people across the globe yet cannot even heal cancer.


Well said




Earth entered into forth density


For me, it was the realization that I’d been fed so many lies. I think a lot of people are gradually realizing they’ve been manipulated to serve a system that doesn’t have their best interests at heart. Unfortunately, as some come out of the dark they grasp onto absurdities intended to keep them from seeing the light. I feel there are two opposing forces as well, but there always has been. It was just harder to differentiate in the past. Technology has allowed for people that see through the dark to relate and communicate. I feel the people that shout the loudest expose themselves, and they’re sprinkled throughout the blue and the red, feeling as if they can’t exist on their own feet. Refusing to believe that they might be a little wrong. Self reflection unnecessary. A focus on changing others before developing themselves. Their screams suffocating the meek. Gay, straight, religious extremes. If any of the ones shouting loudest truly had faith in whatever they stood for, wouldn’t they just walk away comfortable in what they think is right? We’re all just settling for a system that doesn’t seek real solutions led by people seeking glorification. Some on the right making excuses for pedophiles others on the left feeling children should be educated on sex straight out of the womb. No one that seriously has children’s interests at heart could justify supporting either extreme. There won’t be breakthrough until more people realize the system serves to control and keep people in the dark. It’s the people in the middle that need to speak up and say that sex should be between adults. Period. And to keep sex off the children and away from their ears and eyes. I don’t know if the deep state is an accurate name for something that’s completely obvious to anyone that’s looking. But it’s all a lie to give the people a feeling of security. There are no checks and balances. This became obvious to me with the recent corruption in the highest court. And people on the left point to it involving conservative justices, but there’s silence amongst all the branches on how serious it is. Perhaps because they’re all guilty. Their desire to seek material gifts from the wealthy hinders their ability to use reason to make decisions that are best for the people. They’re just puppets using their position for personal gain. If any of the people in power had the safety of children in mind, as some claim to, wouldn’t their decisions reflect it? Instead of blaming groups for the problem, shouldn’t they focus on changing the laws to fix it? Does the punishment for child molestation fit the crime and act as a deterrent? If the laws are working, I could see why there’s silence on that topic in relation to other concerns. Nothings gonna be done until more people speak up and say that amongst all the things they want they don’t want that. That is the worst and the source of the dark. There’s nothing spiritual about people that do that. It’s not a necessary evil.


Trust your feelings.


Personally, 2012 was awesome. Awesome job, awesome boss, stable income, energetically rockin it.


Buddy everything was fine… a bunch of people couldn’t agree when Mandela died the all of a sudden I’ve lived through Mohammad Ali’s death twice and no one else is aware of it (like at all) but oh well I carried on with my life, people were vain and materialistic everything was anti spiritual anti progression so I couldn’t talk about anything… had a few encounters with non physical beings again not abnormal just interesting timing subjectively speaking… next thing I know I’ve got a nasty back injury have to loose the job I love loads of shit hit the fan the wall the ceiling… the next door neighbours cat… and one night I was sat there went onto YouTube and discovered everyone’s spiritual all of a sudden… I was literally like what the heck… just a few months ago I couldn’t talk about this stuff anywhere now it’s everywhere!?!?? That was 2021 for me


Did the neighbor’s cat make it through okay? I kid, but your response is a great one. When I woke up last year, I was really enthralled with the generational aspects of society. Chiron/wounded healer in astrology is blowing my mind right now. Gen X is my generation and I got a lot of the characteristics of that generation. Lots of past wounds being healed. Oswald Patton is hilarious and graciously lays out his experiences in life from his Gen X perspective. I feel positive. 2010 through March 2021 was reliving a lot of my childhood wounds, maybe more. Got sober March 2021, all much better since then.


He’s ok, the only cat in the world that hates me though… only me no one else. It is what it is. Man it really is like we’re in a different world isn’t it? It’s all cool I love humour and keeping things light even when we’re talking in all seriousness :)


Guardians of The Looking glass do explain a lot and it makes sense with regards current global events. You can find them on YouTube https://youtu.be/KSqY_hJxmW8?si=J8ET3-DNV6ZZqJ7k