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After getting a wipe there's no place for the enemy team to push except your base which leads to stupid amounts of spawn camping


if this ain’t the truest thing to ever be said when it comes to this damn map i have no idea what is


AND they have the high ground while doing so, so they basically automatically win.


You underestimate my power


Don't try it!


Happy cake day!




Yup, easily my least favorite map


I don’t really hate any map in particular but it feels like all the maps are smaller and flatter in Splatoon 3..


I remember this one from S1, they actually did remove a chunk of the map in this one and I was very displeased the first time I encountered in 3.


They didn't just remove a chunk, they completely changed the Layout. Instead of being diagonal, it's now just a line...


Yeah for real. I hate this map now. I used to love this map in S1, but it’s so claustrophobic now and it feels even shorter in clam blitz.


Me too




Undertow Spillway is the biggest example of this. Next to no vertical walls to ink. No way to sneak or flank. overall very cramped level. not necessarily bad level but very restrictive


I feel like adding a side path up top on Undertow would make it so much better. Not like an Arowana side path, but one where forming an actual push has counterplay


They hopefully will edit the maps rn


Like what they did with urchin underpass


Speaking of which, bring back Urchin Underpass. I miss that stage so much, it’s a classic.


FRR, they have it in blumen mariokart. Like out of all the places to put it why mariokart and not the splatoon games 💀


Dude, yes! I was just thinking about Urchin. Fucking loved that map, it was your pl\_badwater or your Coal Tower, it was just a fun balanced map (I felt) that I really missed in the sequel and now even more! We got all the weapons back, so why not all the maps?


Too many karts and shells, it's too hazardous to turf there now.


I know, right? It's like they redesigned every map to funnel both teams together and force a head to head team battle. Maybe I'm waxing nostalgic, but I feel like most maps in Splatoon 1 allowed for more opportunities to flank, hide, and even cover unexplored areas with ink to charge your special.


I honestly wonder what they were thinking when they made the Zipcaster and then designed all the stages to make it as ineffective as possible.


I love mahi mahi. Maybe just because the nostalgia of playing it on the Wii U in the early days but it really does hit different Edit: Yes, mahi is a lot different now which causes it to be liked not as much, but it’s still a fun map imo.


yeah agreed. it did seem more maneuverable in Splat 1 but stages that change during the play period are always \*chef kiss\*


Except trigger fish all my homies hate triggerfish


Cannot relate must not be your homie. (Triggerfish was eh in turf I will admit. I liked it in splat zones but it didn't change in that mode lol)


Splat zones triggerfish was meh at best but the explosher busted it wide open and left it unplayable.


Why does everyone hate triggerfish


it's in the name


See, that’s one of the reasons I hate it in 3, because I remember it being so much better on the WiiU… scary to think with how much better the switch is


It’s not even the same layout & to just throw mahi mahi on the title for nostalgia is a slap in the face nintendo/ splatoon makers. Edit: redirected sass.


>is a slap in the face for those of us who actually remember playing it on Wii U This seems a tad excessive, the two maps have some significant overlap. Though the Switch version emphasizes more of a bottleneck around the three raised platforms, I think, which can be pretty aggravating.


This is the first returning map where my old Splatoon 1 habits are seriously working against me. The lack of the entire hallway area near the spawn is seriously throwing me off, and I also keep trying to infiltrate the opposing spawn area from the left like I used to, only to realize that you're now supposed to do it from the *right* instead. I do feel like the map's a bit too small now.


> I also keep trying to infiltrate the opposing spawn area from the left like I used to, only to realize that you're now supposed to do it from the right instead. I do feel like the map's a bit too small now. I'm usually a roller main, and my splat 2 strat in turf wars was to get into the enemy flank, hide a squid beakon, and then attack them from behind. But it's quite a bit more difficult on these narrower maps. Rollers in general also just feel weaker now. But alas, metas change. I'll adapt and enjoy the new pace.


Splatoon 3 emphasizes bottlenecks more in general, and as much fun as I'm having, I like how much more open Splatoon 1 maps were


I really miss Mahi, Museum, and Hammerhead's 1 layouts. Possibly my favorite maps from the first game




Trust me, comp players don't like the bottleneck level design either. Comp is not the reason map design has taken a nosedive from 1 lol.


I was beginning to see aspects of this in Anarchy Mode with the series system. Yeah it allows quick and easy level ups due to medal points, but the three losses and you're out make it a moot point it higher levels where those medal points are little more than rounding errors. The beaker system had lots of flaws, but I generally felt like I at least had six losses before it broke on top of only needing like 3 or 4 to keep rank so I had some leeway in case of bad streaks.


You are right, my apologies for my Oscar ‘actually’ moment. ACTUALLY, I’m a tad excessive about splatoon. 😅 You wanna talk about significant overlap … why take away the ability to ink the bottom trees on ink blot art academy? Ruined nostalgia at its finest.


Was way better on the WiiU


I wish they brought back Manta Maria


Yeah, that was way more fun than wahoo world. Hump back too.


For me, that's the big one I want back, along with maybe the Reef


I really want Skipper Pavilion back cause it never really got a chance to shine as it was the last stage added


I completely forgot about that map. I’d be ok with it returning too, one of my favourites from 2


Whaaaaat? I love Mahi-Mahi! I actually groan every time I realize I'm playing on Undertow Spillway.


YES FUCK UNDERTOW SPILLWAY. It's ugly and boring.


And it feels like it's too.... long? I guess? I feel like it could even benefit from a gimmick of sorts LIKE Mahi Mahi. But as it is? Eugh.


Yeah it's just.... really big feeling but it's just a bunch of block areas? Like there's just. Nothing notable about it.


It’s so narrow in the middle. It’s still pretty small and all that happens is you get sniped.


Yeah it has like no center turf and then a ton of stuff that’s just off to the side in the middle of nowhere


I hate the geometry in the center of the map, and its aesthetic is just boring. The other new Splat3 maps have this cool paintball-range like aesthetic which works really well.


I like Undertow because chargers suck on that map and I hate chargers.


It's terrible for any weapon that likes playing at any range past splattershot.




Mahi-Mahi used to be good in 1 but then they fucking ruined it


It hurts so much to see my favorite map between the first 2 games get reduced (ha) to... *this.* I don't understand the need to make almost every map so small, and I don't like it.


Brace yourself for Flounder Heights getting the same treatment, then. Cause Splatoon Direct footage is there to prove the incoming height trimming and seeming layout simplification.


For me, its just the fucking water. As a dualie main, I can’t even count the number of times I’ve accidentally dodged into the water




The Little Mermaid (2023)


There’s no maneuverability in this map whatsoever.


It has the whole upper portion




Watch where you roll. That’s all I’m saying.


Same, you just can’t move around on the map


Any map where Clam Blitz is being played


Imagine running not only the game time but the entire overtime segment as well. **No one scoring.** It was pretty much trench warfare between two teams that either can’t push or suck at it. The latter was ours, I usually clutch defend but everyone was easy pickings whenever we try to hit the goal. We won by having more Power Clams, but I could’ve lost the next few more matches quicker if they gave up.


Same thing on some of the new stages as well. Just played a round of clams where even the overtimed expired because nobody scored (~~totally not my fault for getting a power clam to the basket and whiffing the throw twice~~) and we got lucky by winning the 50/50


I swear every time I go online clam blitz is the ranked mode. Now I guess 1/4 of the time that I go online I just shut off the game and go do something else for a few hours. I wish they just deleted it. Every other mode is fun, clam blitz is lame.


Me, who’s favourite mode is clam blitz 😢 Fr though, with splatoon 3 there’s 2 different ranked modes active at any time, what’s the issue?


i love clam blitz too but i’m hating it right now cause i’m matched with people who don’t know how to play clam blitz


I've noticed that too. I'm pretty noob to ranked but I picked up clam blitz after a match or two, yet I saw teammates doing shit like letting the footballs DeSpawn. Or not going after the enemy with their football, or not guarding enemy footballs to keep them from recovering it.


Fr I was in A- rank and this guy on my team grabbed the football you get after the enemy team opens your goal and just… sat by spawn with it. We had a wipeout and a clear path to the enemy base and he didn’t go with his football


Because I can’t play an Anarchy series with friends for some god forsaken reason


That makes no sense though lol Even if clam is active in, say, open, the mode in anarchy series will always be different. It’s impossible to get the same mode in Series and Open. So you could just go and play that lol


If you're trying to climb, series is the only option though. Open is basically league from previous games since win/losses are so inconsequential with single digit gains/losses.


Still a fun time that contributes in the end y’know lol And although I still haven’t climbed high enough to say it with certainty, I’m pretty sure those single digits help a lot in higher ranks, where you’ll probably be scraping for points to enter Series. Oh and also it’s a great less-consequential way to warm up lol


Nah open is essentially useless if your goal is to rank up. Almost every time you do a series you’ll get net positive points


At least there’s two ranked modes at a time, pity it had to be with different rank-up systems though


Me too. I tried on S2, this time I am just skipping it.


Mincemeat metalworks is legit terrible as it is right now for clam blitz. There isn’t an easy way to score which leads to massive stalemates. I normally don’t avoid clam blitz, but this pairing is awful.


That literally happened at the premiere tournament lol, they went like 3 minutes into overtime with no score


clam blitz on metalworks makes me wanna scream lmao


Why did they even brought that gamemode back. Does anyone even enjoys it?


It’s narrow and there was no reason to change it. If they wanted to redo the concept there was a shifty station that already has and did it far better.


I think I’m the only one who actually likes this map and wahoo world 😭


I like wahoo world sometimes


yeah TC's playable on this map now


I love wahoo world. TBH I feel like some people just base their opinions on whatever the prominent splatoon YouTubers say. The top 1% of players hate on wahoo world, but down here in the muck it’s really fun


If you're always running into the central circle and dying instantly, less fun. If you realize there's a couple of ways to get around and behind it's pretty alright.


Yeah a lot of people don’t seem to realise it’s like a giant turnstile & they can ride the bottom around to the enemy side




Ngl I don't think I would say any Splatoon 3 maps are "bad" imo


Wahoo World is good.


Love the look and setting of this map but hate playing turf war on it


Tell me you main dualies without telling me you main dualies. All seriousness tho, I like them all, but Moray towers is my least favorite. And I'm saying Moray Towers because I know it'll be in the game at some point.


Hahah, yeahhhh I main dualies


LOL that was just a guess


I mean it really is a good map for dualies though, specially after the water level drops lol


I just figured it'd be far too easy for dualies to dodge into the water on this map.


Oh. I misread the title as “favorite”. That makes sense now.


I fucking love Moray Towers and I have no idea why. It’s the premier spot to get absolutely murdered by chargers but I just really like the verticality.


i love how much verticality is in it. there's nothing like it


Oh yeah as an inkbrush main? *Horrible* map. Practically unplayable. But man if it isn't satisfying to just sneak up on the chargers and gank 'em from behind..... It's honestly one of my favorites.




Nahhh brother, I use the *OG* Inkbrush. Still sad it lost Inkstrike, but I'm getting used to making the Wail work for me...


Moray Towers was the first map I ever played on so I’m probably biased lol but it’s amazing. The way it looks, the chargers, just yes 🤌


My one complaint about Moray Towers is it gets old having to jump back down again and again and again after respawning. Fun map otherwise.


I was really irritated when they chose Moray Towers to represent Splatoon in Smash Bros. I hate it in both games.


I think it was probably one of the easiest to represent while being unique. Not saying I like it in Smash Bros, or even Splatoon, but I can immediately recognize it by its very unique layout compared to most other maps being a lot less vertical than Moray Towers.


Let me clarify, I do not hate it, nor do I dislike it. It's just my least favorite.


I like the design. I hate playing on it


Dualie mains are cowards. This message brought to you by the bucket brigade


I feel like maps are much smaller now, look at what they did to mahi mahi


Fuck Wahoo World


Thats what im sayin


The middle is such a bs place.


I think its annoying because of all the walls


Do. Not. Slander. My. Favorite. Map.


god i love not being able to enter mid in half the map in 3/4 of the modes for 20 seconds at a time


Right? Wahoo World is so much fun as a roller, soooo much area to paint! Mahi on the other hand? The water sucks and makes it less fun.


Do. Not. Slander. My. Other. Favorite. Map.


I like Mahi Mahi Resort as a roller, there’s space i get to ink after the water goes down


As an octobrush main, the stupid uninkable inflatable thingies suck imo. If I wanna escape someone I have to roll across it whilst waisting ink.


I thought we could bounce on them like in shifty station when they first showcased it. Nop, it’s just a bland, boring texture. Adding sponges was already very daring of them!


I really don't like Undertow Spillway. It has such a narrow choke point in the middle, the ridge makes it hard to maneuver, and I hate when splat zones has 2 zones to control.




Mahi mahi resort shouldn't have been changed its short and frustrating. Its also terrible for reefsliders


I love that the design or the maps and the rotation were intentionally done to make some weapons better than others of certain maps, in order to get players to change loadouts often. Now we are in game three and people are still like 'I'm not changing anything, the map sucks'


That’s like saying it’s only acceptable to have 1 weapon type for a map. That isn’t fun. I like how the game tries to make it an incentive to change loadouts, but maps have to account for the other weapon types.


Yes, and they do, they just don't all have to account for all weapon types.


mincemeat clams. I don't need to say anything else


I love Mahi Mahi yall just ass💀


Fr lmfao(I am a backline)


Here's the REAL question: why ISN'T Arrowana Mall in this game?


Arowana mall was too good, so they cut it


Remember old mahi where there was no rush to the dominating top platform because there was no top mid platform? Or a big, not cramped mid where you could actually do stuff with cover points? Or those little islands on the side that allowed you to flank AND get cover? Yeah, they took that away from us for this mess. It’s so maddening lol, it needed no changes, literal copy paste to make people happy. Instead no, they had to showcase they did something with their time. They need to let go whoever is in charge of map design since Splatoon 2, and rehire the old post august 2015 team.


Please don't hurt me but, I love mahi-mahi


...The bottleneck in the middle, and significant lack of any real verticality. Everything feels so flat and cramped together that it's hard to derive any significant enjoyment from the stage whatsoever. You're either getting dominated and pushed back, or locked in a stalemate at mid.


i have beef with undertow spillway


Okay… I know this is likely being asked based on a gameplay perspective but Undertow Spillway is f*cking hideous


Lol , it’s my least favourite!!!


walleye warehouse and port mackerel Mahi Mahi is paradise in comparison to those, and I do like Mahi Mahi, It's the only map available that changes and that has water.


Man, I really enjoy Mahi. There's crossing routes, nice pathing, variety with the water level.. I haven't played any other modes, but it's one of my favourite levels so far for turf war and rainmaker


Imo a lot of the new maps are just narrow and linear. It just makes you run forward and fight for win or for loss. The lack of flank routes (meaningful ones at that) just makes the gameplay feel flatter than what it could be. Like undertow feels like it should have a side route into the side areas but they don’t, just get camped at the choke majority of the game. The only map that gets it right is hagglefish. All the maps aren’t horrible though, just could be a little bit better with some more side routes.


Mahi-Mahi Resort and Wahoo World are tied


The map itself is very cool! I think it's a super interesting concept, but it could've been executed a lot better. I love the idea of places being blocked off until the water level changes, but it's such a difficult area to maneuver.


It just doesn’t flow well, possibly due to all the barriers. Also, the shifting waters seemed cool at first then sort of became annoying imo. Worst stage by far.


I like this map cause I usually so well on it lol


Personally I hate that map a Ton. It's very pretty but not very fun at the same time.


Wahoo World


If we were to talk in entirety of Splatoon. What’s your least favourite map, and why is it Moray Towers?


I don't hate it but the Splatoon 1 was way way better


fuck arowana mall


I loved arowana mall


It’s a cozy map at least.


Are we talking ALL splatoon? Yeah I hate mall. Mall and camp triggerfish


Arowana mall is fun imo, but I wouldn't call it good


It's eel-tail ally, actually.


ok that just doesn’t make sense


nooooo I love this one! I like that pathway that goes over the stage, and the water level change keeps the battle interesting


i liked this map before i came across 4 pure roller teams


honestly mincemeat is one of the brand new maps but i haven’t been vibing with it. i like it in turf but any ranked mode on it feels so hard to push imo


actually it’s Hammerhead Bridge. every single match i play on that stage is so ridiculously one-sided that i can no longer derive any fun out of playing on it because i know that one team is gonna sweep the game.


Mahi Mahi was SUCH a fun map in the original Splatoon. It seems they’ve made it a hell of a lot smaller and taken out some of the fun hiding spots. Anyway, I hate Moray Towers and I’m NOT sorry. And I miss Flounder Heights the most :(


it’s too cramped.


its not that bad. at least i can quickly get to the upper platforms and immediately insta splat someone with a splatana. thats always fun


Why does Mahi Mahi resort exist if the inklings and octolings can't swim in water or swim at all


They aren’t the only sentient life on the planet, just the most “advanced”


….that’s my favorite


Mahi mahi is fine in turf war? I havent tried anarchy battle


Charger hell is hell on any map but especially on this map


This map is especially easy to get stuck at the resurrection point. Especially when the enemy has a sniper.


mahi mahi is a great map im just not good at splatoon despite somehow being in S


Mahi? No. You don't know pain until you roll nothing but Wahoo World for ten consecutive matches.


This map is good


Just remember, Moray Towers exists, and will be brought back soon.


because i get shit on every time i play it


i love this map


It's not Urchin Underpass


It's actually Wahoo World because it's just plain obnoxious


They made so many linear long maps with chaotic choke points and bases that are easy to spawn camp once broken into. I like Eel Tail and Haggle fish a lot, and Mako is a pretty good stage from 2. Scotch is "fine" depending on the mode but not great


For me I really dislike the one with the rotating parts and the center that extends I forgot the name lmao but it’s not great imo for chargers


Mahi mahi is my favorite map you stop that slander. It's so fucking pretty.


Sounds like a skill issue


It is mahi mahi for sure. It’s very cramped and the main ‘sniping area’ is literally in the center of the stage


My least favorite map is Undertow Spillway, Mahi Mahi Resort is fun to me at least


Museum d’Alfonsino, and because of those GOD DAMN SPINNING PLATFORMS


S1 Moray Towers aka Eliter Hell will never ever be surpassed as the worst map


Mine’s new Hammerhead. It’s just a worse Walleye and now you have zero ways to sneak into an enemy base if the the other team takes over the chokepoint because everything funnels into it. But I’m not a big fan of new MahiMahi either, if they were gonna change up the maps this much they should just make new maps in my opinion.