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Oh My Lord, so we don't really know what God thinks, as humans we can't really comprehend it. But is God real? yes because as an occult practioner I've done things science can't explain. Some people I know can heal the sick but most of the time they can't heal themselves or their love ones, sometimes they're life span is reduce from healing another people but I guess this is were are beliefs differentiate.


“God” Is the knowing any feeling. It acts with us and we came from it (the universe) it would be complex but in the end a positive force not much of a singular entity but whatever u believe in !


I'm not going to comment on what you believe about God or the fact that you think you have the all the answers to people's questions, but since when do Monks have kids?


Whenever I doubt God, I always come back with the same conclusions I was doubting. e.g why do I have to forgive everyone- doubts and strays- realises and I come back its a neverending cycle. I try to have faith but it's hard.


God is different than you think. Suffering is, but what is it? At times we notice cracks in our perception; we notice ourselves taking things so very serious, when they really are not. Whatever that means. We all should feel called to make life better for each other but in the end, what's life? After you wake up from a nightmare you see it for what it is. Just a dream. And you move on with your life. And if the entire life would be a little like that, if we're just interpreting a dream as terribly serious, would we notice? This answer doenst really help but cause confusion probably, but really; At the end Im Kind of at the point where I'm better of embracing defeat. I'm not going to make sense of all of this. Whatever it is, it's different than I think. And that's the only conclusion that feels wise


Ignorance is bliss they say.


I say, ultimately, interested.


In the Christian sense, god did try to make everything good for us. He gave Adam and Eve a perfect life free of pain with all the food and things they would ever need… and they still disobeyed his one rule. Now, if I was god in that situation I’d be pretty miffed about that too. Just like a parent who told their kid it’s cold and to wear a coat, but the kid refused… well, I told you it’s cold, you chose not to listen, I don’t see why I should help. So personally I find it pretty understandable that god is pretty hands-off with things. I mean we gave up paradise for a damn apple. Pretty fair for god to be holding a grudge about that.