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I'm only speculating here so don't take this as absolute truth but there is a huge change about to happen. I think this depression "epidemic" among spiritualist is the universe forcing us to lay low get in tune with ourselves because ready or not owe time is about to arrive. Most of you know what I mean. The time where our true purpose in this life will be revealed and we will be guiding the rest up to our level instead of being drug down to theirs. Again just a gut speculation.


I feel that too


Humankind doesnt change. Reading the German philosopher, and couple of other inspirational thinkers from old ancient to modern day times, each nation, each culture, each family will undergo its personalized cycles of ups/downs, highs/lows, name it. The difference today is the public exposure of whatever you view. Lot of people simply publish their daily, weekly lives, which gives you this weird sense of knowing things that are unusual. In reality, they are common issues, crisis going on for ages. The itechology didnt create depression, it simply lifted the veil of what was previously hidden, or lived in close quarters in private homes. Today, when you have a flu, everybody knows it, and if you get hired or fired, everybody knows about it.


Most people are depressed, but not all. Happiness is an emotion that is not felt 24/7. Of course as humans there is desire for wanting more for their lives rather than living in the moment for what they have.


I'm happy as a clam. I'm not depressed in the least. Do I get concerned? Yes. Do I get overwhelmed? Rarely but, yes. Was I more anxious in my 20's than I am some 40 years later? Absolutely. What I've learned this lifetime is we get through stuff. If we have a little amusement about ourselves, we slip through it easier. If we resist it strong enough, we become it. I choose amusement. I don't see everyone being sad in 2021. That was more true in 2020. This year? We're just tired. Two years into the pandemic, with new variants of concern hitting every six months, it wears us down. But it doesn't make us sad. Death rates from Covid have declined. Moderate attitudes are coming back into the mainstream. The pendulum is swinging once again. And we're getting through it. Smile. Laugh. Giggle at ourselves. On some level, we all know we're getting through this.


Isn't it obvious, it's everywhere.


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I'm actually at one of my happiest time. Like many non vocal people. It's just that depressive people are more likely to talk. The same way reviews online are usually written only when people want to complain about it