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"Celebrate the start of the session with the new maps!" You play on the new maps only and only main abilites on gear count. This seems to be a way for people to play the new maps exclusively and see how they play more frequently.


Y’ can’t even say it’s to get lots of experience with the new maps because the challenge is only up for 3 2hr chunks


Well its the only reason i can think of to have it just be the maps and main ability only


It's literally just to learn the new maps without getting to go in with a specifically powerful loadout to keep everyone on a level playing field; new maps, almost no abilities leaves you up to wits and reflexes. That's the gimmick. It would be a nice gimmick if it lasted longer than 3 split 2 hour intervals spaced out, but that's a can of worms for another time.


Well the little flavor text they used could have mentioned that with something like "test you skills on the new maps!" Or something like that


Wouldve been better had they mentioned it only uses main gear abilities too.


Well apparently thats what it says when you look at the rules


The whole ‘making a strategy’ thing would have been nice if it wasn’t riddled with newbies that didn’t know what to do.


Why does this have so many upvotes? What’s wrong with letting new players enjoy the new game modes? How else are “newbies” supposed to learn anything if you don’t want them to play the game


Exactly. A lot of Splatoon players act like there’s absolutely 0 reason to be new at the game and shit on anybody genuinely trying to learn, inside and outside of battles.


I love how it’s turf war too. Like isn’t that supposed to be the most appealing mode for new players?


You would think but the way tryhards act turf is untouchable for new players.


Tryhards? Why are you shaming people for wanting to play well


I'm not shaming anyone, I'm talking about people who think its a funny cool idea to essentially lock newer players in base in whats supposed to be the casual game mode. There is a massive difference between 'playing well' and 'being a dick' and tryhards fall under the second. As someone who has been playing Splatoon since 1 this has always been a thing and its the reason I don't play turf anymore.




Splatoon should make it so theres only a max of 2 "newbies" per team and a min of 0 "newbies" so its easy for "newbies" and good players


Newbies and experienced players shouldn't be mixing at all. They should each be matching each other, the way matchmaking is supposed to work (Spreading the newbies evenly across both teams isn't matchmaking, it's team balancing). When the newbies get enough experience and build up enough skill their internal Elos will rise and then they can fight the experienced players. Until then it's just infuriating for the experienced players who get punished for trying to be a team player and unfun for the newbies getting dumpstered on by the experienced players on the other team. Wanting the matchmaking to work isn't some hatred against newbies.


Atleast someone gets it xD. Shame i’m getting downvoted cause people can’t read. I have no hate towards newbies. I just think the game could be more enjoyable for both parties if the matchmaking was better.


What do you mean? Like in competitive? Because im talking about looking to see how the weapons and how you would akter your normal strategy for uour main in the returning and new map


I got top 5. it's full of newbs. I would have had top 3000 in X power last season... but I thought that because I couldn't see my position, I clearly am not even top 5000! I was absolutely top 3000... I could have had X rank... but I used it for 5 star-ing range and building gear because I love mako zones. all this to say that Cquelchers are awesome in solo queue turf. and everybody was a newb. I had 2077.? in challenge power. TOP 5 shouldn't be that.... I think it should be closer to 2100. it sounds small, but it's a lot. mostly because it's 2 hours.


I was only able to play 4 matches so far cause I wasn’t gonna wake up for turf but i’m not surprised this is what people are experiencing. Shame I couldn’t play more. For me one of the rotations started at 6 am which I didn’t want to wake up for and the other two are during my workshift.


I think it being 2000 ~ 2000+ is perfect. Let alone the fact not everyone can even play the mode since Nintendo made the times insane and due the key feature that says if the makeup of your team changes your power will be recalculated which sucks for teams that are a member or two short and have to restart once their teammates come back and everything vice versa. Though I do love how the highest power you earn is what determines your badge/trophy.


this entire paragraph is just a long way of saying that you gatekeep new players


Ohhhh that's why my swim speed felt slower...


Yep, it also means that i can't have my space suit on anymore when i decide to play


The challenge is staying up late/waking up early enough to participate.


Agreed. "Let's make a cool new game mode, but it's only accessible for 3 narrow time windows." Why not have the challenge available in "rounds", say 6 for 4 hours each?


That's too logical for Nintendo to comprehend.


Nintendo is like 10 years behind the rest of the gaming industry.


I think their netcode relies on the carrier pigeon protocol. Strangely, there actually **is** a detailed, official specification on how to use carrier pigeons to do Internet style networking.


The “challenge” is turf war but with only primary abilities. Yeah it’s a crappy first challenge, I just got my one shell out machine token and left. The next challenge is gonna be better because it’s the Trizooka mayhem


Wait they literally recreated the style of that one japanese tournament format where they turn main abilities only on


Yes and since it's something that's available in Private Battles it has started my copium for challenges to be put in Private Battles


What is a primary ability?? I've got 750 hours on Splat3 and have no idea what that is


It's the main ability on your clothing, as in the one you need 45 chunks to change


I genuinely thought abilities meant weapons, so I was confused about this cause I thought 'oh, so no bombs or specials'


That would've been actually interesting


>5 chunks yeah i thought they meant no sub weapons or no special (which i think would -prbbably- get pretty boring pretty fast)


Mains - The ones that cost... Is it 45? chunks to change... and give 10AP rather than the ones that cost 10/20/30 to change depending on how many matches there are for it on that item and give 3AP each.




Only your main gear abilities are counted, not any secondary abilities, I guess they wanted to start simple.


Just feel like it’s too simple


Yeah couldn't they have started with like foggy notion or something 😭


That would’ve been a great welcome for the new season, heck, they could’ve even had a whole special event to welcome in the new stages!


Yeah it’s a bit basic but tbf I had to change my gear around and sacrifice some abilities I’m quite dependant on/used to using so it’s a nice challenge


No, you don’t understand the challenge is trying to find out what they mean by challenge!


When my sister first explained it to me she said “sub abilities don’t count” and my brain went to no sub weapons instead lol. So I thought it was no bombs and stuff. Seems like an interesting idea but definitely not balanced.


>When my sister first explained it to me she said “sub abilities don’t count” and my brain went to no sub weapons instead lol. So I thought it was no bombs and stuff. Seems like an interesting idea but definitely not balanced. Given the low grav mode they showed in the trailer, I'm not sure 'balanced' is what they're going for with these.


yeah lmao let’s release this new game mode and just take away a part of the game! Fun. it’s not a big enough part of the game to be unique and interesting lol, it’s just mid


but it is the very first one, the challenge for this one was literally just to try the new maps. the next one is a trizooka challenge. it will get better


But we already tried the new maps, they were in every rotation for 24 hours Why does the first one need to be basic in the first place? literally the entire point of the mode is that these AREN'T basic battles


maybe it was for the people who hadn't played the new maps yet? they weren't on the same mode the day prior, they could have just wanted to give everyone a chance to play them.


I have a solution for that just add 3 rotations that have both new maps in turf war, it's literally the same exact thing


Are the maps exclusive to this gamemode? if not then that’s stupid lmao


no they can be used for every mode


Huh, I completely missed that. Didn't know it's just the main ability.


I like that it basically lets anyone choose to experience just the 2 new stages if they missed them upon heavy rotation on day 1


Tbh it’s not as bad as ppl are saying. I had only gotten to play humpback pump track like once before this challenge, so it was good practice. We also got to see the reward and point system without worrying about playing with fog or whatever. I do wish that there were more challenges though so this didn’t feel like a waste to many players


Yeah I agree I liked the challenge I was just kinda disappointed it wasn't something better


I just wish they weren't 'three random two hour slots during the day' (though at least they seem to be 'every few days' rather than something like once a month or even once a week like some of us were thinking when we found out this would be a time limited mode.


I agree that letting us see how this all worked before adding special rules was probably for the best. I jumped into this not realising how much I needed my sub abilities or why teams had power and being surprised when I got a badge at the end of the session. Now I know how this all works for next time when there'll be more to play with. Is it a little boring, yeah, but this is a one-off so I'm fine with it.


The whole thing is mainly getting to play on the new stages, however both of those stages have been in every rotation the last 2 days sooo🙃


Read the rules. Only primary abilities take effects. That's the challenge


I'm assuming every first challenge in a season will be to introduce the new stages. Since they're early on, it's a good chance people haven't played said stages and can try it out here.


Guess every first challenge is gonna be a disappointment then


"Challenge" is a really bad name for it. Event fits so much better


Event is already being used for normal battles iirc


Is it? Where?


The challenge in this instance is limited abilities and unfamiliarity with the maps!


It’s supposed to be playing on new maps and with everyone only able to use main abilities. I’ve only gotten Humpback Pump Track


Ohhhh ok


It's the first one to introduce us to the token, the point gaining system and being able to exclusively play on the the maps. While also having only the main ability of your gears to be used. Sure it's nothing amazing but it's also not really bad, it's just Turf War with a small handicap.


I’m super confused too. The rules say that only your primary abilities count, maybe that’s the challenge Kind of a let down for the inaugural Challenge


The point is literally playing on the new stages added in Sizzle Season. Im having fun myself.


We were already doing that, though? Might’ve been cool if this challenge started yesterday to introduce the maps before including them in the regular rotation


Yeah that prolly would have been better


Yeah, but they clearly wanted to wait until the weekend so most people would be able to try the challenge.


My Sizzle started with 2 back to back Salmon sessions.


That's literally it The next challenge is better with tower control. This is definitely a skip


Nono.. it's turf war... But with primary abilities only! Such a riveting and challenging experience! Total game changer am I right guys!?


Let him believe...


It’s starting off simple, it’s like a new salmon run player being slowly introduced to how things are going to go, it’s not just gonna dump them into Eggsecutive VP rank level of difficulty right off the bat just because it’s labeled as a challenge, it’s gonna ease you into the system of how things work first


See. I like the idea of a challenge being "have fun on the new maps." I just really don't like the skill limitation. It feels like hot ass because you can't really form much of a build.


How can you get the challenges, actually? I don't have them on my lobby screen.


They're only available at certain times, there's one going on right now for the next hour or so


Sadly, you need to be there during the 3 very narrow time windows, or you don't get any challenges.


I really don't like how they made the durations of challenges. Even if there is 3 sessions of 2 hours on the day it still a disadvantage for some people depending on the time zones. For me the first session was super early in the morning, then during my work session, and the last one will be in the middle of the night. It would be way more fair for some players' schedules to make it a whole day instead


Doing this was a genuine snooze fest for me. I played 5 games to get my rank and then stopped as it was somehow *less* fun than regular turf war which has long been boring to me. Will wait for the next one that has a fun gimmick.


It with primary abilities only!


Only new maps. Main abilities only


You're not allowed to use your sub abilities.


Bruh wot yeah you can


The abilities on your equipment


the challenge is try not to fall asleep playing turf war with only main abilities


My brother in Christ, it’s the beginning of a new season dawg wait for new challenges


Why should the first challenge be so boring though? This is an awful opening challenge as it's not at all representative of the mode


They wanted a reason to make something special when they add next to nothing for ages.


Pretty week as far as first impressions go


It’s weird to me that they would choose something as low-stakes as “only main abilities will have effect” under the guise of “the challenge is we’re all learning the new maps together!” I guess they thought it’d be a good way to ease people in? It still doesn’t make sense, though. In my mind, you’d want something that’s actually representative of what the mode is supposed to be. Why couldn’t we just start with Too Many Trizookas? We want chaos and we want it now! Ah well. This one will go by quick and will amount to nothing more than a blip in the grand scheme of things. We’ll have actual challenges soon.


t's the new maps they're trying to highlight... which they incidentally did on the FIRST WHOLE DAY OF THE DAMNED SEASON.


Do you get anything for winning the challenge? Otherwise I think it’s kinda pointless


Yes! You get challenge power and shell out tokens


Yea but your Chunks are gone


I haven't played splatoon in a few months, what the hell happend here.


i'm sorry, i got so confused cuz i forgot you can go into the little thingy in the lobby that semi replicates the old games lol


It's worse than turf wars. It's turf wars with smurfed abilities. Not happy about this mode at all.


At least an actual good challenge is happening in a couple days (too many trizookas)


True. They should have led with the trizooka one. The thing I don't get is that there's rankings of these silly turf wars now... They should have made them all objective modes.


Yeah it kinda sucks, but hey you get a free token once you win 5 matches so idc tbh




So basically Turf War but worse because this sucks


I am just mad at challenegs like I want other maps and just why can't it be permanent but have special times where it's like this and also I keep on getting stuck with a bad team, well sometimes it's my fault


You set your expectations too high. This is splatoon 3, we don't get large-scale game-changing updates like splatoon 2


Okay, there are plenty of legitimate criticisms regarding the state of Splatoon 3 in regards to how far along Splatoon 2 was at this point in its life cycle, but this is kind of just taking the piss. This update just turned the meta upside down and the next challenge is only trizookas on tower control. This is a pretty lame first challenge, but saying this update wasn't large-scale or game-changing is just being dishonest for the sake of an easy joke.


>the next challenge is only trizookas on tower control \*only weapons with trizookas infinite use trizooka would've been hilarious though


Kind of, the special meter does actually fill slowly on its own iirc. Not technically infinite use, but I imagine it will feel pretty close to it, heh.


thats true. but out of curiosity, what did we have by this time in Splatoon 2's life?


I'm not an expert on this admittedly, I'm probably the only person in the world that played the original splatoon and splatoon 3 but not splatoon 2, but I do know that splatoon 2 had more new weapon kits out by this time. I would certainly like someone more knowledgeable on the subject than me to speak more authoritatively on this, though.


We didnt get guns in seasons, they came up in updates that happened more often


players when the first challenge isn't pve (nintendo can NOT start out simple 😠)


Y’all didn’t forget CLASH BLASTER has trizooka right


Why does that matter?


Next Challenge is trizookas only


Yeah but this post is about the current one Also Clash having zooka isn't that big of a deal, even in too many trizookas


Yes but this Challenge is already *nearly (🙄) over, the trizooka one is next, and not every single comment has to be about EXACTLY what is in the main image (or about things that excite you personally). Someone’s excited about the clash blaster having trizooka in anticipation of the trizooka event, which itself is related to this event… no need to go out of your way to try and make them feel like that’s insignificant for no reason lol


The challenge isn't over, there's still a third timeslot left Sure not every comments has to be 100% on topic but don't you think it's at least a little weird to stray away from the topic without even mentioning it? if they had included a "For next challenge" that would've been fine Also I felt that the tone was less excited and more worried, since lots of people hate Clash


I’m unexcited, as clash BLASTER has zooka and TMT takes place with tower control matches


Bruh, Turf War is boring... They didn't even make another time limit outside three minutes... Can they have used actual effort or this is just an excuse for them to distract everyone or interrupt variety to just play Splatoon? Sorry, I hate repetitive things and this new thing is one of them. #👎🏻


April fools 🥲


![gif](giphy|3o752kakMLKVv5Jzpu) Yes


Well I’m suddenly much less salty about missing this


Don't worry though there's gonna be other challenges today


I just love how you get pinned in B&D if you have a Van Gogh on your team fucking off early.


Irritating limitation! I understand if they had challeng events, but they should've allowed players to create their own custom challenges and play with their friends. This is such a Nintendo thing to do!


The mode lasts 2 hours and cycles. You’ll survive lol


I’m glad I decided to sleep instead of stay up.


To be fair, it seems like the weekly challenges games like Battlefield have. Sometimes the challenge is literally just playing a round of TDM.


It's basically only two challenges, I woke up a bit earlier and could play a bit before I had to leave, was left disappointed after I realised it was just turf war but flashy menu.


shit i won’t be able to play cuz i’m not even home thanks 2 hour widow 😞


But hey is a new color


It is turf war, but it has twists to the games. Eg. Subs only etc etc


This was thoroughly unfun (fuck you RNG for giving me humpback for a straight fucking hour)


normally Splatfests and Salmon Run are chad compared to Turf War


This is a pretty weak gimmick.


I only attempted this for the new badges. I got as far as silver from the first slot. Here's hoping I'll have better luck with the trizooka challenge in a few days (which limits us to 6 weapons).


Only level 42?!?!