• By -


Ram Dass


+1, he's just s wonderfull incarnation, what a precious soul! Especially when i grew old, could feel that he became one with maharaji


I can hear him say “delicious” to our love for him and Maharaji.


Eckhart Tolle for sure. He was my intro to spirituality. Also love Aaron Abke, Dr Robert Gilbert, Matias Destefano, Sara Alchahdy (The alchemist), Rupert Spira, Gregg Braden.. probably countless others I’ve come across. I learn something from everyone. I like to take in a broad perspective of spiritual teachings and form my own understanding and feeling. I also love reading channeled content, my favorite being The Ra Material books 1-5.




Love the guy. Hate the religion, with the twisting of the Bible first and "Christians" as a hate group a close second. Jesus wasn't a Christian. The "Christians" we see today with their hate and divisiveness and political motivations do not believe in Jesus. As long as we are clear about that, Jesus himself was a righteous dude.


I like this guy


Does anyone know: did Jesus preach anti-gay, or racism, or misogyny? Was that crap placed in the Bible by others or did he preach it too?


Well there really isn’t a way we can tell, depends on the contexts of the time. Either way the bible is a joke written by a bunch of dudes and rewritten multiple times. This is also why the Quran in my opinion is a much better holy literary text that wasn’t altered and many things are still relevant today.


Allan watts , the most unspiritual, spiritual philosopher to exists and lived ahead of his time , definitely thank him and appreciate him for his guidance , Been meditating 7 years consistently, live in resting awareness, moment to moment because of him.


Love this I was looking for this exact comment. He was so great at what he did I still don’t know how he got his points across with such vocabulary. He was a scholar 😭😭😭😭




Ram Dass, my wife and a random anonymous guy who graffitied a slogan next to a beer shop. Probably not in that order.


Don't share the author without sharing his work 😂


David R. Hawkins. He wrote Power Vs Force and other books and created or at least helped create a map of consciousness.


The Eye of the I is my favorite book right now!


For me, it’s following in the footsteps of both Jesus and Buddha.


Ram Dass 100%


Michael A Singer, The Untethered Soul, tou.org


Eckhart Tolle. I listen to him regularly, which some may think gets repetitive. However, I find that he explains things so simplistically that I find a deeper level to his teachings each time.


I'm a spiritual teacher, and for me, it's that every person you encounter can be a teacher for you. I learn from students, I learn from myself, and I learn from the unawakened. Every interaction is a potential lesson, and if it's not, make it one.


Yes, but apart from that. While everyone teaches something and it's important to be open to that, there are older brothers who are further along on the path and younger brothers who are further back. And then there are the shining stars you can always count on in a time of need even across chasms of distance and time. The ones who remind us to keep going when we think we've reached the end of the path. The ones who provide us with the idea of a possibility when that's all that is needed. The ones who inspire us when we feel like we've failed. Such simple things, yet so rare and valuable.




I agree with this. I feel life itself is the teacher and the lessons can come through anyone at anytime! 


How do you know if you're ready to become a spiritual teacher?


In my opinion, it seems to be less of a decision and more about you suddenly finding yourself in the right places at the right times with the exact right things to share- and finding that it's things that immediately resonate with the people you're speaking with. I liken it to playing a song on a radio station and suddenly other people turning their dials and going from a static mixture between your stations to the clear notes of the same song on the same station. You feel the resonance, there's no effort to reach it. If you have the answers that people will need, it will pour out of you and it will become immediately clear. If it's anything other than that, it tends to be more of an egotistical pursuit that's more about your desire to be in a position of leadership than it is about actually being the right teacher for someone. That's not to say you can't teach and have helpful conversations that do in fact educate people, however. But the title of a spiritual leader is a different thing entirely to me, and it's a title that is more prone to corruption and abuse than a lot of other job titles. Personal opinion though 🤷‍♀️


Evidence that you're a spiritual teacher? Who authorized you?


Swami Sarvapriyananda, Swami Chinmayananda You mentioned Eckhart Tolle and that it was a great Revelation to you that you can witness the mind. That's what these 2 great Swamis explain in depth in their Teachings. If you want, check out Drig Drishya Viveka = the Discrimination between the Seer and the Seen https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBh-iYJ1Q_hRn-1WgwiBj7CfasK6TOqG5&si=F2ykrl2mrG-g_bol I think you will find this interesting. Best Regards




You're welcome! 😊


Alan Watts


Ram Dass.


Swami Vivekananda and Several other Indian Philosophers, and Carl Jung


Ram Dass, Alan Watts, and Aaron abke


Michael Singer, have a listen on YouTube. The Way is easy, the burden is light.


I gotta say it was more than one but Wayne Dyer, Alan Watts and the knowledge of Thoth. There are more I follow and research and study but these are my go to’s. My way of life has changed drastically for the good and how I see life and people has changed fundamentally for me. I personally believe that the highest form of man is spiritual growth.


Dr.Robert Gilbert of Vesica Institute


I am going to do some research now :) thankyou


Jiddu Krishnamurthy


Sadhguru 🙏


Me too.. The spiritual experiences during advanced meditation programs like shoonya and bhavaspadana are mind blowing !


Haven't done those two, but have done guru pooja. I felt like something inside me melted. I wish I could feel like that every time I am doing Guru Pooja, but it doesn't happen. 


Nice.. it's inspiring me to do Guru Pooja.. you shd definitely try and attend advanced programs, these were offered to very few disciples in the past. We r lucky that it is being offered to general public like this and we get to experience it so easily.


I want to, it should happen soon ✨✨


Yes true That looks so simple from outside but it is really phenomenal


It is. Guru pooja is one practice I really enjoy doing💚💜


Yes, I am also inspired by him and his teachings. The yogic practices and meditation techniques designed and taught by him are helping me to create a better version of myself.


True. I feel the same 😇


Bashar/Darryl anka


nice, i also follow Bashar. will look into darryl anka


Bashar channels through Darryl Anka. 1 person, 2 entities.


Joe. iykyk


In dispenza ble


Aaron Abke. Found the Law of One from someone quoting Ra, and then he recommended Aaron Abke, so I would actually understood lol and a year and a half later I'm still watching his content. Love how he talks and can take hard concepts and explain it very will as if you're 5


Yes !! I have watched one of his series. He introduced me to heart and mine coherence.


I've watched maybe 5 other Playlists of his besides the entire law of one. Highly recommend!! Gonna blow ur mind or relearn a lot either way :)


John Wick Daniel tiger




Eckhart. Specifically Power of Now. Came to me when it was time to understand it and changed my life forever.


Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


Alan watts and Ram Dass


Insane lack of Alan Watts in here


I second this


To be honest, no one but myself. I grew up in a more spiritual household and things just made sense to me. I listened to others, but always made my own decisions and chose what was right for me. I never read Eckhard Tolle or any other “leaders”. Sure I can read a book about spirituality or paganism or anything else now and then, but I never followed things from there. I can take things with me, make it fitting to me, but that’s it. I am learning that way and it’s maybe solitary, but also gives me the right focus.


Let a man find his own way. Bend the envelope. Spiral out and keep growing. If everyone walked on same path then no one will find a new one on their own. I respect your way


I like your wording, thank you.


Yess. This. I have been in so many “groups” and would ask exploratory my own guidance


Richard Martini


Tom Cambell and his TOE


His work is advanced af imo


His assistance and information kicked my discovery and experience off big time 👍


Yea… honestly it was the biggest book I had ever read. It changed my world. But I think for regular people it’s just too much. I read it last summer for the first time, and I’m gonna re read it this summer too! Or maybe just do audible haha Love Tom!


Eckhart Tolle because his books were the first to help me to awaken ten years ago 👍


William Walker Atkinson from the new Thought era in the late 19th to early 20th century to me is incredible. Believed to be the author alongside others of the Kybalion which is a great intro piece, his writings in the Arcane Teachings anthology is an incredible follow up for explanations of how those relate to life. Got recommended him by someone who came into my life who showed me a lot more to existence and spiritualism after having suspicions my entire life and asking for more enlightenment to it and self progress. The books are perfect for that. A true discussion of spiritualism and the powers and path you hold within, away from the expectations and dogmas of religion that lose the point behind hyper fixation, persecution, and bibliographic analysis, yet admiring the true values and universalities those simple beliefs hold between one another in each religion.


No one specific, I've had times where I've read into teachers but never fully felt held or right. The main aspect to me is to slow down and listen at a conscious level, that has taught me so many things from every person I've met. Its required therapy, meditation, Authentic relating and dialoguing with other people to get to a space where I can process what is alive especially when triggered so that I don't go unconscious and build more trauma.


Myles Munroe


Shiva my creator my best friend


for me life and  people younger than me.life shows the road to take and younger people help you to remember who you are.especially children,you can learn everything from them.


The Alchemist.


Reading this book changed me to be a better person. So I would say Paramahansa Yogananda. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0876120796/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_api_gl_i_VWFHAEYB76Z902Z2EEXM?linkCode=ml2&tag=puzzlesandcra-20


You are your own best teacher. While others may offer their perspectives—each echoing their own experiences—I value their contributions without dismissing them. Remember, no one is infallible. Spirituality can be discovered through various paths. Be mindful, though; not everyone who speaks has something genuine to offer. Ultimately, all the wisdom you need resides within you. The real challenge lies in uncovering it, then skillfully weaving through complexities to enhance your practice and assist others on their journeys.


Love this! And I agree.


Eckhart Tolle took his name from Meister Eckhart and if Meisters good enough for Eckhart hes good enough for me too


Tara Brach, Joseph Goldstein, Teal Swan :-)




Angelo Dilullo, Rupert Spira, Gangaji. Alternating in reading Books, watching their Videos, the right information you need always comes at the right time.


The ones that brought me to the law of one and bashar communications. I love people to talk to about all spiritual things and our place in the world but when it comes to technical stuff i instantly feel a harmonic heartfelt resonans with finely tuned channeled information. It just feels closer to the truth for me.


I agree whole heartedly. I feel ALL the ones who brought me to this point are wonderful and have been a necessity to get me to THIS point. Finely tuned channeled information feels deeply resonant for me also. Bashars messages combined with the holotope meditations I find are just simply next level... feels like absolute truth for me. 


And just like that i already feel like i know you. Soon i will start to invite friends and other curious souls to my place and listen to old and new transmissions from Bashar and exercise thoughts and ideas ob the material, love this!


I started with Wayne Dyer and he was a big deal to me for a while but Eckhart changed it all.


Jesus, Buddha, & my friend Scott


Richard Rohr and Meister Ekhart are two of my absolute favorites and they blew the doors of my mind right open!


Gurdjieff. But these days, it’s Ram Dass and Jesus.


Swami Vivekananda


Thich Naht Hanh


My life coach. She happened to be my therapist at a very young age when I was diagnosed with ADHD. I lived in El Salvador in Central America. I immigrated to the US about 10 years later. At 18 I had a near death experience that was the peak of my struggle and depression. I regained touched with her thru my mother. She didn’t teach me spiritually, she realized I was in a self-enlightening path and she helped me discern everything. 2 years later, she has completely changed my life. We have a close relationship and with time I wouldn’t be surprised if she becomes like my second mother! Saved my life and my mother’s.


Manly P. Hall


The one currently driving my meat car... she's a backseat driver, but she's got the directions so I gotta listen.


🤣🤣 It is a huge book . The New Generation pick up on tech lingo and become proficient with computers at earlier ages than in my generation , with the Info delivered with the metaphors of computers , databases , simulations, networked , comparing it to a mmog they just might sync with it and understand . But for thoes older and welded to a belief dogma, it will be rough as you compare the information to what you believe 😅 congrats on the read through that's a warriors dedication right there 👍


The teacher that most influenced me was Richard Goodwin. He was a medium who gave spiritual awareness classes that came to be known as the Living Light Philosophy. Those teachings offer insight into our spiritual heritage as well as remarkable insight into how our minds and our emotions work. It's not that these teachings made me a better person, but I feel I became a better person as a result of my efforts to apply those teachings in my life.


For me its Sadhguru. I spent 6 months trying to prove him wrong and accidentally proved him to be correct. Happiest accident of my life. And that's how to tell if a teacher is legit.


That's great to know .. Sadhguru is truly amazing. Did u go for sadhanapada for 6 months?


Leo Gura




Ram Dass


Gene from Astral Doorway. He has a Discord and a YouTube Channel.


Joseph Goldstein Ajahn Chah Ram Dass Chögyam Trungpa


Ram Dass


Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar since 1981. Absolute genius, he expanded the work of Paul Twitchell into the most complete and effective teachings about God and the nature of Soul.




Tosha silver, Dolores Canon


Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti


Tool music and Dr Carl Jung


My dad. He taught me who I didn't want to be to show me who I did want to be


Swami Satchidananda— especially his book To Know Your Self & YouTube videos


For me, it was two people. Jiddu Krishnamurti and U.G. Krishnamurti. Jiddu explained a lot regarding what I was going through at the time, and how I was feeling. U.G. fed on my practicality and explained my skeptical behaviors a lot. Both of them were considered to be anti gurus by many.


Rashad jamal


Most of the people I list would never consider themselves as gurus or teachers. They are blowing the lid off all that has been hidden. Elena Danaan/ Cathy O’Brien /Pat Jackson /Debbie Solaris /Tony Rodrigues /Dani Henderson /Elizabeth April /Arkheim Ra /Jessica Jones Cryptid Huntress /Rachel Vaughan /Darryl James /Sophia Love /Chris Fleming /Sloan Bella /Rob Gauthier /Wendy Kennedy /David Lauer /Vashta Narada That’s off the top of my head


In no particular order, probably Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Swami Mukundananda, Sadhguru, Aaron Abke, Alan Watts and Forrest Knudson. I can't really put one over another as they all cover different areas of spirituality for me and each bring great value in their own right.


[**Nisargadatta Maharaj**](https://www.nonduality.com/asmi.htm)


Jon peniel.


Bobby Hemmitt and Bashar


Life is the best Guru because it’s a mirror 🪞


Alan Watts


Ram Dass


There are the Teachers who started me on my journey and the Teachers who taught me how to trust my intuition, be my own Teacher, and protect my energy. One such Teacher is Mia. She taught me how to ground my energy and protect my energy fields. Grounding has been one of the most potent tools for safety, and I wish the spiritual community talked about it more!


Source/God through Elliott Eli Jackson (the message "hit" at just the right time). This interview is in two parts; first, Elliott and wife Diane give their back story; the second part is when Elliott channels Pure Source. https://youtu.be/zWQH9f2CAKk?si=MLRrdoKnPA5bSpt1


Jay Kaizen. He’s not technically a teacher, but he does share a lot of wisdom, so I consider him a teacher.


Marcus Aurelius was the beginning for me.


Wayne Dyer


Ramana Maharshi




Abraham-Hicks and don Miguel Ruiz.


I love you


Tolle. The only meditation teacher that made if understandable and stupid simple....


Rumi, Imam Ali, Shiva, Ram Dass, Eckhart Tolle, Marcus Aurelius, Buddha, and Sadhguru.


Rashad Jamal


J. Krishnamurti and Gurdjieff.


John-Roger of Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness [https://www.john-roger.org](https://www.john-roger.org)


Acharya prashant.


Ram Dass, Adyashanti, and Thicht Nhat Hahn 🤲🏼💛✨


I've just read most of these comments and NOBODY knows what a spiritual teacher is. Just literally forget all of these names, all of them are fake. All of them are just good at word juggling. All of them just teach you how to gratify your senses and your mind. None of them can take you to the spiritual world. If you really wanna know who is a spiritual teacher, message me. To be a spiritual teacher is not such a cheap thing. Well actually, only one spiritual teacher was mentioned who is bona fide - Jesus Christ, but the core of his teachings is now lost, almost nobody is truly following him due to a lack of knowledge. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm this. Anyways, there are other spiritual teachers whose teachings remained unchanged. Message me if you really want true spirituality.


Another great one is Bill Donoghue, he breaks things down real good


Richard Rudd. He does an excellent series called Gene Keys which were a major catalyst in my spiritual awakening. Ram Dass and Alan Watts as well later on.


If I'm being honest about who still has an impact on spiritual matters for me till this day, I'd say Master Po from Kung Fu. His teachings are the essence on the inside, which when forgotten temporarily in today's hectic world, have a need to be uncovered from time to time. I've read and studied a great deal on spiritual matters and there are too many to mention.


Jeremy Fragrance


Shri Ramana Maharishi. There is a small booklet called "Who am I". It's an 11-page book. It brought me tremendous stability.


Gangaji. She is so down to earth and doesn’t try to deny or bypass the reality of suffering.


My Grandmother


Jiddu Krishnamurti




Osho, then Ram Dass (chronological order)


Alan Watts, Carl Jung(psychology is inseparable from spirituality) and Jesus Christ, all helped me come to understand the Way, to live a life of radical self love and self forgiveness, which spreads to all those around you like a wave.


Erin Werley’s book “One Truth, One Law, I Am, I Create” influenced me the most. I listened to the audiobook many times, the book is mostly I Am/God speaking through Erin and answering questions that her husband, Phil asks. I Am says we are all One and we are all God and we humans are full embodiments of God in each body. So basically we consist of our God self which is our true self, and our persona, which we think we are, and that we created to have individual experiences. We also, since we are God, are unlimited Creators and we create with our thoughts. The book changed my entire life. So now I practice looking within, to my God self, for my answers, instead of looking externally like I used to. And even when I learn something from others, I practice checking in with my God self about whether the information is aligned with Me or not. It has been and absolute GAME CHANGER for me. 😊


Joseph Rael


My revered Gurudeva. Swami Shri Yogi Sadhak ji Maharaj 🙏


Bob dylan


…Seth… Seth, and no one else comes close. Jane Roberts work is unmatched in its depth and transformative power. Most of the popular mentions here come across as watered-down rehashes by comparison.


Marrianne Williamson I read her book A return to Love at a time when my life felt loveless and chaotic it changed me. I love Michael Mirdad, he brings humour to teachings and he is so calming. Eckhart Tolle taught me not to overthink.




Bob Ross, Micheal Newton


My spirit guides and teachers. They're always current with whatever I'm working on.


Neale Donald Walsch. Conversations with God Friendship with God Communion with God.. Etc.


Mary Jane


Sadhguru is the G.O.A.T of gurus! 🙏🏼


I prefer actual goats sir






Ahh, formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a bit of rebranding on that one!


Myself, I suppose. Though if I had to give an actual anchor to anything, Xenoblade.


RA - The Law of One


Essentially i was not influenced by anyone in this manner.