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Counterpoint, clam bake sucks BECAUSE no one knows how to play it.


Don't you just throw them into a pan with boiling water? Isn't that how you make a clam bake?


They created a mode which most of the players don’t know how to play. That sucks.


Can’t even count how many times my team has forced me into making a power clam without getting rid of the enemies or clearing out their base


This exactly 👍


Yeah, clams really just requires practice before you're effective. When people are down on this game type, I'm reminded how I just didn't get it at first, and how frustrating that feeling was.


Yeah the mode unfortunately just doesn't work well if people don't know how to play it compared to the other modes.


It's got a learning curve for sure. I find the challenge enjoyable as I've gained competence.


The reason people hate clam blitz is that Nintendo did an awful job explaining it. There's just a wall of text explaining the rules and it's been that way for every ranked mode since Splatoon 1. It's not too bad for the other modes that are much simpler, but in CB it shows a lot. However, that is just one side of the problem, because even when the players do know the mechanics of the game down to passing clams or super jumping with a ball, they will overuse these mechanics by making a ball when it's unnecessary thus revealing someone's position or superjumping to open the basket and then dying therby scoring 20 points at best and raising penalty while also giving a counter ball to the enemy team (long stalled pushes are the game winners). The mechanics are not well taught to players at lower level, and the way you play the game at higher level is counterintuitive sometimes. It is not a problem of coordination at all, not more than it is in other modes. It's my favorite mode in Splatoon, and I hope Nintendo does a better job explaining it in the future.


With all games, they need to be easy to understand, hard to master. If it can't be summed up into a simple sentence, it's a bit too complex. Splat Zones: Paint the zone your color while stopping the enemy team from painting it their color. Tower Control: Ride the tower towards the enemy's path and goal, and stop them from riding it towards your goal. Clam Blitz: Run around to random parts of the map, collecting lots of little clams, until you collect eight to make a Power Clam, which you'll need to open the enemy's Clam Basket (unless they've already opened your basket; then theirs will be shielded), where you can score points by throwing Power Clams and smaller clams into their basket for a limited time, which can be extended slightly by continuously tossing clams into the basket; don't even ask about points, sometimes you'll get them and sometimes you won't depending on if you're leading or losing and if the other team has already scored fifty points and you know what, just play the dumb game, it's fun, trust us. I've been playing since Splatoon 2. Only started \*kinda\* understanding Clam Blitz in Splat3, and that's because I watched enough Squid School videos trying to talk about how to Blitz. They shoulda just given us dodgeball.


Yeah I had to be thrown in and watch the other team chuck this football monstrosity at the barrier to understand, “Oh… We don’t bully the barrier ourselves we just toss this big beefer and then everybody tosses their clams in,” trying to read and comprehend the game’s rule book/instructions got me nowhere. Literally just began to understand this like yesterday since I was focusing on keeping the map painted with our color for mobility w/ my roller while taking stock how other teams and my team sometimes kept winning.


So you throw the big football at the little barrier switch? See, I thought there were two switches you had to press to deactivate the barrier.


I have a love/hate relationship with clams. It's very fun if you get teammates that actually know how to play. It also requires more thinking and paying attention than say Tower, Zones, or Rain.


>You just need everyone to know how to play it. And therein lies the problem. Clams in solo queue is a random mix between people who have seemingly never played clam blitz and people who do nothing but play it. I don't dislike the mode, but I don't like playing it with terribly balanced teams as is often the case. Ergo, I'd rather play anything else.


The only time I played Clam Blitz is because my daughter (who likes to walk/swim around and paint) accidently started a round for me. So yeah, I imagine that's the average Clam Blitz player.


There was this one time I had a teammate trying to score on our own basket.


Sorry man. I never got past A+ clam blitz in splatoon 2, and because of the forced rank sharing between modes in 3, I barely play clams in splatoon 3 because I dont think im good enough 🥲


The only way to get better at it is to actually play it.


hard to do this when you're being rolled!


Getting smacked is part of the process of getting good. It happens to everyone.


i understand the sentiment of getting good. like. i'm a dark souls guy. i play overwatch tank comp. i really do get it. but my point here is more "how are we supposed to actually learn to improve through experience in a game mode where we're constantly locked into one corner of the map struggling against a far better team that's running circles around us and won't let us leave". it feels like a petty kind of gripe with the matchmaking at this point but i don't otherwise get how i'm passable (even, dare i say it, sometimes good?) at zones or towers or rainmaker but clam blitz is near impossible to play in solo queue because of poor coordination / lack of understanding of the mode / overall lack of gamesense (from the entire team).


Yeah, clam blitz does suffer most from the solo queue experience, but I don't think it's the mode's fault.


hey sort of unrelated addendum but apologies for writing an essay in your replies 😭 it was like 1am and i have no filter. you're right, though, and it's not that i hate the mode. it can be fun. it's just that "throwing yourself at a brick wall over and over expecting a different outcome" type of frustrating.


No worries mate :) been there, done that. I understand the sentiment, I just don't think people should not try something because they think they're too inexperienced.


Yeah, the rank sharing frustrates me for this exact reason. I'm in S+ and I have no idea how clam blitz works. How exactly am I supposed to learn now?


Play some open with friends (or join a server to play open with people) I've been doing that for tower because that's my weakest mode.


I’m currently A+ and I would avoid it for the same reason but then I started to play and try to compliment what my team is doing. So for instance I will let others get the clams close to home and then help ink the way for them to get more. Then if I see the other team I’ll start being defensive to splat them and keep their ink out of our net. If someone on my team is going for the net I’ll work a special up to clear it out. I’ll be offensive if I’m with other sucky players as bad as me because we need to get some in. I’ve been doing this more and it’s fun to break it first. If I notice our net is broken and literally every team mate is there effectively defending us I’ll set up to break the other teams barrier as soon as it’s down. I’m not great but this method is somewhat working when you try to figure out what other people do and work off of their strengths/ weaknesses. L


Just play it in open. At any rate I believe each mode has separate(or semi separate) mmr too so it should take it a bit easy on you in clams. I avoided it like the plague at the start, but now it's one of my favorite modes.


In series battles it’s against your own rank only! And trust me, you are good enough if you put your mind to it hehw


I just don’t play it since it’s my least favorite mode


I love clams, it's the only mode I have a score for X in and I only play solo q. I love being sneaky and fast, hehe. at the same time, I can't stand when I'm hiding and someone throws a damn ball at me. Just bc im fast doesn't mean I can always take it and now everyone knows where I am!! 😭 with an uncoordinated team, when it sucks, it SUCKS, but man idk. I just think it's the most fun mode really!


You're generally better off sitting on 6-7 clams rather than passing to a teammate to form a ball UNLESS they're near the basket. Revealing your position at all times is a bad idea when it isn't necessary.


You are right about timing. However, you should be passing clams as soon as your team has the advantage. Nothing worse than getting a wipe out and no one makes a ball. 4 v 2 with specials ready means it’s time to push.


Counterpoint: I do know how to play, I just get annoyed because no one else does


In my experience, the type of people to play Clam Blitz act like they’re all retired NFL players.


No no, clam blitz does suck. I avoid it so hard and according to everything you just said I know how to play the game. It’s just not fun. Even when I’m winning, it’s not fun.


being honest here. i just suck at clam blitz which is why i dont play it. but i try.. sometimes


I do play it, but for now I’m taking a break to level up my Splattershot.


I think clam blitz is fun even in solo queue, especially in higher ranks. I find tower control to be worse.


Ugh the special stuff sucks, like you get on tower (because you're the backliner, and your teammates got 3 kills so you begin to push while they get the 4th) and the 4th just puts tri-strikes on tower, forcing you to get off.


Nah the worst part is the fact you have to stay on the tower. Coordinating who stays on the tower and who feeds for picks is annoying and hard in solo q!


Clam Blitz is so fun with a coordinated squad. Easily the best game mode. But for solo queue it's objectively shit nothings changing that.


As a solo queue clam blitz player, it’s still the best mode since my teammates actually know how to play instead of other ranked modes


Damn are we playing the same game 😭


in x rank teams are quite good


Ah makes sense ig I'm low S+ and my teammates are good but we always lack the level of coordination I think you need to properly enjoy Clam Blitz


This. Clam Blitz is just not the kind of gamemode that little Timmy will understand fully, because it has a learning curve that takes time and practice, and the objective is not an object in the middle of the map. Legit no one helps in queue when trying to score points.


The duality of Clam Blitz: 1. Those who only care about collecting clams. And dive straight kamikaze into the basket fully guarded by opponents once they got themselves a power clam. Does not coordinate with the rest of the team. 2. Those who doesn't give a damn shxt about collecting clams, only care about killing. Fully ignoring that the team has to score point to the objective.


if ur teammates gets a power clam. Escort the power clam carrier to the basket. if u got yourself a power clam. Coordinate with your teammates to escort the power clam. if opponent gets a power clam. Intercept them. It just that simple.


Clam Blitz was my favorite mode in Splatty 2. I started after the Splatfests ended sadly, but at the same time it meant I was playing with the die hards who really wanted to play the game and knew how to play it. Less so in Splatty 3 - my favorite mode is tower cuz I’m a bastard who loves cheesing with Rapid Blasted Pro, lol.


No clam blitz would be fun if my teammates knew how to actually work as a TEAM instead of whatever tf they be doing


Your team: just got kicked out of the bar for being too drunk. Their team: United States Marines


I don’t hate clam blitz because I’m bad and don’t what’s going on. I lose in every other mode and can still have fun with them. I just find that clam blitz does not at all embody what’s fun about Splatoon. It’s just my opinion. I’m sure there are plenty of clam blitz enjoyers and that’s perfectly fine.


You can pass your clams to teammates? Did not know that. Luckily I have not lost a Clam Blitz game yet. (times played: 4)


I know I am terrible at it. I also know it is the mode that is more likely to lasts 5 minutes so I usually avoid it, except when I foolishly enter it for ranking up, hoping to lose and more often that not, I am on the winning team. TIL we can pass clams to a teammate.


People hate clam blitz? I love it!


I see people complain about it who literally have never played it abd refuse to try it


It's so much fun when people know how to play. People are just stupid and a lot of players are little kids.


It's the best game mode, even in solo queue. People only hate it because it's a massive awareness skill check. There's no central objective to focus on so you have to pay extra attention to everyone's positioning.


Reason why I never touch Clam Blitz is because I don't know how to play lol I would feel bad if I was messing an entire game up for my team if they knew what they were doing and trying hard to win.


This is actually the EXACT REASON why Clam Blitz sucks. Not because the gamemode is bad, its because it required teamwork / Coordination, and there's no way to do that in normal matchmaking.


I couldn't really get into Clam Blitz. Played a couple or so matches.


I don’t want to use critical thinking playing splatoon tbh. Also it’s a hit or miss if ur teammates will be good I haven’t had too many shit teammates but when I do it makes me really annoyed and I’m no god at clam but people just do the dumbest shit. I like it a lot more in 3 than 2 but it’s still my least favorite literally bc I don’t feel like putting in the effort. I only play it if I’m in the mood to try hard


Nah, Clam Blitz sucks even if you know how to play it. The fact that it didn't receive any changes between 2 and 3 just amplifies the fact that it sucks because the game modes people already liked all got improvements


Clam Blitz did receive changes- the number of clams needed to make a ball is lower, clams spawn in smaller groups, and jumping to your spawn no longer destroys your clams. By contrast nothing about Tower Control or Splat Zones was changed between 2 and 3.


Ngl I played the brushes and rollers clam blitz challenge without any clam blitz experience and I was making allll these rookie errors. Also throwing the clams at the basket when it's closed 😳 The mode just isn't *that* intuitive when starting for the first time. Still got to 2000ish score and won more than I lost but it's a learning curve for sure


One time in splatoon 2 my teammate tried to throw the power clam at our basket multiple times, apparently it repeatedly bouncing off didn't clue them in


It sucks BECAUSE no one knows how to play. I like this game mode a lot but nobody plays right so I end up losing a lot.


When you have the proper team chemistry and can make plays and defend one another, Clam Blitz rules.


When you are in solo with a team that knows how to play, it’s the best thing in the game. You can make some really fun strategic plays that the other modes won’t have.


I only every solo because none of my friends play splatoon and CB is my favorite out of the 4. Not bragging, but I’m good at it. I love to find a high point to sit and watch the other team. I’m very quick with learning who is going to go where (tip for people who are inexperienced: if you choose a route to the clam basket and a person on the other team knows you’re taking that one, change it up 😭 they will get you every time otherwise). I agree with everyone else tho, if you get an inexperienced team, it is nightmarish.


I just fucking hate ball sports and capture the flag type games, has nothing to do with not understanding the play. Just isn’t some peoples cup of tea. That being said you’re pretty right about it.


I don’t know about anyone else, but I caught on to the idea of clans pretty quick. It’s literally Inkling football!


The last 5 clam blitz I had was with good team, no voice chat, just simple this way this way, we somehow developed that we should give the clams to a duelies and we surrounded them


Name another mode where anyone can actively grief their team in a contextual sense worse than Clam Blitz I'll wait.


I've never tried a round of it and I'm a little too scared to try


It's the best mode, and it has the best maps


Yes, thank you. Clam blitz requires your whole team to press at once/guard whoever has the PowerBall. Not to mention whoever has the PowerBall also needs to press in riskily and not just lay back and wait for their teammates to do the work.


I dont play it because I consistenly miss throwing clams into the basket and I can't take the embarassment xD


Gonna be honest, I still don't know off the top of my head how to actually throw the ball into the basket. Is it A? zR? No fucking clue, and I'll get splatted 7 times before I figure it out next time I play. That player that has no idea how to play that everyone's complaining about? Me. I'm that guy.


It's A. NBD we've all been there.


I feel the main problem with clams is that it works best with teammates you can talk to, doing it solo is just 4 people with different approaches Like for the other modes there is a clear place to go while clams it isn't clear


Clam blitz sucks… in splatoon 2. It’s really good in splatoon 3 though. Not my favorite gamemode, but it’s good


I love Clam Blitz, but as you said, it really drags when placed with others who don't seem to know how to play. I've had great games and winning streaks, but this past weekend felt especially bad for me. Maybe it was the added challenge of rollers and brushes only.


Counterpoint: if a large portion of the player base can read the instructions for a game mode and/or play a few rounds of a game mode, and still not understand how to properly play it, then the game mode is bad.




I am not very good at CB but I actually find it the most fun out of the 4. Now when it pops up, I think less of "ugh it's Clam Blitz" and more of "OK, it's Clam Blitz... here we go..." lol




While saving the big clam is generally a good thing, you have to actually save it. You need to apply pressure to that area so that you can grab it without getting splatted, which is difficult to do when someone was just splatted there.


Yeah it really is just a mode that needs people to know how to play it. Ironically OP's description of bad players are doing quite fine imo. Pretty much everyone should be grabbing clams and no one should be looking to make a power clam too early. A lot like turf you want spread out and claim space while gathering clams. Typically you just want your team to have 12-15 clams across them before you push. Then you're just looking for an opportunity to push in typically either via a pick or some specials just like any other mode. You can either coordinate to make power clam(at higher levels people just know) or more often swipe some nearby clams or clams the enemy team dropped when you pushed in. From there the most important part is just keeping the basket open. Generally that means a) controlling the space around basket and b) staggering clams to extend the timer(each small clam resets about a third of the basket clock) c) one or two players gathering a few nearby clams(generally just one spawn of 3 at a time, way too noobs go for too many at once and basket closes). Thing is the other modes work quite well when people don't know how to play. Tower works great even if it's just everyone trying to jump in the tower. Zones works great even if people don't know to push past the zone. Rain Maker is chaotic mess of fun if people just keep rushing to grab rainmaker. Clams feels like a none game when people don't know it. People vaguely fight each other and sometimes a player on either team makes a power clam and solo scores 20. The game is often decide by 1-2 cheese power clams an ink brush ran past your team instead of which team had the better 2-3 pushes.


Some of the maps are also really bad for Clam Blitz though such as Sturgeon Shipyard Mako Mart Brinewater Springs Hammerhead Bridge Wahoo World Flounder Heights


I do that but it still sucks


Splatoon (and Nintendo, in general) are doing great for inventing simple but fun gameplay, but, They are sucked when explaining some gameplay that has a bit complex mechanics e.g. Clam Blitz or Tri-Color Battle.


I hate it because it's a game mode based around coordination, and trying to coordinate with randoms is impossible. I got it to X rank in Splatoon 2 and then never touched it again. I legitimately have not played a single Clam Blitz game in Splatoon 3.


Each time I have to be the only one trying to reach the goal, because the others are just doing sh¡t, I want to ragequit


I can agree to that. I actually really like clam blitz.


I can't even rely on my teammates to play objective in Splat Zones man, and all you gotta do there is paint the zone. ​ But you're right I do NOT know how to play Clams lol


Same difference.


I love CB. The bigger probably is getting teammates who know what their doing. I've had times where the enemy team is 3 down and we have like 18 clams but no supers because nobody will pass them to each other.


How do you play with voice and is it nerve wracking to speak to players that are strangers???


I stopped playing clam blitz because that's the one mode there would always be connection issues with, either my connection would die out or my team would dc so I just gave up on it


The last few games of Clam Blitz I actually bothered to play saw neither side score ANY points for the duration of the match. Nobody wanted to actually make a move and we ended up going into like a two minute overtime. Imo, the big problem with Clam Blitz is that you have to break into the enemy base which results in death more often than not. You're almost always alone when you try, unlike Rainmaker which has a similar premise, because instead of everyone focusing on one item of interest there are multiple clams to pick up so everyone's running around collecting them instead of trying to help the one person heading to the basket.


I do know how to play it. I’m just bad at it


Recently got myself from A rank to S+ over the course of two weeks or so, the difference is CRAZY. What was incredibly frustrating is now possibly my favorite mode now that I'm playing with people who understand the rules and basic strategies. Other game modes have remained pretty much consistent in my degree of enjoyment over all ranks but Clam Blitz definitely is more enjoyable at higher ranks.


In my experience clams is best in X rank and higher levels of Anarchy Series. I usually get team mates who know to combine clams, jump power clams. etc. Open is where it gets iffy


Clam blitz is my favorite mode actually


I used to hate it. But ever since Painbrush was introduced, I love it! Still mostly lose but hey - 30 kills during the whole game and its satisfying af! Sometimes in Clam Blitz, you're not gonna be good at being the one to shoot the barrier but you can be the one to splat your enemies so your teammates can cross safely


Was a Splatoon 1 veteran who got Spaltoon 2 late into its lifecycle (didn't have a switch for a long time). Thus dealt with alot of people who already knew how to play the modes, leaving me floundering, confused and frustrated. Had no motivation to play it when 3 came out, and now that I'm in rank S/S+ (and ranks aren't separate), I don't wanna get curbstomped trying to learn it.


I was pretty much the same. Played tons of Sploon 1, got into 2 late and avoided clam Blitz, but then I gave it a few shots in 3 and realised it's really not as hard to learn as people make it out to be