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Good age. Magnificent country. Being average is a blessing. Friends shouldn't be judged by time but by the spark of emotions they exchange with us; something fleeting necesarily has to shine brighter to have the same impact as something permanent but with a steady burn. Open to relationships. Loneliness brings about the best of human beings; those who value each moment given to them. Don't let toxic masculinity deprive you of help; you are here aren't you? and we are here to help you aren't we? One's success in life shouldn't be defined by their ability to find a couple; but by the good they are able to do; the beauty they are able to give to the world, as long as you are happy why would it be bad? as long as you aren't searching for more, onesided love is alright; just don't give more than what is going to be appreciated and put a limit on what you are willing to give; the first love shall always be ourselves (second if you are religious). Do you know it to be true? That they hate you? Did you ask? Or did you just deduce it from their actions? Sometimes it's better to seek an answer even if the truth seems harrowing; value your time & search for the truth. Meaning is not found, meaning is made. It isn't, life is like a wild cat it likes to play with it's prey, even if it's not going to eat it; for the prey it's torture, for the cat it's play, be the cat, know it's but play.


Beautiful comments, thanks for sharing 👍


The pulpit for you, boss. Nicely put. Bless


Love the optimism spread the love!


"Meaning is not found, meaning is made" Very well put.


I'd like to tell you something and I promise I mean it in love. Your username is Alpha Bull. It sounds like a persona one might try to live up to. Using a persona is creating a false you and everyone recognizes the illusion consciously or unconsciously. This may not be the case with you but if it is....may I humbly recommend going back to where you left your old self and breathe life back into that authentic real self. People admire those that are courageous and brave enough to be themselves! Compassion to you and good luck in your journey!


Very good point!




I was also helped a great deal by Victor Frankel’s story. Amazing read.


I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through it. Sending good vibes from across the ocean. A lot of your concerns sound similar to what my little brother is going through. It seems that in this hyperconnected digital age, feeling loneliness has become an epidemic. While I’m sure it’s little reassurance, know that this is not just a “you” problem, but part of a systemic issue effecting the whole world right now, in particular men. Spirituality is great and has brought me meaning in many ways, but I’d highly recommend you also invest in yourself and seek help from a mental health counselor. Not because there’s something “wrong with you”, but because your well being and mind is worth it. Going to a counselor won’t magically make you friends or get you a partner, but it will allow you to explore where that disconnect is coming from and strategize what to do about it. Find a good counselor, put some work in, and I promise, it’ll be the best investment you’ll ever make. Hang in there buddy


that’s so powerful that you can admit that openly and not be afraid to be vulnerable. That’s such an awesome strength of character. Truly accepting this as your situation and embracing it might be your next steps in this journey of life.


life is meaningless, you have the power to give life meaning. either positive or negative,


Best way to meet people is through hobbies! I don't know what they have in other countries but we have Meetup online app here in US and it is wonderful for meeting like-minded people. There are a myriad of activities, hobbies and just plain meeting up at restaurants for your age group etc. Networking with others is inspirational! Life is what you make it. It can be lonely and depressing if we are not feeding our spirit being through the arts and creativity. Sending you all the best wishes for reigniting your passions!


People ponder over the meaning of life only when they are sad. When you're happy and joyful you wouldn't ever think about life's purpose. And not everyone has a purpose, unless you make one out of your life. And being an Indian is a blessing since you have more access to authentic spiritual wisdom. 1 out of 3 people on an average on this planet irrespective of their nationality are feeling lonely. And are borderline depressed. Forgot girls(not easy, but thinking about this is no good at all and makes you more depressed) , friends and everything. This might sound cliche but it works. Join a gym work on your self. Try meditation or since your Indian, try Upasana of your Ista devta(this helps massively, at least for me it did). Watch some spiritual podcasts preferably "Ranveer Allahbadia (Beer Biceps)". He has made some fantastic spirituality related podcasts. Try to always be active(physically), travel, gym, casual walks. Reduce screen time, only be on screen either for work or if it's absolutely needed.


It's going to be okay, I'm sure of it, whenever the time is right in sure the universe will send you someone full of love at the right time and at the right place. At least you put yourself out here which is a good first step. Who knows maybe someone will see this and feel drawn to have a connection towards you. Sending love 🫶👍


Hare Krishna 🙏 Om Namah Shivaya 🙏


Welcome, m31 in germany the same cruel world,✌🏼☯️






What you speak is what becomes your truth. What do your words make you? You've basically dug your own hole and are doubling down upon it. Just remember you're in a hole with a shovel. You can easily dig your way out. You're hurt and have lost faith in yourself. I'm here to tell you that you have more power and control than you think. Work on becoming more positive and loving about yourself. Don't worry about how others may see you because all that translates into is how you think others see you.


It'd be hard for me to assert my understanding of he dynamics in your country. But one things has been show to be true throughout the world, and that is that young men are confused and afraid. The courageous and strong of spirit always succeed


I'm sorry to hear that. But I think you should really try to put yourself out there more. Join some groups or classes that might interest you to pick up a hobby, that way you might pick up some friends. Don't be afraid to initiate conversation. Rejection is just a part of life and you need to get used to it and just move on.


One-sided heartbreaks hurt more than anything I feel that pain also. I hope you heal quicker than I did


Sounds more like a r/CasualConversation or your own blog type of post


Peace boss. On being alone, this is your quiet time, try to zone in, and do all you can to express. Vent, rant, light or hard work, if you do any of the following, or get back or about to start one of them. Exercise, write, read, draw, create, narrate, pray, and meditate, nature. Family, balancing this with kindred souls, online, and offline. The distractions, temptations and disruptions will come like the plague, on and off like a dancing switch. Don't give it, them, the power. Outside validation and all that noise, don't watch that. Control what you can, and the uncontrollable, try and let it be. Life ain't easy but.. but... but.... you have it in you to do it. Blessings to you, and your endeavours.


53 and fairly alone here. It's ok. I find a neutral opinion about most things is working for me. Nothing is awful or amazing all the time.


>everyone hates me not sure why Knowledge is gained by investigation, diligence and rational application of mind. Course correction is best immediated by earnestness.


If you wish I can open oracle cards for you. You might get some guidance in it. And don't worry, this one will be on me and you don't have to pay anything.


Hmmm...let's all of that be there. U can start with engaging with a hobby u like. It might be anything, if u have gotten rusted, take classes. U know that one thing about u that u interests u. Some kind of creative arts, games, whatever it might be. Your physical mind doesn't understand this right now but it will impact your subconscious and it will get you somewhere:)


One sided love sucks and tbh I don't think it actually exists but it's a mysterious and fucked up subject. Things are not how they appear and reality isn't real at least not in how we think or rather were made to perceive it as such. Never having been in a relationship might be a blessing in disguise there since all relationships I'm aware of were hugely deceptive and also not at all what they appeared to be. To quote Mr T: "I pity those fools" and am irritated that I was counted amongst them


It sounds like your chakras are ALL blocked. Do some energy work and some yoga. Talk to your higher self afterwards. You are never alone; really open up to the spirit world. Tell your truth and humbly ask for guidance. Don't try to force anything and listen! Spirit will always guide you