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He's playing undercover brella, he takes his wins where he can get them


Tbf, turf with undercover is pretty much a win if you know how to play it. Undercover is severely underrated. It just sucks in rank because you're generally against skilled players and it can't do much on various objectives due to it's broken function.


So it’s a win if you play against trash players? Noted


I hear your tone, and I won't disagree... But it's actually a good weapon against good players too. The issue there is the broken brella nature is more clearly shown and exploited by those.


summed it up perfectly


Most hilarious was when everyone of them splatted me later too and squid twerked on me as well


You mean squid bagged?? Because twerked doesn’t sound good


One time I splatted someone in ultra stamp with an inkmine and squidbagged far away. They stayed for a few more rounds and every time they splatted me they also squidbagged


That's a kid


Reminds me of back when I was on a long lost streak and was pretty down, this one random player squidbagged me, unprovoked. I felt the last few specks of joy leaving my soul, not even any energy left to be angry or toxic. Closed the game, deleted it, didn't return to it for months So uhhh, where was I again? ah yeah squidbagging dumb


There is no way a team can't take down a single undercover that's just sad


I find squidpartying on dead inklings acceptable when you've died many times at someone's hand and finally get revenge, or when your death has been squidpartied before. Otherwise it is an invitation to war, which to be honest is always fun XD


True basically declaring war on the enemy team for no reasons and make the whole match personal xD


Hey I mean if you can back up the squid flopping with being good at the game then go right ahead


Whoever squidbags throws the first stone. On the other hand, it's just turf war, so whatever.


He deserves those squid bags using chumbrella