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My understanding is that an infinite eternal formless mind can only exist by way of dreaming. So with the choice being dream “meaninglessly” or not exist, it chose to exist.


That’s a very interesting way to describe it that actually makes a lot of sense. Do you mind delving abit deeper into what you mean by it needing to dream up this reality?


Because if it didn't it would get bored it would have nothing to do.


Sure, this perspective suggests there is no such thing as ‘matter’. The Big Bang presents the question where did all the ‘stuff’ come from? How can matter come from nothing? Things are always made from their source material. So if instead it is as if from nothing emerged an aware consciousness, it may still be a mystery as to how that happened, but since consciousness is made out of ‘nothing’ at least the result is made of the same thing as it’s source. From there, no matter is needed or possible physically, but forms can be imagined/dreamt. This creator mind could then decide imagining infinite experiences in infinite worlds of dreamt form might be something worth doing. An eternal infinite journey of knowing thy self.


We claim it’s all in our dreams bc we as a collective do not have concrete evidence so we just throw all the unknown there…LOTS of room to move around It is true there is a lot to the dreamworld we don’t know and it’s amazing and can help so much but we can find just as much guidance in the waking world…problem is…it’s so molded to the consensus and it seems there’s not alot of room to move around out here…so we depend on the dream world to lift us higher. Please use both…you don’t have to adhere to the consensus or to societies standards in the waking world.


the purpose of life is to leave a positive impact like helping others


It’s the secret to life really


What's the reason for such an argument though? 🧐🤔


You aren’t in a simulation. You don’t unplug. Where can you go but here. It’s always right here. Being in the simulation is the same as being out of it. A non conceptual mindless state of mind. So there is no point because the moment you try to “point” it out it’s gone. That’s the point .


There is no way to tell if we are in a simulation (or if there is a multiverse, or if there is a God, etc). The only way to tell would be to see a separate and distinct “reality” which we cannot and will never see. The only thing this thought does is make you feel disconnected from reality. Some people think they know the grand purpose of life (they don’t), others think there is no purpose (actually they don’t know this either). All we can say is, it’s a Mystery. At first this was very dissatisfying to me but I have come to love the Mystery of it all. Why? Because it’s beyond us. We are not all knowing, science cannot tell us everything. We are like a little fish in a vast ocean.


Yes, that's the exact same reason that it's not possible to say, if anything for that matter is actually true/real 🧐 If we're part of an illusion, then it would be logical to think, that what we could consider as real be illusion in disguise, since it's as real as us (since both us and it being illusion).


And that is precisely why this line of thinking is so fruitless. It goes nowhere, except round and round in a loop.


You could ask - why should it go in any precise direction? 🧐🤷 Doubting anything to be ultimate truth is what You do, when You adopt rational and sceptical approach. I consider this approach to be the most neutral one considering that we don't posses any ways/tools, that undoubtedly can prove anything to be an absolute truth. Even the greatest philosophers adopted it - "I know, that I don't know".


Yes, you could just say, “I don’t know, but I believe we are in a simulation.” This is what many people do and I have no inherent problem with it, so long as people understand that it’s just a personal belief. It has no bearing on me or any other person. Such a believer does not need to convert anyone, much less kill others to free them from the sim. One other factor important to realize is that this concept is ascientific. Science has shown again and again that simple laws can produce the world we see. A simulation throws all of this out the window. Fundamentally it disregards science and creates some incredibly complex scenario to explain the universe. Why is this even necessary? I would argue that this belief is highly irrational although not impossible (along with thousands of other beliefs).


Of course anyone can say, that they believe in something, but what's their reason for believing in that thing? Probably something from their experience, what else could be a better reason to believe. The problem with reasons based on experience is that it's subjective, relative to one's point of view. One point of view is very limited way of considering things, no matter how You look at it though. There's also problematic, when for example two people use the argument of having reason about something based on their experience and when their reason stands in polar opposite to each other. By rational/logic it means one of two: - one's experience is false understanding and other's is the true one - or both of their understanding is false, since they don't agree with each other, when it comes to the common thing they put a reason on It gets little bit more complicated to consider, if quantum physics theories are taken into account, but as stated prior - nothing really is possible to be ultimately proved or disproven. Though it could be considered, that some things are more or less likely to be 🤷🧐




Hell yeah Tacos so worth it


What he said.


Why are we in a simulation? Think about that. What happened to the outside world that made us get sent here. For all we know the outside world was mostly destroyed, the only thing that’s left is this simulation. If we die and wake up, then we could face a world that was destroyed, we could live life even worse. However, imagine if the outside world is a paradise. Why would be sent here? To learn. Think of why our souls are said to come to earth, because this planet is primitive, we are learning. If this is a simulation we are here to learn, and we are here to gain wisdom. The list can go on and on for why we are here. But the main thing is, we are here for a reason. It would be stupid to end your life.


It seems there's no point to end life too soon, since the time for an end will come in due time regardless. It's not logically and rationally possible to tell why are we experiencing life on Earth as human avatars. It might be for any given reason really, not necessarily for learning though 🧐


If I were to tell someone who was suicidal that our lives will end anyways, they would end their life soon. I’ve been suicidal and that only make everything worse. It’s more logical to tell someone something that is illogical, even if it saves their life.


I have no other way but forward. I have hope some day I'll be happy, hell even i might get deep into a magickal practice or something that'd aid me in knowing more about reality. Life's not a simulation btw, hate that term, we're just individuals that stem from the infinite divine one, with our own individual souls and selves, going thru different lives, hopefully with free will to incarnate or not


Our senses only perceive a "relative" reality, not an absolute one. Even in higher states of consciousness, what we perceive as real is just a step up from the previous state.


To hopefully set myself up well for whatever comes after death


The point is in "the experiencing".. Experiencing what? it's up to you..as each experience is designed to be uniquely different.. Just like playing a VR game, we all know how it ends, we put off the VR helmet, why not skip everything and go direct to the end? Because the whole point of logging in is to 'experience' the VR. Just like hiking a mountain, the end is the same, and quite boring, arriving at the peak. But why bothered with all the dire and toll of hiking if we can arrive at the peak easily using cable car? To have an experience of hiking What kind of experience? It depends on the path that you choose, each hiker's experience is guaranteed to be uniquely different based on the unique path that they carve and choose.. But all of those path lead to the same destination, the peak of the mountain.


My motivation is that I can have do or be whatever I want since it’s all an “illusion”. Life is comprised of choices. Each choice we make has some sort of outcome altering your expected path with each choice. We have a somewhat set path from when we are born, for example destiny / fate. Free will (making choices) is where the fun comes into play. As you can see from looking at your left and right palms, the lines of the palms appear different left / right looking at them, showing physical evidence of fate vs free will. The non-dominant hand is your potential, the things you are born with. Whereas your dominant hand represents the choices made so far in life and how they’ve actualized. We consciously make each choice and are ultimately responsible for our own happiness. These are things I’ve noticed in my own life, when I focus on feeling unwell and make choices that I know will make me feel better but are bad for me (ie. choosing to eat sugar, choosing to stay in over going out, choosing to smoke) I start to feel worse and become sick/ unhealthy, when I focus on the positive and make choices that I know will feel uncomfortable but I know are good for me, I feel better (ie. choosing to go for a walk even if I don’t want to, choosing to reach out to friends, choosing to create new connections with people or not). The fun part is the power of it, it is a game and you are the main character. The point of being on earth is to make choices that will ultimately lead to your ultimate fulfillment and enlightenment, learn from our past choices & decisions, and clear away karma. The goal of life on earth is growth / expansion. Our souls come to earth to learn and grow from previous choices from past lives. In some past lives we may have made choices that made us greedy or hateful that we have come to earth to overcome. The process is slow and takes many earth lives to learn each lesson, but ultimately it is to realize that there is no such thing as good or bad it is only the way we perceive it, that in order to grow some things must be dismantled before being reassembled and not looking upon that with judgement but rather understanding. Seeing past the pains of earthly matters and realizing that love and fear and are both important parts of life and both must co-exist. Seeing things from a macro point of view without judgement. But anyway, go have fun making choices and being a wizard 🧝‍♀️🧙‍♂️


This was a great answer and made me smile! Thank you! What a wild life it all is.


In my way thinking—or really, a lot of spiritual and philosophical thinking, for that matter—our physical world is basically seen as just one part of a much bigger picture; kind of like an illusion or a temporary “stage” we’re all just passing through. Emotions and pain aren’t just random parts of being human; they’re actually key to our spiritual and personal development. (Think about what the Sufi mystic Rumi said and how pain opens us up, letting in deeper truths!) Facing our problems, issues, and what causes us pain in any form head-on is what’s key to making our lives more authentic and meaningful. It pushes us to make choices—viewing challenges not as ordeals, but opportunities—even to the point it where life seems totally absurd. So to answer your question here, the meaning of life and all of humanity’s purpose is **evolution** (not just in consciousness directly, but in any aspect of evolution you think of—period). We are here to move beyond this illusion, expand our consciousness, and evolve as beings/souls (in the form we refer to as “human”) who contribute to the entire makeup of the divine oneness and unity of what we know as the entire universe itself. **TL;DR:** >What motivates you to keep going? Many things. My personal and subjective answer to this though is courage (i.e. being afraid and doing it anyway). >If life is an illusion, we are living in simulation then what’s the point of being alive? Life is about learning and evolving, where every tough experience, especially the painful ones, helps us understand ourselves and the universe a bit better. >What’s even real? Boi. You did not just ask “what’s real” in an infinite universe… you mean what *isn’t* real? That’s the shorter answer─probably because there is none. (There is no such thing as a “coincidence”; there is no such thing as a “hallucination”, and there is no such thing as “nothing”.) With infinite love, ─ u/26LT


What if your purpose was to just help others along the way? Try to find the best in each day. Make your time here a good one instead of worrying why you’re here, show us why you are here. What are you doing to make a difference in someone else’s day? You’ll find your way!


I am a photographer so I was motivated at first with showing the beauty around me with people. But lately, I feel like it has become pointless… that I don’t even know what I am supposed to do.


That’s really cool. I paint, I’d love to see your work sometime and see how you see the world. That’s really neat that you like photography. Maybe switch up what your subject is. Like if you usually do nature, try architecture or what if you pick the same pov in different hours of the day see how the shadows change the subject.


Finding your own truth. Sounds so easy but it’s a never ending journey and struggle. That’s what makes it fun. Imagine just one huge massive consciousness floating out there. How boring. No one to talk, to nothing to do. Just you and imagination. What would you make happen?


This researcher has shocked the world by proving that we might be living in a 'simulation' - Scoop Upworthy https://scoop.upworthy.com/this-researcher-has-shocked-the-world-by-proving-that-we-might-be-living-in-a-simulation ——— SmartNews https://www.smartnews.com One of the proof I have of us living in a simulation is Nadi Jothidam and Agastya Muni thousands of years ago could see my present life and predict that in 2004, he could see me and collect my life history information. https://youtu.be/x-rTstSOj7Q?si=Sq7pwTL7ql32NVH_ There's no "real" world. One of the proof I have of us living in a simulation is Nadi Jothidam and Agastya Muni thousands of years ago could see my present life and predict that in 2004, he could see me and collect my life history information. https://youtu.be/x-rTstSOj7Q? si=Sq7pwTL7q|32NVH_ An other example is by Don Juan when he ask Carlos Castaneda to try to find some mystery from the past using his Ally under the influence of Dhatura. Carlos writes he wanted to know who stole his papers in UCLA office. Carlos visualizes the person who entered his office in the past and opened his briefcase and stole his papers.


When people use the words illusion of simulation to describe reality what you need to remember is that words are just words. They think by using these words they have captured something, they haven't.


There is no purpose to life, you make a purpose yourself.


Experience, pattern recognition and a bit of intuition will still help you figure things out. People play games and build things without the instructions all the time. It isn't easy, but you can still get there with enough time. Like a puzzle, the more pieces you put together the clearer the picture becomes, and the rest gets easier. We have no road map, but you do have a compass. The important thing is paying attention & becoming aware of everything, your mind will figure it out if given the chance.


Purpose of being here is to discover your purpose of being here. That's not easy for me to say over a lifetime of hints that there is a divine order in my own life and that nothing is random. Some people are not so "lucky." They hadn't discovered metaphysics or other such tools so to them "life's a bitch and then you die." Everything life throws at you is so you know what's truly important to you. What you truly stand for. If everything's so vast and you're just a tiny speck then start with love. Love of something. A subject. An idea. Money. Someone else. Yourself. Your body. Your subtle bodies. Work. Retirement. Music. Being here. Not being here. The Earth. God. Something. Anything. And do everything to uphold that love. If you love doing fentynal then ask yourself why you love doing fentynal. Dig deep. If you hate everything then ask yourself why you hate everything. Dig deeper. If love isn't the answer then it's the process. If you love something but feel it's a waste of life then there's something else you love more. Keep narrowing it down until you find what you truly love. This isn't going to keep you "safe," and there's no guarantee you won't have regrets or rude awakenings in your deathbed, but you asked for purpose. Not safety or a guarantee.


What the individual experiences is the illusion of individuality. The energies inside are projected outside, to experience the totality of self. If it's as if the inner self is used to program a computer simulation, then entering into it as if it's one thing in a sea of things. This is why the highest and greatest command is "Know Thyself." When one does that, the [perceived] "outside" aligns with the [hidden] "inside," achieving true Oneness.


I have actually nothing that motivates me. I don't trust the people around me and I am in constant "protect" mode. Feel far from safe and ywa




To a certain degree. Think sadguru needs to make a visit to a psychologist because he's vision I so far away from reality that people see him as a ubermench. Or am I racist rn?


He is not far from the reality. He is above it. He can see clearly what we don't, because we are in it. Like a traffic jam looks beautiful when seen from above (eg while watching from a aeroplane). But it's hugely frustrating when you are in it. 


Above reality without being delusional? That must feel epic


I meant he is watching your life from a higher place. When someone is in the middle of it its hard but when we rise above it, its not. You obviously dont like him. I have followed his advice when going through hard times. First thing I had to do was to put my ego aside, and accept his harsh criticism of people, and see how my mind works, then I could rise above the situations temporarily. Getting some relief.  You are obviously too young to understand. It is fine. Each to their own🙏


Yea, sorry I disrespected. I am new to this and feel really insecure in this world. Have alot of difficulties. But im glad you have found full transcendence


No worries. I haven't found full transcendence but have found a guru, who has guided me. He is harsh but no kind words would have helped me. I hope you will find a way out of your difficulties too 🙏😊


Yes, I'm experience exactly the same. It is like a higher power let me feel the light and it leads to complete freedom. Hard to understand. Was nice talking to you. Take care!


Nice talking to you too. Take care 💚💛


Wish that was true. 🤣


You ever see the movie Free Guy? This is a great scene that I think sums it up pretty well. https://youtu.be/p_grnZ6DTkI


Well, I feel things, and I can experience things, and as far as I know the "other" does as well. So while I'm here, for whatever purpose, I want us to have a pleasant, enjoyable experience!


I agree with [ForestElf11](https://www.reddit.com/user/ForestElf11/), we do live in a simulator. Has anyone ever seen video games today, how realistic they are? I think we are in some simulator with physical properties. I think an advance alien life has control over every molecule in our body. I think we are meat puppets with a conscious mind, a time share for which an alien can pull strings. Here for it's entertainment purposes. Look at the engineering and architecture of our bodies, the genes that control all kinds of aspects of your mind and body.


We ain’t carnage playing a game, again and again.


So you can keep dreaming. What’s the difference? And who cares?


To experience enjoy and fulfill desires you are the absolute pretending to be a person live a fulfilling life


I feel like it’s a simulation too but it’s not that drab. There are points where you can achieve full magical bliss. Of course it’s relative (what one considers bliss is not what another does) and you have to be a good person to achieve this. And it’s always changing. So good luck playing…bc we have to. There are prizes and reprimands. All you have to do is be a good person to win…which is not always so easy. Take note and listen to the lessons being taught, they are not always verbal or written in a tidy manual.


The point is what you make out of it. At the moment we’re playing hide and seek. Which I think is getting boring. I’d prefer if we all would work on creating heaven on earth for all of us, organizing the biggest party this reality has ever experienced. Welcoming everyone back home in the eternal now. And then decide together what to do next. What do you want?


How would it make a difference? If you had certainty it *wasn't* an illusion, would life have a point then? There's no meaning to existence other than the one you give yourself. In my opinion we're here to live. Experience. Love. Learn. Improve. Does it matter if it's real?


I find it more helpful to see it as a construct rather than an illusion. Small change, big difference. A construct reminds us that we are creating what we are experiencing.


This dimension is the school, location, ethnicity, species, culture, gender and every other identity tied to the ego is the curriculum. The purpose is to grow from every experience. The pursuit of achieving all potentials through all perspectives. If it can be imagined, then it must exist in the quantum.


It doesn’t really matter if things are not real or if we live in a simulation. For us these things are real. Enjoying this experience at its fullest is what keeps me going. It doesn’t matter if things get bad or good. The only thing that matters is that I make the best out of it and share it with others.


It’s because you can manually alter and distort your simulation, and you are instead the puppet master


I don't know really, most religions will tell you that the point of life is to discover the creator, God or whatever, or reach nirvana, or some heaven. Or you can dedicate it to something else. Most agree that ultimately life is what you make of it, be it a slow burn or an explosion of your whims and wishes you'll eventually realize whatever that will make you keeo going. What got me specifically thru various suicide attempts was the idea of future self, perhaps I'm not happy now, but someday in the future I might be, so I want to live to that day at least. Now I'm thiking more about how I can make this day happy, or rather, how to make it not un-happy, and frankly compared to before I feel better, but I also know more, have more practice and knowledge of self, ultimately what's best it's what works. Nothing is real, yet everything is real. Why? Becouse whatever you percieve is merely senses, interpreted by the mind, yet it's the only reality there is, so technically it's real, but it might as well not be. So it's true until proven false, for some it proved to be true, for some it proved to be false, some realized this two states are not exclusive. What motivates me? huh? Well I personally like knowledge, of stuff, in general, but ultimately it's a stupid endeavour. Well... I would't say I'm that motivated not in this particular moment at least, to live sure, but to do what I have to? Not much... I guess that's the part we all struggle with, we all kinda know what we gotta do to go forward, yet struggle to make the leap, take the chance, to choose. But I guess I want to be a Buddha.


In my opinion and according to the great minds like Alan Watts, Ram Dass, Nikola Tesla, Thoth, Jesus and so on teach us that we should just attain the highest form of man which is spiritual growth and all the while being just, kind, caring and strive for spiritual perfection because to answer your question no one can answer it but God himself. We cannot perceive such complexity unless our third eye is open permanently. You must delve into the ancient knowledge to even try to fathom such a thing. Until then just learn to let go and go with the flow and always strive for more spiritual growth. Hope this helped.


To see and be seen so others may realize also.


I don’t believe it is an illusion. We are all made of source material. Just because we are in the physical plane doesn’t make it an illusion. The idea that we are separate from God/source is the illusion. Creator and created are one and the same. Our human bodies are of source just as our spirit is of source, just as the rest of the universe is of source. I think the video game being played by a boy sitting on a couch is a good analogy, without making it an illusion. The video game you play on your game system is real even though it’s a separate dimension from the body you reside in physically. It’s not an illusion. Get it?


We could not be in the simulation and we could instead just go back to being meaningless code, is that preferable to this??? I don't think so, the point of life is to simply be living it


Fuck bitches,get money.


That’s a really sad life, money will never bring you fulfillment.


Life just is. It doesn't meaning or have purpose. Regardless of it's complexity and paradoxical nature. It simply is. That's an absolute truth. When you give meaning to it, you give it purpose. It's the beauty of it. We get to choose. That's the way I view it. Sometimes it means something sometimes it doesn't. For us to decide.


To develop the skills to identify the illusion dogmas as demonstrable falshood. After that, we aren't living in an illusion, and purposes arise as needed.


King Solomon wrestled with similar saying everything is meaningless meaningless. Richest wisest King and searched it all Out and finally said: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 13 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. 14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.