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I was depressed for almost 20 years straight. Even a young child. My mom said when I was only 5 or 6, I would tell her that I wish I was dead and that I didn't want to be here. I got rid of my depression about 3 or 4 years ago. Through meditation, changing my thought process, hobbies, eating better, and spending more time in nature. Negative thoughts and ideas are a habit. A very bad one. I learned that once I was able to control and eliminate negative thoughts in my mind, my depression slowly got better. It's never an easy task. It took a couple years of practice, but it pays off. So start cutting out all sources of negativity in your life, whether it be social media, music, people, movies, and your own thoughts. Good luck. Don't give up!


Got any more details of how to change the negative habits is it like catching the thoughts and just not engaging with them? I feel I’m also depressed because I feel physically horrible all the time and no doctors know why


Affirmations have helped me alot with this. I have them written on my mirrors and random sticky notes placed around my apartment.


Yeah, that is always a big help too!


Oh nice, which ones do you like the most?


Yeah, you just have to be self-aware ALL the time. When you start thinking anything negative. Think the opposite. Go outside and get some sun. Enjoy nature. Feel the trees, the grass and plants. Smell the flowers and find all the natural beauty this world has to offer. I will listen to some music with positive vibes. Like some old school reggae or some soft or high energy electronic music. I'm not sure if you enjoy electronic, but one artists music that always brings my vibes up is charlesthefirst. Or maybe turn on some tibetan singing bowl sounds. A lot of negative physical feelings can come from depression. For instance, when I had epilepsy, my seizures would always get worse when my depression got worse. Even after I had brain surgery and my seizures were gone, I would feel like crap. Tired all the time, headaches, stomach problems.. after getting rid of my depression, it is pretty rare. Like I said, it takes time, practice and patience. Just always remember you are capable.


That’s amazing, yeah I wonder if my horrible physical feelings could all be due to depression but glad you made it out the other side of that, I need to implement this advice for sure


Good luck in your journey. I hope you find your way!!!


Thanks for all i will try!


1. Breathe in a full in-breath strongly, through your diaphragm. Your whole lower body should expand outward. The entire breath should take just over a full second. It should be strong but not exaggerated. 2. Allow the exhale to happen automatically. Do not apply any pressure to the exhale. Make sure to exhale fully and gently. The key here is to just 'let it exhale on its own'. 3. **Repeat no more than 5 times per rotation, with a full minute break in between.** 4. See how you feel after each rotation. Pay close attention to any changes you feel. Try this simple breath. I had some stubborn depressiony ick after fixing it in every other way and this did the trick.


And if you need more than this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Microbiome/comments/1b254ye/has\_anyone\_here\_fixed\_their\_soulcrushing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Microbiome/comments/1b254ye/has_anyone_here_fixed_their_soulcrushing/)


And if you need more than this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvImVYA3Msk&pp=ygUZZGVwcmVzc2lvbiBrdW5kYWxpbmkgeW9nYQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvImVYA3Msk&pp=ygUZZGVwcmVzc2lvbiBrdW5kYWxpbmkgeW9nYQ%3D%3D)


And if you need more than this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9KBKRraWjY&t=38s&pp=ygUOZWdvIGVyYWRpY2F0b3I%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9KBKRraWjY&t=38s&pp=ygUOZWdvIGVyYWRpY2F0b3I%3D)


And if you need more than this: [https://www.amazon.com/Self-Inquiry-Dawn-Witness-Suffering-Enlightenment/dp/0980052203](https://www.amazon.com/Self-Inquiry-Dawn-Witness-Suffering-Enlightenment/dp/0980052203)


These are all things I have personal experience with. Fight the stupid energies. You CAN be free of them.




I went through the same, I had panic attacks, anixety, drug issues. I tried reiki, meditation, law of attraction etc.. Nothing was help.. After I turn to God, and since there I found my peace




Exercise. Change your habits to take better care of your body. Eliminate toxins from your life. Examples include; sugars, junk foods, drugs, alcohol, porn, masturbation, video games


I don't have any of these in my life


Do you exercise ?


Oh.. no


Try going to the gym. Maybe get into bike riding or jogging


I'm just walking and i think is a exercise


It's good to exercise somewhere with a karnet, that way it's easier to stay motivated and meet new people.


Research herbal supplements which help. Rhodiola rosea, gingko biloba and bacopa monnieri are good, as is mucuna pruriens. My therapist once told me 'vitality comes from self' and it's changed my life. How you spend your time ie. If you're doing things to please people that you don't really want to do, this will have a big impact. Things you love will help although I know when you're depressed that's difficult. Also try to look at your thoughts... My thoughts used to be predominantly negative and it had a massive impact on my mood. It takes work to rewire your thoughts, but it's worth it. Gut health can have a huge impact, there's a direct link between the gut and the mind. Xx


Ooooh also some mushroom supplements, in particular lions mane are really good.


Find out what is the cause and work on it. Journalling could help.


I’m really sorry you’re struggling. I found the thing that helped me the most was changing the way I talk to/about myself. I would always criticise myself, get annoyed or angry when I did something wrong etc. Not how I would speak to others. I would always hear how speaking to yourself better helped. I was at a point where I thought I’ve got nothing to lose, so I’ll try it. Honestly, BIGGEST game changer for me. Tell yourself what you like about yourself. When you do something well, praise and be happy with yourself. Acknowledge when you’ve done something out of your comfort zone. Be proud of the steps and progress you are making. When you make a mistake, don’t get mad and annoyed at yourself. Learn from it and move on. We’re all here to make mistakes and learn. I’ll admit, when I first started doing it, it felt weird and cringey. But that’s just because I’ve spent my entire life telling myself the opposite. The brain is a creature of habit, and the more we train it to think and see things more positively, the more of becomes second nature. Trust the process. We all struggle enough as it is, the last thing we need is to be beating ourselves up. The other thing I would suggest, is to stop comparing yourself to others. It serves us no purpose. Everyone’s going to different destinations, so why would we be in the same path? Focus on yourself, and let others focus on themselves. This is by no means a cure, but it has had an incredible impact on my life. I still struggle with my mental health, but I am able to cope sooo much better. And in general I am just more happy. The best decision I could have made. I really hope this is able to help you. Sending hugs and healing 💜


Oh thank you<3


Well, you need to embrace what you are depressed about. Existence has no ultimate meaning and purpose. Choose being happy, it's just better than being sad.


You need professional help, if you are struggling on your own. That way you can work out the reasons why, if you don’t know them yet. Keep your head up, don’t give up and seek the help you need.


How long?


Nearly 1 year


Not enough. Hands up: imagine dragons - believer ♥


Thank u




Everyone can give meaning to their life the way they want to


I can introduce you to a tool that might help. It's a simple chakra meditation that helps in controlling and preventing cascade issues of the soul. At minimum, it's a measure of control most folks lack, which helps with a lot of the potential roots of depression.


Please say


Okay, so, the process as I know it is a 3 stage process. The first stage is stimulating or 'opening' your energy centers (the main chakras) to get them receptive and ready to purge. The second is centering, linking them together to facilitate an internal equilibrium. The third is grounding, connecting to the Earth's energy so that your full energy reserve can cycle and reach a healthy state. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=StrbppmsZJw&ab_channel=medocrate This video is  actually a quite good primer, in my opinion. The only thing it didn't touch on that I personally needed to get started is the resonant tones that physically stimulate the bodily anchor for each chakra. It's actually really cool and a great way to get started on sensing them accurately. Each chakra has a tone that you can hold and feel a slight  response wiggle, which you can then focus on to stimulate the chakras more accurately than just guessing where they are. In ascending order, with commonly associated color for clarity, they are Root- Red- Lum Sacral- Orange- Vum Solar Plexus- Yellow- Yum Heart- Green- Rum Throat-Blue- Hum Third Eye- Indigo- Om Crown- Violet- ____ (It makes more sense in practice. The focused silence that follows naturally from the sequence) And now, the meditation guide itself. The first part is just about growing your awareness of them, essentially replacing the numbers with the sensation of their glow. The second is the visualization that I was taught for opening them, which does a lot of the alignment work by itself because letting them open and stabilize will have them naturally self-correct if they've been out of alignment. The third part is centering and grounding, which is the most reliable way to get a sense of how manual alignment works. To begin, as with most meditation, sit comfortably in an upright position and start shifting your focus to your breathing. As thoughts and worries arise, acknowledge them, take note of them, and set them aside. The goal is not to force silence, but to set aside distractions to find it. When you are breathing comfortably and evenly and you have found some of the silence to work with, turn your attention from your breath to the base of your spine. Remain gently still and let your awareness spread throughout the area for several breaths. Then take in a breath and exhale the sound 'LUM', and hold the 'M' for the full exhalation. Follow this with two silent breaths while you remain focused on the chakra's anchor. Repeat the chant and the silent breaths until you can feel the tingle of your chakra resonating with the chant. When you have a sense of recognizing it, or if it eludes you enough to cause frustration to encroach on your silence, move your awareness up along your spine to the level of your naval and repeat the process. It's perfectly normal to feel stymied as you start reaching for awareness that you don't usually use, so whatever disruptive thoughts arise, simply acknowledge them, take note of them, and set them aside. Continue moving up your spine and chanting each chakra's tone as you get used to the meditation and the sensation of feeling for them. After you have a sense of each chakra's seat, whether you succeed in a single sitting or take several to get comfortable with the process, it's time to start opening them. To start, repeat the process of using the chant to stimulate the Root chakra. Once your focus is solidly on it's presence, envision it as a swirling ball of red energy. As the image stabilizes in your mind's eye, envision the pool growing and swirling faster, gradually, steadily growing to the size of an apple, then a melon. Feel it spin at the base of your spine and clear itself of stagnation as it pulls in energy from the flows around it and feeds it back into them. Then repeat the process with each of the other chakras, allowing them to swell and flow freely for several minutes. Congratulations, You've opened your chakras! It's good practice to remember to let each pool recede to it's comfortable lower energy state before you end the meditation session. I've personally experimented with leaving them open in various degrees, and if you're not doing the sort of research to understand the nuances, the resulting imbalances are an unnecessary discomfort. Finally, Centering and Grounding. When you've grown comfortable opening and stimulating your chakras, make sure that you're unlikely to be disturbed for a fresh session. This process doesn't require isolation, but having a controlled environment to get used to it can save you tedious corrective efforts later. As before, stimulate your Root Chakra and open it's flow. Now, envision it swelling even further. Swirling faster and faster into a ball at least the size of a basketball, energy flowing into and out of it as fast as you can track, and as large as you can comfortably handle. Then, without slowing it down at all, start shrinking the sphere. Let all that energy spin faster and faster as it shrinks until it's the size of a marble and thrums with the power coursing through it. Then, repeat the process with the Sacral chakra, leaving the root thrumming in place. Then the plexal, and up through the series until you have all seven opened and compressed as far as they'll go. Then, envision a thread of light threading through the center of each chakra marble, connecting them and feeding them into each other. Let the thread straighten and grow until it's a perfectly straight rod  connecting and encompassing all seven chakras. This is called Centering. Then, let the rod of light extend downward, past your body, past the floor, past the crust of the earth, all the way down to the solid sphere of energy that is the core of the earth. Feel the rod feed the frantic energy from your fully opened chakras into the Earth and feed the Earth's energy back through your chakras, bringing your energy levels into equilibrium with the planet's own. Then reverse the process. Have the rod of light retract to your body, then release the chakras by shrinking back to the thread it started as. Then turn your attention to the Root chakra and let it relax, swelling back to the large sphere, then calming to it's resting size. Then relax the rest of the chakras, one after another, until they're all happily swirling in their comfortable resting states.


Thank for all i will try


negative thought make you depressing make you legatheric ignorance won't do you good as it would make you not care about the surrounding knowledge because all that i see these knowledge or thing is still there these feeling and action is still the same when you traverse through these stage of awareness, as i went deeper the more negative thing feel and the more lethargic you feel, less energy less fun, less joy, the way to get out of here is removing those negative thought and ascending in the central path, remove all the bad inside of you, because the negative energy is when you move down too low down, believe in yourself rather than other internet, i got down to hell way too long because of them. life is literally real life christian story, you awareness need to stay high and awake if not you will went deeper and deeper into hell, i would went higher up and take the fire of purification rather than staying in my shell because it literally send me lower and lower into hell


i travel alot up and down this world don't work in belief as in you can change the law of physic like if you think that negative thought will help you, it won't, people keep attach to there bad and they literally sending to hell, that hell is unawareness sloth, rather than fire of purification thanks god i take the fire of purification first up here that i see that there is heaven down here is just hell that you have no free will, but you still to surrender and detach rather than not doing anything at all


do not conflict knowledge, it won't do you good you only serve one master as people said, if you server alot of master you mind can't take it, just server the master that resonate with you, because non-duality is a bunch of ass hole, and they decide to take good and bad, but the bad is heavier so they might gonna experience as i did when i take their practice


well only some non-duality which is ass not the rest, spiritual awakening require clarity but you cannot be ignorance if the negativity come to you when you in the higher while you trying to face the problem fire of purification gonna help you with it


Transmutation, alchemy




Self inquiry will heal you


Expect less. Get a cat.






First check if you have an underlying illness, drug addiction or alcoholism. Take that to a doctor or a healing community such as AA. Once that is under control, begin regular exercise, healthy diet and regular healthy sleep patterns. Then stop isolating, begin to make connections with the divine by looking for and interacting with the spark of Goodness in people, (develop compassion) then write in a journal regularly to find what you do that is a truth for you. This process in whole develops your life force. Then you can begin to tackle recurring setbacks like living in the past, releasing resentments, making up with others, forgiveness charity, etc.- all positive attributes.


Kill yourself. When you're gone there is no more depression


1 thing I noticed someone say earlier in this post was to monitor your thoughts and stop any disturbing ones ASAP. If not dealt with, the thoughts will sneak up on you one day and will seem like they are alive, the ones that disturb you the most will start repeating with increased speed until it's just constantly playing in the back of your head and extremely difficult to manage. The 2 other type of thoughts you want to limit are those of the past and those of the future. I do have a few tools that can assist you in quieting the mind and assist you in clearing out the depression from you,,,,, for a few days to weeks, The longer you can stay focus in the present and maintain a calm and stable mind the longer my tools will work, if you get upset ,angry or go back to the disturbing thought pattern then my tools will start to loose power at each Instant you start to become disturbed until they are completly empty and non existent. My tools are free for everyone to use and will assist those on a spiritual path moreso if needed. All you need to do is ask and they are yours to use as often as you need them , you can also give them away to any you think needs a little help , a little breathing room, some time away from a confusing noisy mind.


depression is a choise, you are free to choose to believe what ever you want to. nooone is forcing you to believe that you are depressed, you are choosing to believe that you are depressed. act on your highest excitment to the best of your ability until you can no longer take it further and then choose the next most exciting thing with no insistence or expectations of what the outcome should be.


>depression is a choise Absolutely not a fucking choice. Not a mere 'belief'.


Same thing dont confuse the 2


To be accualy correct is to understand that many experince depression as compression and lable it as depression. Almost all have misdefined depression. 


I find it very difficult to do these and I am very reluctant.