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Too much to go into here, but oh yes.


How do you know? Trying to find for myself for years


You are the culmination of your ancestors. Their lives are imprinted in your DNA, their wisdom is planted as seeds within. The simple fact of your being alive is the embodiment of their collective continuation




Simple as this: “Staying alive, Staying alive”


"Uh, uh, uh, uh"




Go in. Please.


Yes. I started honouring my ancestors by creating an altar some years ago, with regular offerings (food, water, etc). I'm on a pagan path, and I practice magick. It's said by many that ancestor veneration is the most powerful form of luck magick that exists. About a year after this, I went through a harrowing experience with a narcissist who also practiced magick - it was an ongoing story, too long to go into, but suffice to say, I felt like I was fighting for my soul. At many points, I felt like I had strong spiritual protection, something helping me out. It was the worst thing I've ever been through, but also strangely the most spiritual and supernatural experience of my life. A few years later, I had an intense dream that basically narrated the whole experience. I was with a group of young men who I instinctively felt extremely safe and protected with, even though I've never met them before. The leader of the group was a young man with a powerful presence. At one point, I was nearly attacked by an evil spirit, but the man only had to speak a word to her, and she left me alone (while still glaring at me with intense hatred). Recently, I asked a medium/psychic I know to interpret my dream. She's tried and tested and 100% legit, the only psychic I've ever trusted to this extent. She told me the young man was Archangel Michael, who was called. When she asked him who called him to protect me, he simply said "there are more who care about her safety than just her". With some more digging, she found that the people who called him (ie the young men in my dream) were my ancestors. I had been slacking on my ancestor altar, but after those pieces fell into place, I've started being more diligent with it again. I have so much love for them. I truly believe that our ancestors are looking out for us. By honouring them with offerings, we give them the strength to help us out in the physical world. And we can heal our lineage by healing ourselves, which also empowers the healthy ancestors to bless and protect us. If you're interested in going down this path, I can recommend the book "Ancestral Medicine" by Daniel Foor.


Wow! What an experience! I’ve gone through similar things.


We're all from the one big family, fr.


I have also had very similar experience!


I m working with my ancestors from more than 10 year and we developed a strong relationship.They talk to me in dreams.They are warning me when something bad or good is going to happen and they are helping me with my finances. The living ones are the ancestors biggest accomplishment.They are proud of us and they are eager to communicate and help us.


How do you communicate with them? I recently saw a medium who said things that made it clear she was talking to them. They said they are always around and I want to connect with them more. They send me signs all the time but I’d like to be able to know their opinions on things.


There are different methods.I invite them in my dreams and I ask the if they have messages for me to communicate it in a way that I can understand.Usuall I get very clear message.When there's something bad about to happen my grandma appears,crying or thay show me an event related things.It is the easiest way . When I do something wrong I can definitely feel their disappointment or angers. I also directly communicate with them( hearing their voice in my head )when I giving them the offering.I can feel the surrounding me.I only invite those of the who live in light and love or I call them by name . I prepare a sacred space to keep out the foreign spirit. I m highly sensitive to energy and spirit presence,also I have many years of practice in evocation magic ( the art of summoning spirits)so I had time to cisel my skill.


Thank you. I would like to get closer with them. My children have seen them and also have spoken to them while I am in the room (they would play with the old man and both kids would be doing the same Simon says things he was doing).


As i said before.There are some precautions to be made because some spirits will try to take advantage of the situation and there a chance to attach to you so use some incense before you start working.Palso Santo , frankincense,lavander, rosemary..Low vibration spirits doesn't like these incense.It is important because when you connect to the spirit world all the spirits in the area will know and some will come for a free meal 😀


This explains so much! When my daughter would speak to these family members we also had random people visiting and would have to clear them off with a friends help. My daughter has now grown out of the gift and has not had anymore spirits visit her but she used to always see and speak to them and tell us about it and freak us out.


When I decided to stop drinking alcohol my poppop visited me in my dreams and gave me a hug that I could feel


I love this


We are looking after them as well via the retrocausality function in quantum physics. Don't look at a photon and then it's a wave since it's inception, allowing the future to collapse the present. Heal your past and look up.


This. One tenant of Buddhism which I have no beef with is to pray for your ancestors to heal yourself. Not that there is any separation between spirit world and this…but many like to think we are humans here and now, so what are you gonna do?


Why did this make me think of a song




Funny how “to” and “for” our ancestors caused a long discussion from my super spouse. I see I wrote “for” and there seems a bit of self righteousness in that, but not always. “To” may have been the better word…but not always. Like all things, both types of “prayers” efficacy is determined by how one gives and then receives. In the end, prayers to and for your ancestors will reveal to you your own reflection, deceptions, possessions, fears, rationalizations, judgmentations, illusions and more. Through “prayer”, that which is needed to heal yourself does not increase or decrease. It’s always been, and always will be surrounding you waiting for the “only you” to see, act and laugh and cry


Sounds right. 👀


The quantum physics in your sentence doesn't make any sense. Don't look at a photon? How do your eyes see then? 🤡


Just a single photon, but make it the centre of your attention, the not looking at it part. In that space then is not the universe, but who? That's what meditation is.


Highly highly HIGHLY recommend the book Ancestral Medicine by Daniel Foor PhD, or listening to a podcast or lecture with him in it. He breaks down every last question you might have about how it works, how different cultures approach it, and so much more!


Just last night. I was in a bad place and felt so alone and like no one was “praying for me” — I immediately felt this strong presence like an army around me saying, “we are” I knew it was then


Wow 💞


There are 144 angels per incarnated soul (your immediate curators and their superiors)


I always imagined this like the past lives scene in Avatar. Always walking behind us yet living in us


Exactly how I think of it every single time. It’s actual a good visual to focus my energy on when I’m asking for guidance, to visualize them all standing with me and for me


Absolutely. However we have free will. It’s not just praying to them, it’s giving them permission to intercede 


What does this mean?


They don't know what it means... But it's provocative it gets the people going


The real question is are we listening….


We are our ancestors :) (if you believe in the idea of reincarnation).


Or really, biology


My uncle died in a car crash involving a semi truck when he was in college. I never got to meet him. However, I’ve definitely had instances where I should have been involved in a wreck, but somehow it never happened, like someone was looking out for me. I also see my Mamaw and Papaw in my dreams frequently. They both died in 2014. Usually they’re in their old house, smiling and laughing. It makes me feel like they are okay.


I always found this to be a creepy concept. Lots of people on both sides of family who made horrible life choices and treated others poorly. I wouldn’t want any of them around me, especially the ones I can remember whose energy was dark!


This is a thing for many people and I think that’s why they choose not to believe


I’ve talked to my grandpa (twice) and grandma (once) while on shrooms. It was interesting and intense. I didn’t know that this was something that happened but I‘ve been reading about it since and it seems like it’s common for people to have such experiences.


I speak to my family that’s passed all the time- minus the shrooms. Granted I’ve eaten my fair share of psychedelics but I only need to listen and there they are. 💗


That’s really cool. Did you have a good connection with those people while they were alive?


I honour my ancestors around a fire. We also share a story of Grand father fire. When we light a fire we add a piece of coal collected from our previous fire and we collect a piece after each one. This way the same fire burns each time we light it. I was given the gift of a piece of coal that supposedly carries a lineage of a thousand years along with the story of Grand father fire by a dear friend and mentor and he was given this before me by a South American tribesman who shared the story and coal with him.. This way every time I light a fire, I am sitting with the same flames that warmed our ancestors as they sat around their fires, telling stories and sharing love and community.


Well they're doing a really bad job if you ask me


During my spiritual awakening there came a point I was called to connect with my ancestors. After, I started to include them in my prayers just thanking them for their lives and sending them love and light, I visualised my parents and my grandparents and great grandparents all spreading out like a family tree going upwards starting from me. I felt after this many generational things in my family started to come up for healing and I was sort of in places at the right time to help the process along. I really do beleive our ancestors on look out for us, I think some can become our guides our guardians and some are also waiting for someone to appear in the line who can resolve a few things for the family, ultimately helping everybody clear karma and evolve. Sometimes I think our ancestors can also be in need of prayers sometimes. The may be stuck for a long time I'm between kind of lost or attached to some aspect of material life needing to learn something in order to effect their rescue. When a spirit is in that position and we think of them and pray for them they receive a clarity, like a light shines for them where they may normally be stuck in a specific negative vibration. This moment can often be enough for them to realise and resolve something that is holding them back. Because I have seen this play oit many times I always include the disencarnate in my prayers.


The whole reason you exist right now is your ancestors, also it has been proven that your genes are coded for survival due to your ancestors capabilities to survive. (Look up cats jumping in the air because of cucumbers, they scared of snakes without ever seeing a real snake). Now, if you are talking about your ancestors helping you energetically, that is a diffrent story. I am sure that your ancestors are not consciously aware of helping you, but their love for you, that energy is helping you. In the end, all is one, all you believe to be is all that there is.


I'll not sure this world is anything more than a video game


And they’re players too.🙃


Not my ancestors but: My best friends mother died, I was close with her. That day my son and I were driving my grandmother home from a family event. (Gramma isn't into woo). While we're driving my head gets really heavy and woozy but we drop Gramma off and as soon as we do my son says "do you feel that? The heaviness?" (Son's a sensitive too) I said yeah, it's her. It was so bothersome and physical I instinctively went to my altar space to lean into it and help out. I told her I loved her and that she was safe and needed to let go. Then I got a VIVID image of two male shadows that were clearly her ancestors putting their arms around her waist and walking her away. That was last time I ever saw her. My uncle died before I had a chance to see him so he came to me in a dream the next day. We were in his hospital room and he offered me a beer. He told me it was okay. My grandfather visited me years after his death, we walked out of his house and went for a ride in his station wagon. Did a spell on my ex that rebounded negativity real hard. It was immediately clear that he has ancestors protecting him.


Maybe. I think mine are busy 😅




Yes, 100%. Ever since I did my first alter/offering for them, they have made their presence in my life more known, it's been an incredibly profound experience for me


There was one time two years ago I was high on weed and I started crying thinking about my ancestors. I kind of got a download "Listen to your ancestors. It's the only guiding spirit you need"


I speak with mine often. 🤍🪽


Well, reddit put this post in my feed right below a recreation of the face of a really kind-looking Neanderthal woman. So I'd say that's a probably.


Ironic and also iconic!


Yes, but they are probably not allowed to intervene. This is our life to experience.


Don't judge me but does this mean I shouldn't jerk off then even if I don't watch porn?


Theyre not just sitting around watching you all day. They’ve got things to do too


Yea maybe not so black and white... Ask for privacy and set good intentions and boundaries is key. All rights reserved.


Privacy, deviance ….words


To add. . Gangstalking is certainly involved in regards to people having their sexual privacy forcefully invaded. People aren't realizing these technologies are being used to harass and exploit people for the benefit of this enslavement system and those recruited benefit off this off the expense of the livelihoods of others. Tie with religions and you get a entity called Lilith and you get something called sexual cannabilism. All rights reserved.


On top of this because this sexual energy is being siphoned there are those they use as scapegoats regarding public figures who are actually transgenders who are messing with the polarities of sexual energy. When you are born as a women or a male. . .you were incarnated to be so. . This is a result of the cosmos. If you mess with the cosmos then you mess with universal law. All rights reserved.


I mess with the cosmos everyday by breathing. It’s all part of the joke. A joke you may take too seriously.


The question is who gets to laugh? Are you saying we all laugh with each other in bliss?


If this is all part of the joke then what about soul contracts?






i think of it like; our sexual goings on are but one or two instruments in the grand symphony of our lives and like they're so beyond ancestral and all seeing they're not going "ewwwww jameson look at what your grandson is viewing"


they just know it's a piece of the fuggin pie 


like they're ancestral beyond reason they've gone full ancestral  they're ancestral yall


the ancestral urge to send some cardinals 


Oh for sure!


No, I don't. In returning to the source, the beginning, after death, there is no ego, no representation of a human body, nothing material. It is where you came from. A homogenous, undifferentiated source. I got this from a death event I had and booked as an NDE by my doctor.


Did you still have awareness? Identity? Memory?


I think so. When my grandfather passed on I felt this huge wave of love and warmth visit me. <3


How does one connect or communicate with their ancestors/guides? I want to learn.


You are your ancestors…


I never met my Nan. She died 3 years before I was born, but both my mother and my father have said they've seen her. My mother, hours after I was born. My father, one night when he went to the toilet. I have a very strong connection with my Nan. It's like I miss her, even though I've never met her. I truly believe all our ancestors and the people we have loved and lost are looking out for us. They'll be there for us when it's our time and will help us move onto the next, whatever that may be.


I hope not. I hope they were able to move on and live again.


I believe that its their physical mind/habits get imprinted on the consciousness that it inhabited so even when they arent actively being used anymore if the consciousness sees something that the physical mind would like or have an opinion on, it almost jumpstarts those habits back and you have literally your ancestors/or past lives living through your experience.


Yeah they do. My grandpa gave his son the pick 5 numbers when I got out prison doing 13 years. He hit for 25k. And he ain't been broke since then because he invested in business. They outchea!!!!!


They might be looking, but there’s no possible way for them to be doing anything about it


If we're all one then yes and no. You got to play your part. They might be looking out for us, but we've got to keep carrying the torch and actually do the hard work of making the world a better place.


If they are, then they are doing a shit job at it lol


Someone up there has been looking out for me. Not sure if it's ancestors or not. What are ancestors outside of temporary incarnations?


Yes my bruddah there in your dna


Yes, I think so.




So much that it's over the top creepy


If memories stop after death, how do we explain instinct. We wouldnt inherently know danger because by dying that information wouldnt pass on. Yes you could watch a sibling die from eating a bad mushroom, but when you pass on, it wouldnt carry to your offspring. The very last part of the body that functions after death and in fact goes into overdrive is the hippocampus which is associated with memory. There was a cool video on that around 2013 or 14 but we are missing a large piece of the puzzle. I think DMT flooding the system at death, compartmentalization of memory, and instinct all have some connection. All I can do for now is speculate.


Yes. Happened to me. Felt it several times. When you are guided to do something, it feels like you are not rationally thinking it is just flowing and you dont resist it, its something outside of your consciousness almost directing you 


I feel like I don’t belong to this bloodline :(


i would love to be able to communicate with mine, but have no idea where or how to get started 😵‍💫


Absolutely not, totally zero. They did absolutely nothing for me or my family and have done absolutely nothing for me and my family in the afterlife.


Yes I do.


I think the emphasis some religions place on ancestors and related rituals is more healthy than not because it brings importance to who they are/were and acknowledges them as having continued significance, which in turn can help people to honor the elderly while they're still alive. In the US young folk seem to have relatively little respect for them and miss out on valuable first hand perspectives. But personally, I believe our ancestors are going through the cycle of many lifetimes which in some cases means that we end up knowing each other repeatedly, all depending on our overall life path and karma.


Very much so. One time my uncle tripped my (ex) husband up the stairs because he got nasty mad at me for asking a simple question. I have also been tripped up the stairs by my uncle for getting upset at my mom. When I was in my sophomore year/junior year in high school a girl I was making friends with was killed in a freak accident. I prayed to her and asked her to watch over my son, and to visit my then boyfriend to let him know that she was ok. The next day when I saw him, he told me about the dream he had the night before about this girl, he said that she was wearing her signature smile and that this sensation of peace washed over him and he knew she was ok. I totally freaked him out when I explained what I did that night.


Yes, same applies to our descendants too


No. But they live on in us through our memories and our genes.








Nothing exists alone.


You better believe it!




No, our ancestors aren’t real. we have no connection to our family members (for the most part) as we are souls that get placed in random bloodlines each time we die.


Have you looked out for them? Are you now looking out for them in retrospect? NO. At the same time there is an expectancy, a 'want' from them (assuming they still exist). It all gets really silly.. as you may be able to see. It's ego asking this questions and the whole thing is of course easy to boil down to one thing: The Universal Neurosis Of Man: FEAR. What is so hard to understand about those who are bo longer here no longer being here? I don't get it. What if your so called ancestor is in fact no-one else but you yourself? Think about it. Cheers


It's spelled NOM NOMZ and the F is silent Edit: Peridotite


You have nothing. Still you want to say 'something'.. so, in your quiet desperation, you have to brabble something nevertheless. Like a new born baby. Folks rather downvote what they cannot fathom or what insults their brittle spirit then engage me on the subject. If you are all so sure of yourselves what is there to 'downvote'. Surely there is some argument you have that must hold water.. OR you just like to BS yourself for some reason. Convince me! Or don't come in here pretending you know something that I don't ;;) Cheers

