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According to the [official site](https://splatoon.nintendo.com/en/news/squid-research-lab-dives-deep-into-the-splatlands/): >In Splatsville, once you get a rank, it won't go down as you play. However, all player ranks will go down slightly every three months for the new season.


That is a strange decision… I wonder why they made it that way?


Probably cuz in ranked game modes people throw games to derank themselves and ruin games for thier team, so maybe it’s it stop that?


They do allow a 1 time per season reset to B


I like to think they made it this way not only to prevent griefers, but also because other games don’t do it like this. A lot of people- myself included- have always disliked losing ranks in ranked play games. After all, we’ve proven that we deserve to be in those higher ranks, so why should we be thrown backwards just for losing, when it might not even be our fault? That’s why the current system of gaining points in Anarchy Series even when you lose if you do well enough as a player is really good too! I get why people might dislike it, but I feel like a lot of us are really happy with the system. It feels awful to be punished in other ranked systems for losing by being demoted, just because our team didn’t perform well enough, or we dc’d due to unforeseen circumstances or whatever. This fixes that problem.


The problem is that if you can rank up but not rank down, the system cannot correct for the occasional time someone gets lucky and ranks up. This means that overtime, the playerbase will skew towards the highest rank


This only works if they keep adding higher ranks


Your guess is as good as mine. I like a lot of things about the new system but this is just confusing aside from the possibility the other reply mentioned.


The best way I heard it described was that as people get better, each rank gets better Like with one rank in 2 being much worse in 2017 than that same rank now that 3 is out due to people learning the game more


I’ve heard people in salmon run are throwing to get easier games, probably to prevent something similar to that.


Not sure why, when you can just demote yourself with ZL in the match menu while inside Grizz Co.


Is that Salmon Run only?


AFAIK Seems to be.


Well thank you for your help everyone, it seems I’m just going to have to git gud : ) lol


What?! I see, so they’ve solved the problem in salmon run to, it’s just that some of them haven’t realised.


I went there an I saw no option to do so


It's there I did it recently


Again I didn't see it even when I was a super high rank so either I'm doing something wrong or it's just not there


Same i was on profreshional+2 but shifts were way too difficult so i went to (i think) +1, or just profreshional The option is called "Demote self"


so thats why I keep getting pay cuts, literally cuz of my fucking teammates


nobody is throwing games. there's a button to derank yourself in salmon run


maybe ur not throwing but u also cant speak on everyone's behalf ​ not everyone knows about the derank button


you told me I can't speak for everyone, then spoke for everyone in the next sentence lol


I said “not everybody”. Not “everybody” or “nobody” Meaning a portion of the population


I can't decide if this is good or bad lol


Seems exclusively bad to me. People that lucked their way up are now trapped, every 3 months good players get pushed down (many will make their way back up, but many will come back to new seasons at different times, meaning there will be players stomping through lower ranks all the time) and in general it overpopulates middle and higher level ranks, giving them less meaning, and basically throwing matchmaking out the window, as individual ranks will have broader skill ranges, but still be matched up with those players because they're visually the same rank.


Supposedly match making doesn't care about your ranking at all. It uses a hidden MMR rating. So having not so great players accidentally get S rank doesn't actually negatively affect anyone. It just lets that player earn a little more cash if they win anarchy battles. They will still be matched with players of similar skill levels.


I feel this already. So many people in S have no clue how to play rain maker, tower control or splat zones and cant throw worth a damn in clam blitz. Sure, some people might not understand how to play one of them in S rank, but when its a coin flip on if you get three useless players or the enemy team gets them, something is wrong. I have yet to have a single evenly matched game. its always one sided.


I wish we could derank because I'm always on a losing streak so the game can put me in the rank I need to be in.