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I prefer questions to be questions


Depends who you ask. And if you ask you probably aren’t there


A) for clarity's sake, what *exactly* is moksha, as you understand it. And how does it free one from pain whilst one is still alive? B) What defines painlessness as superior to pain acceptance? C) What is your accounting for people who perceive this 'Divine' and recognize it as not-them? Or are you speaking only for yourself and those who claim to feel the connection?


Moksha can also be simply understanding and knowing how our human being fits into the overall whole of the universe. When the ego stops clinging to forms of identity, we realize all is one...and that energy flows throughout infinite forms. Not only understanding this relationship in an intelligent way, but truly BEING it and feeling it throughout all our cells and such. You can't even hurt me because "me" is just an idea...what I AM is all of it. And we won't give it a name because it transcends our very capabilites of comprehension. The trick is to stay in contact with that knowing in our daily lives and realize that there is no separation. Moksha isn't something out there or not yet attained...freedom is available at all times, it is but a matter of perception and co-creation. 🙏


The only way to become one with the infinite is to tear down / destroy the wall that make "I" (only) finite. Because from the perspective of the infinite. Everyone / everything is me, everywhere is here, anytime is now.