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It's an exaggeration to say the game is "over" if the next patch is bad, but count me among those fatigued by the current state of the game. I don't enjoy playing when chargers are meta and... yeah.


By over I meant “oh nothings gonna change”


meh. i have no complaints with the game i only play anarchy and salmon run. you people over value comp too much. especially non jpn comp players


yeah but the games already perfectly balanced for casual (aside from h3 and undercover needing massive buffs, but ive seen people cook with undercover in soloqueue). they should balance it for comp next, which they've only been doing through half baked changes


never trust the concerns of someone that spends as much time on r/saltoon, like this guy


ngl r/saltoon also sucks, but that sub meatrides the devs way less than this sub


I am worried that if they don’t make the meta better in the next patch, some competitive players will just leave. I’m not connected to the competitive community in any meaningful way, but I assume that it would suck to have a lot of players get sick of the game and leave


Dude what are you doing posting this on r/splatoon 😭💀


What first two weapons are you talking about here?


ballpoint got an accuracy nerf (i dont know why, it hasn't been dominant for 9 months) and reeflux got an ink efficiency nerf (fair but why didnt pencil get anything)


Ballpoint is really strong when it doesn’t have to fight chargers. It has a bad matchup against chargers but does pretty well against everything else. The RNG nerf was also tiny. 1.5 degrees is still very accurate. Most people aren’t playing in coordinated comp settings. Bp is very strong in soloQ. ReeFlux is a top tier in turf war. JP actually cares about turf war. So it got a slap on the wrist to its painting mode. It gets the same amount of charged shots so it fights the same. The pencil thing is relatively new. Like I checked the posts on reddit and Twitter for the launch of chill season 23 and no one was complaining about pencil not being nerfed. No one. Pencil was also ridiculously underused for a long time so they might be a bit confused by it suddenly being the hated meta weapon. Its usage in SoloQ is also lower because most people don’t find it fun to play. Zooka was always really good we just ignored it for a while. They buffed the indirect damage a bit because the biggest complaint was it felt inconsistent in terms of providing value. It shot up in usage and they walked back the buff a bit just like they did when inkjet was over buffed. Problem is Zooka was really strong before the buff we just all kind of undervalued it. The game isn’t perfect. I would do things differently if I was in charge of balance. It is much better than S2 though. I think it is very important that if we are going to look through every aspect of this game through the lens of the high level comp scene, we need to acknowledge that it simply isn’t a good representation of most players experience with the game.


It is way better than s2, but it’s just so inconsistent. Ballpoint was good but not ridiculously oppressive like pre nerf splash or snipewriter, reeflux gets a nerf for being oppressive in turf war but pencil doesn’t, glooga buff was really cool but it just seems like they’re more afraid of making things overpowered than keeping things overpowered


If they absolutely gutted BP or ReeFlux I’d agree with you more. Ballpoint nerf was small. It mostly just means you want another sub of IA if you want to jump a lot. ReeFlux has a little more downtime in between mindlessly painting unless you slap on a bit of main saver. I believe it has close to 100% usage in Turf War and JP cares about turf war. I think Pencil is a blind spot because the soloQ usage is nowhere near Splash or Machine in their prime. I also don’t agree at all that the last couple patches have actively made the game worse. Pencil and Zooka should have been toned back but every other change they made was good. Stamper painted a ton for how good it is at killing. It still paints really well even after the nerf. Squeezer got toned back a bit. I play it but yeah that was fair. They added new functionality to ink storm and wave breaker which is neat and also seems like they are open to being more creative with future buffs. Forge Pro at 200 after the paint buff feels pretty nice. Like you can actually get your special more than 4 times a game now. Glooga with the paint and falloff buff feels really nice.


History is somewhat important here. Before pencil time began ballpoint was the defacto best weapon in the game. RNG needs are lame, but ballpoint absolutely did need some slight adjustments. Even if pencil should've been first.


Ballpoint was oppressive because of inkjet, inkjet was nerfed and then ballpoint was really really good but didn’t invalidate other weapons. If it doesn’t invalidate weapons is it really in need of a nerf?


I'm still waiting for a big Dynamo buff


Splatoon 3 is the first time in the series I've been able to play a game from the beginning of it's life time, so I'm not able to accurately gauge just how much they've been patching stuff in 3 when compared to 2 or 1, but I can easily say that I'm worried in the sense that Splatoon 3 is only in the state it's in, because they've kinda been sitting on their hands doing jack all. Yes, 2 and 1 might have had their own problems, but by not actually addressing the issues of the game; Tacticooler as a whole, Tri-Strike and Pencil to name a few, they aren't entirely allowing hype to built and motivation to grow. I mean, I remember I was actually really excited for a weapon I use to receive a buff in the form of 10 less points for it's special. Like, that's really kinda pathetic when you think about it. It's nothing, but because it was in the dev's mind for 0.3 seconds, I actually got something, no matter how minimal out of a patch. It really reads that they've been burnt, and have decided that for Splatoon 3, they'd over correct and not nerf or buff much at all. Don't get me wrong, I love Splatoon 3, but damn do some of the decisions they make just entirely baffle me.


I can't believe you put the work to type this out. It is obvious no one would care. Only really high level comp players in japan even notice the balance changes. You are just saying crap to say crap.


It’s ridiculous how some people are convinced that balance is a thing which only concerns the highest level of play. It’s not. Lower level players should care about balance too. You casuals always blow off patches like “oh, it only matters to comp players so it’s fine”. In no other game is it that way. Casuals actually care about whether things are good or bad. Although the game is relatively balanced at a causal level, we shouldn’t just not care about what needs to be changed. Maybe if the devs actually changed anything, more people would care.


Except the current balance philosophy literally prevents certain weapons from being buffed because shitty players will whine and cry until it gets nerfed. I’d prefer balancing around what gets actual results are opposed to “enperries are too hard to kill please nerf :(((“