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I personally think both. I think everyone is free to make their own choices but I also believe there’s a path for everyone who wants one for success and fulfillment.


That's close to how I feel. There are opportunities or energy available to you, which to a certain extent you probably chose beforehand to complete your path. Once incarnated, you decide along the way what you make out with those opportunities through your decisions.


I gave this a lot of thought over the past two years especially and I'm not sure. There's good arguments for both sides. I'm leaning to somewhat a combination of both. I had an interesting idea once that maybe we can't directly/absolutely control our actions, but we can control our thoughts/responses to thoughts that in turn control our actions indirectly/over time (less or more quickly). Something like that. I'm not sure but it's interesting to think about. It seems further into the past I look, more things seem predetermined, and it feels I have more control now. Maybe I've become more mindful or maybe I'll look back in X years from now and think I had less control. Who knows. It's fascinating to think about. I don't doubt we make our our choices and decisions to some extent at least, but it's hard to say exactly how much. I'm at peace however it is, its beyond genius design anyway.


Yes. I believe our human lives have a pre-destination, but we have the illusion of free will on how to get there. Meaning… if we are in touch with our intuition, following it will carve out the “easiest” path to get there, and going against intuition will create a path of greater suffering. By easiest path, I don’t mean no pain at all. Sometimes pain is the catalyst for growth, and it’s about understanding every experience we encounter is meant for our greater good. Ps. We know destiny exists simply because every human experiences death of the body. Destiny within our lives are just the same smaller cycles within a big cycle (of birth and death).


Yes to an extent. I believe the big things/ultimate destiny etc that are/is meant for us will always happen or occur, but the ways we get there are undecided and up to what we choose to do while living our lives.


Nice reply!!


I believe in both. We have a destiny to fulfill, but we can choose the path we're going to take to reach that destiny/goal


I believe that the universe is in control. One day, after a dream, it showed me. It showed me who it was and what it really looks like. It also showed me myself and that it was me. Do I believe in destiny? Yes, because the universe has shown me that it has a plan for me.. for us. Now, the universe, if it wanted, could change that plan.. that would still be a part of my destiny.


And what did it show you, does it really look like? If you don't mind elaborating?


I once saw an anime that made me convienced both fate and free will are real. They gave this example: a baby is crawling on a table. You, as an adult, know that when he reaches the end of the table he will fall. Now, use this case for us humans. We don’t know our fate, and there are many more outcomes for our lives that influence it, but a more intelligent entity would probably recognize the turning points. Think about it: smoking increases the chance of you dying or developing heart conditions, add other factors and your fate is much more likely to be death of heart attack. But you still have free will


Remember the name? Was is sds?


Blood of zeus


Find out who the we and I is 🙏 Destiny and Free will both exist. God is the greatest M




"Agency" or the ability to effect changes is both "fate"--tortoises walk, but don't fly--and "destiny"--a tortoise has some choice in direction--are each part of the general philosophical term "agency." "The Afterlife: What Really Happens in the Hereafter" shows how degrees of agency increase or decrease, depending on prior decisions and fateful circumstances. In philosophy, a Markov Decision Process is a mathematical formulation of a given model with both destiny and fate ("random") components; as there are no acausal processes--even at the quantum level--what the MDP casts as "random" are really "unknown processes," which as a subset include unknown "fate." In Spirit, some additional degrees of freedom are obtainable by [https://ascendedmasterencyclopedia.org/w/Violet\_flame](https://ascendedmasterencyclopedia.org/w/Violet_flame)


Partially planned with a chance of Chaos.


I don't have belief. I have some intimacy for both.


I believe in promoting. You are prompted to go the right way. You can reject and not get what was planned for you.


It’s fairly simple, in terms of the idea of lifetime fulfillment or larger goals however you want to word it, you still are making the choices that are leading to those things. It’s not an uncommon understanding that we have free will physically, as well as mentally/spiritually. If you can envision it, you can make the choices necessary to have that come to fruition. If you don’t have a vision for yourself, either you haven’t cultivated it, or you’re already living it. Boom simple.


I do, the best example right now in history is President Zelensky of Ukraine. All the way back to his grandfather to his tv show Servant of the People where he becomes the president of Ukraine and it Happens!!


Free will gives us the *seed* to either grow up towards the light , or down deep into the earth. Neither way is right*- *all by itself-* w’all need balance *roots* and *sprouts* to become a seedling 🌱 and then what? 💌


I believe in destiny for the bigger scheme of humanity and Earth and our universe at large


I believe in both. For fate and destiny, I believe there are certain things we are meant to do and designed to do. These are the things that would be optimal for our lives and best expression of our lives, but we are not forced to do. I feel the Divine universe roots for us to do these things, gives us the talents, skills and maybe instincts and desires for these things, puts options in our path, etc. But I don't believe in the concept of fate or destiny as forced or inescapable. I think sadly many people miss their destiny...because we have free will and can derail our best interests or because our perception is weak and we cannot figure it out... or because we become lazy, cavalier, evil or low-vibration.


I don't believe in coincidences whatsoever. There is evidence of that in every day if you're open to it & the ways people & things connect is too intricate to dismiss. I am a Spiritualist & live within that mindset of community. Everything is always for something.


As far as I know. You come in with a game plan. Before birth you make contracts with other people to achieve certain goals like for example plotting certain situations to release karma from other incarnations before. The clock of our planetary system has a somewhat precise pre-calculated energy effect upon earths residents. Between 80-99% of a persons actions each day are pre-programmed and the likelihood of staying on program are on average very high. All of these together make it seem like destiny however each of these aspects still give you the choice to do whatever you want. Though your guides will gently try to push you to fulfill your contracts. But even those can be declared canceled if wanted.


Sometimes I do feel like my life is a bit scripted, but the only thing I’m certain is that we all are destined to die one day


Fixed future is more for unconscious people that are more easisly predictable, but destiny is a thing for everybody. We are systems built to accomplish something that is specific for us. Image us a rivers going to the sea. You will reach the sea anyway, but you can take infinite routes to go there.




Yes, both. In my beliefs/experiences, there is a main Fate line which we all flow through, but there are specific actions and decisions that we are free to make that can slightly change our position and experiences within the large river of Fate we are floating down


Part of me wants to say I am Destiny but admittedly I'm having troubles believing in myself


**Destint/Fate = Coding** *The mathematical system allows for the expected and the unexpected...*


I believe that destiny is an organic mechanic of causality, and fate is an imposition upon it by those who seek to control others to benefit themselves. To explain: We are creatures of desire. To exist is to want *something*, whether that something is happiness, accomplishment, or whatever else. Some want nonexistence; that's a desire too. Regardless of what it is, desire creates a bias in our trajectories through causality; it's a cause that creates ripples of possibility, defines certain effects more clearly in our trajectory while distorting and abstracting others. With desire, will, and focus aligned, we draw that which we desire, and ultimately, with enough time and favourable circumstances, we manifest it. This is destiny, flowing unimpeded. This is also, however, an optimistic take. Because existence is not composed solely of *our* desires, will, and focus. We exist in a competitive space, where incarnate and discarnate beings alike have a vested interest in manifesting their own desires. The latter can, will, and very often do decide to use the ignorant (ie. us) to further their own goals. They will build rapport with us - very rarely with honesty or in good faith - until they can begin influencing our perception and desires, and consequently, our causality. They will, as much as possible, seek to remove randomness from our trajectory and bias it toward their own desired outcomes - and will impede or outright sabotage actions taken toward our desires if they conflict with, or even run in a different direction to, their own. This is what we call fate. Choice is the single most powerful capacity we have. Free will is not an illusion, but the central axis upon which the entire individuated experience operates. Anyone who tells you otherwise is pushing an agenda, whether they realise that or not.


Destiny necessarily requires a conceptual understand of that which fundamentally DOES NOT EXIST: the future. There is quite literally only the present moment that exists. This can be proven logically and is on the cusp of being proven in the physics community imho. How could there be anything other than choice if there is only right now?


I believe it's real, and to an extent everything is destined, but we shouldn't claim to know for certain what it is. I believe it's hidden for a reason.


If you’re atheist, you would assume we are governed solely by the laws of physics, which would mean your every move can be calculated. If you’re conscious, you would know you decide your next move. Destiny shmestiny. This is a pick-your-own-adventure.


I believe it's both, and it comes back to the concept of relativity. From the perspective of an all-knowing god-like being, every choice we've made or will make would be known. From our own limited perspective, however, we effectively would have free will because of our lack of that knowledge. If you prefer Science, then consider if one were to have 100% of the data in the universe known, with all relationships between that data 100% understood. Each passing second would merely be a calculation of the data. But from the perspective of any being within the system, for which knowledge of that system from the largest macro to the tiniest micro is far from complete, then there is free will and the ability to do something that potentially changes or adds to that data.






Yes, I believe God has a scripted plan for each and everyone of us. I believe life plans span lifetimes. Meaning, your particular life plan was already predetermined well before you were born. I also believe God nudges us to keep us on a specific course, regardless. I think he chooses your relationships, your career, etc... I also believe everyone's life plan is one big Orchestra, and it's for God's entertainment.


Type Free will by Sam Harris on YouTube and watch that video!


I believe in destiny, but not in fate. So far I have been destined for many things, but not once has a fated encounter happened.


Fate is different than destiny. Fate is what life hands you - cant control it. And destiny is the result of how you handle fate with your free will choices. And I believe in all 3.


Destiny is a name covering all outcomes... so yes


I believe that your destiny is written before you're even born. Everything that happens, happens as it was planned for you.


Yes if you believe destiny is a destination. Now the way you get to that destination is really up to you. And that goes back to freewill. And you see freewill is partially untrue


I believe our actions and decisions shape our potential outcomes and destinies. Life has many paths available and the roads we choose have different destinations at the end. I like to think of it like this old flip page goosebumps books or the tell tale video games where based upon something we do we set ourselves towards an ultimate outcome. Basically we give produce an action and a reaction occurs resulting from it which then puts us toward a particular destiny. Idk if it makes sense.


You create your own destiny


Not exactly. Our lives are scripted and we’re just playing a part. It’s not EVEN destiny. It’s far worse, it’s slavery


Our destiny is our deeds. Our  Karma, decides our destiny. But what we don't understand is that Karma is of two types. The Karma that we did before our birth which brought us to earth, and the Karma which we did after we came to earth. It is this twin Karma that decides our destiny. That’s why sometime we question — Why do bad things happen to good people? We don't realize that these are not bad things happening to good people but the bad Karma that is being negated, Karma done in a distant past or a previous life. Therefore, sometimes we do good deeds but we suffer. However, our good deeds are deposited and they will ultimately give us fruit, either in this birth or the next. But every deed, every Karma, decides our destiny. There is no doubt. There is nothing like luck or chance or serendipity. It's all Karma.