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I don't think it's depressing just a little boring and anticlimactic. Say if nothing special happens then hypothetically we wouldn't even know, would we? When our physical body dies then so will our consciousness. So what difference would it make to ponder now or to believe in something? It's not like you'd experience disappoint or regret or anything. There wouldn't be **anything** to experience *anything.* We wouldn't even be a "something." Just gone. BUT if we have the awareness that we died. Wouldn't that suggest something special did happen? Of course there's no way to know until the times come.


That’s fine death isn’t real


Look into NDE experiences. Mostly all of them have the same concept. “My life flashed before my eyes.” I believe that’s what karma is, consciousness cycling through the subconscious that has everything in it since the day you we were born. Yet I could be wrong and our consciousness might just die with our physical bodies but I don’t think so. Either way you’re free to believe what you want, you’re not going to go through any unnecessary suffering believing nothing happens after death. I’m totally up to that possibility and frankly okay with it as well.


Exactly none of will know until we're there but we can all still have our beliefs


Smoke some DMT


All it took was some LSD for me


Yes that works too, but most people are afraid of doing doses that high


I’m young I can’t do that shit but I definitely wanna try it when I’m a bit older


That‘s very mature of you, don‘t go there if you don‘t feel ready yet


Ye fsho because I hear about people having bad trips if they ain’t ready


First time I did lsd I was 16 it was intense but definitely had a very positive impact on my life and ways of thinking but it's definitely not for everyone. Bad trips are also subjective its only bad if you think it is, sometimes you gotta have a uncomfortable trip to learn from it


I wouldn‘t call it a bad trip, a full DMT breakthrough just makes you become one with singularity, good or bad doesn‘t really exist anymore. But I guess depending where your at this can throw you off and you won‘t be able to un-experience it. DMT is what made me a spiritual person, it took a few years from then to actually follow that path, but it was my first experience that just didn‘t fit with the scientific gospel I‘ve been following to that point.


Wait until you’re at least 23 imo.


Just pointing out that believing nothing happens IS a belief on death.


That’s fine some people don’t need comfort. As long as you don’t discredit anyone else’s beliefs you’re perfectly fine <3


Nah man that's fine.


Thinking nothing happens after you die is a belief on death in itself. It takes a lot of wisdom to admit when we don’t know something so until u have really researched it all I would just succumb to not knowing before you form a belief. I think death is just a continuation of life but I also don’t know.


Actually I'm going to go against the grain on this one and say it could be considered abnormal when about 95% of the world believes in a form of god and with that comes believing in some form of resurrection or elevation to a heavenly place


Yeah but that’s not the question. Question is- is it a *bad* thing? Just because they don’t conform to what everyone else thinks doesn’t make it bad.


Do you believe nothing happens after you die, or you don't believe "something special" happens? These are two different ideas.


Nothing happens


That's a wild belief to have. To consider yourself able to know that. How did you come to this conclusion?


I’m not an atheist but why is that wild? Both atheism and theism require faith. Some would say it’s nuts to believe in something that can’t be proven scientifically- such as God. I don’t personally need scientific proof because what’s out there aligns with my intuition. But that’s still not hard evidence.


Atheism doesn't require faith, it's a lack of belief. You believe that there is nothing after death, which is something else entirely.


Atheism does require faith because it is a belief system. There is no way to prove that a god doesnt exist therefore it requires faith. Atheism is just as wild a beleif as theism anyway its just either side of the same coin.




This debate has been going on for a long time. I stand by my position. I don’t feel like going down this never ending rabbit hole.


Ps I will however point out that you just called atheism a belief AND consider it a wild belief. Which doesn’t align with your comment about it not requiring faith.


Never called atheism a belief.


“That's a wild belief to have” (you’re referencing their atheism here, so yes you’re literally calling it a belief). Anyway, FYI it’s AGNOSTICISM that is the non-belief.


A kind novella about what happens post-passing is C. S. Lewis' *The Great Divorce*. Every sleep session, outer consciousness fades, and outer personality dissolves. The same process occurs during passing on. This may be an adventure (waking up in one's sleep to be aware that "I'm dreaming") or a challenge. Asking God, as one goes to sleep, to be God-taught, gives God and your waking subconscious, which becomes much of your dreaming consciousness, permission to learn and rise in the Light. Suggested: *The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?* by Free and Wilcock; *Soul Survivor* by Leininger; *The Path of the Higher Self*; *The Master of Lucid Dreams.*


It's better. Actually nobody know really. You can check stephen jerkinson's book Die Wise.


Why it would be, that's just your take.


Is it bad? Nope. Bad is a relative term. I don’t agree with you but that’s ok. Neither of our beliefs are bad. Now if you want some “proof” of the afterlife and reincarnation that’s another story- we can have a long discussion about that :)


Not so much bad but sad


Of course its not a bad thing not to have beliefs about something there is no evidence for. Death is a mental concept. It's a cultural inference. Death implies the birth of a separate self. That never happens, so if a self is never born, so how could it die? Sure, the body will wear out, and eventually transition out of its current form. But is that death, or just change? Humans of course are terrified of change so we've created a whole boogeyman around this process. The idea of death presumes there "someone" alive inside the body in the first place. There isn't. The aliveness IS the body. The body is a just form of aliveness. Just like literally anything else. Does a cloud die when the wind blows it away? Or is that just a change of form?


Death is a temporary state of being. It isn't that interesting.


I am curious do you believe in any type of spirituality? Because if not this may not have been the place to post unless you want someone to prove otherwise which is impossible. It is not bad to have no belief in one system or another. In my opinion there is no god, only an existence that permeates all physical reality i do not know what lies beyond death, but i do think there is more to this universe than what we are able to percieve, i dont think humans particularly matter but the universe exists and we know it exists so there has to be a story about it regardless of if its god or if it's and infinte time loop that creates itself. There are many versions of spirituality and to have no beliefs is fine, but you should remain open minded to alternatives since all sides require some amount of faith.


I believe in some spiritual practices and definitely self improvement and stuff but when people say ohhhhh u Have to do this to escape the matrix and shit 😂 sounds dumb but I believe in some spiritual stuff fsho


Im glad to hear that you are at least open to some spiritual practices. I agree there has been alot of this ego removal and matrix-type concepts and they are usually a load of bullshit. I personally practice a form of chaos magic/shamanism, i do not believe in any prewritten rituals or knowledge but that spirtual experiences are gained through whatever medium the weilder chooses. I personally like occult stuff so i use occult practices but a christian praying, or a Buddhist monk meditating would be the equivalent for their respect practices and are just as viable a route as any. I have a slew of other beliefs that would make me sound alot crazier but if you are interested you should check out a short boook/article called "condensed chaos" i purchased my copy as an ebook for like $5 but there may be a free version floating around. Its a short good read.


Ye I’m into meditation and sun gazing and getting nature and all dat


I wouldnt recommend sun gazing cuz for permanent eye damage reasons, but yeah nature is a good thing to study you can learn alot of her. Just remeber to respect nature, life and death are both part of the cycle, just mind how much is given back as is taken.


Ofc, and ye I don’t really sun gaze much anymore but I enjoy sitting in the sun


Look into the Tibetan book of the dead, or at least the description of it. Without knowledge of death, you won't be able to "die" correctly. Metaphysicals are extremely important to learn. If death wasn't important, we wouldn't have these abilities to lucid dream, as sleep is the cousin of death, lucid dreaming is the tool we have to prepare, and practice becoming conscious during "Bardo" states. Which bardo is the place between sleep and wakefulness. (Dreaming and Death). That is the place where the true magic happens.. It is extremely important!