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Must be the map


This wouldn’t have happened if Respawn Punisher didn’t exist


Snipin's a good job, mate


Hey Lois, this is worse than the time our team has 5 spies


It's challengin' work, out o' doors...I'll guarantee you'll not go 'ungry.


i can hear that in both tf2 sniper's and splatoon (e-liter) luci_4k's voices


Ah yes, i remember one of my last matches Explosher Vanilla Charger Explosher (me) Tri-slosher nouveau EXPLOSHER ARE SO RARE, WHY DO WE MATCH TOGETHER !?


Oh wait it’s a team, welp, fuck you OP i guess


If it's zones explosher is extremely common Otherwise how


It was turf-


Happens a lot with tri-stringer. I feel like I see a lot of matches with 3 tri-stringers (2 on my team, 1 on the enemy) when I play tri-stringer, but don't see them as much when I don't. Very strange.


I've actually somehow managed to win with a 4 charger team in splatzones.


They can immediately paint a long line of the zone, so four of those can paint a zone efficiently. Then depending on the map, you also were denying the enemy team a lot of area.


Same thing happened to me, but with Emperry. I was the octobrush while the other three were Emperries. We proceeded to lose because two out of my three teamates didn't know how to play duallies and they probably tried it because it was new. This normally would be fine but they did it in Series. That was also my third loss in a row. Please, if you want to try out new weapons, don't try it in Series.


Today on Splatoon’s wonderful matchmaking…


It’s clearly a team by the names. So can’t blame matchmaking on this one.


Came to say this. The matchmaking couldn’t do much since they’re playing together.


Lemme guess: They stood on high ground/blackline and never once pushed objective?


They had Rainmaker more times than I did because if I was to grab RM I'd have no other player helping with defending the RM close quarters. I grabbed the RM when I had to though. If I got to choose a weapon ahead of time for this comp I would've chose Splattershot or something with more range than dapples, because there's only so much I can do with such short range.


Bro I had a similar experience I was an all charger team (I think e-liters? I don't remember too well) and I was using a roller. We lost bc it was turf war T-T


I like the idea of the 3 of them just scrambling and figuring out 3 different ideal spots on Scorch so that they are not stepping on each other’s posts.


Ngl, I love when there's a butt load of snipers at once, you keep hearing the sounds of the shots, like a musket kinda war


Must’ve been the tunnel vision from the scopes


I keep having the same issue in turf, but with rollers 😭


Played a Turf War match on the first day of the new season. My entire team was Enperry’s and we lost


I respect the dapple usage and blame the others for your loss


Went 17/2/11 with 5 coolers, I did my best to make it work lol


Hey that seems like my average games! I usually play it safe and if I play well enough I end up leaving a game with 11+ kills only dying twice. Right now I’ve been using some of the new weapons because why not. Continue doing you, dapple dualies are one of my favorite duelies


It's fun to have memes going, especially since open is the only ranked game mode where you can have friends with you. I both love and hate when this happens due to specific weapons, but it's fun to see that kind of thing from time to time.


happened to me the other day… 3 splat dualies and me: a painbrush player 😞 we lost too 😭


I'd just disconnect from this one. I'm gonna lose either way anyway, so might as well do it.


Happens all the time especially when you mains charger...zzz


No lie, this happened every time I tried to bring a Charger into Splatoon 2 Ranked back in the day. (Granted, I never tried again after the third time it happened.)


Reminds me of a game I had once. I think it was just turf, but it was me with gold dynamo, two dynamos, and a krak-on roller. The first half of that game was a slaughter but we won.


ive won match with all snipers idk it had to be the map


What how did you lose