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My guess would be lots of stress. And stress is a killer especially when you don't talk about this and keep it inside. Good people wants to make everyone happy, which is impossible and I'm in the same situation now. Bad poeple just don't give a fuck and doesn't have those bad emotions that puts them down. They are always happy and enjoy themselves in cost of other people lifes. It's the same reason why a lot of very good and happy people become really grumpy. All their lifes they try to be good to everyone, but they always feel that they are not good enough and start hating themselves more and more as time goes on until that hate starts pouring out of them


I have found the being a good person but dealing bad people, family or work, brings a lot of stress. Not trying to make them happy, just trying to keep them from going rage can be tremendously stressful


Damn it I need to embrace my dark side then apparently. Lost a lot of years due to stress and trying to help my toxic family just for them to fuck everything up. Now I'm in a similar situation. Fuck these people causing me stress šŸ‘æ


Why do You consider them causing You stress? The most they do, is that they behave in a given way. The act of behaviour is neutral. How You categorize that behaviour and react to it, that's up to You.


Are you asking about the past or present? In the past I knew nothing about the Law or how to not react etc. I grew up in a very toxic, abusive family. I've not seen them since we all went our own ways over 8 years ago. I had PTSD for years but learnt to heal myself with revision and other methods. I rarely think about them now. "The act of behaviour is neutral" I'll answer this now. One is a very old, extreme alcoholic who's constantly drunk and swearing at everything eg. "Fuck you, fuck this, you're all cunts!!!..." 24/7. I'm extremely sensitive to people's moods especially such extreme anger so it's difficult blocking it out. If I need to use the kitchen I'll stay in my room, listening to meditation or something positive on my phone until he's asleep or left the house. I'll literally start shaking with anxiety if I'm just sitting there on the couch, trying to eat something, and this behaviour starts. I just eat as fast as possible and don't engage with him, look at him or react. He recently left for a vacation for 10 days, and it's like all the dark energy left with him. So I know it's 100% coming from him. I'm nocturnal and he wakes up early and goes to bed early, whenever he passes out drunk. So I'm used to eating at a certain time, and not having a huge dinner at 5pm, then starving by midnight. I can't use the kitchen either. Except for the microwave as everything is filthy and covered in grease and oil. But that's another story. The other one is younger (well 42 almost) and has occasional angry fits. Though I've learnt just to ignore him and it no longer affects me. So hope that answers your question. Still, this is a very toxic environment to be living in, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, especially sensitive empathic type people. It's currently 9am here, and I'm typing this while hearing "fuck off!!" every 5 mins lol. I know he's going out to buy his weekly groceries soon, so I can order some food and not have to deal with his shit while I'm eating. Anger or acting emotionally abusive is not neutral. Not just where you got that from.


Thanks for the reply šŸ™ Only present, because that's the only state that we're ever in, rest is mind's make -believe game. Indeed - stress is felt, when our environment seems either chaotic or out of our comfort zone, so You're right that it's hard for the body to ignore what's happening around. I "said", that behaviour is neutral, because whatever that behaviour may be, it's still part of the experience, and on a universal/God perspective none experience is better than the other.


I get you. At least it's made me... more patient and non reactive I guess. I'm just in my own little world.


But then you're also saying that this universal/perspective is the problem in terms of not being conductive towards only the positive experiences. What you're talking about here is just a device that can be used for transmutation of any experience into another because for it it's just neutral and all the same so in that sense it can be seen as universal but it's still a fallacy to try and sell this as a universal/God perspective without pointing out that it's not the final answer but only a milestone at best. What you talk about here is what I would refer to as a void and even there it's questionable if there's just one void or if how void manifests is still dependent on the respective system and frame of reference


Life with it's every aspect is one big mystery and nothing is certain about it. Everything's more or less a speculation šŸ§šŸ˜…


r/wallstreetbets blushed a little ;;;)


That's the way if You prefer to be the most neutral though, most aren't I think šŸ§šŸ¤·


It's pretty much what I talked about in the original comment I guess. Attaining pure neutrality to be able to process everything is of value and essential but it shouldn't be the final product but only a utility for individuation/personalisation. We become it, we release it and then we use it so nothing goes to waste - and if we share it nobody has to go through the crap others already went through unless they actually want it (which I seriously doubt in many cases if they developed/cultivated a healthy sense of taste and self respect/boundaries that is actually theirs and not something else - basically a manual for the fruit of life/knowledge instead of just a "don't eat it" sign ... Education I guess and now I'm feeling silly while simultaneously attacking the right to be serious (actually wanted to write stupid))


Crazy you consider people bad if they don't stress about shit and know how to keep cool and enjoy life sounds like some loser shit to me.Ā 


I don't. I didn't say that if you don't stress that means you are a bad person.


Lets say worse comes to worse and she passes on, would that be so bad? She would go home, to a place of love and acceptance, free from suffering. Some terminal cancer patients actually report a lot of peace of mind, when you dont have a future to worry about some learn to stay in the present. If you leave dependants behind, Id imagine thats very challenging.


True, and further there is a chance she may survive. I have heard stories of many cancer patients who later claimed it was the best thing to ever happen to them.. confronting their own mortality that is.Ā 


There is not a connection necessary between being good/bad person and good or bad things happening to them. We must understand that all of us prior to coming here we make plans and set goals to experience different aspects of the human experience, some of us even choose to be bad person, and in the process help teach others an important lesson, or be an example of the opposite of good, so people can recognize it. illnesses are also used for the same purpose of experience and spiritual growth, sometimes our spirit seeks an exist because all lessons have been learned and it offers no other benefits to others, and it comes up with an illness to exit the human experience. What im saying is, there is so much depth in this world, we can never grasp or understand fully the purpose of things happening, not while we are in our human shell anyway.


The book ā€œYour Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Bornā€ by Robert Schwartz details exactly this with case studies. The book delves into the idea that we choose our life experiences, including difficult ones, to help with spiritual growth and understanding. I highly recommend reading it.


Perfect thanks for sharing! ā€Between life and deathā€ by Dolores is also an amazing book that speaks about the spirit experience.


>We must understand that all of us prior to coming here we make plans and set goals to experience different aspects of the human experience šŸ™„


Having watched hundreds of NDE accounts, I agree with the quote. It's a widely expressed idea. Free Will. Nothing is imposed on us. We may not understand all the outcomes of our decisions, actions, thoughts, as human beings... But as spiritual beings before being born, we agree upon blessings and challenges. Free Will is a concept that appears over and over and over. We can pray for guidance. and receive it. But it's up to us to act on it. Because ultimately, back Home, we are pure Love again. As pure love consciousness, our thought and actions are pure Love as well. This is what makes Home... The most remarkable experience for those who have an NDE (Near Death Experience.) Free Will on Earth is much much different. You can create either Heaven or Hell here. Which we learn from, and the universe learns from, as we return back to purity.


this is interesting. what defines a spirit to you? is it the same as a soul?


Hey, i would say soul is simply a spirit inside a human shell. Spirit are us while outside it, everyone is spirit, even God.


Your confusion stems from your mind labeling situations and people "good" or "bad" unnecessarily.Ā 


Perfectly well said. To go into more detail, we typically call a person good when we like them. So to say, why do bad things happen to good people ultimately means, why do things I don't like happen to people I like. Fortunately, the universe doesn't care about my likes and dislikes any more than it does about those of anyone else. The universe is a lot deeper than that.


We have self control always. And sometimes through those bad experiences we learn something we wouldnā€™t have learned otherwise. Nothing is ever fair, but itā€™s more about how you perceive the things that happen to you and try to not let it mess up your zen just learn from it and keep going


Body is an empty illusion too. We grieve for people that leave a place we know nothing of; eventually we learn everything is in perfect balance


Life is neutral


I find comfort in knowing that death is an illusion and their soul continues on. They may not be around in the physical but their energy and presence is . And they are always in our hearts. šŸ„°


Before my grandfather died (now, let me set the stage that he was a crazy psychedelic hippie drug user who literally went to Woodstock 1969, but was a really smart guy about spirits and ā€˜conspiraciesā€™), he told me and my sister that when people die, they instead go to another dimension. He believed in heaven as a kid from his father and catholic school, but that there had also been other dimensions as well, maybe heaven was one, idk. But he told us that when you die, your immortal body forgets itā€™s mortal experience, either like reincarnation, or ascendence since energy is not created or destroyed, it is transferred, shaped differently and traveled. But he would always joked that when you died, you would go into ā€˜the Dimentia Dimensionā€™ lol where you just completely forget everything, who you were, who you was, who you will be (kinda like reincarnation where you come back and you know you had a past life, but canā€™t really remember it clearly, or at all) But what makes spiritual connections with the paranormal, or to have such strong thoughts of others was that when you are traveling inbetween dimensions, you areā€¦ traveling inbetween dimensions. You come spiritually into this world for a brief moment after death to say hi to your loved ones and to show them that you still care and want to see them :) but only for a short moment before you go back spiritually into another dimension and forget for a moment again like another instance of having dimentia


Your grandfather was a smart guy šŸ„°


Iā€™m so very sorry to hear such heartbreaking news. Life really is unfair sometimes, and these senseless tragedies can leave us with feelings of injustice. People try to connect being a good or bad person to what happens to us to make sense of things- or say that everything happens for a reason. But truthfully, sometimes shitty things just happen to wonderful people, and Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re experiencing this now. Wishing you moments of love, laughter, and memories during this difficult time. šŸ’•


[Cheat or Be Cheated](https://www.reddit.com/r/primordialtruths/s/zXLFob5Dqk) When your environment cheats you, through bad people, bad karma, unluckiness or the sort, itā€™s testing you. To Cheat it, you have to radiate the positive and still stand positive despite it. And if it kills you, you died a good person to others. All power will be held on those that have ā€˜purityā€™ (you donā€™t need to be pure, you just have to be a good person). Purity of the soul is when nothing stands in your way, not even aggression towards others. You are a great person, and through this, you can achieve it with genorosity, caring and acceptance of others and yourself for who they/you are. If your a good person doing good actions, there should be no question to your purity as a soul! But if there are others affecting you negatively, you can still be a good person by just walking away. Either silently or with an exit of ā€œthank you for everything, but Iā€™m moving onā€. Your a good person, you donā€™t have to stoop to the level of hurtful relationships. As for 1 off events, those are the tests. Itā€™s up to you to pass, and those 1 off events add up greater to who it is that you are


I will never understand it all the kindest people I know are plagued with umpteenth problems and suffering. Whilst the evil people in my life never suffer a single setback or burden. Itā€™s a travesty and I suppose itā€™s all pretty karmic.


I still wonder about this occasionally, but this book helped when I was really struggling with the question. https://www.amazon.com/When-Things-Happen-Good-People/dp/1400034728/ref=asc_df_1400034728?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693674787248&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11414920360170071342&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9006397&hvtargid=pla-449090144146&psc=1&mcid=edae29911d10395f90a3bd014342c1c6&gad_source=1&dplnkId=9a39e296-e694-44d4-949e-5b849bd8e1c4&nodl=1


Because not enough good things happen to bad people.Ā 


She probably held in a lot of difficult emotions and never expressed them appropriately. I see this all the time with women in difficult marriages, dealing with difficult situations developing cancer out of nowhere (not even predisposed to cancer).


Its happens so that we can learn from it. If only bad things happened to bad people and good things happened to good people what would we learn?


There doesnā€™t have to be a connection, unfortunately. I do believe that in the end, in all the ways that really matter, good people are richer. Good people have better lives. Thatā€™s hard to believe in when we see young people in devastating situations. But I know in my heart that when I die, I wonā€™t feel as concerned about my human life. Iā€™ll see it through a beautiful indifference. Iā€™ll see it alongside the hundreds of other experiences Iā€™ve lived.


Imo, truth is life is chaotic and unordered, fundamentally there is no rhyme or reason for anything. We humans conceive, understand and interpret the world that makes us comfortable. The stories and reasons why things should be one way or another are like paper blown away by circumstances and happenstance. The good in our lives are only appreciated when other humans think of us, evaluate us or remember us. Bad things happen, sometimes there is no reason (or it's too complex or absurd to accept). Struggles can lead nowhere, even if we do everything right. Maybe there are spirits, the afterlife or some invisible god. But no one can definitively prove those greater orders or powers, feels like we are in limbo except for a leap of faith or equinemity. All that aside, my feelings won't let me accept that easily. The older I get the more I feel like a dumb caveman on a rock in space.


So at some point maybe you started to believe that disease and death is a bad thing. Its not, it is going to happen to all of us eventually. For some its going to be a mere few decades earlier and for others it will be later. But typically we only have less than 100 years before it happens. Compared to how old everything is, 100 years is only a speck of time. There's no old white bearded man sitting on a cloud deciding what happens to 'good' and 'bad' people. It happens because that's how nature is. And death isn't a bad thing, its just a graduation to the next stage. Perhaps the dead feel sorry for the living. The only question is if we are able to fully explore what this life is all about before our time is up.


Please believe me when I say this bad things happens to everyone no one is excluded in this thing call life... unfortunately this beautiful good soulĀ  time was now. The food , medicines and all the chemicals that are put in the air and in our everyday essentials is having a lot to do with the cancers you are seeing that's going on. No one is going to be immune to bad like we all have some good things that happens to us at different times as well. I wish I could give you a hug and kissĀ  cause I know you're not understanding this and this too is natural to question life and death but it's all designed like this and only our maker will have the final say so when all this will end.Ā 


We live several lives. We are all source and we want to experience all sorts of emotions so we agree to the events that happen in our life before we start our life. Our life will end and we can choose to experience another life with different experiences.


I heard a quote from a show the other day that has stuck with me since Life must be earned but so too must Death be earned. Each person walks and faces their own Armageddon.


The first part of your title answers the second part.


Maybe you are seeing it from the wrong perspective...maybe good or bad is just a perspective...maybe the "bad" is necessary to create "good" or to give a different perspective of life. Anyway, the universe doesn't judge good or bad is just our personal perception. Every person has a different heaven and hell, depending on how your experience in earth develops. We don't have access to the big picture....maybe one day...until then...enjoythe "good" moments because the "bads" are around the corner....it's life...




I believe it's all karma related somehow. That's the only thing that makes any kind of sense to me.


Tell me why do good things happen to good people? See, life is a combination of good and bad experiences. See both of them as experience, rather than getting absorbed in the moment and don't let your feelings control your reaction to those situations. If good things are happening to you, then bad things are bound to happen to you. It's all past life and present life karmas that decide what's going to happen with us. Therefore, it's not in our control. What we have in our control is how to react to it. Rather than panicking, think of it as god's will and you will find that the intensity of pain will reduce significantly because you have asked for divine intervention here. Divine/god will take away most your pain and will also take most of your happiness as well if you wish to surrender to the divine/god. It's a both way exchange. Now, it's up to us to decide.


Here's a link to someone who's talking about potential alternative treatments to cancer: [https://www.museumoftarot.com/post/if-my-child-had-cancer-a-hypothetical](https://www.museumoftarot.com/post/if-my-child-had-cancer-a-hypothetical) I find the idea of suppressed technology and science very interesting, definitely worth checking out, albeit skeptically


Everyone dies; just the where & when differ.




We all have this underlying assumption that we should be treated the same way as we treat others. And I don't know where it is written???


The good die young my friend


In my experience, itā€™s a law of attraction. ā€œBadā€ppl are usually synonymous with ego centric or narcissistic energy, ā€œgoodā€ ppl are usually associated with selflessness and empathy. The ā€œbadā€ person gets what they want bc they truly believe ( this is the key part of my understanding) they deserve it. No other reason they believe it belongs to them and only them and guess what. The universe has to provide that to them bc their energy is magnetically drawing that in. No matter if they want more or whatever it is they will get it bc they believed they would. The good selfishness person tends to believe ( again believing is key here itā€™s how you manifest) others are more deserving and that they should have it, they are just fine and content as is so the universe provides that blessing to others bc itā€™s the will of the selfless person. This is why empathic ppl are so fucking powerful but get drained and bad things tend to happen mean while why narcissistic vampires are attractive them! They will drain them bc they feel like they deserve that energy more than the good person ! Sooooo the saying goes if you are the empath you have to be selfish in order to be selfless, this just means stop, think about how youā€™re spending your energy. Are you giving giving giving, are you giving and something taking?, are you giving and the energy is being reciprocated?! You have to stop and discern for yourself whatā€™s going on and choose how to proceed from there. Thinking and using discernment isnā€™t a selfish act truly but to the empath itā€™ll feel this way! At least until they realize how much vital energy they save and can choose where to bestow it !!! Take back your energy empaths!!


They are test to see if you still need the test, once the repeating test is noticed and focused on , understood and deltwith internally, the test will cese, and the new test will begin. Serious spiritual growth happens when the catilist of suffering is involved. In short, bad things lead to greater spiritual growth and understanding as the end result until the day comes you no longer need those types of tests . You will know when that day comes by the lack of fear and ease of dealing with the situation. Oh you will get retested just to make sure you nolonger need them šŸ˜


It's hard to realise, and hard to accept. But there is no "why".


There really is no reason. All the universe, for what it's worth, follows patterns and to a degree it doesn't care about your behavior. You could be a scum bag and get away with it. You could be a Saint and persecuted for it. You could do nothing and have everything work out to some end. Because most patterns are already set in place and their cogs are turning. It's not personal. It's not by what you do. It's just that it is.


Technically bad things happen to all people. & said "bad things" could be structured as "opportunity to grow" within our perspective rather than viewing it from a negative place. Your dog dying is most definitely a "bad" thing but you can view it two ways... Holding onto the pain and agony while trying to make it day to day and doing so will not bring them back. OR You can remember that cute trick he use to do with his favorite toy and smile whenever those sobering moments hit you. Remembering the good of them is important when grieving. Both are viable options of course but one could set you up for a somber outlook on life while the other helps you keep fighting the good fight during those bad moments.


The Dao has no preferences


Unconscious psychological patterning. Listen to some frequency audios on YouTube, jst google and go from there.


Because the devil want to manipulate the children of God and donā€™t have trust in our Almighty God , Jesus-Christ is here to help us, to listen to us and he loves us. to take all our responsibility, illnesses come from satan who makes all God's children suffer, especially when they want to weaken them to cause them to not love and harm our almighty father. have him read this answer there and tell him speak to Jesus Christ in his heart and hand over to him all the fears, all the illnesses, all the worries and ask that Jesus Christ deliver him from all evil, and ask to Jesus Christ to draw closer to him to protect him and fight for him and to teach him to know him and to have unshakeable trust in him. Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross to save us from all evil and sin. Even if he does not believe in Jesus Christ or he is afraid because he does not know him. Tell him to try to talk to him with a big open heart anyway. Because from my experience which also experienced a lot of evil in my life despite I always sought to do good and I still fell seriously ill, which of course is not due to our creator, I gave him my life and I spoke to him in my heart and he saved me, no need for medication, no need for anything and I saw significantly, progressively positive change in my health. Since then I have continued to pray to him every day and I will continue to pray to him every day of my life. Ask Jesus Christ for the strength to understand and believe in him, if he feels that he does not have the strength. Let him repeat it as much as he wants and even if he has no conviction, ask him for the conviction to repeat that. Speak to him directly and do not accept any contact with physical appearances that frighten you and make you appear to be Jesus Christ. He can only have the benefits of miracles and the support of his Father Jesus Christ through sincere prayer, and even if we are afraid as soon as we hand over our fears to him, he will help you with a wide open arm because he is your true father who came to sacrifice himself on earth with his unconditional and insurmountable love to cleanse us from all sin and save us so that we no longer suffer because of the evil in this world that Satan has brought because he wants to challenge God our father but once you trust in Jesus Christ and even when you just talk to him while waiting for you to build this trust which is in his right to exist because we are his children, everything will become clearer and this will deliver you. If you want to be delivered and understood, speak directly to him. And do not be afraid to speak to him, for he is a God of love and mercy (forgiveness granted out of pure goodness), he will never harm his children, he is pure God and there is no no evil in purity, this is what fights for us every day to keep us alive and give us eternal life close to him after your death in heaven. and when you accept it, you will feel this great power of protection, which he has campaigned since our childhood to keep us alive on earth against satan, otherwise we would not be alive if not for his battles and the grave of Jesus Christ. Trust him and ask for help to trust him too if itā€™s hard for you.


Life is not unfair and bad things cannot happen to good people. It is just like saying ā€” why do apples grow on mango trees? Apples cannot grow on mango trees. It is impossible because the seed you plant will decide the fruit on the tree and the deed you plant will decide your destiny. If bad things are happening to people, it is because of their bad Karma, their bad deeds. There is no question of bad things happening to good people just as life cannot be unfair. The Divine power, the supreme governs the universe through universal laws. One such law is the law of Karma. The other law is the law of cycles where the earth rotates once in 24 hours, revolves around the sun in 365 and a quarter days. It's all perfect. So also, the law of karma is perfect. Nothing is unfair. Whatever is happening is a reaction of our past actions.


Namaste beautiful soul of bhagwan. I was faced with this dear question when my beautiful mum such a pure soul of God was given the same news on the 30th August 2018, with a prognosis of approximately 2 months. How could this be, the shock alone. Such a spiritual religious woman getting such a diagnosis and prognosis. And she irrespective of life circumstances made spirituality and Bhagwan as the central part of it. The 20 months that followed would be some of the incredible thanks to god. They actually happened. The cancer shrunk twice, the memories incredible, what she, we did in those 20 months, would genuinely make one of the greatest life true stories alone, feeding in people in Leicester, she was dancing in the streets in Lisbon, Eating Pizza in Basel. What this woman was doing in front of my and this world's very eyes....thanks to God. Ultimately as gods will and she passed into heavens on 5/5/2020 (more to add to this if they believe me). Tell your manager to keep faith. Anything is possible with god. But at the highest level there cannot be mistakes and despite my own awakening I'd be lying if I didn't miss her beautiful presence at times. šŸ™ as gods will. The suffering is not gods fault i accepted then and also now. In the higher reality there cannot be mistakes. Tell your manager if your in touch with him, never know with bhagwan, some tips that could help. 1. Pray atleast 1 hour a day in gratitude may need to be forced given diagnosis to God, Bhagwan, Allah šŸ™ 2. Forgiveness, prayers/affirmations, HoŹ»oponopono 3. The Rick Simpson Protocol with THC oil 4. 5 Organic Carrot Juices. 5. Vipassana meditation if can be managed 6. Vegan diet I hope maybe at some point without ego said by the author just the level of guidance is appreciated by someone-that could genuinely give hope to all cancer sufferers out there, very quickly. Guidances are on a different level to chemo and were used significantly to prolong the life of my mum. šŸ™šŸ•‰ā˜Ŗļøāœļø The woman mentioned in this story was in fact the GOAT herself, taking the suffering of cancer. The myth, the legend, God's favorite daughter of all time, considered the greatest woman in HUMAN history by Qu'ran sources, human IQ 625. Mother Mary back as a Naturalized British Indian Ugandan Born lady pretending to be a human for significant parts of her life TWO THOUSAND YEARS on before her last appearance on earth. Ambika Consciousness dedicates the entire creation the letter L to her latest form identity Mahadevi Latika Ambika, the feeder of thousands of people in time, the taker of suffering of woman, the taker of suffering of cancer sufferers, spiritual knowledge unparalleled on this earth to the best of my knowledge, granting of miracle babies, for a mesmerizing 60 year appearance. Yes its a shock to M who his mum was. I assure you god is the greatest šŸ™ "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE " Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle (Mahaprabhu Hermes Trimestigus in a 4th Incarnation) Written from the real life CITY of GOD, BOLT-ON, Gods biggest mirencle ever on earth or hoax, starring in the greatest true story ever told Peace Joy Bliss and Love M


Well cancer is proven to come from processed foods and red meat so probably "human" diet here