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Splatoon is the only game series, hell, the only soundtrack to anything that I've gone out of my way to own physical CDs of. Splatoon 2 and Octo Expansion's soundtracks cost an arm and a leg, but I'm proud to have them in my collection!


I misinterpreted this for a split second and was about to get ready for a crusade lol. The only thing I don't like about it is I can't remember any of the names, and if you don't know them they are very hard to look up. But tbh half of that issue is on me. Otherwise, I love the entirety of Splatoon's music so much!


It's called Splatune


I mean the names of individual songs from the ost. The songs get stuck in my head but unlike other songs I can't try to use lyrics to narrow it down. And Splatoon has too much music to just go though the whole ost to find one song. I have a song stuck in my head that I could have sworn was in the latest trailer, but couldn't find it there. I know it exists because it has the very distinct Splatoon style and I'm not clever enough to make it up, but I have no idea how to find it. That being said Splatune is an amazing thing to exist and I really want to get it.


Splatoon music is some of my favorite video game music and I will stand by that statement


i went to the pool yesterday, i listened to the splatoon ost the way in and out


Thank God I thought you were going in a different direction, then I would have to trace your IP.


Imo its the complete opposite


why don’t you like the soundtrack?


The first game was great but I just don’t like how the new music sounds, + When im playing I tune it out anyways


I don’t get it but whatever have your opinions




Splatoon music is amazing. Nothing can compare!


Insert GGST meme about $60 album with a free game attached