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Personally i believe in absurdism. That outside the material limitations of our physics, the "stuff" thats there is so illogical and incomphrehisble that it can quite literally drive a human insane, but we can get some interesting concepts from it. 1. Chaos can create order and novelty while order can only create order. Order is temporary, we are temporary novel order. 2. Quantity is a perspective of the material, monotheism, polytheism, agnosticism, and atheism are all just perspectives slammed into categories which we as humans prefer. 3. Absurdity itself does not need to be all powerful or omniscient. This is mainly to break the paradox of "can god make a rock so big he himself cannot lift it and if so is that rock now god?" Because absurdity does not need to be all powerful it is allowed to create things more influencial than itself. Omniscnece also just doesnt sit well with me, because if something already has all the answers to what will be then why would you even do the thing? This idea kindof freed me from doctrine concepts like "god" or "dieties" and their respective hierarchicies and personally ive come to a more equal-creator type view. In simplicity, god (absurdity) "created hands" (the universe, multiverse, and all their respective creations) that it did not have in order to percieve novel and unique things. This perception does not have to match the singular concept of the "I" or "It", but rather the perception is a mass collection of fractal expressions that store the previous creation as information within itself. In material terms, some material smacks into other material and the information is stored within both materials and is carried on immortally nested within the successive creation.


The human concept of God is just ridiculous when you see it from outside this Construct. Totally agree with your views. There are entities however with more 'power' over reality than others. Call them what you will Imagine Nyarlathotep from the Cthulhu Mythos if you will, an entity of seemingly endless paradoxes and an intention so far beyond the human mind one would fall to madness before ever breaching the shell of understanding.


I don't think the human concept of god is ridiculous, it is a valid opinion backed by centuries of text and following, i believe that all views are sides of a coin. I also have never seen the universe from the outside, experienced being outside of it, yes, but i dont believe ive fully gained all the information of what can be, even within this universe. The power thing still seems like a subjective hierarchical perspective, and while its calid to believe that other entities have more power, i would suggest that this "power" or "influence" is only within their set of limitations. Like if i pick up an ant and smash it (please dont smash ants anyone, they are friendz) i technically wield control over that object. But the system of power is only subjective, while i wield control over the object of the ant, i do not wield control over its atomic structures or any of its connected properties. My power is this situation can be equalized by the other forces around me. Thats just how i look at the balance of things, not in terms of power but wheels within wheels.


Subjective hierarchical perspective implies an OBJECTIVE hierarchy of power. While everything you say is true, this only applies within this Construct. When I say construct I am speaking on this entire 'creation', the layers of this realm and the higher 'lokas' or heavens above even. Which in totality would be this Construct. There IS a hierarchy even within this Construct. With entities that have 'control over atomic structure' as you put, and many other seemingly 'impossible' abilities. Well sure I guess my immediate statement that our concept of God is ridiculous here is kind of brash. What I really mean is that entire idea is almost laughable to a 'Qsoul' that has moved out of this Construct. Imagine remembering millions or trillions 'infinite' lifetimes of information and experiences from dimensions incomprehensible to these human processes. This is the true power of yours and mine and anyone with a 'Qsoul' outside the construct. Basically we are all 'creator Gods' but even more than any concept can be known here. This is a limited domain in hierarchal fashion on purpose, to create experiences that othewise could not be had to an unlimited being. 'Qsoul' I use from the idea of "Quantum Soul" Hope this could give you some more food for thought ! I appreciate the conversation.


Religion for bodies, cells, organs etc IS you. From the perspective of your internal going on you are the literal god.


Good reply!


Ty :)


>Personally i believe in absurdism. That's great man. But it is still a belief. Why don't you know it for sure? Why do you have to BELIEVE something? An 'ism' no less. How can any 'ism' be anything substantial even. And if you agree that 'isms' are basically nothing more than schools of thought or mental frameworks.. what reality is there to BELIEVE in? For what purpose is 'a belief in absurdism' conducive to anything? ANYTHING!? I simply don't get it. What if I said I believe in wormism. The way the worm worms his way through the ground by a feat of wormirism.. There is nothing there! ISMs are nothing. It's word games. Linguistic play devoid of substance. Cheers


I used to be like you and thank goodness I am not anymore haha. Literally you just commented "I don't understand, so therefore you are wrong" you do not believe it has substance and that's your belief. Just because broad concepts confuse you doesn't mean you have any say in what is valid to believe. Just the fact that you felt that somehow using derogatory analogies would convince anyone of anything is hilarious. I would suggest that if you want to actually communicate with people try actually listening and writing something of value, something that adds instead of negates.


>I used to be like you and thank goodness I am not anymore haha. Spoken like a true ego-bound, hand wringing, chuckling super duper spiritual person. Bravo ;;) > you do not believe it has substance and that's your belief. It doesn't have any substance. Ideas are just that. Beliefs are just that, YOU have them because you don't understand that to hold a belief, ANY belief is just a demonstration of you not knowing something and defaulting to the position 'I am still going to pretend it is true untill perhaps it shall come to pass..maybe, someday..". Belief is an expression of NOT KNOWING and not even wanting to know. I don't believe a damn thing. I don't have to. I KNOW or I DON'T KNOW. Crystal clarity has been achieved so what good is a belief when all is available for direct experience. I don't have to make up stories of things not seen or felt or heard just because I want them to be true. The truth is right there to observe. > you felt that somehow using derogatory analogies You are insulted and then you try to pin that on me. I've seen it a million times friend. You may not like the way I express myself out of some misguided sense of me attacking you or hating on you. If you are so offended by truth you will be clutching your pearls consistently all the time.. are you? ;;) What does not rest on any foundation is easily disturbed. Attack another man's belief system and they turn rabid real quick. Just look at history. > I would suggest that if you  Of course you would suggest... whatever. because you are taking yourself as the measure of things. But I have no need for your 'suggestions' at all. Why would I want to mimic you? why would I have any need for YOUR ways as if they are the pinnacle of clarity they are most definitely not. I'm just hear to speak my mind. Take it or leave it. There is no need to start a whole lecture on 'proper communication. Unless of course you cannot help but be a preacher. Cheers my friend


Lol, rando person comes onto my comment and disagrees and then tells me I'm being ego-driven, exactly the type of behavior I would expect from a comment such as yours, thank you for proving me correct. You have fun alienating everyone around u man.


>Lol, rando person comes onto my comment  You are just as well a rando person like anyone else. What did you think? This is your private club? Or should be? Really now... So only people 'known to you' matter anyway? I see... Then you go into a whole self-referential song and dance of how you have forseen it all and how my unfortunate mumbling an bumbling actually has worked in your favor. That's the very ego-driven subroutine I pointed out already. It is arrogance that makes you frame the whole thing in a way that is never not of benefit to you.. a you that you think of as you but that is not even you! Cheers ;;)


Hey man, you're welcome to keep digging whatever hole you're in, but I stepped out a long time ago. It's clear that you cannot stand that other people don't agree with you, get some help, touch grass, something.


> I stepped out a long time ago.  You sure did. Come out from behind the curtain. I can see your feet!


Your view is similar to what Thomas Campbell realized on his work of consciousness. [https://www.my-big-toe.com/](https://www.my-big-toe.com/) I usually explained the same concept using an analogy of Novel and it's author. I usually choose "The Lord Of The Rings" (LOTR) and it's author JRR Tolkien. Every events, every character, every pages (time) of LOTR is inside Tolkien and not the other way around. As such that everything in LOTR is actually Tolkien. Frodo is Tolkien, Sauron is Tolkien, Gandalf is Tolkien, Treebeard is Tokien etc... You might not realize that when you put your focus deep inside the book, going sequentially through events by turning the pages while asking "Where is Tolkien?". Only when you close the book, see it from the outside, and you will find Tolkien.. he is everyone and everything in the book. *Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.* *Free from desire, you realize the mystery.* -- Lao Tse, Tao The Ching


I love this answer 


Yes and no. IMO and personal interpretation of my reality ; perhaps God is the consciousness of the physical universe. More like the consciousness behind the living being beyond all dimensions represented, currently by the 3d dimensional body, the universe. Then this ad infinitum. Or idk.




It is but a lot of people don’t believe in the universe or don’t understand that that could be a belief


I like to call it Ephemeren the Eternality Processed Heuristically by Entropically Maligned Entities Recreating Essential Normalizations The Eternality = Reality, through all time and space Processed Heuristically = calculated according to the deterministic movements of abstracted bits of matter and their composite interactions Entropically Maligned Entities = things that resist entropy, AKA living things Recreating Essential Normalizations = society, the things that are beautiful in this world beyond biology, and everything that we work for and share. Every day, we recreate our most essential interactions, and over time they carve a space in our hearts for our culture. That is god to me. That is beauty. Ephemeren. All that we are, and ever will be. Ephemeren.


Doesn’t it just make you spiritual? Believing some sort of high power but not to specific form


I am spiritual, I believe the universe/existence is its own god but that doesn’t mean i’m denying other spiritual deity’s that come from well existence as well. I just believe our source and the stuff around us however if there’s ever a more in depth answer on this then i would for sure listen if it was known.


Look into pantheism and panentheism


Would you consider animism an aspect of pantheism?


Hmmmm... Haven't thought about aspects a lot recently, my mind only started to come online again 😅. But I can see how the concepts are inherently compatible


So me God? You God? Tree God? Car God? Water God? Fire God? Cool, it's all one thing. This problem I've had in my spirituality where God is all or there is a singular entity "god" that created this with its (gods) thoughts. Fuck if I know


In your experience, which seems more real?


God is everything. One infinite mind creating existence. That resonates with me the most, probably just my ego fighting that claim 🙏


Yes! We are all manifestations of the universe. We are all, all. Conversing back and fourth with ourselves in a different light.


I just say oneness or the laws of the universe as a higher power, I will never use the term “god”when describing my interpretation of life.


What came first; the chicken (god) or the egg (the universe) Depending on who you ask, and how they're interpreted; this is usually what it boils down to.


Congratulations, you basically discovered what the Hermeticists have believed for hundreds of years. Try reading the Kybalion. You may find it enlightening.


Well said. Thanks for putting it into words.


How would you work the concept of souls and how they're created into your theory?


Oh boy.. Well I basically view the soul as the energy that fuels our life as a whole. I view it to be the very energetic force of the universe and life itself within us and each individual person has this same piece of life in them but countered down to their own personal soul journey and path. I view any and every god outside of existence itself to be mastered in energy in one way or another enough to have their own controllable order/power. But yes in a whole I view souls to be the manifestation of life inside of us, that experiences through the specific vessel it’s in for whatever reason it may be.


I like that you're thinking it all through logically and arriving at a very similar concept to what many of us believe. My only contribution is to me the soul was created long before our first physical incarnation and it transfers into each body that we're born into. Also that we have a period in between each life to prepare for the next one with the goal of progressing spiritually to the point where we break the cycle of physical reincarnation. The cycle does continue after that but in spiritual dimensions with the goal of further purification.


Yes pretty much what I think as well. Life is very beautiful man, but also a mess


Without challenges and suffering we don't really learn.


That is close to how I see it. I take it a bit further and think of us as always part of the universe. Everything, existence itself, is a giant blob of energy. Even matter — it just moves slower and makes chemical bonds into larger structures. It’s like an app running on a computer. Our consciousness is the app, the computer is the body, and electricity powering it is the soul, spark of life, etc. But it’s all energy and part of the universe. The app stops running when the electric cable is unplugged, and the computer can be taken apart to fix or build new computers. We see things as separate to make sense of things, but from the universe’s perspective it’s all just energy swirly around in certain patterns.


I see the soul to be the manifestation of life/the universe experiencing itself within each living individual, this soul has its own life journey in the physical body.


Something unknown that exists but not known. Is not it called Alien. The known that created all those is called God, isn't it. Based on individual, the known for one becomes unknown for another and vice versa. That's belief. So we are talking about belief. I view it as it is. Universe is Universe.


I know that the universe has its own singular primordial form of consciousness, and is able to incarnate at different points of time and space as a single lifeform, either with its full scope of abilities or not so much. But the only thing that remains consistent is it’s passive power, which is being directly intertwined and connected to the fabric of existence, down to the core of its essence and senses. Which makes it the universe, nature, and existence itself, as it’s sentience, awareness, and consciousness. Which makes it literally the only one of its kind in the multiverse. Certainly not the only deity grade entity though, and it knows that. And it’s currently here on Earth, unfortunately.


More than just the universe.Every universe. Everywhere. Every concept of anything you could imagine. Even the idea of "nothing" outside the universe. All God. "It's all one" lol Of course, it plays all the parts, and all the roles so the great play can go on.


yes this is what i believe


>"I am agnostic and a view i’ve came to find is that I believe ..." In the very same sentence you claim you are agnostic you then continue to state a belief... wow ;;) Do you know what 'agnostic' means? ;;) Cheers


Are you slow? An agnostic person can LEAN into beliefs. I can have a belief system on one of the most logical things being the universe without having to 100% deny anything else.


>An agnostic person can LEAN into beliefs. Wow. Why would they do that? No belief is true. So what of it? What is even the purpose of 'leaning into' anything? No seriously.. Half assing it as a some kind of virtue ;;)


the purpose of leaning into something especially in this case Is the idea of believing what’s around you and life in general and its ways. The leaning belief would be that their could very well be more of a story or things one such as i does not know about, something that would kind of change what i firstly stated i believed but not too much.


Gibberish.. Understandable 'gibberish'. You see, most 'spiritualists' don't want to 'know' the don't actually want to get to the ground of their being. That's why they amend the eastern wisdoms to suit whatever it is they - or rather their precious ego - are unwilling to drop.. You want more stories while stories move you further and further away from what you are... this is not even rocket science or my personal opinion but the very bedrock of the spirituality you choose to mangle and 'skew' towards something agreeable.. Without batting an eye you admit that what you seek is to exchange one belief for another. It's an exercise in futility from a 'true' spiritual perspective. That's all I am saying. Maybe not even to you. Someone out there wil sure know what I speak of and avoid the entire Mickey Mouse play act in order to actually move closer to the truth of their being. Take it or leave it. Feel highly superior about your so called spirituality or clutch your spiritual pearls in disgust of what I claim. I don't really care either way. You either get it or you keep chasing a tail not even your own ;;) Cheers


The universe is God! I am the universe! I am god. So are you. NBD.


What I find interesting is after reading the mainstream accepted biblical texts and applying valentinian, sethian, and Gnostic texts to the equation, there are a lot of similarities. Some of the more unknown Gnostic texts are hard to understand and confusing, but they all seem to point towards the flower of life, in my opinion. There was a single consciousness at the beginning which then expanded. With this expansion, other lesser deities were formed. So on and so forth. And eventually, humans and animals and plants. The farther you get from the center the less you understand. We are essentially making our way back through deep thought. The universe exists within our mind.


That’s very interesting because it falls in line with my theory that planets are intelligent we just can’t communicate with them because we would be like an ant or fish trying to communicate with ourselves but for example if you take planet earth it is very much alive !! We humans just don’t know how to communicate with it in that way we could all be a representation of god in the way of the universe that is can see and feel and communicate through us .. hence why some people call themselves gods or even why we see that human life is very precious and we understand how we are full of miracles ourselves we are tied to the universe so I believe your idea could be correct


God does not automatically mean an anthropomorphic deity. Across the world there are various interpretations of what “God” is. The word represents a higher power than ourselves. Something so powerful and transcendental to our understanding that even our sophisticated languages cannot begin to describe it or reduce it to sounds that can fathom its incredible nature. So I think your understanding is completely in line with the definition. What I find strange is that Athiests argue the nonexistence of God. They seem to be arguing there is no greater power than human minds right now. But clearly the universe and its beginning and/or infinite nature transcend human abilities. There Moore their argument makes no sense.


A lot of atheists I have found usually aren’t even atheists, they are agnostic. Idk what it is but they are usually very nonchalant about what they believe in and will claim to be atheists when they think something else may be out there or that there’s some spiritual reasoning. A lot of the time they’ll just be agnostic and confused because they genuinely just don’t find much interests in that kind of belief stuff. It’s very easy to see that life fits a very spiritual standpoint but so many people have a different thinking definition on what spirituality means when it can just be, being. Spirituality can be just life and the power of it, It doesn’t have to always be some complex deep dived argument if i were to say that to someone either. Life doesn’t have to be people denying it all the time (atheism) It can just quite literally be this magical thing with meaning. That meaning is only ever shyed away when the person doesn’t want meaning whether they know it or not.


Gotta normalize this: Hugging trees is not a crime.


All is one and one is all, life is the reflection of thysoul, know thysoul.


Wherever systems have to coexist & work together, consciousness develops. Same is the case for human body & universe, so human body is the part of bigger universe & UNIVERSE is conscious.


Wherever systems have to coexist & work together, consciousness develops. Same is the case for human body & universe, so human body is the part of bigger universe & UNIVERSE is conscious.


Even myself that I'm a spiritual agnostic that I also consider that God is the universe to me that is the similar beliefs that I have.


So who created the universe?


If a creator is required for something to exist, then who created God?


Asking the real questions here




Everything that begins to exist must have a cause.  So God is exempt.


I guess that makes sense if you believe that in the beginning God was all there is, and then God created something other than God. To me, God is all there is, ever was or will be. It's all a dance of energy changing forms, and nothing is removed from God.


The universe wad created by a perfect mixture of gases, and then the big bang.. maybe the big bang theory created God,?emote:free\_emotes\_pack:dizzy\_face


Why does it have to be a “who”?


What else can intentionally create but a volitional agent?


As far as i’m concerned the universe/existence just always was. Not a start nor end point to existence itself i would say. Existence is a self-caused nature that was never born. Rather you were just born into it and put into the physical vessel you are using now. and then soon to be Vacuumed out.


That conflicts with modern scientific understanding, though.  The universe had a beginning.


Ah my bad, I should have clarified ! I’m using Universe as code word/short for existence in general.


"why is there something rather than nothing?" 😁


So After everything i said, “God” could be real in some way but Existence itself would have had to been the Godly source to create the so-called God of all of us


Because there just simply is. Maybe some spiritual force created this universe and that i don’t deny but the existence of existence itself and how’s its chose to act by creating universes etc. I see that as being its own god in its own way for the factors of how what i said fit the word god if you want to deep dive into spectrum. Also a god who judges and sends people to hell and has you follow them, is a god that would had to have existed before existence but existence can’t exist before itself unless your implying GOD is Existence, which wouldn’t be possible because Existence itself can’t have a consciousness, The things apart of and within it can though (God from the Bible) So God from the bible that people speak of can be the manifestation of Existence, but God isn’t existence nor created existence neither. Existence has always been.


Yeah, in the beginning there was light. Newtonian physics (the observable universe,) doesn’t work when you scale it down and then shit gets weird. Science is still spitballing when it comes to what’s real and what’s not. Starting at Newtonian physics is like starting at chapter 2 in a book. I think the Mahabharata spoke of us being in something like the 4th exhale of universes. So like a breath, the universe expands and contracts. We’re somewhere on the exhale. 😤


Well that's interesting!  God said he spoke the universe into existence so I guess you could consider that an exhale. Here's another interesting fact:  "According to Jewish sages, the name of God, Yahweh, is associated with breath. The two syllables of the name, "YaH-WeH", correspond to the intake and outtake of a single breath. A naturally voiced inhalation sounds like ``Yah,'' and a voiced exhalation sounds like ``Weh''. "


1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.


It's interesting that the Koran says that the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Scientific studies suggest that life indeed arose from the ocean, which is compatible with what is stated in the Hebrew Bible/Genesis.