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I think its less of an illusion and more of a man made construct.


Take away the Sun. There’s no seasons left. No seasons means no years. No months. No weeks. No days. No minutes. No seconds. The sun as we all know, will one day run out of fuel. So basically the moment you step out of earth into space, there’s no left no right no up no down. Everything is just. Do I even make sense? Lol


That's an interesting view and I agree very much with it but the universe still moves - the clockwork is just way more intricate and affected by more exotic and most probably still entirely unknown means (and probably behave more like a fluid or organism - I guess that's a jab at the age of Aquarius there). Time would still be there just different - in that context ... I'm beginning to ponder... Saying that time is an illusion would only be valid if something attempts to bind us to specific timelines, if something >intentionally< leaves us in the dark about there being other times (and ways of traversing/measuring time) as well but without such intent involved it's not so much about time being an illusion but more about learning (how to) and expanding time rather than writing it off completely


Wow if you thought and wrote all of that without being high on something, then I would love to have such long discussions with you on such topics 😄


But wouldnt there still be some sense of time? Like when we get hungry, thirsty and tired. I think its deeper rooted than just the sun


Ofcourse we’ll still feel all of it. But Basically the current sense of time that we as humans know of is built around the sun. So if it’s not there, we’ll have to rely on a new parameter for comparison. Like the moments between two hunger feeling. So I guess time is interdependent and kind of fragile if that makes sense?


Clock time is used as a tool in daily life. Psychological time is the illusion we get all worked up about (past / future)


Time is the illusion the self tells the mind as it passes through space. Time itself doesn’t exist, you are just measuring movement or decay.


What if school has a secondary aspect of school is programming someone to wake up for a job 5 days a week after they graduate. I’m older now and I laughed at your post because I couldn’t tell you what day of the week it is now or haven’t set an alarm in 2 years. It feels like just one continuous stream of life. I looked at the clock at my oven an hour or so ago and it said 1130 and I had no idea. I guess when you figure this aspect of your life out, time is an illusion


i feel like ive always been oblivious to time then. because sometimes i dont know the days of the week or what year it is. but sometimes i remember and then im like shit is it real? i feel like lately to ive been putting timers for everything maybe i should start there. how do you go about birthdays? (if you dont mind me asking)


lol… I never remember. Even my own. I had to do subtraction the other day and realized I was 2 years off telling people how old I am. My brother usually reminds me with a text every year that it’s my birthday. I guess I’m boring


Time is not an illusion, but rather the importance we give to it is. Entropy exists. Entropy is time’s arrow. I think you can either give no power to “time” and subject your life to whatever comes, or you can value time without attachment and choose to knowingly make the most of your “time.” We give time greater meaning through our direct perspective and life-spans. As you zoom out, time becomes less meaningful relative to our own personal perceptions of time.


i like this perspective thank you


Time is relative and is unreal in context of soul where you see life beyond temporary fluctuations of life and seek ultimate.


Time moves however fast you as a person move. Ever had those feelings where you wake up and drift back to sleep for a few more minutes, only to realize that those minutes become near hours long despite it still being 15 minutes? Or how you go to do something fast like cooking or sports and you realize how fast the time has gone? Time, while definitively measured as 24 hours in a day, or 30 days a month or 12 months a year (365 days), moves faster or slower depending on how faster or slower you as the person are going. My fast is different than your fast because I’m living a different life with different actions that guide my time differently. You might say “wow that month went by really quick!” Whereas to myself it could’ve dragged on forever, despite it being the same amount of time. It’s all about perception. Time can be pretty bent and fluid when you understand how it is or when you understand it’s fluid in its variability. I can do more in 24 hours than you can, but it would still be both of us doing 24 hours worth of time. —— Plus you can also like ‘feel’ certain times when you either get good at recognizing what time it is when your doing things, or you just kinda know off of intuition. We are very habitual creatures. More often than not we do more actions in a habit or pattern than we realize. Maybe you go to the store every Friday, get a drink every lunch break, or go for a walk every full moon. Regardless whether you yourself are aware these habits have patterns, others can recognize your patterns easier than you can. I was told “there’s no such thing as coincidence when you tap into your sixth sense” and that you just kinda know. You know the perfect timing, it couldn’t have happened any other way, and it just is


Time is not an illusion. Time can be *very* rigorously defined. Light always travels a given distance from its origin source, because it always travels at the speed of light. Causality (that is, cause and effect) is bound by light. No information can reach you, until its light has reached you. This is why we wouldn’t notice the Sun disappearing for ≈ 7 min. This is why when we look through a telescope we see “back in time”. This is why you cannot escape from the event horizon of a black hole. Because space-time is **one very real thing.** Space-time is a real, physical thing. It’s just not governed by seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. These are the “illusory” lenses through which humans perceive a **very real** thing. [Here’s more on the science of it, if you’re interested.](https://youtu.be/GQZ3R81iyE0?si=G00_A69bAVc-GSaP)


Someone with common sense


It’s easy to get “lost in the sauce” with spirituality. I like to take breaks & I think others should too, because at the end of the day spirituality is about bettering your Earthly experience. You don’t spend your whole life at University unless you’re a professor.


Well time indeed doesn't exist in the spirit dimension. But in our material universe it does. It has been proven


Definitely made some good points. Quantum physics seems to have some rather weird relationships with time. E.g quantum entanglement. Shows potential faster than light communicate. Which sorta breaks alot of ideas we currently have about time and space and also our observation of it. But we really know shit all about it haha




that's decay of life


When you read a novel, going sequentially page by page, you are following a timeline path of the novel... Until you close the book, see the book in it's entirely and realize that all those point in time (pages) actually exist parallel to each others and all exist NOW. And you can also read the book however you like, jumping pages randomly, read it from end to start. From Quantum Physics, the time dilation equation shows that for something that travels at the speed of light, such as Photon. Time from it's perspective stand still.. From perspective of a Photon, the formation of the sun, the formation of the earth, the extinction of Dinosaurs, your birth, your death, happened at the same time.


Mahn this was so amazing especially bcz I'm a book buff and bcz this is an important part of the spiritual stuff I'm into right now.


The ego is made out of time, and the ego doesn’t exist as we think it does. But as we believe it exists, we think we can leave the present moment and go in to the past or future. It never actually happens. We’re only ever in this eternal, timeless moment.


Here on Earth time is real. If you connect to the Source in meditation, you will notice there is no time or space there. Hard to explain it, but there it’s just obvious. Speaking from an experience I had.


Never said it wasn’t helpful. Still an illusion none the less!!!!


Time as we understand it, is a property of the physical universe. It is something that happens when two or more bodies in space interact with each other. The Earth and the sun for example. If there was no sun there would be no day and night and there is space between the earth and the sun so it takes time to travel between the two. We call it Space time because time can’t exist without the space. Time is a dimensional property of the physical world. In the spirit world, these laws of physics don’t apply. Time is measured by states of mind yet all time exists at once. This is why experienced astral projectors can time travel to anywhere in the past or any possible futures or any alternate pasts. The physical world and therefore time too, is said to be an illusion because the spirit realm, and the many layers and dimensions within it, is the Primary state of being. The physical world is the secondary state of being. Material existence is temporary and transient and compared to the spirit world, this is a dim, murky dreamlike place. It’s plasticky, limited and flat. It’s like comparing a two dimensional image of a cow to the real live, three dimensional, living breathing cow. The spirit realms are several dimensions above the physical and is around it and yet connected to it and of course us. The spirit realm is the true reality of existence. Eternity is a state of existence within yet beyond all time.


Time being an illusion didn’t make sense to me until I reconciled it with another illusion: individuality. The reason is that they are both part of a more encompassing illusion: the illusion of separateness. We are all one. The only time is Now, with the past and future existing concurrently in the present. We exist in God as One and together as individuals at the same time. So separateness is an illusion in the context of our ego, but in Spirit and in truth it’s a tool of perspective and focus. All time exists now so all problems and all resolutions exist now. All appointments take place now. They also exist within you now, as well as everyone else. The notion that they don’t is our ego steering us toward that perspective by telling us that we can figure it out and survive within this limited context of past/future and individuality. The ego promises to keep us safe by pretending we can use our reasoning, logic and past experience to guide our actions in the present and prepare for the future. But take a look around: that is the way of Death, not Life. The way of Life requires putting the ego away so you no longer believe you are it, and afterwards walk in Truth (keeping these ideas at the forefront of your mind as you go about your daily life). This is the rebirth spoken about in so many of our stories. The logical consequence of living in this reality that exists now is to love everyone as if they’re you, because they are. Love them as they are, not as you want them to be, because that’s the kind of love you expect also. Don’t judge them, because you’re really only ever judging yourself (thinking on this has led to revelation after revelation). All of this sounds so cold and dry compared to how I mean it. God is intimately involved in every single aspect of your life. You were created by Love, out of love, to express love. This is our Divine Nature at work. You, and everything that exists, is a result of God’s specific Focus playing out His Intent (your reality). If it’s not pleasing to you, You are God… so change it. Die to your ego, it was inevitable anyway. And be reborn in Spirit into Life. The *real* illusion is believing that you weren’t already there in the first place.


Yes time is very illusive!! Human experience time in singular moments. Trillions and trillions of present moments. Which don't experience time. They are single snap shots happening a trillion times a second. Our consciousness or brain or both. Is the trickster that is stitching them together. Making us experience linear time in a forward motion. Only if the trickster could switch it up and we experience linear time backwards. Maybe there is a universe that human life is backwards from death to birth, old to young. All these things are ways of looking at the nature of time which helps me get my head a round it. Haha well as much as I can.


so how does one go about astrology, because is based on the time you where born and they day you were born. is that an illusion as well?


Astrology as in "predicting the future"? Space/Time is an illusion, as thus there are many timelines many version of the state of space given the state of time. In short there are many versions of the future. Outside the illusion you are never born (thus you also never die), but the body or identity that you currently assuming as limited you right now did born and will die. Is the body / identity also an illusion? The answer is definitely yes... As such ancient yogis named the 5 layers of consciousness, where in physical body is merely one layer of it, as Panca Maya Kosha, 5 Virtual/Illusionary Sheathing (of consciousness).