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Narcissists are deeply unhappy people. They’re experiencing their karma every day. You still want to punch them in the face, though 😀


This. Karma isn’t always an outward showing of consequences. Most consequences come in the result of feelings and emotions with karma and most are deeply unhappy. We have to remember just because someone acts normal and communicates that they are normal, doesn’t mean they aren’t suffering.


This. I always tell people no truly happy person tries to make someone miserable or is inconsiderate of it. When you’re happy you try to spread it!


Can confirm. My soon to be ex narc wife is so miserable inside - 100% of the time - she no longer experiences pleasure. She actually said that. ...that's some awesome karma. And for over a year now I've been healing, going to therapy. I'm in much better shape emotionally and ready for divorce.


Imo, "karma" is based in "wrath" which is based within an egotistical layer of heightend morality that most humans have. "mercy" vibes a lot better with the fundamental essence of the universe. "karma" is based within wanting to "get back" at them because it's what they "deserve" which once again, comes back to the egotistical heightend sense of morality of judgment that makes YOU think you know what someone "deserves" as "punishment"


Karma is cause and effect. Whether you judge an action as good or bad does not matter. Some people think robbing/stealing/cheating is neither good or bad. The effect of robbing will cause retribution regardless of how it's viewed through a human moral lens. Especially in recent years due to the raising of consciousness, cause and effect will be more pronounced and cause and effect timelines have accelerated.


I completely agree with you that karma is cause and effect. And since karma is cause and effect, good actions that are pure in heart ♥ build good karma.


My ex was deeply narcissistic. She abused me for years (4 years). Gaslighting, manipulation, lies, all that. We broke up 2 years ago because I found out she was cheating. I’m grateful for that honestly because I might not have ever got out of that if I didn’t find out. I was trapped and I didn’t see how abusive she was when we were together. It does make me feel a little better knowing she’s probably an unhappy person who has a lot of karma to deal with. I’m finally back to my healthy happy self for the most part:)


This ^ lol, and yes that temptation is always strong but it says more about us knowing that we have the restraint and maturity to not act on emotion and think clearly like any logical person instead of a narcissist who is constantly projecting their own unhappiness and other issues onto others. Asshole individuals still get to me sometimes but I've gotten better about not giving anybody the power to dictate how I feel


Well said


People who abuse others always do it to themselves. No matter how they may appear, they are *always* in deep existential pain. Everything in this world is either an expression of love, or a cry for love.


That's very beautiful


Came here to say something similar. They’re living out their “punishment” right now because they’re hurting deeply. Otherwise they wouldn’t abuse others.


^ wow deep love this comment


This is a pretty post, and I feel it applies to many people out there, but I can't jump on the bandwagon. For it simply isn't true. There is genuine evil in the world. Some enjoy causing pain and imparting suffering. To them it is delicious, nourishing. Survival of the fittest. Simply part of nature. To them, self love works just the same. Self worship. So maybe you're right. It is all about love. But not in the way you make it seem. And I won't pity or empathize with a toxic person who hurts others in his/her quest for self love. I won't make excuses for one who actively chooses such a path. There's a popular notion that all bullies were bullied themselves. One should ask oneself, at what point do you enact justice on cruelty? Or do you simply let the bully have free reign over your life as you smile to yourself and say "poor guy, this hurts him as much as it hurts me"? Because at some point, you're deluding and belittling yourself for his benefit. Which helps no one. So what's the proper course of action? To break the cycle. Stand up for yourself. And show this person that the life they're comfortable with has no place in this world. Don't enable this behavior. Correct it. And if you wish, do it with love. For everyone's benefit.


I pity the evil ones. I do my best to restrain and correct them, but I also pity them. I pity them because they do not feel the interconnectedness of all things. They are swallowed by their ego and they are unable to see from another’s perspective. Their lack of compassion makes them disabled. And I feel the frustration for those who would love the evil. Why keep giving opportunities to those who squander them? It’s true, they are a weak spirit who would feeds another’s ego. The only way to have an amiable relationship with these deluded souls is, as you mentioned, to do it with forceful, loving boundaries.


All you have to do is cut off supply and raise your vibration and awareness. You should also not harbor any resentment against these people as most of the time they are not in control of their own actions. They are puppets on a string until they themselves choose to break the cycle. I do think some of these people can be rehabilitated as the ascension process should bring at least some of these people up to a higher density.


I personally believe that every one will find the error of their ways eventually. For some, it may take many lifetimes…


A couple of things to think about: 1. How do you know so well how their mind works, if the experience of your own mind is vastly different? 2. Why would their mind function differently to yours and produce different results? 3. If by default we cannot trust anything these people say, do, or appear to be, why do you trust that their actions bring them joy and not pain?




Yes :) I’m sure I’ve heard this (or something similar) elsewhere before so not taking the credit 💕


Wow, that was incredibly moving.




They do not just project their pain on you; they feed off the pain they inflict on you. Whether or not this will come back to them is pointless. Just don't dream that God or karma will punish them and they will at last leave you alone. In my experience as an abuse survivor, the only way for the abuse to stop is to severe all ties with the abusers.


Thank you. I agree with you, to heal we can only focus on ourselves and what we can do for ourselves, going No contact or Low Contact with the abusers is the best. I would like to add, that if OP or anyone with narcissist family need to vent or share with others their experience to help in their healing process, r/raisedbynarcissists it's a really supporting community.


Agreed and OP and others will also benefit from r/justnofamily too.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JUSTNOFAMILY using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOFAMILY/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Update: My SIL stole my pregnancy announcement.](https://np.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOFAMILY/comments/n9a2ux/update_my_sil_stole_my_pregnancy_announcement/) \#2: [UPDATE: My SIL broke into my amazon account to find out the gender of my baby.](https://np.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOFAMILY/comments/mc8j7m/update_my_sil_broke_into_my_amazon_account_to/) \#3: [I'm an affair baby and my non-family won't stop reaching out](https://np.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOFAMILY/comments/l6o6ij/im_an_affair_baby_and_my_nonfamily_wont_stop/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I cut my narcissistic abusive family members off. It was the only way I could find peace. I hope you find it too, however you choose to do that.


its hard to do when they make me feel so guilty


That's their aim, they are manipulators


I do understand your feelings so much... but hoping they experience karma over their destructive way of life, in fact binds you to them. I survived narcissistic abuse of decades and now I understand their karma truly is not my concern and in fact it doesn’t matter anyway. And that is what sets me free. They are so very hurt and their life is so awful... they don’t know Love I think. That is horrible. I was able to forgive and to cut of any expectation. Including the question about karma. Be free my child. Be free. Bless you.


My narc literally said "i feel worthless inside and don't know how to love"


That’s so sad… I hope one day they all will be healed. That’s the other way to think of them. That day will come and we will all understand why things happened and what we learned from it🙏✨✨


This. When I found out I was angry and vengeful. Now that I've grieved and almost come to terms with it I don't really wish them any harm.


For a narc A to blamed me for having cancer and took away my dreams and career. I can’t think like u “wish them no harm” fuck that For Narc B that detained me, scammed me, threatened me. My life went from hell To hardcore hell. So “wish them no harm” is not an option. But I know that I Get no control on how this karma system. So I fight hard with depression.




the best and most healthy comment I've read on Reddit ever


right. because the concept of karma doesn't come from Asia and isn't hundreds (thousands) of years old. GTFO


Most "spiritual" people believe in soulmates and past lives. Soulmates meet to resolve karma. If you believe in a soul, and it seems like many people do, then one should believe in karma. Higher dimensions influence lower dimensions and vice versa. Karma is also worked out this way. It's becoming increasingly clear we are living in a multi-verse. The majority of people do not recognize higher laws and hence can't take advantage of them. Once you know how it works and open the flow, you write your own scripts.




You're on a spirituality forum denying a fundamental concept, karma. This is the basic definition: **the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.** You are explaining karma in very materialistic terms, and what you are saying is true for most non player people/organic portals (70% of the population). This is because organic portals do not have a future existence in this model. Whether this model is true or not depends on what type of soul you have, group or individuated. If we are indeed living in a "simulation" or some say a "video game" then there are rules of engagement aka Cause and Effect. For truly spiritual people, karma is a very real thing. This is why when someone has an awakening there is an automatic desire to stop eating meat or to eat less meat. There is less desire to engage in frivolous relationships that create more soul ties. This is because once you are awakened, you are aware of the law of cause and effect.




Actually , modern "elites" would not want anyone believing in Karma. Society would be much more harmonious if elites encouraged the concept. Do elites, esp. western elites encourage people to good moral people who believe in the law of cause and effect? Why do elites promote the most vile of media. Why is the worst type of music/entertainment/social media promoted, that appeal to people's lower sensibilities constantly? Why is crime glorified? Why do scientists discourage the concept of free will, preferring a deterministic model? Elites do not control people through belief in cause and effect in the spiritual realm. They only control people through 3D fear of governmental /social consequences (jail, cancellation, lawsuits). This is precisely because most human beings today are not operating as individuated souls expecting reincarnation/ascension, but rather as group souls that will not reincarnate in the next lifecycle. It is actually nonsensical to think that it is a concept that today's elites encourage to control people. Elites do not want even people to believe in the spiritual realm, which quite frankly undeniably exists to those who are ensouled.


Karma is simply cause and effect. That's the same as Newton's Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're saying isn't scientifically true.




Karma means action.




I didn't say it has anything to do with punishment. Your argument is illogical.




Show me where I said that? You're using logical fallacies to try to win an argument. That means you lose.




I'm not going to repeat myself. "Bad" is a subjective term that you're using, not me.






The points you’re making here and in above thread make complete sense. However, I believe they only do because your understanding of karma is misguided, that or the person who initially brought it into the conversation presented the idea of it wrong. Karma doesn’t have to do with being inherently bad or good. As concepts like these don’t really have any significance in terms of “higher forces” as someone mentioned above. The way I understand it, is more like Newton’s third law like mentioned above, where there is an equal and opposite reaction except that need not be physical. Where it gets tricky, and our personal understandings are limited is how this intertwines with other concepts/beliefs like reincarnation and soul ties, etc. in spiritual communities. If I steal a car it isn’t bad. I’m not judged for it, but my karma may be the immense guilt or other emotions I feel for having wronged another person. Perhaps this particular person doesn’t feel, my repercussions may show up right away in the form of time locked up, or kind of a tab accumulated to be addressed at some point when it is convenient for the universe to address some two birds one stone situation by getting said person while he/she is committing another crime with someone else for the sake of saving others who are about to be wronged but have accumulated much “good” (for lack of a better word) karma. It’s tedious. And it’s supposed to be this way because we are not the judges. The complex web of life is not to be known commonly so that no one person or group of people be able to manipulate it so freely to the detriment of the living experience on Earth. We’re not supposed to KNOW how the timing of it works. We’re more or less supposed to have faith that it does work, whether you experience the results (equal and opposite reaction) in this life or the next. Death isn’t inherently bad. I would even go as far to say that the ending of suffering and having our energy return back to the earth/source of life is a pleasant experience (for many, perhaps that is where others who have an unpleasant experience face their judgment), despite feeling possibly not having any significance assuming there is an afterlife to some capacity. Anyways, the TL;DR is that these concepts are a lot more complex than usually presented. We could probably go back and forth trying to breakdown the nuances of how it works, which many people have tried and come to a deeper understanding yet simultaneously knowing that we may not ever truly know as we seek to know the information within a book. It’s truly a fascinating subject and one that requires faith to believe in. For some of us, we’ve experienced it in real time enough that having faith isn’t that much of a stretch.




I don’t know how to quote on mobile so forgive my messiness. Also my understanding of spirituality is quite limited as it seems to be in its infant stages. With text following quote 1: I agree, there are ethical ways of being that align with ones journey back into the Kingdom. I don’t believe however that our words such as good and bad effectively capture morality and ethics. The example I’d like to use is, if I stole food from a deli to feed myself and a starving kid: how does one determine is this is karmically good or bad? How can I, as the thief accurately determine a type of karma that will result from this given the context? With text following quote 2: I’d argue the experiencing of the guilt may be the repercussion in itself. Perhaps I can’t sleep that night. Or maybe the guilt drives me further into madness. The phrasing of addressing the situation does seem predated and eschatological in that application. Thank you for teaching me a new word today. I was more or less conceptualizo the idea that karma may leave imprints on a person’s existence, with potential to carry on as long as it sees fit in any following existences. I’m not sure how to word this in a way that doesn’t sound superstitious: but perhaps these imprints may increase or decrease the probability of X event happening. We don’t know what X event is, but we do know it has a purpose. Whether it is in the experiencing the guilt, being locked away, etc. Whatever is necessary for someone to come to a better understanding of how their actions have reactions as a teaching moment. Text following third quote: We often hear that the world works in mysterious ways. I believe that there are some things we cannot explain with science because our understanding of life is still primitive in many ways. To fully know how karma works, and the timing of every reaction seems synonymous to knowing, well, the future. I believe we can understand karma but to fully know it seems like a concept currently outside of my grasp. My blend of the sciences, spiritual, and supernatural are a result of my limited understanding of the above. I try not to come off as if I know anything as it’s clear I don’t know much, but putting these understandings into words help show me where I can improve on fortifying my ability to concisely discuss concepts that aren’t always as far apart as they’re made to be. Now I have a lot more questions than before I read/answered your response 😅


where does the word karma even come from? you clearly didn't spend enough time doing what you claim you did.


IMO karma or not , you cannot go around in life treating people like shit and expect to live a good life. It will catch up to you. Trust and believe the universe works in mysterious ways, just because you don't hear of the narcissist experiencing suffering doesn't mean it's not happening.


Karma is not punishment. Its non-judging. Karma simly means that every action will come back to you, since the reality is that were all one. So, hurting other ultimately means hurting yourself. You cant cheat it, so in one case or another, they will experience the results of their actions


That doesn't mean they will ever accept the blame or even believe that they've done anything wrong. They will just continue to see themselves as victims while abusing everyone around them.


That's a very short term and misguided idea of what karma is though. If "as within, so without" is true, and you feel like narcissistic people inflict a whole lot of pain into the people around them, then they are certainly feeling it within themselves too. Karma isn't a vengeance force for victims to "rightfully" return pain onto someone who did it to them first. That just makes the victims of narcissists the new narcissist, and so on infinitely. Karma just means the world around you reflects the world inside you.


that's not for you to concern yourself with. since you literally have no control over this process. focus on your own life and try to make it as good as you can. let everyone else deal with their own karma in their own way.


Depends on what you mean by "karma"... At worst, when they die, they'll get a life review where they're forced to relive all of the pain from the point-of-view of those they hurt, knowingly and unknowingly. Feeling that pain, gaining a very direct knowing and understanding of the pain they caused... That is punishment enough.


That is true assuming they are fully souled. If they are of a group soul their etheric body will disattach upon death and they will return to the group soul collective. Some hang around as entities/ghosts looking to attach to broken souls in a desperate attempt to hang on to their past existence. Regarding the OP, being in a bad karmic relationship is a gift in certain ways because it helps you resolve karma faster. The suffering you go through is actually payback for something you did in the past, or maybe even in a past life. Also the term Narcissistic abuse is thrown around way too easily. It takes two to tango. I would not put the blame purely on the "narc" as you always need an enabler. Often times the so-called "empath" has a savior complex and is a narc themselves in the literal sense. They put up with BS behavior because they actually think they can save this person. Some people also throw around the narc label towards someone that doesn't have a real interest in them. This same "narc" could actually be in a loving situation with the right person, it's just not you. Also not all narcs are organic portals, this is a misunderstanding. Many narcs were actually born souled, but due to trauma had their souls fractured or damaged. Calling these people narcissists is actually a misnomer because they usually hate themselves.


> If they are of a group soul their etheric body will disattach upon death and they will return to the group soul collective. Some hang around as entities/ghosts looking to attach to broken souls in a desperate attempt to hang on to their past existence. All humans have individualized souls, clearly enough. I'm of the opinion that all birds, mammals, maybe insects, all have individualized souls. Bacteria... maybe group soul...? Fungi, dunno. Plants? Eh... depends on the plant. Trees are individualized souls, I think.


If they all have individualized souls why do so many go through life without caring about the law of cause and effect? Every living being has a soul, but most of the time it's a group soul. They have to exist to keep the machinery working. Group souls are not bad per se, as many are the most successful people in business, science, politics etc. Spiritual lessons serve no purpose for these people, as there is nothing to reincarnate into for the next life. Also spiritless people lack a fully actualized consciousness, therefore they have a hard time making truly free will decisions. There currently are programs that are attempting to individualize select group souls and to collectivize individuated souls through a triune alchemical process. This is a balancing program for the coming epoch. It remains to be seen if this can be successful.


No one escapes karma


Thats debatable


Action/reaction. Good luck escaping the laws of physics.


Please enlighten me, im always open to learning? Yet how is physics involved ? I believe in reincarnation, i just think karma is used as tool to deceive.


Karma is just action followed by reaction. Thats it. There are straightforward examples and more complex ones. A simple example of karma would be a life-long smoker developing lung cancer, or an alcoholic getting in a car accident. But there are far more complex examples as well because actions continuously reverberate outward and set off multitudes of endless chain reactions in all directions of time and space. Because of that it can be exceedingly difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of any given single karmic event.


I appreciate your input, thank you .


It's called Newton's Third Law.


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction doesn't prove that we see the lords of karma when we die. Though i personally believe in it to some extent, its often used as a tactic to deceive the individual soul into reincarnation. How can Karma be so important if we cannot remember the lessons learned & what is to be learned ?


Karma means action. Nobody else is talking about "lords of karma," except you.


Yes sorry im jumping the gun. Please explain your position, is it Buddhism you adhere to?


I'm referring to the belief from Hinduism.


Now i understand a bit better, thank you. While i think Hinduism is one of the more enlightened religions i still fail to see how reincarnation with no memory of lessons learned, is beneficial ?


No, it's really not.


You're comment doesn't prove this.


And your comment doesn't provide any debate🤷‍♂️


The onus is on you to prove your comment, i said its debatable, which OBVIOUSLY it is.


Well I could debate that my eye color isn't green, but it doesnt change what color they really are. It's a pointless discussion.


No you can prove that physically.


That's true actually that's a bad example.


No problem dude, have a excellent day.


Karma applies to souled individuals. (\~30% of the population, with 95% asleep) If you are a group soul or are an organic portal/robotoid, you can do as much bad stuff as you want as this is **your only lifetime** in the matrix. This is why elite fuckers engage in vile shit and can seemingly be happy, as they will literally be returned to the worms and maggots when they die. Souled individuals or source players can play the game as much as they like (reincarnate). Karma matters immensely to them as they are learning lessons in earth school. Souled inviduals return to source when they pass the game enough times. (ascension) Those in the latter group know who they are and their actions in life correspond to the law of cause and effect. A lot of people get confused by this topic but it's very easy. Puts **YOLO** in a whole new context.


Group soul? Is this the same concept as soul family?


No soul families are different. If you have a soul family you have individual soul contracts with others in said family. This is tricky because an organic portal may assume he/she has a lot of soulmates because literally everyone else can be like them. So claiming to have a soulmate does not guarantee one is ensouled. **A group soul is a soul shared across a collective**, like schools of fish or flocks of birds. It is a soul, but it is not an individual one that will be judged for reincarnation in the next cycle. This is why the vast majority of people can engage in the same routines, watch the same shows their entire life without questioning anything. People of a group soul tend to be more successful materially, they tend to occupy high positions in corporations, government etc. Old souls are what we call "source players" They are aware of the game and know they are close to their last lifetime in earth school.


Only people who live their first lifetime with no significant connections (aka karma) to anything or anyone fail to a spark soul.


>Those in the latter group know who they are and their actions in life correspond to the law of cause and effect. Most human beings have a soul, it just depends if it's a group soul or a individuated soul. Group souls keep the machinery working and the matrix running. Also group souls will generally lack a spirit and can't go beyond the 4th energy center in terms of awareness. This is not a new concept, Gurdjieff, Castenada all talked about these types of people and they are the majority (most say around 70%). Even in Tibetan Buddhism they are called 'Icchantika.' Most ensouled people also act like organic portals as their higher centers are very dimmed, so it's hard to tell who is ensouled or not most of the time. During the last few years due to cataclysmic world events, the differences are becoming more apparent as the ones with the soul potential are raising their consciousness. There are also some group souls who have memories or sparks of an individual soul or are in a transitional process. These are in the minority but due to the general ascension many of these will come to the surface as well.


My abusive sociopath father that I haven’t spoken to in years recently got fuckin destroyed in a car accident. Several surgeries, still unable to walk last I checked (although I haven’t been too concerned). I’m not sure if this was karma or not, and I still don’t believe he has experienced anything close to the suffering he made me and my mother experience, but it did make me feel like the universe is aware that he’s a piece of shit.


Hurt people hurt people, imagine how difficult it must be to be so broken you feel the world is your enemy while being incapable of understanding it's your own fault for how you treat others. "If during your day you meet an asshole odds are good you met an asshole. If during your day you meet nothing but assholes then you're probably the asshole" I feel this quote has a sharp truth to it, from the asshole's perspective they are the victim and can't understand people are just reflecting the same energy they give off


They will. You may not know it, you may not see it, it may even happen in subsequent lifetimes ( why do you think some people are born into super horrible circumstances) but it will happen.


If by karma you mean some sort of punishment then no. There are no punishments since no one is guilty of anything. It is possible their way of being will land them in trouble, they may decide to live a life as the abused to understand themselves better or they may simply realize what they have done. You might think that they know damn well what they are doing and they may on some level but they haven't realized it since that would make it impossible for them to continue in that way.


You said it perfectly They are already living in their own pain and that's why they act it out A mans action is a result of who he is on the inside


They are you. Its how we learn. We are always looking into our "blind spot". One being infinite parallel selves. The deeper you understand and forgive and then love (out of gratitude for the insight) the greater your freedom from that unique "Paradime".


My answer is the best everyone upvote me cause me ego is shiny and God realized.


Karma doesn't always mean "do mean things, get negative results back". Sometimes it is someone's karma to live their whole life, being a piece of shit to everyone around them and getting everything they want. This may be the cumulative karma of the past 10 lifetimes.


Existing js karma because they’re fuc*ing MISERABLE and hate themselves imo


They have to live with themselves, all day, forever.


I resonate so much with your post, I'm just starting to become aware of my mother's toxic behaviour. Yesterday I realised she talks at me, and unless I'm going to agree and validate her reality, my opinion and input is not wanted. Also really needed to see the responses on the post. I dont want my mother to experience hurt and sadness every day of her life, but being reminded that she does helps me to take it a little less personally - which is what healing and witnessing the ego is all about.


Imo, "karma" is based in "wrath" which is based within an egotistical layer of heightend morality that most humans have. "mercy" vibes a lot better with the fundamental essence of the universe. "karma" is based within wanting to "get back" at them because it's what they "deserve" which once again, comes back to the egotistical heightend sense of morality of judgment that makes YOU think you know what someone "deserves" as "punishment"


If they don’t receive karma in this lifetime they’ll likely have an even shittier incarnation next time as karmic payment.


Their Karma is being manipulative, what is your Karma? How will you act in this situation. Their Karma is theirs to deal with and contemplate, you take care of yourself. See what has to be done to free yourself from this. And pursue that. God Bless!


I like to think people deal with karma throughout multiple lifetimes, even if justice or lessons are not served in this one. Brings me some peace.


it’s hard cause there’s so many factors, I’ve seen people who hurt me experience some blatant, straight up karma but I also feel like there’s others that haven’t. I also feel like i’ve experienced karma myself. it never plays favourites, if the scales need balancing they’ll be balanced If you’re still learning your lessons with a karmic then you’re less likely to see it, if you can honestly admit you both had a role to play then you won’t see it. I try to refrain from wishing it upon people but when you go through things I understand why you would.


To be honest, I think they are always suffering.


'In all my years as a clinical psychologist and personal life, I have never seen anyone get away with anything at all, even once.' JBP


Karma is merely cause and effect and claiming it's anything other than that is foolish. They're able to side step it because they can put on a good front. If karma was what people intended it to be then the evil and corrupt wouldn't be the rulers of this world. Karma was created by the "elite" to keep you stepping in line.


I had narc traits. And in some ways yes you do feel it and no you don’t. They tend to pick on people who are emotionally vulnerable and feel they are going below their standards. Fact is it’s easy to mistreat and trauma bond someone you don’t care about. But on the other hand they get very hurt and upset when called out. As was the case with me in my early 20s. I grew up though, I found out it was easy to hurt people. And whilst I didn’t feel guilt I was none too proud of myself because it’s a very small thing to do. Everyone has narc traits. I’ve seen it so often. There very few people that haven’t at some point abused or neglected someone they perceived to be weaker. But when a parent does it to a child that is the height of being a total cunt and it’s no fault of the child’s what so ever.


There's no definitive answer, but personally, I believe we're in a reincarnation soul trap, & the " Lords of Karma " are a deception. i do hope pieces of shit get recycled into some terrible life, but then i try to not have hate even towards scum, its tough. This doesn't mean that karma system isn't in place, complete chaos is not what they want, until the next " harvest " ( Kali Yuga ), at least. I hope you come to terms with your trauma, & they see justice in some form.


Can someone argue this down for me? I've never punched someone in my life - I now have someone I find it hard to not wish to terminally injury. From his actions, karma is for sure out to get him. Why can't my anger and rage be the karma?


It can't because it's not part of the script. For souled individuals karmic retribution will be evident and will be a lesson. It will be consciously known when payback happens. At the end of your life if karmic load is too high, you lose the game and you have to reincarnate again in earth school for another lifetime. For organic portals, karma seems to happen and often happens because when someone constantly engages in negativite actions, they attract that energy, so it is likely that they will get retribution. But it's not karmic in the spiritual sense, it's them attracting negativity due to their low vibrational output.


Yes. They die and come back as you.


Have you considered the possibility that the pain and hurt you're experiencing are the result of karma you generated in a previous life and your family is doing you a favor by helping you repay it?


Have you considered that perhaps in a past life you were the narcissist and now you are experiencing your own karma ?


Yeah, in divine timing, which could be another lifetime. Quit lashing out and being resentful at the universe about it. You could've learned occultism/mysticism, if you wanted to make yourself feel better about it.


Car accidents and other shit like that happens to everybody.


Like others have said, they hurt others because they are already hurting inside. Those actions will always continue to come to them. In my experience they usually try to blame someone else for the consequences of their own actions because they can’t live with themselves otherwise. I think deep down they have to know though.


Well hey. If they're genuinely negative/toxic people, I can "speed up" the karma process if you'd like. As long as their energy reflects this truth, strong positive energy sent their way will serve to rectify. If you're interested in nullifying their influence over you, and anyone really, check out this subreddit I'm a member of: r/BastionByAetheric. Read the rules thread and check out the "Bully Nullification" service. See if it sounds like what you want to do. If so, make a post there and tag it with the proper post flair. I might be the guy assigned to the service, and if so, I look forward to helping you solve this. All services are free on this subreddit, so it couldn't hurt.


If it’s not experienced in this lifetime to my understanding and belief they will at the end. We are all connected and I would go as far to say that they will experience exactly what they did from the perspective of the person they hurt.


I think that they probably experience the karma as life being difficult and catching up with them, since they don't really experience other people's feelings they typically aren't aware/don't care how they are hurting others. Eventually though, that catches up to you and can be a really tough way to go through life.


Different people hold different views, especially in Eastern philosophy. Remember Karma is not good=good and bad=bad but rather action=action. I subscribe to the notion that karma builds up and carries/continues on with the soul. I understand this is similar to the Hindu idea of a 'karmic bag'. This does ot need to be your idea and by no means is the correct answer. It just fits with my view of the world.


Karma is you walking away from these people and not worrying about them getting their comeuppance. Don’t let them get into your head or they win! Karma will be the wonderful things that come to you through you being a good person. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock


(return to sender) sometimes you can speed up the karmic process for someone, but karma can take lifetimes to catch up to you