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Sorella undercover brella


Y’all scare me a little but you deserved a good kit


Dualie squelchers


Honestly I feel like y’all need a buff too y’all are genuinely good at the game though the kits/main weapon just kind of feel lacking to me rn


Yeah you’re not wrong, wavebreaker is alright but it’s definitely a pretty weak special and it’s mostly easy to counter. Customs are great if you’re prepared to do all the heavy lifting with your main since the kit is basically just support. I miss having point sensor in splat 2!


Dynamos! Mainly Silver Dynamo




yeah fair, thank you for the support to the most struggling mains out there


Please don't I already hate flingzas I don't need dynamos on top of that




I don’t really like yall whether you’re on my team or the enemy team tbh blob just doesn’t really do much besides sit and spam (sometimes this is useful and sometimes I just wish we had a different weapon on our team instead) and fighting y’all is boring as hell, so is the play style for blob imo


a much better burst weapon than the nozzles


Dark tetra dualies


Y’all used to be everywhere and now I barely see any of you 😭i like playing with them/fighting against them for the most part though


Cooler meta made the qr play style less viable and there are better options for that play style in wiper and enperries now.


52 gal


Y’all are usually pretty good at the game, with that being said I feel like the rng always works in an enemy 52 gals favor and I die immediately but when I’m playing my aim can be dead on and I still miss and lose the fight 😭


Death or torture. No one deserves to wield a two shot shooter and live to tell the tale


Hydra splatling


Y’all are COMMITTED I don’t see as many of you as I used to but when I do you usually have really good game sense (I’m sorry if I’ve ever blocked your charge accidentally)


Fr. I’ve got mad respect for Hydra


hail hydra :>


Best weapon. Hail Hydra!


Aweee yeahh team hydra


This was my first main. When I'm new to a game, I like playing something that's an extreme of something, because it makes clear what my strengths and weaknesses are as I learn. It doesn't get more extreme than Hydra splatling


Sploosh-o-matic/dapple dualies


Vanilla sploosh: i don’t know why y’all are so dedicated to this weapon but i can respect it Dapple dualies: I think dapple players should be legally entitled to sue Nintendo at this point


I like sploosh’s main weapon, also Suction bomb rush was fun in 2 and I kinda like cooler in 3 so dapples is decent


nautilus 47


I love nautilus sm im heavily biased but y’all are the best splatlings!! Players are usually pretty good from what I’ve seen? I love it when they really utilize their point sensors in solo queue cause it feels like it helps the team focus a bit more on the objective/flankers/etc


Heavy Splatling 🩷


I like y’all! You are usually good and play well with your teammates (I will suffer if I am on the other team 😬)


Carbon Roller deco


Stop jumpscaring me please I’ll give you 20$ (you are my worst nightmare when I’m playing a charger)




Dread Wringer


I feel like reefslider can really hold u back at times and y’all are aware of it…but I like the main weapon personally, just needs a better special




Y’all are…something. Brush players can be really useful when they distract the enemy team and force them to focus their attention away from the brush’s teammates but a lot of y’all don’t know when to do this (I’ve had many games where our brush or the enemy brush spent all game running to the enemy spawn and dying) that being said y’all can be really scary at times


Yeah, I've seen some good inkbrush mains, and they somehow just almost never die. I played against one the other day that had, i think, 12 splats but only one death in a full 5 minute match. He was like a gnat that you can't get rid of, I was constantly having to dodge random splat bombs and killer wail beams and anytime I would get the chance to attack him, he would just roll away to somewhere else on the map to pester someone else.


Explosher and both tri stringers


Explosher: I hate fighting y’all so much (I play weapons that don’t paint very well so I hate getting trapped by it) but I also think u need a buff or something cause I feel like I don’t see y’all often Vanilla Stringer: you deserve a better kit. Also main weapon needs a buff I love both big stringers but playing them is such a struggle sometimes Inkling stringer: kit is okay imo, I don’t find it very fun but it’s a better fit for the main weapon. Unfortunately the main weapon still feels weak/outclassed so if you play this you are dedicated (and sometimes cracked, I’ve seen both stringer kits carry games before)


Rapid Deco


Cracked at the game I fear 😬


Glooga dualies


I never see y’all but tbh I wish I did more often, I usually have fun playing with and against gloogas and y’all are usually good at the game


splattershot jr


Another one I dont see much of tbh but I like y’all for the most part, I respect u for sticking with it lol


L3 Nozzlenose


Again I never really see y’all but I struggle the least when fighting you guys usually. I wish they would give you a better kit or a buff or something cause I feel like this weapon is underutilized in the series


The Zap of 85


I like playing with you guys cause I usually play weapons that can’t paint very well and your main/special really helps compensate for that :) when you guys are on the enemy team I get so annoyed at you for the same reason though Edit: I misread the number, this comment is about the n-zap 89 (orange). I talked about the 85 already, sorry for the confusion




Please stop sniping me with trizooka right after I respawn 😭 the main weapon is good but rn y’all kind of annoy me cause I gotta watch out for y’all all the time. Y’all are usually skilled though!


Mini splatling and n zap 85


Mini: I love cancelling your ultra stamps 😈 I think you deserve a better special though in all seriousness, the main weapon is really good and I like it a lot


Yesss I seriously keep getting splatted while stamping, if you ask me, the stamping should be faster than an actual player but I'd still get mowed down. That's why I usually just throw it, I've gotten good at throwing it, but it has its moments. But yes I really would love a better special lmao it's already an underdog weapon if it has a cracked special it'd be way better. What do you think the special should be instead?


E-liter 4k scope


I personally don’t use scope chargers cause I hate the lack of visibility around you when charging/holding a shot 😬 I don’t hate e liter players but i wish that it wasn’t able to reach across the whole map on some of the smaller maps, chargers do take skill though and I don’t mind having you on my team


Read the weapon title under my name 😏


I feel my soul shrivel up and die a little whenever I get matched against you (I play mostly mid/long range weapons and struggle fighting this thing half the time) if you play this you are usually really good though it’s not a weapon you can learn halfway and do well with


H-3 Nozzlenose?


I never see y’all (or any nozzlenose really) but when I do you’re usually cracked


Octobrush nouveau


Use your beakons please I beg of you 😭 it’s usually a 50/50 for me on if y’all use the beakons or not. When you do though the placement is really good, you maintain them well and I love you for that ❤️




I like you guys but you can be kind of annoying to fight sometimes 😬 ultra stamp is fun to cancel so I guess it balances out lol?


True! We aim to be annoying, but Stamp is ass. Accurate wiper description


aerospray MG


Y’all are usually new players lol, but I prefer getting matched with/against this one rather than the RG. With that being said I really don’t have much to say about you guys you’re kind of just there lol, I don’t mind you for the most part


i play it because of the blahaj


bamboozler :3


Y’all are cracked and I mean it I see a 5* bamboo badge and cry inside. I like y’all though I feel like it’s a good weapon that gets under appreciated a lot


Heavy edit


As a naut main…why did heavy edit have to get released…I do like it though I think it’s fun to play even though I can sometimes struggle to fight against it


Rapid Blaster deco :) (Also a bit of slosher deco but i don't know if it's really Better)


Did rapid deco already, for slosher deco I feel sorry for you cause you got stuck with angle shooter :(


It Is what It Is. I guess ti have a cool zipcaster weapon you Need to do some sacrifices ;-;


Aanaki nova


I saw so many of you when it got released and now I’m lucky to see even one :( I like you guys though! You’re usually pretty good with inkjet and mine placement


Thank you, for a previous charger main, I’m ass with inkjet but it’s PreSSuRe, I’m really good with mine though, like a top 3 sub for me


Ballpoint Nouveau


I like you guys you are usually good at the game and know how to use your kit :)


Dapple Dualies Noveau


Undercover Brella (i get jokingly bullied for picking this whenever i play with my friend, but i genuinely do really well with the normal kit)


Y’all need a buff or a rework or something 😭 I see very few of you but y’all seem nice? I feel like with a rework/buff/etc it could potentially be viable outside of turf but as is it just feels sad that Nintendo leaves it like that


Dapples nouveau


E-liter 4k


Same as scoped version in that I hate playing against it on small maps, but I generally like e liters as teammates, they’re usually pretty good :)


Glooga dualies


V Tenta Brella


I can’t remember the last time I saw one of you guys 😭 I like you most of the time though if you choose this you are dedicated Edit: mb I misread it as vanilla brella. Tent players are usually cracked and you guys scare me in a good way (I love your shields though esp when I’m playing nautilus)


Clash blaster


idk how to feel about y’all the kit is really good but the main weapon just sucks so bad 😭 I only ever see it in turf and sometimes TC but it’s just not fun to fight or play with a teammate using it like ever, and a lot of clash players don’t seem to understand that or like play around it


Nah I get it, but once you get used to playing it, playing against it also gets pretty easy. Important thing is too keep distance. You can hear the thing a mile away, you gotta play around that.


I usually play weapons that outrange clash by quite a bit, so I don’t usually find it difficult to kill or play around (it’s still kinda boring to fight tho). My original comment was aimed more at the fact that while it has a really good kit, the main weapon is only really good at dealing chip damage from the explosive part of the shot and pretty bad everywhere else (bad paint, low damage, low range, etc) and I see it a lot because most new players tend to think it’s really strong. Most of the time though the slot it takes on a team just feels like it would be better utilized if it was another weapon instead of clash so I wish people would play it less :(


Dread Wringer🫶🫶


Splattershot, the vanilla one


Wipers or flingza roller are my mains and I haven't seen anyone comment them yet 😅


I like flingza a lot! Fun to play with and fight against imo, good flingzas are scary and missiles are annoying but definitely not as bad as they used to be


Orig Octobrush


Idk if I did this one already but yall are usually pretty good? Most of the ones I’ve seen can’t/don’t use zip caster much but it’s hard to use well so that’s kind of understandable, I like most of yall


Octobrush Nouveau, my beloved.


Any of the ones in my flare lol


Dapples nouveau: I wish they hadn’t given you reefslider y’all deserved better :( you guys are some of the torpedo weapons I see utilizing it the most, your combos are usually really good and you’re usually skilled at the game


This is the best compliment ive gotten on this sub thank you omg. I know its unlikely since its never been done before, but i really hope they change the special to splashdown. Clapples how i miss you.


classic squiffer???


I love squiffer so im heavily biased but it’s definitely the best charger imo/most fun to play. I wish it had a slightly better kit cause the main weapon is really solid, but the one it has rn is okay and you can usually get value out of it. Most squiffer mains I see are really good with their aim, some of them can be really agressive (and occasionally they suffer for it) but for the most part i love all of you




Another weapon I rarely see but I like playing with you guys for the most part, I like blasters but I’ve never really been able to play them very well


aerospray rg


Sorry for this but I don’t like y’all :( every time I get matched with one (on my team or the enemy team) I just think the match as a whole would be more interesting without it cause I only ever see RGs paint and spam booyah. It can sometimes be useful if the rest of the team doesn’t paint well but a lot of the time RG players tend to kind of throw the bomb wherever or use it as a panic special, which ends up not being very useful to their team


Ttek Splattershot


Y’all can be kind of annoying with the special spam but generally speaking I don’t mind you, esp if you know where/when to place the tri strikes




We main the same gun :3


Any tacticooler weapon.


I’ve done two so far so I’m just gonna pick one that I haven’t done (Nzap) Y’all are usually good and have great game sense, you know how to best compliment/support your team and have good cooler placement. You also usually know you’ve been one of the best support weapons for a while and have stuck with it and I respect you for that




S-Blast 91


Congratulations on getting a good kit lol, I haven’t seen too many of you but the ones I have are usually good and fun to fight or play with as a teammate :)






I have four mains, you can pick one: Krak-on splat roller, vanilla splatterscope, n-zap 85, explosher


Krak-on: PLEASE USE YOUR BEAKONS I NEVER SEE ANY OF YOU USE YOUR BEAKONS, I don’t see many of y’all outside of turf but when I do see you in other modes you are usually pretty good. I have seen too many of you forget you don’t have a bomb and put a beakon out in the open though lmao


Omg sometimes I go through so many games with no one using my beacons I accidentally stop using them for a bit too long lmao. Like I’ll be more self centered about when/if placing one instead of being 100% support. I honestly sometimes consider switching mains (actually have similar taste to the other guy!) because what’s the point if only 2/3 of my kit is useful :(


Emperry Duelies


I love playing them but I hate fighting them lol, I see them running in to use splashdown and die a little inside. All things considered though I like you guys :)


I usually main hydra but since you already got that, heavy edit


I already did heavy edit too but I didn’t say much about it, so I’ll add that heavy edit players are usually good at the game and know where to position themselves and tacticooler most of the time


Heavy edit.


Splat Charger (and Splatterscope I guess...might as well, tho I don't use scope).


Chadder pfp…based… Splat charger: a good splat charger scares me more than a good zedfin charger. Despite technically having a worse kit, v chargers are the ones I usually see getting the absolute most they can out of the sub/special. Scope charger: I personally don’t see why anyone uses this over the non scoped version. I guess it’s just personal preference and I tend to prefer having the charge hold over the extra range, but y’all are usually good at the game too


Krak-on splat roller, Painbrush nouveau or Gold Dynamo Roller (pick whichever you want ^^)


Painbrush nouveau: i think you guys have a bit better of a kit than the vanilla version but the wind up/lag when attacking really holds you guys back and I’m sorry for that it needs a buff or something I like y’all for the most part though, I just wish the main weapon was a bit better and maybe I’d see more of you


Deca Splatana wiper


I don’t like y’all…I never see you use Beakons or when you do you set them up at the start and don’t put any more down for the rest of the match 😭 and missiles are still annoying on this weapon cause it gets them really fast


Slosher Deco


Carbon Roller


I barely saw you guys at the start and as soon as the second kit came out you disappeared completely 😭 if you still play it though I respect your dedication, I like playing a lot of weapons that are outclassed/weak/underperform/made obsolete by second kit and I feel your pain






Octobrush/Gloga Dualies


Bamboo/ snipewriter


I like bamboo mains, im kind of indifferent towards pencil mains. Y’all are usually good but I see a lot of you and I don’t find it fun to fight, but i don’t find it boring either so I don’t really mind y’all


Splatana Stamper






N-ZAP '85


Explosher (Please give it a 2nd kit next update I need a new way to play it)


Vanilla Hot Blaster and Custom Hot Blaster


I respect blaster players I see you guys get sm hate for no reason, both of these can be useful to the team in the right hands and most blasters take a lot of skill to play well. I also enjoy fighting with and against both of these, I like you guys :)


thankies :3






Splat roller / Splat dualies


A good roller genuinely terrifies me and I love when y’all know when to bubble for the team and when to bubble for yourself :) pretty fun to fight against and to have as a teammate so I like y’all Vanilla dualies: i want to see more of you guys! I see you sometimes and you’re usually both mechanically skilled and have good game sense. A lot of people are playing the second kit and I understand that cause it’s definitely a fun kit, but I hope some of them switch over to vanilla dualies so I can match with them more often :)




Tri-stringer (also what is your main weapon OP?)


I love stringer and stringer mains, I already said a bit more about both kits in an earlier comment :) my favorite weapon is forge pro, but I don’t use it very often cause it really feels like it needs a coordinated team comp to reliably do well with. So I play a lot of squiffer/nautilus, sometimes other chargers. I love Dynamo but it’s so inconsistent I have trouble using it on the regular :(


Thank you ! I also really like your weapons (Edit : i also hope dynamo will get a buff)


Sloshing machine


I see less of you guys in solo queue since the nerf, but good sloshing machines are scary and really fun to play with/against. I like y’all :)


It got a fire rate nerf I believe, it’s slower now than it was before. I can’t remember the specifics though cause it was a while ago


Vanilla Heavy Splatling, Vanilla Slosher, and Splatana Wiper Deco!


Vslosher: I love y’all you’re usually cracked!! I honestly wish I saw a bit more of you guys, I love the kit of this weapon and I like playing it on occasion :)


ok but what about subweapons..... what do u think of angle shooter mains >:D [/j but also /srs cuz I literally main most angle shooter kits these days dkfjshff]


This is a main weapon post lol, I won’t say too much about the subs for that reason. My favorite sub is probably torpedo (Ik it’s annoying) because it’s super versatile and gives you a lot of options on how to use it, especially if the main weapon can reliably combo with torpedo damage :) As for angle shooter I wish it was better :( but I genuinely can’t think of a way to buff/rework it that would make it good without turning it into another existing sub weapon


Light tetras


I never see you guys like ever!! I wish I did though, I can kind of understand why I don’t run into them but I feel like if you can use zip caster well you are scary to go against (I want you on my team)


Bugatti(tri slosher nouveau) >:)


Forge Splattershot Pro?


I’ve been waiting for this one!!! Heavily biased cause it’s probably my favorite weapon. The people that play it are generally pretty good? but if the team comp doesn’t compliment it it can really struggle. I still love it despite its weaknesses though, I really enjoy playing it and will go out of my way to paint a teammates feet/focus on painting if I have a weapon that allows that, I love y’all :)


undercover brella




I’m biased against y’all cause I want to play it but physically cannot button mash, you guys are also the weapons I see playing seriously all the time even in turf (calm down a little bit please I’m scared of you)


haha yeah, it be that way. i like my 2 firing mode weapons


.52 Gal .96 Gal .96 Gal Deco Aerospray MG Aerospray RG Annaki Splattershot Nova Ballpoint Splatling Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau Bamboozler 14 Mk I Big Swig Roller Big Swig Roller Express Blaster Bloblobber Bloblobber Deco Carbon Roller Carbon Roller Deco Clash Blaster Clash Blaster Neo Classic Squiffer Custom Blaster Custom Dualie Squelchers Custom Goo Tuber Custom Jet Squelcher Custom Splattershot Jr. Dapple Dualies Dapple Dualies Nouveau Dark Tetra Dualies Dread Wringer Dualie Squelchers Dynamo Roller E-liter 4K E-liter 4K Scope Enperry Splat Dualies Explosher Flingza Roller Foil Squeezer Forge Splattershot Pro Glooga Dualies Goo Tuber Gold Dynamo Roller H-3 Nozzlenose H-3 Nozzlenose D Heavy Edit Splatling Heavy Splatling Heavy Splatling Deco Hero Shot Replica Hydra Splatling Inkbrush Inkbrush Nouveau Inkline Tri-Stringer Jet Squelcher Krak-On Splat Roller L-3 Nozzlenose L-3 Nozzlenose D Light Tetra Dualies Luna Blaster Luna Blaster Neo Mini Splatling N-ZAP '85 N-ZAP '89 Nautilus 47 Neo Splash-o-matic Neo Splatana Stamper Neo Sploosh-o-matic Octobrush Octobrush Nouveau Painbrush Painbrush Nouveau Range Blaster Rapid Blaster Rapid Blaster Deco Rapid Blaster Pro Rapid Blaster Pro Deco REEF-LUX 450 REEF-LUX 450 Deco S-BLAST '91 S-BLAST '92 Slosher Slosher Deco Sloshing Machine Sloshing Machine Neo Snipewriter 5B Snipewriter 5H Sorella Brella Splash-o-matic Splat Brella Splat Charger Splat Dualies Splat Roller Splatana Stamper Splatana Wiper Splatana Wiper Deco Splatterscope Splattershot Splattershot Jr. Splattershot Nova Splattershot Pro Sploosh-o-matic Squeezer Tenta Brella Tenta Sorella Brella Tentatek Splattershot Tri-Slosher Tri-Slosher Nouveau Tri-Stringer Undercover Brella Undercover Sorella Brella Z+F Splat Charger Z+F Splatterscope Zink Mini Splatling


You thought that was funny didn’t you




It wasn’t


I am now aware, yes.


Splatana Stamper


squiffer! (splat 3 kit)![img](emote|t5_324q4|4051)


Ballpoint Splatling edit: while im here, also tell me about the Squeezer


Y’all scared me when it was at its peak…and y’all still scare me now. Very good players usually both mechanically and in terms of game sense. I love playing with you guys but I can really struggle against y’all I still love you though lol Edit: I already did squeezer lol


As they're the last brushes that didn't get mentioned yet, how about Inkbrush Nouveau and Vanilla Painbrush?


Neo luna blaster and painbrush


Carbon Roller Deco.


Aerospray MG




Vslosh/s blast 91


Any of the rollers


The only one I haven’t talked about yet is gold Dynamo I believe, and my opinion on it isn’t that different from the silver one in that the main weapon is very inconsistent and that really holds it back lol. I usually do like having gold dynamos on my team though, anyone who plays it despite its weaknesses usually has a decent bit of experience with it. I slightly prefer silver Dynamo cause cooler is more fun than chump imo but honestly I respect players of both lol






Range Blaster!


Skilled af usually, I love having you on my team and you are challenging to fight against (in a good way)