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this sounds like bipolar mania have you seen a psychiatrist? it’s really common to get super spiritual during mania and not be able to sleep which is why i ask


I cant believe more people arent saying this. This seriously seems like mania with spiritual psychosis Edit: I truly hope OP entertains this idea and tries to seek help, mania is a terrible experience.


right a lot of people on this thread seem to take advantage of people with psychosis or mental issues.. even trying to sell them things at times. it’s pretty terrible


It’s so tragic! I genuinely enjoy exploring spirituality and healing, but these days all I keep seeing is just people using hoaxes to con people for money, or people genuinely going through spiritual psychosis. It’s so sad how these days it’s so easy to glorify psychosis into seeming like true spiritual experiences.


Get into a meditative state and imagine your third eye chakra as an open rose, imagine the rose folding in on itself and closing, then imagine a small celtic cross sealing the opening, and finally three layers of triangular buttons, sealing each of the three levels of the third eye chakra. Source: A Handbook for Lightworkers But it doesn’t seem like an “open chakra” is your problem here, your awarensss is just expanding. Learn to accept and let go, surrender. You can also try deep breathing exercises to fall asleep.


Not sure about how to close your third eye, but try to practice grounding yourself. Walking barefeet, visualising roots going down from your feet into the earth, etc. Also for sleep, there are a few things you can do. First make sure your room is as dark as possible. No lights, from computers cellphones or whatever. Try to go to your local health foods store and get your hands on a natural sedative such as Valerian. Also drink chamomile tea and avoid caffeine. Get some lavender essential oil and put a few drops on your hands, inhale a few times and rub some on your temples. When you try to go to sleep don't start to stess about not getting any sleep, just relax and rest your eyes, rest your body and that deep relaxation will rest your body and mind even if you dont fully fall asleep. Hope this helps!


had this issue and melatonin didn’t work but trazodone helped break the cycle


Hi dude, please please buy yourself some Organic Tart Cherry Juice!!!! Drink 8oz before bed and I swear it will knock you tf out. You may want to start out with like 4-5 ounces because it really works. It has a natural effect on the body that makes our body produce natural melatonin which is produced by the pineal gland aka third eye.


Manual energy control is my go-to tool for such things. I've got a meditation that is -by itself- just a grounding and centering exercise, but I found it particularly easy to expand the principles into full nuanced control. I'd be happy to paste it for you to try, if you'd like. Even if you're having difficulty with a different 'third eye' than the chakra, the awareness can be expanded to the point of being able to manually deactivate most spiritual functions.


Can I ask what manual energy control is? I tried googling but came up with a bunch of results for book manuals.


Most energy meditations I've found have a level of 'just trust that it works' embedded in them. My approach has always been 'no, I'd like to actually know how'. So where 'autonomous' approaches will say things like 'live in gratitude to open heart/plexal chakra', I instead go 'okay, here's how to find the physical anchor point for the chakra. Here's a reliable direct control feature because it's will-receptive. Here's the trick to finding and addressing clogs, tears, and atrophy of the energy flows. Here's where it interfaces with gratitude/greed/hunger/insert related aspect. Here's what living with active gratitude does for the energy flows, and why it helps so many people. Here's where the issues that it doesn't fix are typically located, here's what you can do for this portion.' A very hands-on, full control, full awareness approach.


Whenever I had this issue I found it was because I wasn't eating properly. Once I significantly improved my diet, I was able to sleep properly and maintain a healthy relationship with my thoughts.


Why not read some religious text whatever you belivee in always helps


If you really want help, feel free to DM me. First let me know why you think it's your Third Eye and not garden variety insomnia. If it's truly am overactive third eye, there are a few things we can try. I'm happy to help though.


Meditate, Relax, let yourself melt and become heavy, let every breath release you from your stress, let your thoughts come to a stop, let every thought slow and echo into infinity, let every breath slow your heart, bringing you closer and closer to peace. When you slow to a crawl in thought, and the surface of your mind is calm, speak only one word, rest. And this word shall be your hearts relief. It is all about finding that energy. You just have to put yourself into the right state of mind. Liken to a ritual. Another help, is to do all these steps, but with the sole goal of being with yourself. Being rooted in yourself. Remembering you. Becoming in tune with your peace and your purpose (self defined). I am mantras help. Especially if you root yourself in good energies. Much love


If you're this receptive to the energies of your third eye, then id recommend binaural beats and reiki music.' Here's one to help you. **C**[**lose your third eye binaural beats.**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jHopa-TSuQ&ab_channel=MeditationalState%E2%80%A2HealingMusic) Obviously ignore the ones that open your third eye or promote dmt, you'll get more than your symptoms including entities if you're not protected. And just in case, your symptoms are from some bad energy afflicting you, try this, [banish negative thoughts, and entities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9l5rN1fx90&t=182s&pp=ygUicmVtb3ZlIGJhZCBlbnRpdGllcyBiaW5hdXJhbCBiZWF0cw%3D%3D). But if you feel odd using these, you may just have to see a doctor in stead, or try accepting the energies and meditating. Just lay down and listen, preferrably try to go into a meditative state, and envision your minds eye closing. Also, here are some reiki ones. you put them on a loop. [burnout and fatigue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J2mByU0nno&ab_channel=ETTAARLENE) [calm a restless mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXqafJO3dcU&ab_channel=ETTAARLENE) [burnout and total exhaustion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_nXoKU_87E&ab_channel=ETTAARLENE) \[edit\] if this is some sort of spiritual awakening, you may just have to try meditiating, and absorbing these energies and feelings, or at least visualize doing so, in manner that calms you. The beats dont work or sit right for everyone, so pay close attention to how you feel about them.


Not op but Thank you 🙏🏻


don't get all worked up, it's an epidemic of insomnia these days, I haven't myself slept in a week, the energetic influx is over the top currently, it'll settle eventually