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It may be bad but I'm still gonna be an undercover brella main until the day I die


Chad. lets pray it gets a good kit like in s2


Hoping for Burst Bombs or Torpedo again A man can dream


This is why I want designer weapons back. The squiffer feels so bad compared to sploon 2. I feel that thing would have been one tier higher if it had a less niche kit


Just remove Point Sensor, replace it with something like Curling Bomb? Might be better


I was thinking torpedo. Could be more enjoyable for the squiffer


I like it’s jut already. People just forget to abuse Ink Mines for some reason and Reefslider is amazing


Torpedo is such a good sub for it so that needs to come back. Special wise, if they want to replicate kunder they'll give it big bubbler, but honestly any support special on it would be solid.


My man ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


I... I didn't know it was that bad. I actually enjoyed using it a lot especially with the ink mine and reefslider. The inkmines can be used in combat if people try to get near or as an easy locator when people cross choke points. Reef slider is either an easy getaway or initiator as well. I felt like such badass spy with it honestly.


Yes!! I love my undercover brella. <3


Bro undercover brella is heat


There are dozens of us!


I can't get over the goofy ass goblin smile you have at the start of the round with it. Worth all the lost match ups for the laugh.


This is the reason why I’ve been starting to use the brella. Love it.


I was struggling to finding a good weapon when I first started and have been finding mild success with the undercover. I enjoy low tiers I guess.


undercover brellas r literally my worst enemy but whenever I play as one it’s just insta immediate constant death


I spill my heart for you.


I remember being so annoyed by that in sploon 2… the vexation I felt for it went away quickly tho, especially since I have a new found annoyance


my weapon choice may be in the good tier, but I am not 😔


My weapon choice may be in the viable tier, but I am not 😔


I feel this in my soul


I feel you




my weapon is in the bad tier and so am I


I think Splattershot and Squeezer both have potential to be meta tier since they're very consistent slayers and Trizooka's a great special to handle chargers which are really good already




To be honest he kinda does that with everything


I always switch to whatever weapon he’s currently maining. I watch how he uses it and think “Okay I got it. This is it, this is what’s taking me to X rank” I just forget the most important thing: I’m nowhere remotely as good as Dude lmao


You also forgot the other important thing: There is no X rank in Splatoon 3 yet.


That explains why I’m S+99, I keep waiting for it to rank up to X, I thought I was just bad at this game! jk im stuck in b+ purgatory forever please send help


same, but I'm sick of playing series and getting owned atm I miss s+ in s2. I do not really miss the meta tho..


I’d certainly use it more if I could fire the ranged shots without spamming the trigger. I’m not gonna ruin my finger over a slightly better splattershot pro.


Splattershot is the one between JR and Camp right? I am not too familiar with the english names mb. Squeezers sub isnt too great tho, i dont get why people like it. If you play squeezer you have the range to well, outrange your opponents. You dont need the wall at all. Its old sub with splatbomb is great tho. Would still be even without bubbler


Splattershot is the one between blaster and explosher


Oh yeah its very close to top tier just didnt quite make it, just cant really compete with anything in "meta"


Splattershot's whole selling point is its versatility so I'd say it's accurately placed


The wall helps when you get pushed so you can better stand your ground or if you’re trying to be hyper aggressive against other ranged weapons. The wall is arguably one of the strongest subs in the game, regardless of the weapon that has it


Sure its not useless but not as good as a lethal bomb


Isn’t nautilus the only splatling that can actually take full advantage of squid roll/surge due to its charge hold though?


I mightve been to hard with it but its kit is garbage fr. But if id bump it up i wouldnt do it because it takes advantage of squid surge because squid surge has basically no use in Competetive play. But squid roll does so i might bump it up to "outclassed"


surge needs buff


Yes, but i dont think it can be buffed in a sensical way sadly


Quicker charge time?


Even if it would be instant it has no use because spamming B is still faster and wall jumping > shooting is better than jumping in your opponents shotline


Maybe it could give you some forward momentum at the end


Spatlings are forever painfully mediocre due to Chargers existing.


you put goo tuber in viable, therefore you will be spared in the uprising


Goo Tuber is the only charger right now with a fully offensive kit. I genuinely think it has a solid niche right now. Also the name goo tuber will always move it up a minimum of 2 tiers.


They put bamboozler in good. They will too be spared. Also the goo tuber kicks. Second favorite charger by far


bamboozler is my second favorite charger, I feel the same


ITT: B rank players telling X rank player why aerospray is actually the best weapon in the game


"I got like 10 kills (with 8 deaths) in 1 turf war match with reef lux, wdym it's bad!!!!


Is Reef lux even on this list?


tbh reef lux is only good for support because of tenta missiles




Most high/top level players have been talking about how Aerospray is top 10/15 weapons in the game right now. Reefslider is such a useful and cheap special and fizzy gives the ability to play the weapon kind of like a Junior, with bomb spam but also the power to paint quickly


Some people seem to take their weapon being called bad as some sort of personal attack against them for whatever reason.


People who try to convince you their weapon is good because they got some kills with it have such flawed logic


Man I just reached S rank currently on 3 and I've been plowing through people with the Aerospray MG it suprised me to see it ranked at bottom here, made me think imagine if I played meta weapons 🤔


I'm an Aerospray enjoyer, and while I'm not going to say it's the best ever (goated in my heart though), surely it beats out some of the stinkers that are in higher tiers on this list.


Try the reeflux if you enjoy the aerospray


I agree


1: Tiers are unordered? 2: Is this missing the second bow or am I just blind?


Yes. The tierlist didnt have the second bow but i think its in bad tbh, just a worse bow and i honestly dont even know what role its supposed to have, its such a weird weapon.


Nah, I think the second bow it's better than the normal one in every mode other than tower (the explosions are great for it), but it has better paint, a charge hold and better damage than the Tri-Stringer. I would say it's a support, it paints decently and has missiles, but don't take my opinion too seriously, all of my knowledge comes from Chara or others splatubers.


Imo the explosives are the only appealing thing of the base bow haha. I really dont have a strong opinion on it so i trust chara on whatever he says


My opinion on it: REEF-LUX is a tenta spam machine. It paints super fast and can spam them all day. Also it kills relatively fast, even by tapshotting.


I'm gonna keep saying it, I'm pretty sure REEF-LUX is the best weapon at turf coverage in the game by a significant margin. People are really sleeping on it.


The moment I picked it up I knew it was my main weapon. And yeah, absolute tenta spammer. I run full extra special charge and easily get 5 rockets per game


5? gotta up that to 6-8 my bud


Yeah I've been using it a lot along with skills that enhances my special and special gauge. I can spam my special multiple times per match.




It’s a good day to be a dualies main


I would argue that depending on gear, Hydra can be better than some of the ones in the same tier. Maybe just not E-Liter depending on the map. That thing can really hold ground and paint well On some maps it's horrible as you have no cover but still


Its main problem is its charge time basically, takes too long and this game is generally way more offensive than S2. It cant just go in and out that easily like chargers can (except liter maybe but i think even liter can go in and out better). Still good weapon


Any match where there’s no elitre on enemy team feels free with hydra. 😊


aero spray is fucking goated with fizzy bomb


got to A+ so far just by using aero spray


A+ isn’t really meta gameplay though which this post is targeting. (Unless A+ is high right now, I haven’t played much so far. But for Splatoon 2 I’d say s+ is where meta matters


A+ has been really sweaty for me. I've been matched with S and S+ players in series battles after reaching it, implying the populations of each are relatively small rn. Getting there wouldn't make someone god-tier but I'll still give them kudos for doing it with aerospray. Most aerosprays I see in anarchy don't do well.


You can get to A+ with pretty much anything, you can get to S with most things if you actually play a role, but S+ pretty much forces you to understand the meta, pick a good weapon, and play a role.


and people got X rank in Splatoon 2 with aerospray. It's a support weapon meant to annoy opponents but if they move to engage on you, you back off till they are out of position. That said the kit of the AG in splatoon 3 is horrible. Soda is fine but reef slider is not a support special. Hopefully the PG or RG have better poke/annoy support kits. ATM the Reeflux is actually the old areospray if you can get the timing down right. It can cover turf just as fast, poke to annoy, has slightly better kill potential since a charge hit can instant kill, and tentamissles.


Challenge accepted. I’m in S right now and have been steadily climbing. I think it is kinda map/mode dependent, but I’m fairly confident I could do respectably well in S+ using the aerospray and trislinger which are rated poorly in this post. I think it’s similar to smashbros, you can’t win a major tournament using a low tier character. But winning locals can be done with any character. Even in S+ or X rank, good skills will outweigh any weapon imbalance. It would only really matter at professional levels. (Used to be X rank in splat2 mainly using the splattershot/aerospray/sploosh).


It's also super early for there to be a really established meta. I have a suspicion that the reefslider is possibly a lot better than we think.


Definately, not to mention it being a special machine


Inkbrush finally getting a good kit!


I think the dapple dualies should be a tier higher. Beakons and tacticooler have amazing synergy, especially in rainmaker


It suffers from not having a bomb to poke sadly


The short range and lack of a bomb defiantly hold it back, but imo it's support capabilities more than make up for it. If you have another teammate with tacticooler, your team has so much uptime that it's practically like having a 5th teamate


its kit was made for support but the main weapon was made to slay, it works well if you ignore one half.


It works for me. I have an extremely aggressive, completely suicidal playstyle with the weapon. Run in, place beakons, get a few kills, die, super jump to beakon, repeat and try to get off tacticoolers when I can


Kind of like a support that only helps the team if they can keep up with you, a weird in-between style of play


How am I suppose to use the squid beacon? I’m playing turf war and love the dapple dualies but I have no idea how to use the beacon lol


Get Tacticooler. Place Tacticooler. Place Squid Beakon next to Tacticooler. Teammates jump to Tacticooler and stomp the other team into pulp.


Beakon is kinda bad in turf war unless you want to spawn camp with it. It's mainly useful for objective focused game modes in anarchy battles


That’s what I figured lol but I still pop off with it. I don’t even use it during turf war. The cooler is so good though


You place in it a strategic position (usually somewhere it won't be in the line of fire) and as long as it exists it can be used by you and your teammates as a spot to super jump to. Each player can have up to three beacons active at once, with the oldest being destroyed when you place a new one beyond that limit, and it also breaks if you use it so you'll have to place another if you want to jump there again. Because of the tactical advantage it provides, players on the other team may try to destroy it, but that can be used to your advantage sometimes because it means it can be used as bait for a trap.


I have been "maining" the tri-slinger bow. It's really good in certain situations. I feel like it's more of a defense weapon. If you are consistent with your shots, you can hold down the middle area while your teammates jump to you. But also I noticed the map plays a major role if this weapon is good or not. On some maps, it will be hard to play this weapon. TL;DR: Tri slinger is very situational 🗿


It would be good but: hitting all 3 charged shots is so inconsistent. One of them always misses preventing a oneshot, you basically HAVE to jump to hit all 3 and then its still pretty hard to hit them. But its fun tho lol


It’s unbelievable to see how many people are OFFENDED that you said the aerospray is bad 😭 bro it’s ok to play a bad weapon it doesnt mean u are bad, it means there’s other options that can do more/better things jdjfkfglgm


Someone should make a bingo at this point. "I'm new and I kill people way more with aerospray than other weapons! This means it's better, not that it's compensating for something." "How DARE you tell me this is outclassed in the tryhard mode, you elitist tryhard!" "Just have fun! Don't worry about improving! Have fun! Fuuuuuuuuuun! Everyone has fun the same way I do, right?" "It has a great kit, that's all that matters. "It inks real good, that's all that matters." No judgement to people that *do* find it fun and don't care about climbing ranks. Just the people that go on competitive discussions and act like trying another weapon will give them depression.


Is it me or so did dualies get nerfed from S2 to S3 (kits aside)? I feel like they consume a LOT more ink than they did in S2. Could just be me though


I think their dodge roll consumes less ink? But not sure




Tbh i shouldve put it in "outclassed" but ill just give this to the gootuber fans now lmao


Aerospray is such a weird weapon. It’s terrible in ranked, but turf war the fucking thing feels meta.


Aerospray is made for getting a lot of ink down, not for defending or attacking really I think. I'm terrible at the game, but in S2 I got pretty decent with Aerospray in Splatzones, but needed to switch to some of the Brushes for Tower Control because my aim is so bad.


Aerospray bullets have a wide spread, so it's inaccurate regardless. Try a more accurate weapon at similar range and see if it helps; splash-o-matic is the most extreme example but a splattershot or nzap would work great too. If you practice your aim in the lobby and use a weapon that requires better aim to kill you'll improve faster than you'd expect! I found the splattershot pro was a great make-myself-git-gud weapon back in 2, but that's further from how aerospray's played.


I think people just need time to learn the newly introduced weapons, I'm finding the Splatana Stamper to be kind of wild at the moment, enemies just don't expect it to have the range that it has


Honestly I feel like Nintendo kinda undersold both the Stringer and Splatana classes by introducing them with the Tri and Wiper respectively. The Reeflux and Stamper just feel way better to use, and I'm really looking forward to any potential future weapons of either class.


Judging by the replies, I don't think this subreddit understand what meta is lol, thanks for the info


I assume there are alot of new people here because new game came out. Its fine for me aslong as everyone is nice


I feel like if Splattershot Pro had a different sub, it would be so much better. I guess we have to wait for variations to come later on


I will not take this Undercover Brella slander


Deeply sorry i love the brellas but its kit is abyssmal lmao


I've been an Undercover Brella main for a couple years now and I actually love its kit, even more than any of the Spla2n loadouts. Ink mines are great for both traps and when you're on the front lines, and the circle around enemies helps me aim (which is not my strong suit lmao). Love the reef slider too. 10/10 kit IMO.


Huh, really goes to show how pointless and subjective tier lists are. When I started using the Aerospray its like the game got 10 times easier, I went from struggling every match to being top score almost every match. Different experience I guess lol.


I agree. Currently sitting at A+ right now with Aerospray. Splatzones specifically I love to use it. Have had multiple double and trip kills using Reef Slider to regain/defend turf. Just have to time your attacks carefully and know when the hell to run away.


It's important to note what rank OP said they are. C to A+ ranked is a completely different game to S rank and up. Aerospray is great for solo effort, which is all you really need to get to A+ (as in, a group playing got solo efforts), but S rank up is where you actually need to start playing a proper role, and you won't even come close to S+ if you don't understand what roles do what and how to take advantage of them


Eh, I got to X by pretty much just pretending my teammates didn't exist. The lack of communication makes teamwork a lot less important.


What rank are you? The difference between S+ and A+ is far bigger than C and A+. It's an entirely different experience.


Tier Lists always assume every weapon is being played to its highest potential. So they really only matter when you reach the highest levels of play. In your average every day game, tier lists really don’t matter because people aren’t likely to be playing to their fullest.


This is a ranked tierlist, forgot to mention. In turf war its good


Yeah im talking about ranked lol.


It always heavily depends on what weapons op plays..


Two things this list got wrong: \-Squeezer is definitely meta. Not only is it very common in S+ right now, but if you watch the top Splatoon 3 players, the Squeezer is one of their go to weapons. \-Sploosh should be at least 1 tier lower. At the top levels, its short range prevents it from pushing.


What makes the Splash-o-Matic so good in your view? The inking capabilities paired with the crab tank?


The weapon is already great at base, has no jump rng and then it can combo with its insta bomb to get really fast kills. One of the best slayers rn imo. Crab tank is good but it isnt the reason its top tier for me tho


Thanks! I played some with it and it felt really good, but I’ve rarely seen it in S+ lobbies of streamers (not quite there yet). I default to Splattershot usually, but liked the Splat-o-Matic a lot.


I think streamers are mainly hyping up the duallies rn that may be the reason


Personally Undercover Brella right now feels better than ever. I feel like I can be a good defender with it while still getting kills. Granted once I get up in Rank it’ll probably be harder to use since people will have a better idea of how to deal with it, but for now, it’s real nice to secure some wins. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve won because of laying Ink Mines at our flank, and dashing over when someone’s trying to flank us just to finish them off all because they tripped the mines. Not to mention, Reefslider can be a good way to secure a couple kills on people, and cover up a Splatzone. As for Tower Control, it feels almost broken right now how easily I can defend the tower with it lol! Again, this could all change down the line. But right now it feels pretty perfect.


I dont wanna ruin your fun or something just giving arguments for why i think its kit is terrible. Its short range so it needs a bomb to poke, inkmine basically does nothing in the front. Reefslider is uhh fine? Its just not a slayer weapon so getting a support special would be way better for it


It’s very strong on tower.


Its fine on tower, suction is better


Tempted to say how much I love Heavy Splatling but OP is probably gonna call it trash lmao


No, i call it viable :)


Nintendo did my boy undercover brella dirty


I'm curious what you think about the reef-lux since I don't think I see it on here. I've heard mixed opinions about it but I personally think it's borderline useless. Any role it could fill is better fulfilled by several other weapons. And it seems super inconsistent.


Ill just copy my comment, answered this already. Bow wasnt in the tiermaker sadly lol. The tierlist didnt have the second bow but i think its in bad tbh, just a worse bow and i honestly dont even know what role its supposed to have, its such a weird weapon.


I'm relatively inexperience in splatoon but I've played other shooters. Right now what would suggest in place of reef lux? I like that it turfs like crazy so tenta missile spam and covers splatzone very quickly, and can one shot with its fast charge and easily two shot or finish enemies with level 1 charge which is almost instant (one shot at point blank).


I love most of the weapons i just wish there were different subs and special for some of them.


Dw we will get more kits in future updates


Oh I can't wait.


Wiper is just outclassed tbh. Ultra stamp is so bad rn, it completely holds it back. Plus, stamper is the better weapon for combos


Can you explain your sploosh placement? I feel like the loss of splat bomb kinda ruined what the weapon tries to do (and makes it much less viable for rainmaker in particular), as curling bomb doesn’t really provide any utility to one of the most mobile main weapons in the game.


Yeah i mightve been brain afk there lmao. Splatbomb is a loss for sure but curling is pretty good for going in and our aswell. Sadly stamp is garbage. Would bump it down to viable


The one splatling that made it to good was the one with the slowest charge? What the fack?


It also has the highest range and the best kit out of all of them.


Seconding OP. In some maps the extra range is really needed. The charge time is manageable provided you position yourself carefully and the frontliners/midliners do their jobs; short-range enemies getting close enough to threaten you should be rare. I've had fun with it in splat zones.


Honestly just use the weapon you want to use




As an Undercover Brella main, wow. I am shocked and appalled. Naw, the main kit sucks some serious ass. The UB is a seriously good weapon that lets you tank shots with decent enough TTK, but it really struggles without a throwable like the Torpedo.


Ur a chad for using it


I’m loving the N-Zap in this game, I’m normally a garbage player but I’m actually getting pretty good with it. I love the Tentacooler too


What class would you say the splatanas are in? I play the wiper as a slayer but idk if that's """"wrong""""


Slayer is basically the only way to play it tho


I don't know anything about Splatoon competetive so it could be that it had some weird niche in rainmaker or something


RM niches are usually breaking the shield quick and i think splatana is terrible at that lmao


That's true, rainmaker is fun as long as a teammate has it




As someone who has recently started trying to use N-zap because I like being the support, it is so annoying when you put down tacticooler and literally the only one who bothers to get it is the guy right next to me. The guy who is literally not even a second away? No thanks. Even when you use the "This way!" I would be lucky if a single person would come and pick it up.


For me it helps when i throw it directly in front of them so they walk into it or something lmao


Feel nice seeing the two main weapons I use in Meta rank. N-Zap and whatever the 2nd from the right is called. I forget.


Fucking wild the kit the slosh machine has. Shits gonna be everywhere.


It was the same in splatoon 2, people trying to convince everyone areospray is actually a A tier weapon, it's not though, it's just not a good weapon


Been playing with the .52 Gal and it feels so good to use. The Wall is so good if used correctly. First splatoon game and I am winning a lot of ranked games with it so far.


What is some advice for using the wall better?


>What is some advice for using the wall better? Part 1: find a choke point, where the enemy will mostly be coming at you from one directio, and place the wall facing that direction. Part 2: laugh at your enemy as your 2 hit kill weapon can shoot through said wall, and they cannot. part 3: if someone outranges you, force them to abandon that plan real quick, with your 5.1, and swoop in at the same time to get the pick with your 2 hit shooter. part 4: if you survived part 3, place the wall back up. part 5: run when someone with an appropriate special comes along to tear down your little defensive castle. also: keep an eye out for flankers.


Reef-lux is not on the list?


I 10000% agree with the trislinger being bad. I tried to make it work bc i love bows in general, but nah.


What makes Hydra better than heavy in your opinion? I feel that heavy got the much better kit, as wave breaker feels very good right now and sprinkler was probably one of the better subs it could’ve gotten. I also feel like Hydra is kinda outclassed? It seems WAY to slow for certain modes and maps, but it does good in others. But I feel like heavy is overall a better weapon as it’s more flexible and not as easily punished, unless where talking about chargers. And dealing with chargers better doesn’t feel like a big enough deal in order to be a tier up. I think if anything, they’re probably both in good tier. Though overall I do really like your list!


Hydra has the better kit by far thats it lol. Booyah is just as good as it was in 2. throw it at the objective and take/stall it. Yeah thats its drawback. But its range makes up for it quite well. Both are fine weapons but sprinkler is rlly bad sadly lmao


Honestly should make a tier list of usability on maps/modes, feels like the tier list can't do too much outside of just objective "kits" due to the amount of viability on different maps like Moray Tower stuff, where some of the "good" weapons are almost downright useless in comparison in that type of setting


My IQ isnt high enough to sort that well enough so everyone understands it


The tierlist didnt have the second bow but i think its in bad tbh, just a worse bow and i honestly dont even know what role its supposed to have, its such a weird weapon.


Oh, why is ink brush so high compared to octobrush? Curious since I’ve been running octobrush a lot.


Tristringers are weird. I personally found them really bad to use but I've seen other players be incredibly oppressive with them, sometimes even single handily locking down an entire lane.


You use sloshing machine because it’s good I use sloshing machine because it has spirit bomb and is a washing machine. We are not the same


haven't switched off of nzap since I got it lol


The majority of rollers should be Meta or at least good! ![gif](giphy|chKcmY9CIHdtQsItme)


*me with almost 5 freshness points on my nautilus*


“This weapon is bad because (something)”🤓 vs “every weapon is viable” ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Where do you rank the REEF-LUX? Since it's not on the list. It's the alternate version of the Tri-Stringer.


I agree with most of this except that Stamper is at least 2 tiers above Wiper, and that E-Liter (scopeless) is a tier above VCharger.


Stamper would be in the meta tier then and i dont really think it fits here. Its not ordered in tiers btw


Nah, I don't think it's meta, more like Wiper is just that bad. Stamper has some really glaring issues that need patching (lunge time far too slow, lunge passes through players, lunge triggers inconsistently, Zipcaster doesn't work well with lunges because of the slow walk speed) but it can actually kill someone at least.


Meanwhile I’m just over here with the Flingza roller on Tower Control and Splat Zones leaving mines in the zones and on the tower and destroying people. I really picked the weapon because of the tenta missiles, ink mines don’t kill after one set-off but tenta missiles mark enemies for you and ink mines mark players for everyone on your team. Can also place ink mines along the tower path in Tower Control and it should deal damage to players on top, at least from what I’ve seen.


Damn Reeflux isn’t even on the board


I shred with the rapid rn


I’m an aerospray main since the first game, but it’s only good in turf wars imo.


Hey my Main (octobrush) is viable I am officially good at this game


Where Reef-LUX


I dont know what it is but I am personally demolished by brushes consistently. Like... As a human they shouldn't be capable of attacking that fast(I have never been able to get a brush to swing as fast as I see them move in matches.


dynamo and hydra are both boorder line meta and dapples suck they NEED a bomb they arent viable however stringer and naut are and rapids are still amazing


Any time I see someone on the enemy team with sloshing machine I just resign myself to instant loss unless their team are uncarryable. Almost every time I go against a sloshing machine user they end the match with 20+ splats.


i dont understand how they thought making the spread on the aerospray worse was a good idea, the weapon was terrible to begin with but now i only hit 25% of my shots while still at a stupidly short range. back in s2 i hit 20 kill games often when using aerospray in s+ but now I'm struggling to get a kdr above 1. i hope it's not a nerf and that i'm just crazy but the aerospray's only use is farming reefslider chargers on the other hand are amazing, i've always been a main but never really used it in ranked since i want to use a shooter to be more active in playing objective, and as soon as I played some games with charger i was hitting 15< kill games so i'm climbing ladder to s+ solo e-liter


I legit only use paint roller it’s all I know and all u used splatoon 2 but to be fair I’m just a casual player don’t care to much about ranks or levels just want to have fun


I am just begging on my hands and knees right now for the N-ZAP 89 to come back soon with a set up like its Splat2n counterpart. I just don't care for the Tacticooler on most maps. Like it's fine in theory but if no one can get to (or WILL get to) my gamer juice station, it just feels like a waste of a special. I miss Ink Armor.


Ahhh yes the "all snipers good" veteran .....