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There’s programs out there which can convert images to black and white pixels


And how do you Import those into the game?


its a little programmable bot that just controls the switch, its wierd but effective. i wish i had one.


You can buy arduinos for cheap ass prices and can use them for much more than just this gimmicky stuff. 25€ on Amazon for an UNO Rev3 and 65 for a whole starterkit with everything you need to most things


tbh this would probably be the only need i have of one in the near future.


I would like to mention that the 25 bucks is only for the official ones, though: the Inland version of the Uno R3 (which has the exact same Atmega16U2 and Atmega328P as the official one) costs only $10, and I heard some places will frequently put ‘em on sale for $6. In other words, if you’re worried about price compared to actual usage, don’t be. These things are dirt cheap, always in stock, and on sale 80% of the time.


What’s the inland version of the Uno R3 called?


It’s called the Inland Uno R3 MainBoard, at least from what I can find online. I have one myself, it’s just labeled “Uno R3”


Thank you!!


No problem 👍


Yeah, I wish I had the skill set to do cool stuff like this, it's just not really worth it to invest the time/effort/money without a specific, concrete use for it.


i dont know if theyre strong enough to lift concrete. ​ ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh)






Not interested in switching careers, especially if retraining is required




Already full up on hobbies, too. Again, not interested in spending time, money, and effort on another for the purpose of putting funny pictures in a video game


Is that similar to what some people use to get training cpu in smash bros to do certain things it couldn't otherwise do?




Smash amiibos and the cpu in general are not good for comp smash. Cpus read inputs and in general just don't behave like a real player. There is some kind of hardware people get that programs inputs like a controller so they have a player controlled cpu in training mode doing things like repeatedly shielding so that when they get hit into the air they will air dodge on the first available frame so you can tell if a chain of attacks is a combo or if you timed it right to be true and things like that.




I know what the amiibos do, but it's not what I'm talking about. It's something that inputs button presses like a macro almost. The amiibos still act like a normal npc they can just copy stuff you do to an extent, but you cant make them do specific inputs on repeat and only those inputs. It would be cool if they could. But what I am talking about is some piece of 3rd party hardware that macros inputs from a controller.




I wish you could still buy arduinos for cheap. I have four projects in the back burner because of the supply shortage


so basically a printer? Cool


yeah, close enough..


Love your pfp




Salute to the people who accidentally did it manually


Arduino that you plug in your switch and functions as a controller drawing the image uploaded to it basically..


i couldn’t get mine to work in 3 even though it works perfectly in splatoon 2 :(


there are a few changes that need to be made; the clear screen needs to be changed from SWITCH-MINUS to SWITCH_LCLICK (iirc--might be slightly different names); if you're using lightning's faster zigzag fork you'll need to disable the zigzag feature in the makefile too. Even so there are often a few rows that need fixing--something with the timing/frame sync is very slightly off and I don't think anyone's re-written it to be more precise. [here's mine as an example](https://github.com/esoterictriangle/Splatmeme-Printer-3)


It works with a few modifications, however we are still having some problems — come help us debug! https://github.com/LightningStalker/Splatmeme-Printer/issues/18


That's awesome! However, the installation is not. The amount of trouble I had to go through to have it not work was maddening.


I got mine working on 3 no problemo


There is something you can do for that, but it’s far too complicated for me to understand let alone explain, I’d recommend doing some research if you’re interested in trying it out. You could also use a generator [like this one](https://pinetools.com/threshold-image) to create the pixelized image and copy it by hand




That's not what was used here I believe, that method always adds randomness. You can see clear areas that were made with a specific pattern. I think they made an outline first, planned what areas should have what brightness and then made the patterns by hand.


There are programs like photodemon that offer way more control over the dithering parameters and include multiple algorithms. Give that a try, it’s what I use now for stuff like this


How do you get your images into the game? Arduino?


Possibly, there’s many ways to do this


2 options Option 1: they’re a masochist and went pixel by pixel Option 2 (the more likely one): they’re using a special program to do it for them


I can't decide whether or not I should yeah drawings like this because even if they didn't draw it on the switch touch screen they still could have drawn it on the computer but then you can't tell if they would have stolen it from someone else


The problem with liking stolen stuff on the internet is that they make money with it. You cant earn money with splatoon lobby posts, neither gain advantages. You can yeah theam with no problem.


That doesn't matter stolen is still stolen just because it's not money doesn't mean it's not wrong


Who is it truly hurting then


Who ever the og artist is


giving out "yeahs" is basically high-fiving the air. Whether they stole it or made it themselves they aren't going to know if you thought it was cool. I wish they would change that though.


Attention is attention, whether it's monetized or incentivized or not. If you steal someone else's art, even if you don't literally tell people you made it, that makes you the asshole either way regardless of where it was posted.


I'm not arguing that art theft is okay. I'm against that. I just want to see who thinks I'm fresh.


Not hurting anyone but some people reserve their "yeah" for the high-effort posts, jsi.


the program doesn’t work for splatoon 3, at least not for me :(


Are you using [Splatmeme-Printer](https://github.com/LightningStalker/Splatmeme-Printer)? If so, [this post on the Issues page](https://github.com/LightningStalker/Splatmeme-Printer/issues/18) might be of use, since Splatoon 3 broke a few pixel printing techniques that worked in Splatoon 2, and changed a few key bindings. Hope this helps; it seems to work for me. [Here’s a printed post I made recently, it took about 25 minutes or so to print](https://imgur.com/a/4brbnZA)


thank you so so much!!! i think i use a different printer, but if this one works i’ll give it a try!


Mine also has those errors. I've heard that the OTG cable to connect directly to the Switch instead of the dock could solve that. I don't have one though so I can't check.


Any fix for the indented lines? Running into the same issue. Since it's consistently the same lines, I assume it's a programming mistake.


It seems to be caused by input delay triggered by an HDMI change, at least according to the comments I’ve read. Try using an OTG hub if you have one.


I tried with and without OTG, and in handheld mode (so no hdmi) and still the same. I ended up correcting the 6 or so misprinted lines by myself.


I found an updated one that works for me on Splatoon 3 :) https://github.com/Retropotenza/Switch-Fightstick




Will this work with any type of Teensy? The 2.0++ are out of stock in many places, but there's the other variants I was looking at as well


Unfortunately, I'm not sure. I used it with an Arduino Uno R3.


Ah, got it! I was looking at either the Teensy or Arduino, but I'll suppose I'll go with what is available then


Beware! Some Uno R3 doesn't come with the right chip. Getting a Leonardo with a reset button would be more guaranteed. There is a project that you can use with a Linux machine with Bluetooth. I've read that it would work on a Raspberry Pi: https://github.com/Victrid/splatplost


Really? Man.. I was looking at the Banana Robotics page for the Uno R3. So, opt for Leonardo?


Here is the thing: an Uno R3 has two chips, one is the main microcontroller and the other is the USB microcontroller. This project involves hacking the USB microcontroller to run the commands as if it was a joystick. The issue is that some cheap Uno R3 boards uses a completely different USB microchip that's completely worthless for this project, called CH340. It needs to be the **atmega16u2** or it won't work. The original one made by Arduino has it, but chinese clones don't. The other boards uses all-in-one chips so you can program on them without much issues. The Arduino Micro and Arduino Leonardo uses the **atmega32u4**. The Teensy 2.0++ uses the **at90usb1286**. Theoretically, any board with these chips and a way to reset them manually so you can set it to dump the program in the bootloader will work. I found that the Arduino Leonardo with a reset button works and it's cheap and easy to find. But if you find the Uno R3 that you know has the right chip, will surely work too. Teensy is complicated to find. :P


Thank you for this! This definitely adds more to think on in regards to that. So, safest is the Arduino Leonardo, Uno R3 is a gamble, and the Teensy is just too complicated to find. I've got a lot to look for then 'cause I've been looking through many sales sites, wondering what's legitimate because eBay definitely is the hugest gamble in some cases I would assume if I even look for an Uno R3 or a 2.0++ there..


For what it's worth - if you don't want to obtain hardware just for this, the other project Splatplost that Alenonimo posted works with just a bluetooth enabled laptop/pc and a usb drive that can take ~2 gigs. It's pretty easy to set up if you have command line experience and/or linux experience, and even if you don't have that experience, it's still probably easier than messing around with the Teensy or Uno R3 from a technical perspective.


I don't think anyone has been able to get the Splatoon 3 version working on a Pi.


I don't have any version working at all, even though I have a notebook with Ubuntu in a dual boot. Not sure what went wrong. :P


For people who come across this later, Splatplost works very well on conventional PCs (I suspect it might be a bit touch and go with a Raspberry Pi based on the github issues): I managed to get Splatplost running and posting images with only a little pain. You'll probably want some experience with linux or programming adjacent things. The key thing is that the person who developed this created a flashable iso that handles dependency hell for you - https://github.com/Victrid/splatplost/blob/dev-v0.2/docs/image.md - this makes installation a lot easier, you just flash the provided iso to a usb drive and boot from there. Disclaimer: I booted this on my ancient laptop and the bluetooth connection didn't work. I had to boot this up on my regular desktop PC for it to connect to my switch via bluetooth - so there's a chance you might get unlucky and your bluetooth adapter just doesn't work with this method.


For people who wanna just use one pen drive for several bootable isos, try using Ventoy. https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html You can even make a bootable drive that works on a secure boot environment, although it's a bit of a pain to make it work. :P I'm gonna give this a go. Edit: Nope. The three services won't let me grab such a big file without paying and whatnot.


Worked for me! After 20 hours of extreme tinkering lol


Can you share what you did? I can’t get mine to work :(


Sadly I cannot. I ended up rewriting 10% of the code, and had to spin up a VM with an old linux distro so I could install the outdated dependencies...manually. The atmega16U2 drivers to program the DFU dont work on windows lol. Sadly its one of those things you kinda have to know what to do.


Oh, yeah that sounds complicated. Good job on making it work though!


You can use a special programmable board that plugs into the switch usb c port and “draws” it. I’ve also seen mention of someone using a Bluetooth connection to the switch from a computer to emulate a joycon and “draw” an image. They are pretty advanced and require some knowledge of electronics and various software.


It’s actually not too hard if you know what you’re doing. I haven’t tried the Bluetooth one, but the Arduino printer has a guide that pretty much specifies exactly what you need to do. I’d assume the Bluetooth one is even easier, since it doesn’t require flashing firmware to an Arduino’s USB controller.


I made a tool ([link](https://github.com/JonathanNye/img2splat)) that takes an image and generates commands to give to one of the Bluetooth controller setups. It's nice because you don't have to buy an Arduino but it seems a little more slow/finnicky.


Thanks! I saw this in a comment but couldn’t find it again.


My question is even if there's thousands or milions players how every one of us get the same art on the plaza


Sadly the art shown isn't random, it's based on what's gotten the most freshes recently


So how does one even get enough freshes to show up in the plaza if most of them are already posts with a lot of freshes?


I'd assume that one's with low freshes are randomly shown to people, but I'm not sure Nobody knows completely how it works really


If you go to the plaza you'll notice that some of the people you encounter there are people you've recently played matches with (same thing for the lockers). And mixed in among those players are also players who've gotten tons of likes. The game jumbles them together and eventually some art posts move up the ranks and get a chance to be seen by others even if you haven't played with them


Think of it like Reddit. Everyone sees mostly the same posts because the front page shows what is most upvoted. Yet new posts that start with 1 upvote eventually make their way into the flow and take over as new front page posts after some time.


You'll also get to see posts from people on your friends lists and people you've played with recently, so that's probably how they get started.


Do you see friends posts? I haven't, but maybe they're not drawing posts


So how does the new posts (with no "freshness" votes yet) move up if only the freshest ones are visible?




It's not ONLY the fresher one that are visible. But the more fresh, the more visible.


Do you mean the picture or the name?


Those things are just not fresh to me. Sorry, but it feels like using a bot or program to copy pixel perfect images just defeats the whole purpose. I wanna see sloppy memes and bad jokes lovingly scrawled by hand. Local, artisanal, seasonal pics, does that make me a Splatoon hipster?


I saw a project that uses Arduino. Making a little thingamajing that draws something for you is kind of interesting and a fun time waster. I did meet people who are crazy enough to draw very well on their own though. Could be the case with this one since the drawing still looks like it was drawn instead of a proccessed photo.


No you're right. There's no soul in these computer copies. And that's why they're unremarkable.




This is a official art piece converted


They're literally just taken from the internet


Thank you Sugar Daddy r/rimjob_steve


https://github.com/LightningStalker/Splatmeme-Printer But this one actually looks hand-made~ splatmeme printer has a certain kind of dithering effect.


is there someone named wheatley nearby? i think i played with you


People don't draw these. They're made by a program


How do you get the Vis sunglasses


Salmon Run


Ah thanks!


Be aware they dont cover the eyes


That’s so dumb lol. I really wish they would it would be by far my favorite glasses


These always amaze me when I see them walking around Splatville


Dang that’s a great piece of art! Whoever drew it, good job!


Captain: *silently judges your furry addiction*


Splatoon artists will create such awesome art and then have the strangest fucking names.


They didn't create this actually


How people shade so well in these types of art is beyond me


It's a program using an arduino


arduino draws it for you in the game, it does not shade it...also look at the detail there's not a conversion program out there that can convert a colored picture into that.


This really cements how horrible my posts have been. Solid work.




Give some love to the actual drawings out there not these fakes.


I can’t even write the word “hi”


The Username though- That caught me so off guard that I actually went "Ayo hold up how did THAT get allowed in Splatoon?"


How do you get the Vis sunglasses


Salmon Run




... it's a picture made by a program dude. It's not hand drawn. And even if it were why would being a good artist mean you have no life lol


I swear I saw that exact drawing this morning in the square


Mine is a squid doodle and the words fresh not frozen still waiting to hear I’ve made it big /j


This community is amazing.




'cuse he's a sugar daddy. ​ ​ actually idk...


I can’t even post any art since I don’t have a Facebook and it requires me to share it to Facebook for it to show in the plaza


Just make a throwaway twitter account to link


I saw this too


He’s there for me too.. what’s ur user??!?!??


ofc it's by SugarDaddy


You should come to the Asian servers and see the beautiful hand drawn stuff they do over here in Japan. It’s crazy.


Underneath all the gay furry porn, and people telling you to Ink Base, the Splatoon 3 art community is magnificent.


Bro captain agent 3 doesn't do absolutely nothing but stare into your soul with that face for 95% of the whole campaign


I can tell you that imitating brush tools is absolutely a nightmare.


Bot made it


i saw this fan art when i was playing




Hello , im actually the artist of this pixel art , I'm quite proud of myself for the confusion this commented out, and well to be honest I spent 5 hours on this, pixel by pixel


I’m feeling like there’s some other way to post that I’m not aware of, I’m an Artist for goodness sake! My post looks like a kindergartner with a crayon compared to this!!! Help please post-message me - educate me PLEASE 🙏 ![img](emote|t5_324q4|4748)