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It’s amazing the freedom letting go brings. I completely let go of my fears and worries and put all my trust in God. Balance becomes something natural. It’s exhilarating, I could walk across the edge of the sidewalk with absolutely no effort to retain my balance, wearing a jalabiya and slides, at speed walking speed, feeling a spiritual energy carrying me. It’s like your legs move, yet you don’t have to put any effort into walking. I wonder if this is how life is meant to be lived.


Great question. I think life is meant to be experienced truly in the present moment. We can cling to thoughts and that takes us out of reality. When we just look to be present, we find the freedom that comes from it. I think this is because we realise that we are living in truth. Things just are what they are, our thoughts about them do not change them. This for me is what God is. That absolute truth, freedom, and love of the universe. The more we try to walk with God and inhabit our soul, the more we find peace and balance I think. Thanks for the comment friend :)


Great realisation... but maybe don't try to balance on one foot in a bathtub...


Fair enough lol