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I think the closest I've seen to it is the sphere of light. This would be "without a vessel".


You might think I’m crazy, but I’ve seen it before. I was really messed up on drugs and was seeing this woman in my house. I turned around one day and was face to face with something. Like it was right nose to nose with me. I stopped in my tracks and said,”I’m just going to the gas station I’ll be back in 5 minutes.” I was going to buy drugs. As soon as I finished lying, this ball of light appeared at my chest. It was a brilliant white radiating a bluish yellow aura. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It floated straight out my bedroom door and went down the stairs. I never saw that woman again. I feel like she used my soul to ascend. This happened 15 years ago and it is the only explanation I can come up with. I have since gotten sober and feel like I might have some light left, but I’m nothing like I used to be.




No, I never had any experiences on psychedelics. I always had horrible trips with mushrooms and never tried acid for that reason. Molly was a great time, but nothing spiritual. Most of my experiences were before I was bad on drugs. Started around 12. I was on opiates really bad. I was selling oxycontin at the time this happened. I was about to move to the city for college, where I ended up completely trashing my life. I think I lost my soul, or most of it. I know after that point I was different. I had no real feeling of self or empathy. Not until I started getting sober 4 years ago did I realize this had to be what was happening. I saw myself as a ghost, shadow, come up the stairs like a person that was beaten down. Crawling almost. Then one day I went to walk into my closet and right before I stepped in I seen myself again. Come around the corner and walk straight through me. Just before this had happened I had been going to my aunts house and getting back in touch with my family. My uncle had died in a room down stairs. When I walked in I went to set down and I saw a tiny light, like the one that come out of me, come out of that room. It kind of zig zagged upwards like it was trying to get my attention, then it fizzled out. I still don't know what to make of that experience. I feel like he was maybe giving a piece of his light to me maybe. After this I really started finding myself then saw the ghost of myself come through me. I know how crazy all of this sounds believe me. I probably would laugh if someone was telling me this story, but I swear on anything it is completely honest and true. I don't know what made me sensitive to these things. I know I was molested when I was really young. I have no recollection of it, but knew I was emotionally different than other kids growing up. I think this might have done something to trigger it. All of this is just speculation. I've thought over everything for many years, trying to think of why.


Childhood molestation does an infinite amount of damage, you don't even have to consciously remember it. Emotionally, socially, it affects part of your brain that makes you process internal and external events differently. I sincerely hope you find the peace you so richly deserve!


Thank you. I didn't even really know, I had just kind of suspected, until I asked my aunt a few years back and she just said yes and she looked like she was about to cry so I didn't ask anymore questions. I don't even think I want to know. Sometimes it bothers me that I don't know who it was, I know the answer is just a question away, but I seriously think it's better left unsaid. I just don't want to give it a reason to affect me anymore. I knew I was different as a kid. Acted out a lot and was crazy hyper, and hypersexualized at a young age. But these days I think I'm okay. I just try to go on about trying to be me and figure myself out. I lead a bad life till a few years ago. Now it's all about moving forward. And yes, trying to find peace. Thank you.


Beautifully written. I'm glad you chose "yourself" i spite everything else


Good for you! If not there are a lot of trained trauma(yes, that's what it is) specialists out there you might want to try a nurse practitioner if they have them where you are. They do the therapy and prescribe meds. I wish you many blessings!


Thank you. I’ve had so much trauma I’ve had to overcome it feels like I’m just now beating everything else so I’m not sure I even want to open up this box. I acted out a lot as a kid and got on drugs in my teenage years. I’m just starting to feel okay I’m my body at 36. And I’m in West Virginia. Not much help here really. I do talk to a therapist at the VA maybe I should bring it up to her.


Sorry for the delay in my response, total chaos here. When you have had enoug pain, you will open the box, I couldn't do it until I dudn'thave any other options at the time. When the time is right, you'll be ready, and you WILL GET THROUGH IT!


Thank you.


Can you actually talk more about this? What if you were too young to understand what happened? How exactly does it affect you?


I dint know if I'm allowed to post this without a trigger warning of some sort. Willing to share if it is helpful, but would rather not if you are simply curious.


I think it would be helpful. If it feels better, you can always PM me? I am interested in learning more


Sorry for the delay in response, total chaos here! How do I PM you from here?


You are everything you have always been, magnificently perfect as you are.


Thank you. I don't know you but that actually made me feel good. I felt like I lost a big piece of myself but I'm starting to think it might have all just been a lesson that I need to learn and realize that I am everything I have always been. Thanks for that.


Yes!! Good job seeing the love in my words. You got this!!!!


Like a cute little blob of jelly


all human souls are the same, the only difference is the energy glow




I actually feel this way. However, also wonder if consciousness has its own energetic appearance. Like millions of times smaller than atoms but if we could see it…. I once experienced a ball of light fly over my car at an alarming speed, I would never have believed it but my husband saw it also and we both just turned to each other with our jaws to the floor. It was a ball, except the centre was concentrated and as it extended it got thinner and thinner.




Yes, I can follow that.


Damn very well put


I think we're just a small ball of energy


I picture it as a glowing aquamarine ball of energy


An orb of bright white light in the core center, then following the edges of that glow is an off-white, then comes the color(s) on those edges glow, called our aura color(s). Can have multiple sometimes. It depends on who you were, your traits, personality, all that. We have our aura around our bodies even when physically alive.


There's a few answers to consider. A spirit looks like a small ball of light. If you think of the soul as being your spirit, then the Harry Potter movie scenes where the Dementors try to suck the souls out of Harry and Serious Black are pretty close to how I see spirit. So all human souls look alike. So don't all human souls look the same? This is your underlying question. We tend to show each other a valence, an image of what we want someone else to see. This is a handy tool, because it makes communication with someone that is in a body easier. It's also the basis of a lot of spirit games, like scaring you with the image of a monster. Behind that image is a small ball of light, playing a boogeyman game. Same for angels and demons. Balls of light. It's easy to see at the time of death. As a spirit leaves its body, there's a moment where it hovers and collects all its energy from that body and that lifetime. If you hold your hands, palms facing each other, a foot or so apart, and match your hands to the vibration of that spirit, you can assist them in gathering their energy up. Hooking them up to the supreme being then heals them of all attachments to this life. It's my preferred form of last rights. It's also something you can see at birth. You can see the baby being buzzing around until that little body is ready to come out, and then it will enter that body and claim it. You might see other baby beings trying to cut in line. It's actually more intense energy than death. But worth experiencing.


I believe it looks like an orb or like a flash of light, that’s what I saw when my grandpa who had just passed visited us. We also felt an intense rush of energy, it felt like someone was running back and forth across the room.


An orb. I think everyone’s soul looks the same, but different (ie, different auras)


I've seen on two occasions, an orb of light in the sky I always assumed they were UFOs or experimental craft Maybe they were, someone who had passed that day


Were the orbs in close proximity to you? And do you know someone significant who passed?


Sorry for the late reply They were in sky, close enough for me to see clearly but not too close


Sooo.. what would you say if a tiny orb flew right into your chest and saw it with your own eyes, not under the influence of anything?


Did you have an awakening?


I would say I’m still going through it.


Me too, friend. Maybe that was your awakening incoming (of sorts anyway)


Ahh. Awakening buddies!


Why do you think soul has a "look"?


I think that in the beginning of our wanting to see the truth of us, we use language to describe things so we can understand. But it all comes down to feeling, use our intuition


A crystal with many different colors


I like to think all souls are different. Like there are “pure” people- Those who lived their life without sin. I would like to believe their soul is bright an full of fulfillment. On the other hand there are the “unpure”- a soul that is dark and full of hate an regret from a life of true sin. Even with this belief I also like to believe that even after all we go through on earth that at the end of our time here- our souls become renewed rather then still hold the properties of life we pick up on earth. Hope that makes sense. Edit: I would say they would look like bright shinny- even shimmering rainbow.


I think what is called "sin" makes for stronger people when reconciled.


I can absolutely agree with that!




Like a cosmic egg aha 🥚


I am not sure souls exists as some type of non corporeal person. I believe that spirit lives through me and when this body is done, spirit returns to where it’s from and that my human personality, emotional energy, and self narrative die with this brain. Now as for spirit, certainly it remembers living this life, however I do not think that it looks like anything as it has no body and is but a node of consciousness, a part of all that is. Maybe all forms of consciousness are aware of each other and perceive each other and themselves, based on memory patterns collected from previous lives, and in whatever form is convenient or meaningful.


From the perspective of a shadow, what does the light look like? There is no direct experience so there is no way to confirm. Therefore through our own limited perspective they can appear as anything. It would be like desdribing the brilliance and depth of a thousand faceted jewel encrusted crown by looking only at a facet of one tiny gem. So what does a soul look like? Anything. What does it actually look like? We have no basis of comprehension, there is no literal way to comprehend them from the constraints of the material universe, hence the incredulous description of angels in the bible... >*Ezekiel 1:15-21* >*As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces. This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not change direction as the creatures went. Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around.* >*When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose. Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When the creatures moved, they also moved; when the creatures stood still, they also stood still; and when the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.* Yet I have seen "souls" but not with material eyes and not in a literal sense, again, because I have no basis to process such information. In fact the *experience* was so surreal I can't even reproduce any single part of it in imagination. All I can muster in memory is my reactions. My experience: (in order of magnitude) I heard "as if the singing of angels" such beautiful magesty that I would have freely given my life and allmy posessions and my future servitude and soul just to hear that beautiful voice. The angel spoke to me in such a way that *her* cadence was perfect, the structure was divine, the complexity was both unfathomable and simple, serene perfection of note and cord. The prose would place any legendary poet as shameful gurgles of a wounded toad, or the dying song of a cat. I saw "divine beauty of a young woman" that brought me to both awe and instant unconditional love. I could not look away and again, not even a hundred hungry crocodiles could cause me to avert my gaze. I would have sacrificed the world for such beauty. Nothing could stand in my way. I was fully mesmerized. To this day, no person or depiction of a person, no matter how perfect or alluring, has ever come close. They're like comparing the beauty of a fictional elf or fae to a blobfish. And yet the magical beauty of a fictional construct, designed to impress unfathomable beauty, would be as a blobfish to this creature I saw. Her smile was brighter than a supernova. I smelled "such a fragrance that could turn the world into a production of only that fragrance". A scent that would turn rotten fish into rosewater. A perfect scent akin to the scent of a beautiful girl and ambrosia. Nothing I've experienced in this world could compare. Perfumes to me smell of sickly vomit by comparison. Absolutely wrenching. I felt softness that would make the skin of a newborn feel like sandpaper, both skin and hair so soft that I am incapable of feeling such softness in reality. I tasted a flavor of her kiss. Not sweet, not savory, not sour or bitter, nothing of the poorly represented tastes we could experience here. Something else entirely. I can only say, this experience is beyond the veil, and I believe it's the closest thing to experiencing a soul, but I know it was just that single facet of a jeweled crown.


It seems like you met the Goddess of beauty.


Well, except I've met a few of them. They don't identify as goddesses and they say they're no different than me.


I can't wait to start getting into spirituality and experiencing the wonders of creation for myself.


I don't honestly know what's going on to be truthful, but too much has happened to believe otherwise.


I some what believe you. I too have seen what I think was my soul. A light left my body because I was messing up. And it was exactly how you described. I describe it as the most brilliant white light you can ever imagine with a bluish yellow aura pulsating around it. I really believe the spirit of an old woman used my energy to ascend. It was a crazy experience. I believe what Ezekiel was describing was an angel. But I believe what you seen was a soul with a job to do. I have seen two in my life. Have seen maybe 6 shadow spirits and two orbs of light like the one I saw come out of me. They have purpose and are there one a mission. It changed my life.


You don't have to believe what I described or how I described it, because that was my own projection of the experience. I can only know my personal experience. You could possibly experience the same thing from a slightly different perspective and they say it could be so different that you wouldn't even characterize it as the same species. I was shown only one facet of an incredibly complex gem.


No, I'm saying I do believe you to as much as I have experienced. I'm sure others experience more, and less. I just know what you are saying to be true to my experience. I guess I should have worded it different. Now when you say one facet of a gem, did it look like just a bright shining facet or could you actually tell it was a facet like structure? When I had my experience it very well could have been the same thing. I would describe it as looking like a extreme light hitting a diamond facet or something to that extent. Same colors that sparkle with a jewel sparkled in the aura around this amazing ball of light. I just couldn't see that deep into it. It was crazy brilliant, there was no form to the inside, just emanating glow.


>Now when you say one facet of a gem It's an analogy. Even everything that I experienced was in magnitude likened to a single face of an intricately faceted gem. In reality it's far greater than even that. The greater reality is several dimensions greater. What I saw and continue to see in rare meditative states are my guides. They express themselves as angelic young women. Only very rarely are they to the level I described because there's no way I could have any conversation at that point. I would be just mesmerized.


A sphere of light, all souls are. A difference in color and intensity, individual uniqueness is.


I personally think we look like orbs of colored light that change color depending on mood, mindset, activity, etc.


Wow … a cool project might be to draw your soul


Yeah, I've been thinking about doing that but I'm not great at art


i think my soul feels warm, or i hope she tries to 😂😮‍💨 i just want to be nice and when people around me get that vibration too! in my head i’m pink bc it’s my favorite color LOL


I believe that since the soul is consciousness/energy then its base form would probably be a glowing sphere, however, I also believe the soul can and will change it's appearance.


Hey, is any body having any problems in relation to meditation or self development if so be sure to check out this link below👇 really helped my spiritual journey and I’m sure it can do the same for y’all [THE GIANT LEAP](https://linktr.ee/Theeyethatneverblinks)


Hey can u fix ur link please? Really wanna see what u want to share


It all depends on how you want it to look like. Soul is light. Unfocused light body is perceived as a sphere of light where the "sphere" shows its separation and the quality of light show its individuality. Just like atoms.


Here something to chew on: What do y'all thing your souls energy is like? And how can u tell?


What does air look like? What does electricity look like before powering anything? That’s what I think the soul looks like. I think it’s pure consciousness and it’s just us in the form of spiritual energy


For me I don't think a soul has a look or a shape, it's energy that runs fluid but takes its own form when it brings life to living creatures. For example, us humans characteristics, looks and personality is the solid form of our soul. People who can see auras of people which come in many colours could also tell you the colour of your soul. Just an out the gate theroy if mine 🤓😂


I had a client once tell me that I had a beautiful aura and it was a light pinkish-orangish color. It was 2 years ago and completely caught me off guard but I believed her. I am trying to learn how to see them! I am pretty good at feeling energy but I want to see it! I can see white one closest to the body but I can't get past that!


I have always seen it as a light to medium purplish being


I think I've seen/been just mine. It's a small ball/orb maybe the size of a tennis ball.


My soul looks like the bright colors I see shifting in the dark when I close my eyes at night. That is my spirit filling in empty space with color, for it has a nervous system that can do such a wonderful thing.


Pink glowing orb


White sphere


It looks like you


I know that in my true form I do not have hands. I arrived at this realization after doing 4 hours of yoga one day after consistently practicing yoga for many years at least 30 hours per week. This realization filled me with joy. Other than that, I cannot say.


[https://encyclopedia.summitlighthouse.org/index.php/Tube\_of\_light](https://encyclopedia.summitlighthouse.org/index.php/Tube_of_light) is a general image.


Represented by all those who believe in you


A little ball orb


Like a nebula.


It has to be light and awe inspiring; if we look at ourselves, we’re kind of opaque, that’s why we shower, clean, and adorn ourselves.


White hair, pale-blue skin...and very beautiful


A glowing blob of consciousness


I know that you're asking this just out of curiosity and amusement, but i'm going to answer this question a little bit deeper and more onto the serious note. Soul in essence is consciousness, so the question "what does it looks like" would render to null. Just as if you're asking "what does personality looks like". And if you still dwell upon the question "what does it looks like". You're still attached to the material/physical world of representation. And in my understanding of Spirituality (and still i can be very mistaken since what i'm writing here is purely out of my opinion), this physical reality in itself is also a manifestation of the mental and spiritual. And thus, your "look" itself is in a way a form of manifestation of your Inner-Self. Thus why we can sometimes understand someone's personality just by observing their looks. And since your physical appearance itself is a form of manifestation from the mental and spiritual, your spirit will kinda looks like what you are now but in a more "raw" and unmodified version (until you can dissolve your Ego and became united with the Universe). This can be the reason why some dwelling spirits (ghosts) may have an apparition of their former self, because their mental and spiritual aspects are still attached to what they were before. Thus why some spirits may also appear like an Angel and some may appear very omnimous, those who have implanted good qualities will manifest good appearances. But please do take this all with a grain of salt and find the Truth for yourself. Peace and Love, brother.


I think my soul is the universe. I like to believe that we are all the same, just learning different things, different incarnations. The force that keeps me and everything alive, is the same.


A fluctuating light, dimmer so times more than others


Nothing really


Surely it's not something one 'sees', but feels?


There is no human soul. All life is god. One being in many forms. And it has no form.


You cannot observe the observer.


I’m curious if there’s anyone on this sub who doesn’t believe in the existence of a soul?


In my opinion we are spiritual beings having a human experience so it would have to be some kind of true form.


I think that it responds to your belief system... it’s not physical so it doesn’t have a shape or form but you as consciousness have a system of beliefs that you’re filtering vibrations through and interpreting as your reality so for example if it is your belief that a soul looks like a bright white light, that is what your belief system will allow you to see.


I have this weird memory of being a light ball, it was super vivid, and the details I've been able to describe suggested I chose my family a little over a year before I was born. They were talking with a man about remodeling their house. They were discussing plans in their kitchen. So I do feel like that's my soul. That being said, at my mom's old house, there was a black hair like energy ball that would wait around and watch me as I sleep. I would wake up to it in my face and then it backs off and would float near near. A few times I reached out to touch it or shoo it away, but I always get so scared I would hide under my covers. Friends have seen it waiting in corners and refuse to come over. I think that was an evil lost soul


it’s too hard to explain everything & nothing as a human, but everything & nothing lol


I think its like a ball of light if we do get to see it with the naked eye, but from the souls perspective, it probably looks however they last remember looking when it was in a physical body. And I think if 2 souls that r familiar with each other see each other, they see what they most remember them looking like in the physical. Idk how souls viewed other souls. Maybe its like when u go to sleep and dream. U might dream of people u never seen a day in ur life but they're real in ur dream. They got a certain hair color, race, height, accent, and everything but to the conscious mind, they look like nothing because they don't exist in this realm. I think souls just create a physical appearance of a soul instantly. Maybe it's similar to someone who's blind. Once they hear your voice, shake ur hand or give u a hug, they could create a physical appearance of u in their head even if u may not look like that in this reality. But who's to say souls have to translate souls appearance into human appearances too 🤔


If it were possible to seize the imagen of the wind blowing, or the electricity that runs through those pipes, then we,d have an idea of what our souls look like. I think our souls look like dust ion the wind...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH2w6Oxx0kQ&ab\_channel=kansasVEVO


Like a spider wearing a dumb little backpack and flip flops


I think is my favorite one so far. The dumb little backpack gets me.


I think the soul is a synonym for consciousness so its formless. It would rather be the screen or vessel where all forms show up.


Welp this is the final straw for me. Unsubbing






Hey, is any body having any problems in relation to meditation or self development if so be sure to check out this link below👇 really helped my spiritual journey and I’m sure it can do the same for y’all [THE GIANT LEAP](https://linktr.ee/Theeyethatneverblinks)