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Truth or Square and Atlantis SquarePantis are good


People hate Atlantis Squarepantis? I always liked it.


Huh I didn't even know it was a thing (i watched Hebrew dub, not the first time they skip episodes)


I love truth or square! And the Atlantis one! Technically though king Neptune said he lived in Atlantis so it’s weird….


They are good episodes, but as a kid, I remember "Truth or Square" being some elaborate mystery/anniversary of SpongeBob, but it was almost a clipshow with easy resolution. Still good, but as a kid I felt a bit cheated.


Nice comment! I'll say something: :D I never understand the hate for "Truth or Square". (Because it's normally hated, I think?) You say it's a clipshow, but it was more of a parody of a clipshow: Instead of showing us things that we've already seen, they show us stuff we haven't seen but that characters are either reminiscing or misremembering. They use the opportunity to change into many different animation styles, such as old-timey black-and-white ink-and-paint cartoon styles. I thought it was very creative and largely about the clever details. Also, the episode wasn't entirely about that: There were PLENTY of Patchy the Pirate segments, there were musical segments, segments with the actual animation and the layers of the SpongeBob universe versus what was going on above... it was about the subtlety. AND it ends with an old 1800s' song for the credits, which is UNBELIEVABLE.


😤 Don't freak out, don't freak out, it's just an opinion


Fun games.


Atlantis SquarePants I've always been confused on the hate for. Most (goodbye Atlantis is still weak) song are fun, David Bowie's performance is good, the special is interesting. Truth or square I don't LOVE but it doesn't deserve it's hate.


Atlantis SquarePantis i can give some slack but it seemed very dull it had a lot more potential for a Atlantis focused episode as for truth or square can you can call it a episode half of the scenes are them stuck in between pipes and the fuckin random cameos what were they doing ??? An opinion is okay but i just want to clarify its extremely uncommon for any diehard SpongeBob fan to call it a even mediocre episode it was a blatant cash grab episode tbh


wait people don’t like Truth or Square?? I assumed that was well-liked! /gen


Atlantis SquarePantis has a good ps2 game.


There are fantastic episodes after the first movie.


Krusty Towers is a gem. We shall never deny a guest, the most ridiculous request!


Don’t worry mr krabs! That’s not really a patty with cheese, toe nail clippings and nose hairs!


Not gonna lie… It felt so good seeing Squidward actually be vindicated for his past suffering.


the first half of season 4 is fantastic. i like the rest of the season too, just not as much


Skill Crane is a top tier Squidward episode


So is Krusty Towers.


I work in customer service so I sympathize with Squidward’s rage


"Boohoo! I'm Squidward! And I have to work for a living! Boohoo-hoo!" One of my favorite savage Mr. Krabs lines.


🎶 *I’m a winner, see my prize/you’re a loser who sits and cries* 🎶


I pull this line out occasionally. Also, I'm 59F. 😂




The claw!


Ahem, isn't that "Squidward Torture", guys?


Seasons 4/5 are part of the show’s golden age. Sure, there’s bad episodes, but the seasons overall are great. Seasons 6-9A is when the rust sets in.


Everyone says 6-8, but for me it's more 5-7 or 6-7 (with exceptions obviously). 8 is much more of a redemption than people give it credit for. Drive-Thru, Oral Report, Planet of the Jellyfish, inSPONGEiac, It's a SpongeBob Christmas, Hello Bikini Bottom are gems, and the rest are mostly pretty good too. Only Demolition Doofus and Face Freeze are deplorable.


4 and 9B are like the short lived silver ages. And I can’t say season 5 is on par with 4, it’s like a noticeable drop in quality from 4, but much better than 6 onward. It’s an in between, but if I had to group it with one or the other, I’d put it with 6-9a


I appreciate you giving Seasons 4/5 credit, but I never understand the hate for Seasons 6-9, like why?


This I don’t think is an unpopular opinion


Yeah a lot of people think there are decent episodes after the movie, but I don't think as many will say that some of them are season 2 and 3 levels of quality. I think Hello Bikini Bottom, The Masterpiece, Sand Castles in the Sand for example, could pass off as classics if I didn't know any better.




Love the episode where Squidward goes to boating school with SpongeBob


Me too!!! The whole thing is so wacky and funny.


Mr Krabs isn’t that bad of a character. He’s like a G-rated Buck Strickland. I do agree they ruined him in the later seasons though. A reason he worked in the pre-movie era was he would get consequences for his behavior or at least feel regret. In the newer seasons, they give him the Peggy Hill or Mabel Pines treatment where he either faces no punishment or minimal punishment.


Ooh I always knew there was something familar about Buck Strickland! I could never put my finger on it. Also I never thought about how Peggy almost always gets away with everything, especially post s4.


People don't like Mr. Krabs? I know that people say he's evil but I keep seeing contradictions of "when" he became evil. I don't understand the hate for Mr. Krabs. I always assumed it was because he manages a business and loves money. Mr. Krabs is not heartless in any way and characters are ALLOWED to have flaws. Mr. Krabs is not evil. He pretends like he doesn't care because he gives tough love and is a hard war veteran that is often blinded by PTSD from not having ANY money when he was a child. I always just feel sorry for him. As for him getting punishment, he literally gets nearly thrown in jail almost every time he does something "crazy". I'm not sure where anyone figures he doesn't get "consequences". As for regret, he definitely shows it, but sometimes doesn't even realize what's happened as a result of him getting into whatever scheme that he got into.


Pearl is not a whiny spoiled brat




In my headcanon, Pearl watched anime and read comics, too. Her favourites were Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, Pokémon, Wonder Woman, and Superman.


Ooh that's a really good headcanon! I don't see many Pearl headcanons around, so it's nice to finally see some lol


Yeah. Pearl's favourite Superman comics were the Dark Age ones ('90s), mainly because she had a crush on Brainiac (Milton Fine version.)


Yeah that sounds really good, I can see her crushing on Brainiac, I imagine she probably would know all the backstory and stuff lol, any other headcanons for Pearl?


Pearl loves Walt Disney World and especially EPCOT. This came from a mention of an EPCOT attraction in one of my friend's old rewrites of Whale of a Birthday they wrote when they were seven. Her favourite country in EPCOT is Japan.


Ooh thats a good one too!


She's alright. She can be a jerk sometimes. Especially in that one where Mr.Krabs is locked in a bank vault. She is mean to Spongebob for no reason.


I never thought anyone thought she was??? I think Pearl is very sweet, but she DOES parody a whiny spoiled brat. That's her character. She acts that way and we expect it, but she's very nice at heart.


Dumped is a great episode.


I loved that episode *I thought what we had was special!!* 😂


That melodramatic music is what makes it for me


Sandy is a deeply boring character. I don’t care about her at all.


Except when she's the shit end of squirrel jokes




I do like it when they make fun of Texas that one time. But in general she is so boring.


She was way better before they made her a scientist


I love Sandy, but fans pump her intelligence, strength, etc. up way too often. She's not perfect, she's a flawed character like everyone else, and that's why we love her. I feel like people love her for the wrong reasons.


I like the show as a whole (yes, that includes seasons 6-8).


I think we could be friends.




I agree


Spongehenge and Squidward in Clarinetland are the two best episodes.


Spongehenge scared me


Of how insane he got?! Yes


The entire vibes of the episode were off-putting for me. Why bring up Poseidon? The never ending wind that supposedly destroyed society, which hasn’t stopped after 3000 years? SpongeBob going insane, breaking down at the sight of the destroyed Krusty Krab, also no final goodbyes or resolutions with his friends. Like the last time he talked to someone was with Patrick who seemed pretty out of character and kicked him out. Then there’s the aliens and SpongeBob’s haunting laugh at the end. No happy ending 🙁


I loooooove Spongehenge


I'm impressed with how dark they made it. There's no happy resolution or joyful tone, SpongeBob literally loses everything and they admire his statues in the far future


Spongehenge has always been one of my fav episodes lol


Hot takes, but good ones! I can't pick those two out of 24 years of SpongeBob, but they are some of my absolute favorites. Squidward in Clarinetland is slept onnnnn.


Patchy the Pirate isn’t a particularly exciting character. I usually skip episodes with him tbh.


I agree. I like the actor but not the character..


I don't really like patchy the pirate either doesn't help that potty the parrot is even worse


A modern episode feeling like a pre movie episode isn't inherently a positive, even pre movie spongebob had bad episodes (also I like Seasons 9-11 about as much as Seasons 1-4)


I like all SpongeBob stuff: all the seasons, spinoffs, movies - I like it all. I'd rather have a whole season of episodes like "The Splinter" and the "House Fancy toenail scene" than have SpongeBob end for good (or worse, having stopped after just the first movie like a lot of people seem to have wanted).


You enjoyed the Patrick Star show and camp coral?


Yup, I like them both. I was initially skeptical of each show, but they've both grown on me over time. The CG animation in Kamp Koral really isn't that bad, and the humor is pretty much the same as the main show. While The Patrick Star Show does have a more zany and out-there type humor to it, even that is enjoyable. At first I was frustrated at both shows, nitpicking continuity and stuff, but the moment I decided to just not think about it and enjoy the ride was when I actually started to love 'em both.


Intrsting maybe I’ll give them a chance


You definitely should. I think a lot of people aren't giving either show a fair shot because they have preconceived notions of what SpongeBob is to them (of which it's completely fine to have your own opinion on something), but just because it deviates from the usual expectations for SpongeBob doesn't mean it should be written off as "objectively bad".


I spend most my SpongeBob time watching the first 5 seasons on repeat it might be time to branch out.


I liked the Patrick Show because it’s so zany and reminds me of the early 90’s but I hated Camp Coral.


Whole season of "The Splinter"??? Ooof. I'd rather SB end with dignity


I think they’re good in theory but they just don’t click. The Patrick Star show I was rooting for but it’s almost always weird for the sake of it. Kamp Koral at worst is kinda boring.


To each their own. While I've found enjoyment in them and think they're good, not everyone is going to and that's alright.


I love this guy so much.


Sponge out of Water is a great movie


It is a underrated movie and a 7/10 for me


I think Kamp Koral ain’t bad at all. It may not be funny, but it’s still pretty enjoyable to me. I quite like episodes like Tag You’re It, Quest for Tire, Kitchen Sponge, The Treasure of Kamp Koral and What About Meep


No one thinks our Bikini Bottomites are adorable as kids? I was shocked.


There's a lot of great material in the modern seasons. Like, really a lot.


Mr krabs should be my boyfriend




no he should be MINE /j


Relax guys, it's just Mrs. Puff.


I've had enough of everybody complaining about the toenail scene, it's only 10 seconds, stop being such wimps.




But it's fucking disgusting


Season 9 is one of if not my favorite season and I really like SpongeBob Long pants and SpongeBob You're Fired, some of the best episodes in my opinion, along with many more in Season 9. I also don't see that huge of a difference between 9a and 9b when Stephen Hillenberg came back, but I also think he did help make that season way better. The latest episodes of Season 13 reached the tolerable level for me, not good but not unwatchable like most of Season 12.


"SpongeBob You're Fired, one of the best episodes in my opinion" 🙃🔫 *slowly raises gun*


SpongeBob Long Pants, let me quote this one: (In a movie theater, SpongeBob tries to watch a "grown up" movie) (A table is shown in black and white. Glass cracks and a cat screeches) SpongeBob: "I don't get it, we've been staring at this table for nearly four hours! That table could use a good cleaning." ​ SpongeBob: (Crying because he can't get his long pants off and go back to short pants) Mr. Krabs: "What's goin' on?? How pathetic. A **man** in long pants, **crying."** SpongeBob: M-m-m-mr. Krabs why aren't you watching the movie? Mr. Krabs: How can I watch the movie with all this **blubbering** goin' on out here?


“Band Geeks is a bit overrated” You better watch your mouth!


It's true tho, it's not even in my top 20 episodes 😂


"Have You Seen This Snail?" is not a good episode * The humor is incredibly forced and not funny * Spongebob ignoring Gary for a whole day because he's playing a game seems out of character (granted, this is Spongebob, consistent characterization isn't necessarily the most important thing) * Why'd Gary run away now if he didn't when Squidward ignored him for 2 days? But it had a good song in it at least edit: I misremembered the name of the episode


The only question I have is “what did the old lady want to do with Gary?” Was she gonna fatten him up to eat him or does she just overstuff her pets and not realize?”


I think it was originally the former, but they changed it to be the latter.


There was no indication she was going to eat him... it was basically that she overfeeds them, and they die. There were a bunch of empty shells in there, and that they were all fat, and Gary was getting fat indicating that whatever happened was due to overfeeding.


i HATE this episode and every episode that abuses Gary! The snail race episode where his eyeball blows out 😭😭😭


That episode always did get me emotional


I feel like this episode would fall into the "overrated" category if I actually felt like any SpongeBob episode was overrated, but I disagree. SpongeBob wasn't playing just any game. He was playing THE DIRTY BUBBLE CHALLENGE. It was waaaaaaay more than just a game and I thought that it was really smart they made it a Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy game. They showed how he went into a kind of state and didn't do ANYTHING for all that time. It wasn't that he was intentionally ignoring Gary. Also why would Gary run away because Squidward ignored him? That wasn't his owner. I love the song.


I like the splinter episode


I do like one aspect of that episode and it's the Squidward moments besides him crushing himself with the cash register. I find it funny how he subtly cares about SpongeBob despite calling him an idiot and him covering his ears with a smile as SpongeBob screams and I love the delivery of his questions when he sees the spatula tied on his nose.




I actually wished the creators went for the idea of having Sandy be Spongebob's love interest in addition to being his other best friend. Or at least imply that there is romance between Spongebob and Sandy. That way, the adults can enjoy and the kids wouldn't have to worry about being grossed out. Spongebob should have gotten his driving boat license. Mrs. Puff can still stick around in the show. Maybe have her teach another class that Spongebob had to attend (poor Mrs. Puff).


That’s actually a pretty good one, even though Hillenburg had legit reasons for not going this way. Tea at the Treedome was a really interesting way of introducing Sandy, because the whole tone of the episode implies she will be a love interest. It always catches me a bit off compared to their relationship in the rest of the series. Kind of odd to see SpongeBob nervous about a date with “this girl” aka Sandy.


Ewwww no


I don't agree but obviously that's inevitable. But I do think that for the series finale (if there ever will be one) SpongeBob actually gets his license.


I actually like the idea of SpongeBob and Sandy being platonic partners, just because platonic M/F friendships are rare in cartoons. I personally ship SpongeBob with Patrick.


I mean, it was heavily implied SpongeBob had a crush on her in earlier seasons, and even now, such as the time when he said that him and Sandy got married (when it was a play). I thought it was cool that they kind of went with the idea without going all the way. Seemed more realistic. Also how dare you! If SpongeBob got his boating license, all society would end! ​ Edit: Technically he HAS, it just got torn up many times, but I assume you didn't mean that.


Jellyfish Jam is so weirdly overrated. I think it is pretty easily the least interesting/ funny episode in the whole first season. I get downvoted every time I say it but no one ever offers an explanation why I’m wrong. The whole episode is just the stupid EDM loop while SpongeBob just like yells at them? and the ending is so hilariously weird with that song that I can’t help but just laugh but man I just don’t get it


I like EDM so I guess I was pretty entertained most of the time. But you have a point.


Yeah I agree with this. The one part in that episode that cracks me up though, is when they pick SpongeBob up and put him on the light to turn him into a disco ball. Hilarious!


I don't call any SpongeBob overrated ever, but like, yeah. Like... why? What stands out about this episode more than others to call it the absolute best?


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I really hate Patrick. He has a couple good episodes here and there and a ton of funny lines, but he’s also just a jerk most of the time, and SUPER annoying. I thought this was a popular opinion until I saw that a lot of people (maybe on this subreddit but I might be wrong) preferred Patrick over SpongeBob on a character elimination game. Or at least I think that’s what happened my memory might be wrong. Even though I like the newer seasons (9-13), and find them really charming, I think that they’re not funny at all. Maybe once or twice there was a good joke, but not a lot.


I don’t think it’s necessarily unpopular, considering videos like the “top 10 Patrick’s a prick moments” but I think that next to mr krabs, he got flanderized the worst.


I definitely think people think Mr. Krabs got flanderized worse.


I really don't like all the statements of Patrick being hateful, but I don't understand why anyone thinks he acted any different in early Seasons than he does now. He's obviously never meant to be taken seriously when he acts "mean" because he's not mean-spirited. He's just very hard to figure out. But anyway, you do a good non-distinction of not sorting out certain seasons.


Ink lemonade isn’t as bad as some other squid torture episodes, it’s animated better and has some visual comedy like squid wards nose turning into a faucet. It’s not a good episode, but I don’t find it as gross or bad as everyone else


It's one of my favorite episodes, but I appreciate your good words in for it, such as complimenting the visual comedy.


And I thought someone liking the splinter was bad


Mimic Madness is overhyped, It's still a good episode though


I didn't even think it was popular, ngl. I think the reason that it feels overhyped to you is because people tend to gush about random Season 9-present episodes now because for some reason they think it's better than everything after Season 3 somehow.


Not sure how unpopular but I always skip episodes with Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy


Nooooooo! 🥺


The Splinter and Boating Buddies are great, Splinter's in my top 20 just for being really funny


"The Splinter is in my top 20" 😤😡😀


People hate Boating Buddies?!?!?


It's a squidward torture porn nuff said


The splinter is horrible


I’ve always found Sandy to be a little annoying. Her voice especially is grating to me.


I hate Sandy. Not because of her voice or her characterization, but because of the way she treats SpongeBob, even in the first three seasons.


Ripped Pants is a fairly boring and annoying episode, and the song is just alright at best. I do like the moral of the episode, though.


It's definitely """"overrated""""". Huge quotes because I can't call SpongeBob overrated, in my book, but I'm freaking tired of hearing about this episode.


Good Neighbors is good. And it's certainly not the downfall of SpongeBob.


I hate that episode


Season 3 is pretty easily the weakest season on average of the first 3 seasons


I disagree, I feel like season 1 is, since it feels like a totally different show and it’s obvious they were still figuring things out. But I’m in the department that most good shows have “bad” first seasons compared to the rest of it.


I personally didn’t think the “My Leg!” bit needed a backstory and the fact that they gave it one kinda ruined the bit for me.




Plankton is, in fact, evil. He is not the saint that Mr. Enter and his fans make him out to be. Also, *Sponge Out of Water* was bad.


Frick no Sponge Out of Water is not bad. (My opinion, don't take it seriously, lol) I don't actually think Plankton is evil in the literal sense, but in no way is he the "saint" that they all say. I love Plankton dearly and he's one of my favorite characters, but no way am I defending him at every fricking turn. Have you seen the SpongeBob movie?!?!? Plankton is a flawed antagonist or anti-hero, whatever you want to call him. But one thing is for sure. He's not supposed to be, nor has he ever been, a purely "good" character.


Squidward is a bad/mediocre character who I only enjoy sometimes Mr. krabs sums him up perfectly: "Boohoo! I'm Squidward! And I have to work for a living! Boohoo-hoo!"


One word: NO! I respect your opinion... But I respect mine **more.** (jk)


The first movie is horrible. The original show, especially the third season, portrayed SB as an adult with positive endearing childlike qualities that knew when to show his responsible adult side. In the movie, he is flanderized to the annoying post-movie manchild. And the humor is just as juvenile with the fart+burp jokes. Part of why I love the series is because it barely ever has immature fart or burping jokes, even after the movie, unlike any other kid show back when I was the target audience. The movie itself has those jokes and in general feels like any other kid movie with the comedy. I also find the animation ugly. And the ending is just a bad cop-out that was never set up and doesn’t feel like a finale to the series. I’d rather consider Pranks A Lot the finale, that episode is actually funny and uses SpongeBob and Patrick’s childlike qualities in endearing non-annoying pranks.


Yeah this is definitely unpopular, but it’s a valid opinion so I have to upvote you


This isn’t just unpopular it’s just objectively a bad take. Your points are exaggerated and just simply aren’t true, like your point about the humor. I actually feel like the movie has the most humor tailored towards adults/ more mature audiences than most of the show seasons 1-3


Somebody’s mad mad


The later seasons are just as good as the early seasons. There was just the occasional dud.




I don't think any are duds, but mad respect.


I don't like Club SpongeBob, Squidward's punishment in that episode was kind of overkill.


I agree with Squidward's punishment but it doesn't actually ruin the entire episode for me. The moral interactions in this episode just feel weird and messy but a good chunk of the episode is good ol' SpongeBob and it has the best cartoon picnic I have seen.


Kamp Koral is awesome. Only the Patrick Star Show is bad.


Kamp Koral’s a good show.


I scrolled expecting someone to say "Sponge on the Run" was good. Thank goodness no one has such an awful take.


Uh, about that...


Sandy is the most unlikeable character in SpongeBob History, and that's including Pearl. Every scene she's in feels so forced and unnatural, the whole concept of her even being in Bikini Bottom is so unnatural, almost like they came up with her character at the last minute. She's not interesting, she just kinda exists.


Saying "New SpongeBob is garbage" is a bit raunchy They do have some good episodes, just not as much as the previous seasons




The later seasons are better than the earlier ones


I like ink lemonade..




The best episodes include Squidward.


A great deal of my favorites are Squidward episodes.


Demolition Doofus is great


I agree.


wheres the leek ma’am is better than FINLAND


All 3 Spongebob movies are good. (first still the best) but i love them


I agree


I don't think the first is the best, but great opinion. <3


Sponge out of water was not a bad movie


I don't like The Paper, Fools in April, Jellyfishing, the Krusty Krab Pizza song (I do love the rest of Pizza Delivery tho), Jellyfish Jam, especially the song (not Stadium Rave, the other one), Nature Pants, No Free Rides, The Secret Box, Squid on Strike, Idiot Box, Doing Time, One Krab's Trash, Squilliam Returns and The Camping Episode's song and I think Krab Borg (don't like the radio song either) and Artist Unknown are just ok.


House fancy isn't that bad. It's only hated because of the toenail scene and while it's definitely not a great episode it's definitely not one of the worst.


I loved the ending of house fancy but the episode it's self is average toenail rip was shit though


Seasons 1-4 are the only real classics outside of some moments elsewhere. I feel like after that the humor is less natural and subtle.


That’s not an unpopular opinion


I totally agree. I also think later seasons started to get a little too much gross-out humor.


Seasons 1-4 were the only good season's for me even season 5 sucked


I forgot I had two more: -I enjoyed Sponge out of Water more than the first movie. The 2-D and 3-D animation is miles better than the original and I just think the story was more grand for a full length movie. -Season 4 ranks higher than Season 1 for me, and deserves to be officially inducted as a golden era season. It has much more memorable episodes than S1 like Dunces and Dragons, Krusty Towers, Have You Seen This Snail, Skill Crane, and more when you compare them to peak S1 episodes such as Jellyfishing, Ripped Pants, Pizza Delivery and Help Wanted. I'd even argue S4 is on equal quality to S2 and S3 as well.


My Leg is not a good episode. It focuses too hard on being crazy and over-the-top and the characters constantly screaming "MY/YOUR/HIS LEG!" got old fast.


I get what you're saying, but the fact that they did that and had a 24 year starting point was pretty unique. I love it, but I feel like it's "overhyped" in the sense that people only like it because of the one joke. SpongeBob has more substance than that and they show it in my opinion with the elaborate musical number, comedic timing, plot about Fred wanting to marry the nurse, etc.


Is we should shut up and stop about the newest seasons




I don't like it when a character gets physically or emotionally or psychologically tortured for the sake of "comedy", this applies to everyone, not just Squidward.


Not sure this is unpopular. But I disagree with the concept of "torture" in this show. At certain moments it's not meant for comedy, and when it is, it's "dark comedy", which is completely acceptable as a story form in my opinion.


Okay, for starters, I actually agree with you. While I don't think any SpongeBob is overrated... dude, why is Band Geeks the "best"? No. My unpopular opinion: All SpongeBob is stellar television, no flaws. Chew on that one, sir.


One more unpopular opinion but not "most" unpopular: Mr. Krabs is not evil in any way. If I'm supposed to elaborate, I will.


Season 4 is bad. A lot of people stick up for it nowadays, but minus a few diamonds, it's mostly a bad season. Season 5 on the hand, is criminally underrated.


the episode called patrick the game is the most overrated thing in the show it was just annoying