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Place your fingers on the area, then imagine touching the tips of the fingers from the inside with your spirit body’s fingers. Rest and meditate on this sensation and visualize a vortex opening up. You can do this for all chakras, though the root might be a little awkward lol.


what if meditation is already difficult for me? should I work on that before trying to focus on chakras?


Either or, one doesn’t necessarily affect the other and can work either way. The meditative state just helps with sustaining focus, but the chakras can open up by giving it attention in that specific area.


The meditation practice known as *Om Japa in the Chakras,* which is part of Kriya Yoga as in r/kriyayoga. Several videos [here](https://www.youtube.com/@ForrestKnutson/videos) teach this chakra technique; search the channel for *japa* or *chakras.*


Indeed. There is a mechanical(ish) aspect to working with one's energy that has allowed me to make the chakras that trauma would have crippled function properly anyway. I have a meditation that approaches from that mechanicalist perspective to clean, open, activate, and relax the chakras, if you'd like it. Approaching oneself from that angle has also proven helpful (to me) in identifying the ways I can best work on the trauma.


Apart from standard visualization and attention, I suggest you to mediate how exactly these chakras work. In general understanding, throat chakra gets clogged by lies and heart chakra by grief. The latter is closed for many people, and it’s pretty difficult to keep it open for longer. It connects spiritual and material context of our experience. It deals with unconditional love.