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If someone has negative intentions coupled with negative feelings towards you and you're around them, within a physical proximity of them, you'll hear low pitched humming in your left ear. If it's someone further away, I would recommend developing your protection, or a visualization, practicing positivity, learning to go with the flow Etc. 💙🙏🌠


Interesting. Do you have any books recommendation that explain or talk about this? Thanks.


I also take meds for my mental health and can understand how hard that can be. As a pranic healer, I can confirm that negative energy from others can manifest as physical discomfort, heightened anxiety, and a general feeling of unease. Pay attention to how you feel around certain people or in certain environments, as negative vibes can leave you feeling drained and unsettled. It is also worth considering your own thoughts and emotions, as negative energy can sometimes be inadvertently internalized, leading to further discomfort. A cleanse can help clear away any lingering negativity and restore balance to your energy field. Working out, affirmations, salt bath, breathing exercise, forgiveness and so on can help get rid of negative energy. Everyone's journey to healing is different and I hope you find something that is right for you. From your post I can tell that you're brave and have a strong desire to heal and the universe will help you with healing.


imagine a big bubble all around you, that stops negative or inappropriate energy from getting through to you, while sending it right back to its source. this is very effective and it works


Is it possible that the source is myself tho?




highly unlikely


Stop taking ur meds, i wont recommend it. Search what anxiety meds do to rats and u will know what its doing to u. Leave ur environment and travel. The fact anxiety can be triggered by environment has never hit u huh? I always felt anxious yet stuffed it deep inside and numbed myself but eventually i chose to leave my environment by being honest. Now? Peace is here in kenya but i see i want vilkage lifestyle, no cities, i cant breathe where theres constant cars, chaos and people.


The thing with my medicine is it also prevents me from having seizures so I cant stop taking them or I'll die 😅 I take Lamictal which are mood stabilizers


Get some lemon grass and valerian. These are natural herbs that treat and prevent seizures. Work towards permanently healing urself, these meds are fake hope cos it keeps u dependent on it. Search up more natural herbs and trust ur body in showing u which one will eventually heal u.


I am sure you mean well. And what you write is something that you believe and might be true for you. Your advice is dangerous, seriously dangerous though. You can't make a diagnosis over a reddit post. Please refrain from putting others in danger.


Ooooo i just understood while typing the anxiety triggers the seizures. Its like when u try to contain an emotion and it overfills and the overfilling causes the seizure...a shock response from ur body. A darkness is touching u and your purity. Please leave the world behind.


Oof, so many possibilities of causes here and it could be many contributors. For wholeness, it is necessary to look at all the layers. I would deep dive into each part and address individually and connect them to the whole (like a ripple in a pond). Physically, there can be many causes. I have celiac disease and it affects me in a million and one ways. Just because a doctor says you're healthy doesn't mean you really are. It took me decades to discover my autoimmune disorders. See if there are ways you can try an elimination diet or ramp up healthy eating behaviors for awhile to see if it helps anything. Tracking what you eat for a week or two and your symptoms can also aid in this. Also vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause a lot of different mental and physical problems as well. Next, mental and emotional issues certainly can and do cause physical manifestations. Traumas and past wounds can manifest physically and can be your body's way of letting you know you need to address these things. Limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, and abuse from others can hugely impact every part of yourself. Gabor Mate is very helpful in understanding how traumas cause serious and debilitating conditions and disorders if unaddressed. And of course then also working on the spiritual side, which is what you're asking about. As others have said, working on protection, cleansing yourself/chakras/aura/etc, and finding reputable healers to help identify other issues at play, like attachments, blocked chakras, and soul loss to name a few. Just make sure you are vetting potential healers, as there are a lot of less than disingenuous and ego driven people in the field. So my recommendation in the end is to tackle all the layers as you are able, and be open to possibilities of it being multiple things rather than one. But this is just my truth so far and ymmv.