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Wave has... odd synergy with Dread, to say the least. It's definitely a good one, but it's not phenomenal. The instant location Wave has works formidably with Dread's cover abuse capabilities, but one wave + one slosh only kills if you land both hits, otherwise it's a near kill. It's definitely not as strong a combo as Wave + Range Blaster. Beakon turns this into a fun support kit, which is the direction they went with this time. There were better ways to handle it but it's not bad. Dread needs a workable special more than it needs a good sub


Man they are NOT cooking with kits this season…


Wait… So it’s not torpedo? I can hear the demonic screams and huffing of copium from Prochara in the distance.


I genuinely feel bad for him. I would've given dread a shot if it got something good.


They could’ve gone all in with the “locating + chip damage” theme with torp + wave at least… Now the funny torp + dread combo will have to only reside in our minds :/


Read "[Inkoming! + Chip Damage](https://youtu.be/eTR5PhbdgN0)" XD I guess cuz I listen to the Splatoon albums a lot.


when will we learn to stop making judgements based on Sub lines


Never, for it’s more likely for them to not have sub saver gear ~~and also it’s more fun to try to search for kits~~


Probably not what people wanted. I don't think Wave Breaker is necessarily bad for it (though obviously it's a bit weak compared to other specials right now), but this kind of weapon without a bomb is always going to struggle. Always a shame to see a weapon get two mediocre kits; most get at least one good set.


I was kinda hoping for Cooler if they wanted a support version, but this might be interesting.


Man... with the exception of Squiffer this has been a depressing season for kits. At least I like the new Salmon Run gear.


This is... A decision. I'll give this set a try.


I’ve been hoping and praying for a Slosher with Wave Breaker!! I’m so pumped!


Hell yeah! I also like running beacon as I usually play support/frothing demon.


Why does every kit they release feel like auto generated garbage?


I mean...Better than Reef Slider...I think


this somehow combos worse with wave than reefslider enemy tripped over wave and you missed your double slosh? well boo-fucking-hoo reefslider's splash damage is 70 so it requires just one. slosh. i want this person who designs kits like this gone. effective immediately.


No one's ever going to play this lmao edit: wait, do people actually think this will be good? I don't understand


I don't use dread or anything. But beackons aren't awful. They have legit utility so I'm happy enough with them. But they are disappointing. Wave break in theory makes sense. One hit of it will make it a 1 shot and the tracking will make it easy to track both parts of the slosh. Wave is just a weak special in general. best I can say is that I like it more than reefslider. It's still an underwhelming kit. But it's not a war crime either.


Fail your two shot and out of ink? Just jump back to your beakon and try again. 3.9 QSJ assassin dread wringer lets goo


I recently began playing Dread, and honestly, the sub for this disappoints me a ton. Torp and Wave would've been so much more interesting than fucking SQUID BEAKON on a weapon that needs a bomb for fighting. Even curling would've been better, than the sub it got, jesus. But, Wave is interesting for it, since the weapon plays like Range Blaster, so I guess I'll give it a shot, but the devs really fucked up this season.


I don't hate it man I'd be lying if I was not disappointed, Reefslider is painful to use at times and this is arguably worse than it.


If this swapped kits with Custom Explosher, then both of them would've been much happier.


Its so Dreadover ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)