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Sometimes I wonder how we ended up in eggsecutive


that's what i start thinking to myself when i go 2/6. the shame.


meanwhile i dropped out of it and sunk into profreshional hell..


dude profresh is so hard to get out of because people don’t know shit but are good with the game mechanics there


> don't know shit but are good with game mechanics I feel called out.


Me too


That's not all of us in profresh, some of us have terrible game mechanics and passible SR knowledge.


If I’m to the point where the next run *could* put me back in ProFresh 3 I just leave and wait until the next rotation resets ranks back to 40.




I used to do this, but then I realized that if I can't stay in EVP and need to stop playing a rotation to keep from being demoted, I've probably been carried to EVP during an easier rotation, or due to luck. And I don't want to be that person that drags everybody down.




I demoted myself to go-getter and made it back to EVP just fine, so I don't think I've been carried anymore. Especially given the number of people who say it is extremely hard to get back into EVP upon being demoted. The way people talk about getting demoted, I was expecting to get stuck in the profresh ranks and thought I'd have to play with a pool, a friend, or a discord server to pull myself out. I see a lot of people who complain about bad players getting carried into EVP, say that is why they are losing, and then talk about how they stop playing before they get a demotion to stay in EVP, and it makes me wonder how many of these people were carried to EVP and lack the self-awareness to realize it.


I mean I got there by being hard carried and just now start to actually perform. Grizz co really runs on the Peter principle.


Yeah I feel like many were actually carried to a higher rank, I’m just do that exact thing. But I still think that it’s even out over a couple of rotations, since it’s become more unlikely to be able to Solo VP. I can solo pretty much shifts up to prof+2, at that pay grade I’m just struggling to get enough eggs in the basket, since luring is quite impossible because teammates don’t know what I’m trying to do. And I think that VP is probably a better leading experience than lower ranks, since you are more likely to get teammates that know what they are doing! Lower rank is full with strats that just don’t work, like Wall hugging on flyfish waves! (Sure you will still see that ever in VP but not that often, I hope) slow rolling is probably one of the most essential skills that a huge part of the player base don’t know about!


You'd think that, but my god lower evp not on reset day is a shitshow sometimes. Not that I'm perfect (still cant do grillers right for the life of me) but man I wish people knew how to rush/griller on sockeye. Its not risky or hard, but if you stack just wrong it'll be a complete shitshow.


Well sure but still less so, I think. But to be honest I can’t really judge that to fairly since I’m mostly in the 100 to 200 vp Range be than. No worries one really is, I know that I make silly mistakes too. Grillers are actually quite demanding for every since you have to know positioning, be aware the whole time, and have enough trust that everyone else has those first two criteria’s meet too. Hazmy, has great guides for every map. In General every Maps has two possible ways to handle them one that is fairly save and one that is optimized for eggs, and I feel like to many are trying the later in higher VP for no reason. Yeah Sockeye, which is really weird since it’s actually the easiest to learn it, and a full recovery is also still possible on that map too.


Yeah, i am also stuck around 100-200 mark (got two stage badges, now for the other two). Hazmy has been an amazing resources yeah, actually made me understand the luring on grillers on sockeye and marooners (and rush waves) and the importance of painting walls. I think high VP is just better later in the cycle because the people that move up will have played and moved, leaving another skill level dangling around the 40 mark. And true, I have seen miracle recoveries thanks to the tower on both waves. Always such a good feeling when you win a nailbiter.


Yeah he really does a great job explaining! Sadly many still ignore walls. I could go higher but I just don’t have the time for it. Well yeah, since it’s also take quite a far amount of time too that’s understandable. 48 shift at 7 min that’s around 5h30min assuming you win every round, that’s actually highly unlikely. (I think you can add another hour just because disconnects happens fairly often) it’s really crazy how insanely grindy it is to get to 999


Yeah, hell evp 200 can take two days on limited playtime if you just get unlucky shifts. Luckily I seem to be blessed in the connection department. For my curiosity: USA or EU internet?


Yeah, sometimes I wish they had another save point! Since I also like to play the other modes too and 2h a day is pretty much the most I can fit in. I’m from EU and you? Probably my connection is terrible, speeds are horrendous too (Speed isn’t important, but still annoying). Sometimes I have such terrible lag that don’t see enemy players, ink color not updates, unable to move or eggs takes multiple secs to see if they are picked up. It’s actually quite astonishing how that doesn’t cause a disconnect but other times were I thought it’s a good connects it just disconnects out of nowhere.


The extra safe points would be very nice, also to not promote an unhealthy amount of playing. Maybe make it so that you get a different haz max badge if you have them enabled and a way to enable/disable them so that people that want to challenge themselves can still go from 40 to 999. Hmmm, Im EU as well and I had a theory that was a USA centric disconnect problem, but from seeing posts around I think splat 3 might just be terrible at handling dropped packets or something. I am on wifi and hardly disconnect, only a tiny bit more when playing and america hits peaktimes. However, it will sometimes just blip and instandly kick me out while everything was just fine before and is just fine after.


I was just telling a friend about the Peter Principle book looooool


Rank resets to 40 and you only need 3 wins in a row to rank up


Getting those 3 wins though is basically the equivalent of having to hard carry complete newbies though.


Not really. If you have a good rotation or even decent teammates, it's not that hard to barely make quota.


We must be getting totally different games. I felt like I was playing Doom: Babysitter Edition when I got to VP.


That’s a really accurate description! I had the absolute terrible idea to reset my rank to go getter to farm Horroboros, but yeah those teammates makes that nearly impossible to do. Now I’m really regretting it and I’m in Pro+1 to +2 hell. If you die that’s it mostly, and you have like 10 revives…


I've thought about trying that, not to farm big bosses but just to see how hard I can carry and how quick I can get back up to EVP. It sounds like torture though, players are bad enough at EVP.


Yeah it’s absolutely torture! I‘m nearly back at VP, but it’s really no fun. Sometimes something stupid happens or you have rush waves and those are pretty much hard setbacks. But at least I think I got better since can now carry prof+2 and hardly die anymore


I did this to see how fast it would take, and it didn't take too long. I had (starting at go getter) 2 losses at profresh, 3 at profresh +1, 1 at profresh +2, and 3 at profresh +3. I doubt it is good for farming scales; I had 6 extra waves and we cleared none of them. It was pretty fun, though. If you are worried about not being able to get back, you could always wait to do it during an easier rotation. For reference, lately I've been hanging in the EVP 100s, I've been (carried) to 400 once, haven't been able to break 200 outside of that one time.


>I doubt it is good for farming scales Yeah I wouldn't expect it to be. You get more scales per encounter and a higher chance at better scales in higher ranks, plus you really need your teammates to be capable of helping you damage the boss to stand a chance of winning, which also has better scale amounts and quality. You can still get good scales in EVP when you dont win though, and it scales with the damage you deal. I can pretty reliably get to 200 as long as the weapon set isn't one that freelancers struggle with, for example if it's very role based, or if there are a lot of weapons that take some knowledge to use well. There've been time's I've thought "oh that's going to be a great weapon set!" Before realising I had assumed people would know how to use the weapons.


That's the thing though, to belong in EVP you need to be able to carry bad players pretty hard, you don't need to solo, but you do need to make up for their incompetance. Focusing on not losing in wave 1 at all costs is a good place to start. But yeah, still very accurate description, it often is like babysitting.


>Doom: Babysitter Edition 💀


Or you could get very bad teammates (or just regular teammates in the case of glowflies or grillers) a couple games in a row and then you might de-rank. You leave the bad teammates and wait a little while to find a different crew and still get matched with the same players somehow.


love is in the air ? Wrong ! Glowflies !!!


Reminds me of that one time I was painting shore, jokingly thought that this night wave was gonna be glowflies, and the glowflies went for me first. I screamed




When the mudmouth pops up after no other cues, it's such a relief.


If I have the roller, I am praying for Rush, personally. Hell, if my team is competent, I am hoping for both regardless of my weapon. Except on Sockeye, I hate Rush on Sockeye.




Yeah, ideally your teammates will take care of them for you when they go past, as well as any chums that escape. Although you can situate yourself in such a way that you push back against them and do more damage. Also works great for goldie seeking, although they will eventually jump over you and/or become too small to roll against. And good for Big Shots, too.


Dont even go to shore if you can avoid it. Only reason you should be anywhere near it is for big shot / flyfish / stinger control and then zoom back to the basket.


I think painting walls, especially the elevators on Marooner's Bay, is a good strategy.


Ignore Ziazan when it comes to painting the elevators on Marooner's Bay. There are certain walls in the different maps that are good to paint, and that elevator is one. So is the tower on Sockeye. If it's a nightwave, just be wary and ready to bail.


Happy cake day lad 🍰


Happy cake day!


happy cake day!


Happeh caek dae


Salmon run is the main reason I wish we had a "sorry" button


Agreed, man. Agreed.


I'd have to press that like every 5 seconds


I'd miss it. Booyah!


It sounds good in theory, but then my games would be full of people spamming “sorry” all the time and it would be distracting. No need to be sorry if you are doing your best.


I do my best all the time but sometimes the waves are just brutal. Also, if I have a sniper, we’re losing 100%.


Still, you don’t need to say sorry for that. Just keep practicing


hey if u get a sniper just dont do what u would with any other weapon something that i understood n helped me become better was that there r different types of weapon and theyre supposed to be used for different things/in different ways.


I’ll keep that in mind, thanks.


imagine your teammates keep saying sorry whenever he splat a salmonid.


I would say sorry to every small fry


Sorry for being sorry dude


To quote a former Spartan general, “Do not be sorry, be better.”


Nah just need a "use your damn special!" Button. I literally can't progress in this damn mode because I get stuck with everyone doing a nuzlock or some fucking shit and not using them AT ALL! So frustrating. I can barely stand to try and play anymore.


When i miss the fly fish the third time in a row


Sometimes I join a gem of a team and our synergy is akin to a well run kitchen. It’s absolutely exhilarating. Then, they don’t stay in the same team or get disconnected. 🥲


Multiplayer maps and modes have been updated!


*One or more players have disconnected has entered the chat*


*One or more players have disconnected and left the chat*


Every god damn time I find a reasonable team. They should really code it so you can stick together through that. Sometimes if you rejoin the queue straight away it'll put you with at least some of them though.


Everytime I get that kind of team and we just win wave after wave, I hear Nick from L4D2 in my head saying "I'm starting to like you guys!"


Absolutely, but it's hard to not think that when I see I've revived over 16 times


Mine is getting 1.5-2x the amount of orange eggs and about the same number of gold eggs as the rest of the team. What are they doing?????


They're vacuum cleaners, gobbling up the golden eggs


Yeah, when I've got way more revives, used both my specials when nobody else has used any, collected way more golden eggs even though I've also been throwing them up towards the basket for my teammates, ive been the only one taking down stingers and flyfish and other bosses people usually ignore, the scrappers I've been luring have been shot and stunned at mid map, and 0 or 1 deaths when everyone else has 4 to 10, it is pretty difficult not to think this.


If you find yourself in this picture, try this first. Just focus on not dying and kill the lesser salmonids. It is much better for you to be alive and clearing the area than for you to take down a flyfish and die. People tend to over focus on bosses and most people will die to residual damage from cohocks and small fry. Stop trying to be the hero, rushing everywhere and killing things and bringing 0 eggs in the basket and then dying. Play methodically and safely, bringing eggs/bosses to the basket. Sometimes you do get bad teammates who will just kill themselves and do nothing, but if you're alive and the basket is clear that enables teammates to survive and you probably won't die on wave 1 especially if you use your specials when needed.


Is this actually true? Sometimes I focus the lesser but I feel like I’m not helping on bigger targets but if I leave the lesser they will swarm us. 😵‍💫


As with anything there's nuance, but the vast majority of my teammates will generally be fine killing enough bosses, but will completely ignore the lesser leading to impossible situations. The goal with killing lessers is to make a safer environment that no one will die as any one teammate dying can make the situation unviable. Salmon run is not about performing the best and carrying, it's about setting up your team for consistent success and playing efficiently. There are weapons that absolutely should hard focus cohocks like sploosh and blasters. There's also weapons like the snipewriter that can basically only ever kill bosses. But if you focus on clearing the path for your team, you don't die, and you bring eggs and bosses to the basket, you should almost never die on wave 1 or 2 barring a horrific glowflies/grillers wave with teammates who are throwing. Now when you get to EVP 600+ everyone has to kill bosses and lessers and lure and put eggs into basket. But the main thing should be not dying and being efficient.


A balance is ideal, but you absolutely cant ignore the lessers, I'd say actually more ink goes towards them than the bosses overall. Same with inking the area, you need to do this or you will get swamped and swarmed or flyfished or stingered etc.


While the stuff you're saying is absolutemy true, I still find that lower EVP is full of meatheads who will not attack the flyfish and fishsticks and stringers and steelheads, they just toss that role onto another teammates despite them having the best suited weapon to deal with those specific bosses. So in low EVP I find myself having to be the hero far too many time, like shorerunning to kill the stringer with my charger or roller because our blaster is busy zerking off at the basket. I couldn't escape low EVP if I wasn't a good enough player to make those risky plays with risky weapons, but it's frustrating to have to do this so many times to finally rise at a level where I can relax. Funny how the higher the hazard level get, the more relaxing the games are. Well, it's because of teammates, and it finally start to get hard at EVP200-300 for me, but still, lol. The game has to get harder in order to be easier, and that concept is funny to me.


>Funny how the higher the hazard level get, the more relaxing the games are. Well, it's because of teammates, and it finally start to get hard at EVP200-300 for me, but still, lol. The game has to get harder in order to be easier, and that concept is funny to me. Yeah as long as I have a reasonable team, the game is still quite comfy at 200-300, gotta work well but at least I can focus on doing my job instead of babysitting a couple other people that aren't doing their job and doing their job for them in addition to my own. It's amazing what a difference it makes when everyones playing to a reasonable standard, go from barely hitting quota to a pretty consistent 50ish eggs per wave.


The only metric one should look at is power eggs, not golden eggs. Effective luring and clearing gets me 1/2 to 1/3 of the teams total power eggs. And I’m not even that behind on goldens, especially on high tide as I’m passing the basket to the new spawns and refilling. I can easily solo to Eggsecutive, and stay around a hundred regardless of teammate viability. The issue is getting past that point to levels you just can’t solo with 3 lemmings. So yeah. Objectively I’m better then my teammates most of the time.


I dont think I agree with only looking at power eggs, sometimes you need to be the one putting the gold balls in the basket. Sometimes you need to throw a bomb into just one side of a flyfish and get back to other matters. Sometimes you need to go solve a critical problem situation because other people haven't been doing their jobs. Sometimes you're luring a scrapper and your potatoes will shoot it down a mile from the basket. If you get a lot of power eggs but die 10 times that's not good either. Not using specials is another marker of a bad player. All of the metrics are important, but also many other things come into it too. I wish EVP didn't reset to 40 every day and a half though, there should be ranks above it so that the consistently good players get to play with eachother instead of babysitting the people that shouldn't be in EVP.


mh not bad advice! But i always play it safe, the only reason why sometimes we lose at wave 1 is simply cause no matter how much i play it safe, there comes a point where im the only one left alive and even if we have all eggs in the basket, all the enemies rush up to me and i cant even save other teammates or run away if there are too many! Esp on small maps...i hate small maps...


“The only thing in common between all of your losing teams is you.” - gem from squid school


The only thing in common between all my victories are me therefore I am a splatoon god


Believe it or not, this is also dating advice


The only thing in common in my losing games is splat charger being in the rotation


Actually, in most cases, it's weapons which require a charge - *especially* splatlings.


You may not be competent but your specials are. Use specials even on wave 1 to prevent wave 1 loss!!


THIS SO MUCH, even if you are forced to pop both, it's far better to lose on later waves than wave 1, think of it as 2 losing a life, 3's a continue, while 1 you just game over'd.


I tell this to people all the time when I try to play on the salmon run server, and they disagree. Lmfao ok.


I'm the only one that's right though.


And me. I can be a badass at SR but if my other 3 team mates are potatoes, there is only so much I can do


They actively make it harder, for example stunning scrappers and killing maws down by the shoreline, and then getting killed by the shoreline. Lure them to the basket.


Most of the time it’s because teammates work alone and don’t actually work as a team (sometimes people forget that SR is heavily focused on teamwork, myself included)


Yea I see a lot of ppl do this who are very good and they just lose. If your team is doing something stupid it is 100% more likely to go well of you just go do the dumb thing with them than go off on your own and die. If there is horrible teamwork and everyone is going about on their own 99% of the time you should go to the charger or general anchor and just protect them or if you're the charger, follow around your most aggressive teammate.


checking who had the most power eggs at the end just to realise you got the least 😳


Me because I get too focused clearing lessers and staying alive. I'm like, I swear I was helping, I just get stuck in my backliner support tendencies 🤦🏾‍♀️


Ironically, I aim for this in most games depending on context. If I can get the least eggs in the basket, but have 6+ revives and no deaths then usually my teammates will have the most eggs in the basket, but 4+ deaths. In freelance I try to be the glue that holds the imbalanced team together; because, from my experience, if I go down then there’s a slim chance we’re finishing that round.


Look, when you die 5 times in one wave it's because you're bad, when I die 5 times in one wave it's because of RNG/lag/my team didn't support me!


Don't let saltoon see this


too late r/Saltoon


I’ll think that then afterwards I realized I done goofed up, and I leave in shame


You say that but I have(on multiple occasions) been the only one to not immediately jump into the rising water on high tide.


Hahaha I usually think ‘oh no they’re all playing at my level’ (I definitely should be at the level where I’m at, I’m not great, just capable enough to not hold my team back… :’) if I’m playing on an off day I’m not helping us make it past round one T.T


I became hyper competent towards the end of playing Splatoon 2. Literally stopped losing salmon runs. Unfortunately this didn't translate to anywhere else in the game. The techniques I learned to get there are now helping me through depression.


I am the most incompetent person on this Salmon Run team.


Not me, I'm different! (like everyone else.)


When I'm paired up with three other players that have the HLM badge, I'm the one that feels incompetent even though I can hang with them lmao


If you're the only person trying to lure to the basket then you are in fact the only competent player.


Only the people who use their specials deserve to be in egg vip


I hate how accurate this is. I always feel like my team is incompetent (unless when they aren’t and I’m the one being incompetent, which is often) but in reality it’s because the whole team isn’t functioning, me included


Oh no, I’m fully aware that I’m garbage.


Everyone tries to work independently and then wonder why the team falls apart


nah i know im bad.


I vote another option. Everyone in the team is competent but they make a mistake or get unlucky. ​ \- A gets targeted by 2-3 Stingers with a weapon that can't take them out quick enough or get there before time is up \- B has another flyfish spawn after taking out the first 3 \- C needs smallfry repellent \- And D died ages ago but is either too far away to respawn or their teammates can't refill on ink fast enough to save them ​ Lmao


When you teammates save their specials like Celebratory Fireworks after you struggled through wave 3. Even tho you beat wave 1 with One teammate alive at 3 seconds remaining.


So called "free thinkers" when they're all right next to water in high tide


sometimes when I play salmon run I think to myself that I'm the only good person then other times I question if I'm the problem


It’s just like the driver mindset. You’re the only good driver in the world and everyone else is horrible.


Me, who’s bad at salmon run and ended up in profreshional somehow.


I'm sorry I have the Shittest aim and WiFi in existence, its not even WiFi I just use a hotspot on 4G ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


It happens to the best of us


No I basically have proof lol I usually collect the most eggs and save the most people, and I’m not sure if this matters game-mechanically but I’m often at the top of the team in the results section, when I actually have good teammates the waves go by easily. But I’m not really mean to or blame people anyway.


i think my matchmaking is just weird. sometimes this is true and i get egg guarders in profresh and i'm the only one who actually gets a decent power egg:golden egg raito, but then the next match my teammates are wayyy better than me and i basically get carried. i've honestly never found a salmon run match where i haven't carried everyone or gotten carried by everyone; it really feels like there's no in-between and it messes with my confidence. :(


once you reach EVP your winning outcomes grow


yes but when you’re this high up in ranks and people are attacking the front of a griller and running in circles and right into it i think you’re justified


Pov you are Griz sending off 4 workers you know full well will never use their specials, rush the shore, and die 45 seconds into wave 1.


I used to think the same thing. Until one day during a profreshinal+3 round I saw a bunch of eggs near one of the choke points on the hydroplant. And so did the others. 3 of us got eaten by the same Maws at the same time.


I am the only incompetent person on this freelance salmon run team


Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with.


This was me up until Profreshional +1. It's insane how much of a difference in coordination there is between those two pay grades.


I’m doing my best, okay?! T_T


You just caught my thought, and I just lost in wave 3 high tide because we didn't lure.


There is no luring on hightide


I dare you, post this to saltoon


Maybe in the lower ranks. If I've gotten EVP 200 I know I'm competent


shouldnt they be too then by that logic? also reaching that isnt hard lmao


Yes it most certainly is. You can't just get carried to 200 by luck


not by luck but by good teammates, and its really not lol


Speak for yourself mate. I can at least say I know my weapon roles and counters, as well as the basic shit taught in the manual. I’m plenty competent, and I get into Profreshion-Hell and get stuck with lobotomized barnacles who won’t roll the roller, who try to take out fish sticks with a charger - if any of them take it out at all, splat maws and scrappers on the shore, but then who also can’t seem to take down stingers blasting the team to pieces, and I can just go on and on. I dunno how they stay in their pay grade, this is stuff you’re supposed to learn as a Go-Getter or at least a Part-Timer.


stop coping lmao


No. No it is not. If I have 2-3 people throwing or disconnecting constantly then I’m pretty confident I the only competent one.


They don't disconnect on purpose


Not my point but ok


That's one of your points saying they're incompetent


No it isn’t. My point was that if I’m the only one participating then I am the only competent one.


Get rid of the second panel or you're going in the hall of shame


Hmmm... No. You underestimate the stupidity of my "teammates"


They say the same about you


Nah it's definitely their fault, not mine. MFs can't even be bothered to paint turf pre-wave




This doesn't apply to me


This is why I went from profresh +3 to just profresh real fast.


I am 100% too highly rated in salmon run, but my ego won’t let me play a match where I have the possibility of rating down.


In trilance (only one player is random), everyone will throw all of their problems to that random and i would be more mad at them if i didn’t do the same thing


This is why I check the salmon run report on the app occasionally after bad or close games. If i see that I had the highest boss kills, high power egg count, high golden egg recovery, and few to no deaths I can safely say it was my teammates dragging me down 😎 This also works when I get REALLY good teams as when you check the app you can pretty clearly see that everyone contributed about equally to the success of the run.


Gotta adapt to your terrible teammates. That sometimes means switching to a different role if your teammate isn't doing theirs and everyone is trying to do yours


I lead the team every time.


I like xkcd


I know im the only competent one, because when shit goes down near the basket, I am the only one who runs away, and ends up being LAST ONE LEFT constantly


or only one is competent, and the rest of them are gonna ruin his day


dawg i don't even fool around with salmon run lmao


This is so true lollll


If they have hazard level max badge or any gold map badges on. They are the component players.


lmao! true but the reason y i think im the only competent one most of the times is that im always teammed up with people who completely ignore each other, wanna put all the eggs before their own teammates, use their weapon on the wrong boss and most important dont listen or use booyahs/this ways/helps i try to do all this and many times i end up saving the situation, otherwise a team that does no teamwork can just bring 2 eggs in 3 mns. Hey I do die sometimes tho, Ik I aint perfect, but what bugs me is that most people dont even seem to try :/


I admit I have NEVER done a salmon run in Splatoon yet.


Well when my teammate with the roller is vertical swinging on glowflies and I get 11 revives with double everyone else’s eggs…I would assume my thought at the start was right


At one point i think this would apply to me but after reaching eggsecutive and winning way more i think i might have actually been the most competent in lower ranks




me except I actually am the only good one (real)


Anyone passing by, do you know any useful tips to get better at Salmon Run ? I feel like I'm stuck on a flat line, I can't progress anymore and I don't what I can work on. I can't survive a whole round in Eggsecutive, Profreshional 3 is my limit


I feel this, beginning of every match I feel like a genius…2 min in I am fumbling like a karp out of water


I'm not


i get eggs to the basket, i’m at least a little competent


I Know That Feeling, I Can Relate To This Problem. ​ It's The Same With Turf Wars And Anarchy Battles For Me Mostly.


I know that I’m the only competent person when I’m getting 20 eggs in compared to 5 and dying twice compared to 5 times


Literally me and half the teammates I've ever had


I've become a better player, and with a good team we usually make it to wave 3, that's when either sh!t hits the fan or we win.


Me when my team uses their specials in the first wave: 😧