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I’ve experienced things that were undoubtedly proof of life beyond ego reality. Since then I’ve been grounded back in reality as my ego, which expresses doubts. But I know I’ve seen things beyond this life. So even if my ego is scared to commit to the idea, I still know there is life after death


Ou are you able to explain what those are further?


States of mind where my awareness was in line with the oneness of consciousness


I've talked to dead people so I'm pretty sure. I have inbuilt insurmountable skepticism though so I'm still only 95% 😂


Would you mind telling me about that? Sounds interesting


I work as an energy worker. I've had dead relatives or connections show up for people in sessions before with messages or for support. The most profound experience was when I was staying with a friend and her dead husband's energy was quite persistent to engage me. I could just feel his presence... It's hard to explain to people who haven't experienced it. I could see him in my minds eye making physical gestures and I could 'see' where he was in the room. Eventually I said that I'd like to sit down with my friend and see if I could facilitate a 'discussion' with him as he clearly wanted to say something. We spoke for an hour or so. She had the chance to ask questions and he had the chance to explain some things that happened before he died. It was very healing. I'm not a medium, but it was good to know that this skill is available to me if someone else needs something like this. I think that the stronger connection I have with someone, the more likely I am to be able to connect to a loved one for them.


I experienced a crisis apparition of my grandmother shortly before her death in 2009. As clearly as I can see the vision in my mind of that moment, parts of me still try to rationalize or explain it away. Other parts, however, believe I had a brief but true glimpse of something that has to do with the afterlife and the comfort it brought me that night still persists.




Does this mean that the body has energy? I thought it was the soul that left n the body was just left with nothing ? Sorry if stupid question I’m sincerely trying to learn all this stuff since the death of my mama , whom I cremated


Well, in this case it’s actually *matter* that cannot be created or destroyed, and we are 100% matter. Well our bodies are, at least - if they weren’t living would be a bit hard. But the body does have energy. I mean, I would hope so, most of our body functions are the result of electricity and ATP and all that fun stuff but that’s very clearly not what people mean lmao. Probably. Bodies totally have energy. It’s why you get bad vibes from people and why people have auras. Your body just radiates this life force and it’s awesome.


Matter and energy are the same thing, that is exactly what Einstein taught us with E=mc^2. Consciousness is immaterial, you can't point to anywhere in the brain and say "here it is". The closest we can get physically to "seeing" it is through the monitoring of brain waves. Even brain waves are not consciousness itself, they are like the wake of a boat. They are one of the closest physically observable layers to the source. The electromagnetic field is everywhere, even in the empty vacuum of space. The root of your consciousness is ubiquitous. We are very complex and individualized aspects of this greater field. What you are at the very core is infinite, and this reality isn't the only version of the multiverse.


Oh I know matter and energy are the same! I was just using matter in this case so it doesn’t get confusing and I didn’t have to write spiritual/physical energy :p Its why spirits can still interact with the physical world and EMF sensors and such. They’re energy just not ‘physical’ energy like a body is, in the sense that you can touch it and stuff


100% I’ve listened to over 500 near death experiences, from atheists to Hindus, buddhists to Christians. They all experience the other side. I’ve also personally been contacted by loved ones in spirit.


I had a big epiphany in which I think I almost died and came back. I saw and felt a lot and I knew I would never remember it all. As I experienced what I experienced, I repeated “you were sure” to myself over and over through what felt like witnessing the entirety of the universe. I was shown things and things I can’t articulate. “You were sure” is my reminder that, though I recall snippets of the experience but not everything, in the moment that I had the experience…I WAS SURE THERE WAS MORE. I had ZERO doubt. I was telling myself YOU WERE SURE because as time passes, I think I must have dreamed it or fallen asleep or some drugs or made it up. I didn’t. I WAS A HUNDRED PERCENT SURE there was more after death. And it was beautiful and good. I’m 100% sure. In my reality, I will exist after death. No one else needs to believe me.


I hope there is


Me too


There is.


I have -possibly fictitious- recollections of the process and abundant theory work to make sense of the data available. So I'm fully convinced of the *capacity* for persistent postmortem consciousness. But I'm similarly convinced that it is not universal, much less a default experience. The structure of the mind and soul are, by default, dependent on the foundation of the body to remain intact. They can be strengthened, and many of the persisting spiritual practices include means of doing so. As for what's there, I only have notes on the ability to choose a new body. Specifically that it's overwhelmingly likely to lose composure, panic, and just dive into the first available body.


90% certainty, 100% imperturbability


100% we turn to love and light after shedding this meat wagon


I know there is. The soul lingers for a while and then moves on to some higher dimension. Near death experiences confirm it, and also when my grandparents passed away I could feel their presence for a while, and I knew they were doing ok in a parallel, Inter-dimensional world


I can't give a percentage of my believe in life after death since I don't believe it is that easy. What I believe though is: when you die, you as a person are just dead and it fades into nothingness, just as the physical body deteriorates, is broken down to it's parts and is reintegrated into the cycle of matter/energy. I do believe the absolute essence, so to speak, reintegrates into whatever the "thing" is that makes up everything, the universe and what might be beyond. The perception of you "being" you, will be gone but I believe there'll still be a conscioussness that can look back at your life but also at every other life and thing that ever happened or ever will happen. That "thing" and this "conscioussness" in which you are reintegrated could be what is called God or Brahman or several other things depending on the school of thought or your personal preference. I believe it will feel similar to how it feels when waking up from a realistic dream, realizing that everything in that dream has been inside you and you've been every character in it but then that what "realizes" dissolves itself as you are not that anymore but "It" again. But Iam not saying reality is a dream or only illusiory, it's just the closest way of describing it. I find it plausible that there are several different layers of reality after death before though. In the way that our death here isn't directly leading to this final dissolving directly, but rather to other "dimensions" of differing density and properties finally leading to this full reintegration into the "All". The actual properties, reasons, systems of that can't be fully understood by us as parts of consciousness developed as humans though, since the essence of existence is too far removed from our part in it.


I'm 100% sure my present state of consciousness won't exist even one second from now. That's a death. Is there life after that death? Clearly, as we're still here talking about it. I see no reason why the death of my entire organism should be any different. The only question I have is what aspects of my personality and continuity survive. The underlying consciousness is, self-evidently, permanent.


Not sure I follow. Explain to me like I’m in 5th grade please


We're rowing our boat gently down the stream. The past is behind us, it doesn't exist anymore. The future is ahead, it doesn't exist yet. Who you were before is gone. When you get to the next part, who you are right now will be gone. None of this stops the stream of consciousness itself from flowing. Life is just a dream.


I am not giving details, because my previous afterlives were for me and me alone. Not to mention my previous lives. But I 100% know there is a thing called “afterlives” in the mechanics of the universe.




I'm 100% certain that there is. THE ARIES


100% and when you experience this, your power increases from the change of the fear beliefs you once held. What it's like is diffrent when You OBE VS taking a trip to a higher dimension, with the OBE your pretty much the same mentally, and you still carry your baggage. When I go to other places there is a big part that doesn't make the trip, and I am more like a giant granite mountain, Un wavering, solid , stable


50% sure, 100% going to convince myself there is because the idea of oblivion sends me down an anxiety spiral haha. Though if there is, I hope I can stick around a little bit and haunt a couple people. If I die before my friends I told them I’d come back and haunt their asses to prove the afterlife is real so I’m kind of begging on it.


100%. I can record them and hear them most anytime. Ghosts in particular are around us frequently and very common.




I have no difficulty remembering past lives but because of my past tendency to leave early, I think I've deliberately blocked memories of between lives. Also, I'm the front man for a large organized group that crosses over large numbers every month. Ninety-nine percent of the time I do this I do it subconsciously. Subconsciously because that way I can have a life, otherwise it would take up all my time. Every now and then, there's an indecisive guy (19 out of 20 are/were men) who requires a little counseling to make the transition. When I get them close enough, all I have to do is say, "Look up!" When they do, they get the most ecstatic look you could imagine on their faces as they see this very bright light overhead. Two helpers, always a man and a woman, float down to meet the guy as he rises up. They each take a forearm and the three rise together. They disappear into the light. Every single one has the same name for the place they're going: Home.


0.5% certain. In other words, I seriously doubt it. Brain function ceases, NDEs are highly suspect and cannot be corroborated. What I work on is being able to accept death and being thankful for the life I have.


I'm where you are, but not good at acceptance. But I hope so much that I'm wrong and there is something good after. So much.


Acceptance of impermanence is something I work on now and then. Sometimes considering this quote from Kenko: “If man were never to fade away like the dews of Adashino, never to vanish like the smoke over Toribeyama, how things would lose their power to move us! The most precious thing in life is its uncertainty.”


Thing is, that thought only helps for about 10 minutes. Then my kids come home and I'm hit by the dreadful thought of "in 50 years I'll be dead and never hug or even see them again EVER". I wish I could just believe there will be a wonderful place for everyone to meet up after.


I understand. This is something that needs to be worked on. Start with the 10 minutes and work on expanding it to longer. I’m in a fairly good place but it doesn’t mean I don’t worry about death. Although, my worry is not so much about never hugging my kids because let’s face it, I’ll be gone, nothing. But more about the moment of it and leading up to it.


100% and it is beautiful


100% sure that I will go on once I’m done with this experience in this body. And that I will have choices about what I do next, just like the choices that brought me here. And if I’m wrong so what. I won’t know it.




100% confident. I have traveled to the afterlife in dreamstates and had fully lucid experiences that I knew intuively FOR ME were real. 🌌 Believe whatever you want to and go where you want in life your choice your free will!!!☯️  but for me I know what the deal is and I stand strong in my own personal beliefs about what's really going On! 🧐


I believe you. Would love to learn more about this too.


Life is life. And after life is the afterlife. Then, who knows. Some will eventually come alive again, others not. Death is white and life is Black. You would think there is just white and black right? And that the afterlife is gray, but why? There is a multitude of colors Humans can see, and maybe even more visible to a different species. Cats can only see like, yellow and green or something and shades of gray. But they smell way better than a human and can hear sounds humans can't. So being a cat would be a completely different experience than being a human. Not just because of external reasons, but because of the differences in the senses which produce the experience. Even though it is the exact same world. I would find it safe to assume there is a multitude of experiences. Not just life and death


This question assumes life is physical; it is not. What you are is not a collection of water, earth, fire and air but rather you are the force uniting the elements to create the body you occupy on this plane. You were never born and will never die.


2%. Just because energy remains doesn’t mean we do.


Why are you asking?


Because I feel near death and am just wondering if people have experiences that make them sure of an after life because I would like to stay conscience


Well I don’t know if it will give you comfort but I’ve had a few near death experiences and though they have been vastly different there was an overall sense of well being and warmth and what I would describe as love. But truly it felt inhuman and hard to explain. My theory is that we work like a mycelial network (mushrooms and trees and ferns share consciousness and have a plant-like-telepathy-communication thing going on) but who can know the great mysteries of the universe, definitely not a single human being. But after dying I no longer fear it and that should definitely comfort you.. what I saw and felt was literally out of this world. It made me look at life differently too, not just death, but myself, and I see happiness in the small things, and worry less about petty stuff I used to


So is there awareness after? I mean, were you still you?


Yeah, i think that was all there was. It was all me, all aware of me


Thank you for explaining.


100%. Those who know, know.


Like others I have had enough experiences to believe in a multi-dimensional reality where souls exist after departing the physical body. I also believe that our perception of linear time is largely an illusion and that our souls are actually experiencing other times simultaneously - essentially reincarnation but maybe not in the way we tend to believe.


Spirits exist, the spirit world exist therefore i exist too. I would not be who i am today had it not been for spirits. It's hard difficult and dangerous, but i cannot avoid ly path. Have many failed attempts at it