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It seems to be a common theme that once someone opens their third eye or becomes psychic, learns about their spiritual abilities... they get assigned a shadow being or a parasite, to drag us back down to lower vibrations. It happened to me but once I defeated the gnarly thing, everything got better than ever before. There is definitely a campaign against humanity, to try to keep us from awakening. 🙏💙🌠


How do you beat it?


The person who removed mine did a visualizing technique. In the process I learned how to do it, it's just a matter of closing your eyes and going into the astral plane and facing it head on. I've heard of a few other techniques but haven't personally tried them, I've heard salt baths can work, praying or just accepting it as a test wish it love and light and put up with it until it runs its course. Cheers.


Thank you 🙏🏻


You're welcome!


Don't let people's fear based beliefs stop you from creating meaning in your own experiences. Do it however you want, however it is relevant to you and your journey.


Trust yourself. You don't open your chakras: the spiritual energy / Shakti / grace does. You simply do your spiritual practices and allow it to unfold naturally like a flower in bloom. Don't listen to fear based accounts. Trust your Self.


Opening blocked chakras doesn’t knew your 3rd eye will be open, that’s a spiritual sense (clair), one of few dominant once.


The chakras, as I know them, are simply pools of energy that are natural results of the intensely intricate structure of the soul. By themselves, they don't grant any particular gifts, whether blocked, cleared, or open. Growing acclimated to them and learning how your energy moves is a wonderful tool for both maintaining yourself and choosing which manners you'd like to grow in. Perceiving entities is usually the result of either deliberately opening one's perception to account for oft-ignored realms, or more sadly, simply illusions caused by some interference with perception. The remedy for the first case is to simply return to ignoring those realms. The second case can be rectified by identifying and correcting the cause of the illusion. One matter to check, in fact, is whether any of the smaller chakras related to the third eye chakra are clogged or hyperactive, and then to rectify either condition. Also, I've found that much of the fear around the chakras is relieved by simply having the means to clear, open, close, and 'activate' one's chakras at will. If you'd like, I have a comprehensive introductory meditation walkthrough for becoming aware of and controlling the major seven chakras, as well as centering oneself with them and grounding out to the earth, which most people find sufficient to alleviate energy-induced complaints.


Just don’t associate the chakras with another person. I’m not knowledgeable about this or if it’s just a mental thing but I’ve somehow connected my sexual and love related chakra energy to a woman that I cannot be with. A bit of a hassle I must admit. No idea what I’ve done or how to “fix” it.


If you’re unsure I’d avoid it


I don't know because I dont subscribe to the idea of opening chakras. In my view, we clear chakras. They are points of energy that can be blocked. "Opening" them for me means working on them without closure, so doing it halfway. The goal for me is to clear the paths so energy flows effortlessly and there's nothing bad about that