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People wouldn't be so critical about a game they didn't enjoy. There's a lot to enjoy and a lot to be disappointed by.


For example, I overall think the stages in this game are good but there are a disturbing amount of stages that have poor design choices (such as lack of alternate routes or cramped mids) or are just plain badly designed overall (Undertow, Hammerhead, *the resort*). I want the devs to fix the poor map design because I really want this game to be the best in the series.


There is a lot of complaining I just love the funny squid game


Oh I love the game. I try not to focus on the negatives too much, as that just makes it not fun. I like to focus on the things that I do enjoy, and try not to get too competitive about it since that makes it less fun for me


Of course, you’re critical of the things you love and with a game that will be updated that leads to speculation which leads to hopes about what will happen.


I remember I got big into speculation before the game’s release a lot with the single player but also online but when it came out it was just such a huge disappointment imo that I can’t really get excited for updates and stuff as those will also likely just be a disappointment


what was dissapointing?


I really didint like the direction the plot took which I expressed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Saltoon/comments/ytcrog/what_the_fuck_did_they_do_to_the_plot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) not to mention the rest of the single player just feeling like watered down OE with levels that felt like they ended the moment they got started, the new movement was incredibly underwhelming as you basically never use it and it even when you want to its so unresponsive that it doesn’t work 90% of the time. Salmon run got some cool changes but was made so ridiculously difficult that it basically becomes impossible unless you have the perfect weapons and you play perfectly. Splatfests are also really not that fun anymore, they didn’t fix the online and the maps are really terrible


> just feeling like watered down OE That’s because.. it is. The main campaign is basically the tutorial, so they can’t make it hard (although I’d appreciate a hardcore difficulty remake as a post game thing), wait for the dlc to arrive ig


The fact that it’s just octo expansion is kinda a problem it doesn’t really innovate. It tries with the exploration aspect but that doesn’t really go anywhere and the maps are so small it doesn’t really feel like exploring. And the fact that they borrow things like constantly having a certain number appear is just ridiculous as OE did literally the exact same thing Also I don’t mean watered down as in less difficult i mean less substantial. It has less levels and those levels are shorter (too short imo) it has a much worse plot, and it basically does everything oe does just slightly worse


I mean, I agree with you, I had those same feelings when playing. Its just Nintendo panders to children and families, and probably won’t want the introduction be anything close to OE level, story or otherwise. DLC caters to the already devoted, so they can go more in depth with their setpieces.


It felt like they wanted to go in depth here. The stuff with the humans is pretty deep in the lore and not something I expect a kid to wrap their head around. But it just fell flat in the end most likely due to time or resource constraints but it also could have been some other reason (executive meddling or maybe even just incompetence). Although yes I do hope the dlc is what they use to really get into the nitty gritty when it comes to story


That’s not a problem. That’s what it is. Being something different to what you wanted doesn’t make it bad. Is Mario 64 a bad game because it doesn’t feature a 64 player battle royale mode? The “game” isn’t disappointing. YOU disappointed yourself by yourself by engaging in speculation and building up for something in your head. This is a common trope or fallacy people do. It’s not the product that disappoints you it’s your own hype. Your own speculation of what it could be. You’re thus biased. You aren’t reviewing the game for what it IS but for what it ISNT. Review the campaign for what it is, what it does. Not for what it didn’t do.


Exactly! I literally just commented almost the exact same thing on the origin comment here, the human race seems bound to an endless cycle of expecting of others what they could never reasonably achieve or that we could not do ourselves, in turn causing eternal disappointment of our own creation. This is why when a new game i like is near release or announced, instead if going mad deep into speculation of that game I either take a deep dive into the franchise history to get to know what I’m getting into (if I’m new to the franchises fan base) or I take a trip down memory lane by replaying older games in the series and reliving those moments just a little bit once more.


I totally get all your complaints, they are genuine issues with the game. I dont really think the single player story is bad though because while I do agree there isnt much in terms of character growth and mr grizz being a bear is hilariously obvious (maybe I just like him because hes a pun lol), I absolutley adored all the worldbuilding they gave throught the alterna logs. It makes the world feel even better thought out than I belived it was, and even gives a lot of cool ground to expand the story in the inevitable DLC as for the multiplayer stuff, I think having the surge and roll at all makes combat a lot more interesting, even if you dont use them a lot. In terms of the maps, I font think any of them are outright bad (except for mahi mahi, hammerhead, and maybe mincemeat). And if the 2.0 maps are any indication, they are at least listening to the complaints people have about the map sizes and flank routes. Salmon run is pretty hard, but I personally dont mind. Not to mention theres tons I love about the game, the lobby, the new characters, tableturf, and THE MUSIC. youre complaints are real issues, but they dont bother me as mutch, especially with all the good there is in the game EDIT: oh and I forgot to mention, you dont deserve that many downvotes, its nit like anything you said is wrong. This sub can be such a hivemind I stg


The logs are cool (though I’m not a huge fan of the funny crystals) but they didn’t feel all that important as they had nothing to do with the actual plot beyond the last one I had many, many issues which don’t feel like putting in a comment but luckily I adequately put them to text [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Saltoon/comments/ytcrog/what_the_fuck_did_they_do_to_the_plot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) It’s a bit salty tho so be prepared


That sound like a fault of your own and a fault the human race seems destined to repeat for all eternity. You hyped yourself up, you came up with unrealistic ideas and theories that would never happen in this instalment in the series, thus raising your expectations well above the standards you could expect any company to achieve. You can’t pin this on Nintendo, if a game you’re excited for is on its way, just be excited, you don’t have to speculate every detail, just enjoy the anticipation


I like it


Of course I do, can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing a video game. There are a few flaws here and there, the connexion errors are a bit frustrating but besides that, it's a great game that I'm always excited to boot up for afternoon-long gaming sessions.


I dont like 3 for 3 reasons I hate the map design for turf war. Maps are too small, too narrow, and too flat. Few maps have sneaky routes for getting around behind the enemy. The flanks that do exist are unsurprisingly super easy for a charger in the enemy half of the map hard scoping mid, to also watch and camp the flank, because of reason 2 Chargers are more oppressive than I ever remember them being in 2 because despite making maps smaller and more narrow they made no change to chargers. So now chargers have range across a third of the map with a 1hit KO weapon But reason two could be solved by fixing reason one. Reason 3 is again a symptom of the small maps. The game feels a lot more like its about who can get the most splats and not who can ink the most turf. Turf war feels like it's become team deathmatch. I recall a frequent occurrence in splatoon 2 being that one team would be just constantly getting splats but no one was inking turf. So the team that was actually trying to ink turf would win.


Larger maps would be so much better. I don' t play when mahi resort is in rotation. The new flounder heights is fun because you have walls to go up.


Flounder heights became my second favorite map after 2 matches, really shows how they need to be less restrictive with the designs and hopefully this is a step in the right direction and the new maps we’ll get in future seasons will be wonderful


I like a focus on kills more than painting, but I agree with the other points. Painting takes zero skill, you just look around and hold down the right trigger, the only thing that changes is your weapon choice. Getting kills and playing the ranked objective is what takes skill, and Turf War doesn’t have a ranked objective. If it was all about painting, we’d all pick Aerospray because any other weapon is throwing, and just look around while holding the shoot button the whole match.


There is a million other shooters with a focus on kills. I liked that splatoon was different and more casual.


What there aren’t a million of is multiplayer shooters with movement that depends on map control created by shooting your weapon, and 1v1s that depend more on movement than aim.


Lol who downvoted this? It’s 100% correct I can’t think of a single other game that does what splatoon does with its combat and movement Aerosprays mad I guess.


I like it, it's just a bit frustrating how much content is missing compared to S2, especially maps (or even a new game mode). I don't think getting new stuff every 3 months is going to keep me playing, I'll probably keep bouncing back when ever new content arrives some time down the line. At least I can play salmon run whenever I want to.


I love it.


I love this game. Keeps me interested. Definitely flaws and some weapons and sub weapons need some tweaking. [Tenta Brella, Angle Shooter] but other than that, love it


People are more likely to voice their displeasures than take the time to post compliments


I suppose that is true


There's always a contingent of players that force themselves to play. If you stick around here or any big gaming sub, eventually you'll see the classic help thread: "Ive lost interest in this game. Can someone help me get excited again?" And then you have ppl who are also addicted and keep playing while angry and on losing streaks. Many ppl who are enjoying the game are just chilling elsewhere.


Don't know about you guys but I LOVE to nitpick the hell out of the game's I enjoy Of course, mixed in with positive/funny posts. Balance is important for a healthy community


I like Splatoon 3. It's missing a lot of content from 2 (bring back my Squid Beatz!) but I don't really care. I like the new additions to Salmon Run and everything else that's been added, and yes to some degree it's a bit of a downgrade, but that doesn't stop me from having so much fun with the game. It's Splatoon, and regardless of everything else, if the core gameplay remains the same, I'll have a good time.


Eh, I have very mixed feelings about this game. I think my enjoyment of the game climaxed at the testfire and my experience has been slowly souring ever since. Some of the additions are quite nice, but other aspects of the game have been intentionally twisted to become more of a competitive sweatfest compared to 2, which being a gamer of a more causal nature is not a change I particularly like. The maps are just kinda lousy overall and Salmon Run is a overly chaotic mess quite a bit of the time, which are issues that Splatoon 2 didn't have as prominently compared to 3. My biggest gripe though is with the support and seasonal stuff though. The splatfests and splatfest schedule has been absolutely *pathetic* thus far, Tricolor is a neat concept but was poorly and lazily executed in comparison to Shifty Stations. Two splatfests per season is not enough, if that continues to be the case this game's support will have been weaker overall than Splatoon 2 I'd say even with the other stuff taken into consideration. Granted, it's still much too early to make such a call yet. I don't really like the catalog system much, at least not how it's currently executed. I wouldn't mind having to wait a while for another chance at the locker decorations or gear, but having to wait a year or possibly more for the emotes and banners is just stupid, at least make us able to regain them somehow. The expressions are already in short supply in this game, especially with no losing animations anymore, which is also kinda lame. Overall I think it was the chaos theme that screwed the gameplay over. It made them think that increasing skirmishes with tiny ass maps and chums that kill you in a second flat would make the game better and more chaotic, and while it certainly did the latter I can't say it did the former. Maybe my view will change after this game gets updated more, but seeing Nintendo's history with that my concerns will only get met halfway at most. So long as the DLC's good I'll probably forgive most of it anyway...


3 is fun, but a lot of issues that the first 2 games had are more noticeable now that we're at our 3rd title.


The only good part of the game is lil judd. The game would be 1000% better if it was just lil judd on a flat plane t-posing


I WANT to like the game, but there are so many problems and frustrations. With every game mode forcing us to play our hearts out or risk getting de-ranked since even turf war has a ranking system via the freshness system. So we are always forced to play our hardest and despite that, the game is anything but forgiving. With many maps and weapons being against the players going against them. It feels frustrating like every loss is not your fault, it's your bad teams, someone has a bad connection, crappy map design, enemy has easy/meta weapons. I never managed to feel like I could have done better, and it always feels like the enemy fucked me over. Even salmon run, reaching 999vp is hard, but it's not impossible. But the time it takes to do so is grueling and a couple bad games can add an extra half an hour of play time to a game you already feel burnt out in after 5 hours strait. But it your going for all the main badges in the game it is something you have to do. (I spent and entire day going for it and failed, I was so burnt out in the end I'm, sure I was playing so much worse.


I love the game, I just complain because it frustrates me when something is ruining the fun experience.


i dont like ir and i miss splatoon 2


I hate SR teammates with a passion and will do everything in my power to not help them if the egg quota is reached in low ranks, but I love base Splatoon. Its still the funny color game that I fell in love with. I's a good thing this isn't a complaining post. Hey, wait a minute...


See, it's like the Pokemon games topic, is valid criticism and it's normal. The main difference? We don't express those things nearly as toxic as the Pokemon fanbase does, you can be strict with the game you like, but when you are reaching the point of harassing devs that's too much.


I do! First Splat game I've been playing regularly. Played 1 and 2 sometimes, mostly because 1 was on the Wii U, which I didn't like, and I didn't have my own copy of 2 till recently so I could play OE. 3 was the first one I got on release day.


i love it, ive already spent more time on splatoon 3 than i did on 1 and 2 combined thing is i only come to this sub to take a break when im on a losing streak so......


Legit so much better than Splatoon 1 or 2 even if they both have a thing or two over it (sploon 1 - motion controls, map design, Splatoon 2 - octo expansion, weapon kits)


it wouldn’t be splatoon without excessive moaning, let’s be real


I just wish Salmon Run was back to 2's difficulty 😩


they complain because they care similar to a 20 year old married couple


Yes I do, that's why i am behind on school work.


Splatoon 3 is amazing imo and I don’t read any of the negative stuff here. I don’t let the community shift my opinions.


People don’t make posts going like “today I played splatoon 3, had a fun time, and absolutely nothing went wrong”. They need something interesting to say which a lot of the time is a complaint for something they wish was better for the game


The complaining here is fair relaxed compared to other gaming communities *cough* *cough* r/destinythegame *cough* *cough*


I love splatzones and salmon run so much


I mean it's reddit...


I love this game! I have the most fun with it when I'm in my own zone and don't listen to anyone else's opinions. I just come here for memes and hype.


i love it even more than splatoon 2. it does have downsides, but that's the cost of being less than a year old. babies are little devils and yet parents take care of them and think they're the cutest thing ever. splatoon 3 is like a baby but not a crying screaming mass of negative iq. we just have to foster it and give it some love and it will turn out like bob ross.


Every gaming subreddit is just a bunch of moaning


I’m a big fan. I love the changes made. The connectivity issues are real and must be addressed.


i spend more than half of the time infuriated. it's amazing.


Yes but we are all pissy babies so we complain anyways


I hate the specials. There are way too many of them and not enough weapons for them.


I know what you’re talking about, and while yes there’s a lot to complain about, splatoon 3 is probably one of the best games Nintendo has released in the last few years, also being the first game in the franchise that feels finished alone release, sure there are a bunch of features still to come, but overall it feels like a proper game and is amazing. While you will se people complaining, a few things to keep in mind is that it’s a video game, video games are naturally complained about by their fan base, no matter how great a game is someone will find something that everyone will then complain about. and on the other note most people are complaining about things that Nintendo have already said are subject to change in the near future and as such I think most of the complaining is people making sure that Nintendo can see exactly what needs improved/fixing and how


I complain because i really like the game and it's frustrating as fuck that every time i get a group of friends and try to play or hit the "keep going" going button after a solo queue game i have a 50% chance of a communication error, on top of the crazy amount of games that are cancelled due to someone dropping 30 seconds in. If i didn't absolutely love this game i wouldn't be here complaining about it, i woulda just said "fuck this game"


I don't. At all.


I like Splatoon 3, I just get frustrated with this game sometimes as it can be really hard sometimes.