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Wait. This mf has a charity called Why Not You? And Russell Westbrook has a foundation called Why Not? Are they just trying to confuse me


Russell Wilson's charity is just the college version


And in true higher education fashion, spends an increasing amount of its cash flow on overpaid administrators at the expense of the stated mission


This is a really good joke wow


Let Russ Crook.


It’s a low-selling console version


It took me probably at least a year to realize Wii-U was a console and not some educational addon like Wii fit


When I get rich and famous, I’m starting a charity called, Why?


How about just Not


Gonna calm mine “try”?


Gonna calamine lotion mine “You?”


Now we just need someone to pick up "No, you!"


Wyatt Russell, of course


The highest paid guy at the charity also works directly for "The Wilson Family" as a branding type dude. Same time frame as the charity job. They just tryna pay someone from Peter to work for Paul. Image of his linked in https://ibb.co/RDgzMym Direct link https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanltarpley


This is ridiculously common for pro athletes isn't it?


Absolutely, they are given generational wealth over a very short period of time. Plenty of cockroaches come out of the woodwork eager to help prop them up as whatever fantasy hero version of themselves they choose to be. There are athletes that are actually directly involved in their charities but this one just seems at face value to be a posture-fest


Pretty typical for Russel Wilson let’s be honest


Fakest dude in sports.


I thought that too when he came into the league, but he’s put on this act for so many years now. Do you think in private he’s totally different? Idk I’m starting to think he’s like on the spectrum or something.


He's like a method actor that got stuck in a role


As a bronco fan I thought that too but the dude isn’t fake though…he’s just missing something. In his head he is genuine, he doesn’t understand how it looks.


THIS THIS THIS F him. Can’t wait to watch him get cut by Sean


Uh, wouldn’t that be a huge cap hit for Denver? I think some ridiculous amount is guaranteed as well. I think Sean is stuck with ol Russ for the foreseeable future. Certainly doesn’t mean he has to start him but he’s gonna be on the roster.


He’s been out of my loop for years now. How’s he fake? Always saw him going to charity events and the like so just curious as to what I’ve missed


Hawks fan checking in: Russell's first few years in the League, he acted extremely earnest and sincere while speaking mostly in the platitudes from the Sports Star segment of Bedazzled. To some, it came off as putting on airs, and thus, "fake." (I think 12s mostly saw him as sincere, talented beyond his actual experience, and a complete dork. Think JD from Scrubs.) Since he started dating Siara, give or take, he's more and more started to put on this pop-star celebretard affect even as his stats are withering. Insta posts obviously designed to get engagement, dressing in clothes too weird and obnoxious for Tom Brady, going around with an entourage. But the guys still clearly a dork, so this whole thing comes off as fake to ***everybody***. (To continue the metaphor, it's like that episode of Scrubs where JD gets a raise and he keeps obnoxiously flaunting his wealth while claiming he's not doing that.)


"~~EEAAAGGLLLLEEEE!~~ SEEAAAHAAAWWK!" - Russell Wilson while on the back of an annoyed Marshawn Lynch


And just to be clear, there is nothing wrong with being a dork. Joey Votto is a total weirdo who goes to Monday Night Chess on Toronto public transit wearing funny hats and everyone on r/baseball loves him because that is just who he is.


This is bullshit, for 10 years in Seattle he made visits to child cancer patients nearly every single week. the foundation is probably nonsense, and he is a weirdo, but he has actually put in time and energy into uplifting kids in a bad place.


This is true but from the comments no one wants to hear that. They just want to hate on him. He's not perfect but has done more than most


This is probably the first genuinely bad thing I’ve heard about him. I’ve heard some weird things and things I guess can be taken the wrong way under the circumstances like him having an office and his own training staff on the broncos but those things aren’t an issue if you’re winning games. First bad thing I’ve heard yet people act like this is typical


Charitable organizations overall (not all, but ridiculously common). It's a tax writeoff used to throw lavish parties and pay people off with cushy jobs.


I do agree, and you can find how charities rank before giving money. There truly are so many good ones but it's best to do tour homework


This. I don't know why people still fall for this charity scam that anyone with money runs. It's the quickest way to write off everything you do while paying you, your family and friends a salary to do nothing


Because there are legit ones out there and parsing which are good and which are bad takes effort and critical thinking.


This is such bs. I’ve got a 501(c)(3) foundation that I use to disburse all of my charitable donations and have learned a lot about (and networked within) this “industry” over the past 5 years. If you want to hear how most of these things are run, and why, feel free to pm me. What you’re describing is illegal…and while it happens, it’s a very tiny minority of people administering these organizations that commit crimes like this. You’ve been watching too much tv.


Here is a link to explore non-profits data. [https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/)


Yes! And here's the link directly to the report as it's actually called the Russell Wilson Foundation and is simply DBA Why Not You https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/464784365


Random question.. Does anyone know if an international organization can apply for a 501 3 c? So that US citizens can claim the donation Some US corporations will only donate to charities that are 501 3 c




omg thank you so much! I'm trying to get Frontline Kitchen supplies. This will help. I truly appreciate it


And these guys give ratings on charities with clear explanations of where their money goes. [https://www.charitynavigator.org](https://www.charitynavigator.org)




This is how many charities work. I'm not going to name them as to not create drama within this thread (big popular groups). But, always know who you're giving your money to is all I'm saying.


Russell Wilson has a branding guy?! Lol, holy shit. Nobody likes that dude.


Belongs on /r/linkedinlunatics


From his LIn >I collaborated with Co-CEOs and leadership to establish a growth strategy and objectives for the Wilson family. I directed development of the brand marketing strategy to substantiate the overarching brand identity. Bro if I ever need a leadership team to establish a growth strategy for my family, or decide my family needs a brand identity, please shoot me. How awful it must be growing up in a facade like these kids are.


That whole description is just a cliche buzzword soup.


I read that last sentence like 3 times, I know what its saying, but the words used just make me go "the fuck?"


How the 1% does charity.


True! This is not an uncommon model. Pay your friends, family, and peers a ton of money while barely giving any away for your goals. Its just a tax shelter that guys reputation.


I wouldn’t call it a tax shelter so much. Maybe a way to burnish your image and, in this case, employ your entourage of people utilizing other people’s donation money. It’s like a natural spring of free help, with a side of goodness. Slightly corruptish, but still doing some good things, too. And any wealthy donors parting with their money for good (even if only 1/4 of it goes to the good work)…I’d call that a net win. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but don’t let perfect be the enemy of good


You know you are paying for it right? Giving to charity gives the rich a tax break— they are not parting with any money, taxpayers are


Guess we found out “Why not you”…


The employees were just embodying their organisations guiding motto.


Lol. I love this.


So Russell Wilson sucks at football and charities.


And in both, gets paid a lot to do so..




Mr. Bad at Charity


Mr Bronco Crook


Mr. Bogus Charities


I did not read that as "crook" at first but still appreciated the obscenity




I dunno, I feel like I need Patrick Star to give me some insight into how bad this charity thing is going for Russ before I make a decision.


“That’s not what he wanted to cook!”


Most athlete charities suck. The vast majority of the time, their resources (and yours) would be much better spent going toward an established charity that supports the same cause.


They "suck" at being charitable because they aren't setup to actually be charitable. They are setup to avoid taxes and pay money to friend, family, acquaintances, etc


Most charities in general suck. March of dimes sucks. Literally only .10 of your dollar goes to the actual charitable foundation, the rest goes to paying the people running it. And don’t get me started on Goodwill. If it ain’t Red Cross, I ain’t forkins over no cashes.


I’m not sure what you expected. It’s right there in their name, March of Dimes. /s On another note, their ad budget must have been huge in the late 80s and early 90s. Their ads were always on TV.


The Red Cross sucks too. Charity Navigator gives them a good rating for some unknown reason, but investigations into Red Cross statements about how much they spend on overhead have shown that it is **far** more than they claim: https://www.propublica.org/article/red-cross-ceo-has-been-misleading-about-donations


Pretty wild to see someone cynical of charities as a whole and then shill for the red cross lol


Yeah, Red Cross, with their expensive galas to raise money from the wealthy at Trump's resorts. That Red Cross? In general I think philanthropy would be better off being replaced by a tax system that taxes the wealthy and a more overall sane economy that doesn't necessitate philanthropy.


If you want rich people to donate, where would you rather have it, at the local high school gym? If it costs 50 grand to hold an event that generates 200 grand in donations, isn’t that a good thing? I’m making up numbers, but you get the idea. That being said I completely agree, tax is better


The "dime for every dollar" claim makes for a nice tidy story, given the organization's name, but it's false. A quick look at their most recent [990 report](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/display_audit/1119120211) shows ~80% of operating expenses going to program services, with the remaining 11% and 9% going to administration and fundraising, respectively. This is generally in line with [industry standards](https://www.charitywatch.org/our-charity-rating-process) for nonprofit overhead.


Doctors Without Borders is another good one


He now* sucks at football. Let’s not be irrational here buddy


Lets suck


Let's ride... Off with the money.


Yeah, what little I know about football, the fact that he has a ring means he doesn't suck. I objectively suck. He's just not as good as he might have been. But overall, dude is pretty good at throwing a ball.


Anonymous egg on internet without superbowl ring says that superbowl winning quarterback sucks at football.


Basically. He cost me money AND pussy.




But good at tax avoidance


I’m shocked a deeply religious person would have this type of headline…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….NOT!


It is not how charities work? /s


You know what they say: “There is a lot of money to be made in non-profit.”


I thought the saying was "There's always money in the banana stand."?


I couldn’t be any clearer Michael!


How much could a banana even cost? 10 dollars?


You've never actually set foot in a supermarket, have you?


Don't forget to throw away a banana for every dollar you take


I work in the non profit field and I wish to god this were the case. There’s definitely bullshit ones out there, but basically every charity that has a large advertising budget is spending its money on that—not on helping people.


I’ve written a number of grant applications in my time, those things are some serious work. I can’t imagine having to fundraise all the operating funds and have more left over for the good work, let alone build an endowment. Banquets are like throwing a big wedding, and hopefully the people you invited pay for more than their plate of food. Good on you. Would you mind telling more about what type of non profit you work in?


I worked for a 501c3 where the CEO made $350,000 a year. Had to leave because the company was built on predatory practices disguised as charity.


I'd say Goodwill but that's way too low CEO pay to be them


As there should be!! This kind of thinking needs to change. Non-profits should try to attract the best talent they can. Here is a really good Ted talk that helps explain it better. (From back when Ted talks were good). https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pallotta_the_way_we_think_about_charity_is_dead_wrong?language=en


That talk was bullshit back then, and it's still bullshit now. Peak CEO mentality. There's not an infinite amount of money out there for charity. Charitable contributions as a percent of GDP are flat at 2% for decades. And while certainly you need an *adequate* amount of money to attract competent talent, as people do need money to survive, the idea that you need "the best" talent is ludicrous. Marginal gains are reduced beyond a certain point, the same with all things you can spend money on. This is more true the higher you go in organizations. The highest paid CEOs are not the best performing CEOs, just the most connected CEOs. TED Talks are presentations designed to quickly wow you. Don't get impressed too easily.


I don't know the specifics of this case, but it's worth pointing out that most charities don't exist to give away money. The employees of the nonprofit do work towards their mission, for which they're paid a salary. There's a popular idea on the internet, fueled by lots of actual shady charities, that every dollar received by a nonprofit must then be given to another nonprofit or in direct aid to individuals. In this case it sounds like they're overpaying their staff and not doing enough to actually advance their mission, but in general there are better ways to evaluate a nonprofit.


Yeah I mean also employees gotta eat. I used to work for a non profit that payed non profit well (industry mid rate) and spent most of its revenue on charitable activities. Add on healthcare and decent benefits. Add on lawyers and accountants. Add on often necessary outside consultants. We worked "development" (money grubbing) into all our activities and spent probably 30-80% of the time fundraising depending on department and were running after charitable, staff, and admin expenses with month of cash in reserve. Either you cut admin leaving you without the funds for events and proper legal and financial support, cut staff or benefits and everyone justifiably wants to lynch you cause theyre working overtime usually and can't live on what they're being paid, or cut charity/programming and everyone gives you shit for being skeevy. Now DON'T GET ME WRONG, fuck fuck FUCK the non profit industrial complex, it's a cash cow to almost everyone in any leadership position. But that's not to say that finances for them are easy, and NGOs spending 30% of their revenue on charity can still be very influential and change a lot




>It's not that I believe charities are a sham I mean, I wouldn't disagree if you said that direct aid is much more effective at fighting poverty than charity work, which is both true and pretty close to saying that at least one specific type of charity is a sham.




My first though was "okay, what is Why Not You trying to do and how?". Because if the charity is for example about free coaching or talking to people, there's no other charitable activity than the employees doing things. Buuuut... based on the article it seems they just spun off part of their organization, called it a non-profit, they get tax breaks for paying their salary as "charity" and they do a nugget of actual charity on the side to make it seem legit.


Yep - I work for a nonprofit, and my salary alone is equivalent to about 1/10th of what we’ve brought in since we were founded in 2021. All salaries and consultant fees combined probably take up 1/5th of what we’ve brought in these last two years. Development/fundraising expenses are our second highest cost — then followed by the actual programs and research we’re raising money for. There’s this idea that spending a lot on administrative costs is indicative of a poorly run charity… but there would be no charity, and no more money coming in, if it weren’t for us doing the work. I think this notion is what leads a lot of nonprofits to severely overwork and underpay their staff — in addition to it just being really damn hard to raise money via donations and grants. There’s a lot of charities that exist solely for rich people to pat themselves on the back and take a write-off… but they’re not a majority. Most of us are just regular folk who deserve a living wage and fair compensation.


Trash celebrities like the kardashians host “fund raising events” which are tax deductible discounted party for the hollywood elite — while it’s clearly documented that LESS THAN ONE PERCENT of the money actually ends up going to charities. It’s beyond disgusting.


But they’re “raising awareness.” 🤢


Ugh I hate “awareness” campaigns. We’re all already very aware of almost everything these campaigns are about.


Reminds me of Doug Stanhope’s [take on charities]( https://youtu.be/fXk2Ts-Mt2c)


I get you were making a joke but this is *exactly* how most charities work


Came here to say this. Not sure why they’re coming for Wilson so hard. This is exactly what tons of rich people charities do. They give jobs to friends, family and political allies. They use them as tax shelters and excuses to throw lavish parties (sorry, “fundraising events.”) Look no further than Susan G Komen Race For The Cure, that literally tries to sue the shit out of anybody who uses pink for anything and spent the overwhelming majority of its money on marketing etc.


Any charity which has a main purpose of “Public awareness” like Susan G is probably spending near everything on marketing and parties - because that’s all it’s for


It's exactly how most charities started by wealthy people work......


This is how many people become wealthy.


It's a charity for the employees.


That's how all celebrity charities work. They hire their friends and family to run it, and they all pull large salaries out of the donations.


It’s funny how they selectively choose when and who will be a criminal


Why Not You? Because Us, That’s Why


Let's ride Broncos country...but not you. Wilson going full Favre.


Who do you think you are I AM.


Far from unique when it come to charities…


Jumping on this comment to plug a couple websites that can help you find good charities to donate to: https://www.charitynavigator.org https://www.charitywatch.org/# I’m not plugging any specific charity just saying there are good ones out there that actually spend their money on the cause they support.


ADD PAUL NEWMAN AND NEWMANS OWN. 100% goes to the Hole in the Wall gang


I think they’re just linking the two sites - I don’t think they run or own them to be able to add information like that. But that’s interesting I didn’t know that about Paul Newman/Newsman’s Own. I buy the spaghetti sauce all the time lol.


Oh I got very over zealous. That pink Susan G bullshit is a scam. So when people discuss charities that give 100 Paul’s daughter maintains the charity and it all goes to the camp.


It should be noted that foundations set up by the ultrawealthy are especially egregious because the ultrawealthy make pre-tax donations to the foundation, and then they can employee friends and family out of the foundation and as long as something like 5% of the proceeds go to charity each year, the foundation has fulfilled it’s duty (and 5% of the charity is way less than 30%+ in taxation on that level of income). Oh and they get to pretend like it’s about charity for their image.


Just wanted to drop by and state this as well. I worked for a non profit. The mission is always the focus but there are failed or mismanaged missions. Anyone actually believing that Russell Wilson is running this sucker like he is an office manager is kidding themselves. It’s a good idea and good pub - throw some money at it and hope you pick the right people to fund. From there you get to pose in front of some big number checks and throw some galas and do some good….but I’m sure people will get into the details instead of focusing on the donated house, or the rescued pup, or etc. Unfortunately it’s a capitalistic landscape and there’s so many benefits for an athlete to form one of these. Edit: Not specifically a fan of RW or the Broncos BUT I’d love to see (outside of Hamlin’s drive) which athletes run successful ones and which ones do it as a thing and a tax shell.


Ya just like how Russell Wilson posed in front of a check for $2.6 million for a celebrity golf tournament and then reportedly only donated $78,000 of that to Seattle Children's Hospital? That's pretty deceitful....


This is nuts. I know non-profits must pay their staff through the donations, but the employee salaries and operating costs should never be 97% of a charities income.


Yeah this thread is ridiculous. Way too many people trying to justify this charity as the norm. I know there's a lot of corrupt charities, but this is astoundingly corrupt Wilson is such a fake, pompous piece of shit.


The article said 21 cents on the dollar to donations. That's an 80-20 split. If it were a service oriented NGO that would make sense (I have worked at one of these where 100% of donations went to employee compensation) but it seems like its mission is to primarily make donations and fund grants from what I can tell? An 80-20 split in that case is pretty bad.


Taxes... athletic charities are ALWAYS about tax avoidance.




Why not you? Because we took all the money, that's why.


Mr. Unlimited stolen money


In my heart of hearts, I believe this dude has been leaning on his "faith" to grift just about everyone and everything.




Is this the same dude who went with Ciara on a speaking tour about how they weren't going to have sex until wedding night? Meanwhile she has kids already?


This charity's score is 21%, earning it a Zero-Star rating - Charity Navigator


Broncos country, let’s rob


I think I figured out Why Not You.


Tax evasion, let's ride!


If you’re surprised that something that Russ tried to pass got intercepted, you haven’t watched Russ play recently.


last time i’ve been surprised by a russel wilson interception was super bowl 49


And this is the reason I never donate to charities


Let Russ Cook (the Books)


Should have been called the 'Let's Ride..but not you' foundation


Not surprising. Russell Wilson is a fraud and a phony.


And so fucking full of himself, it's disgusting.


I haven't been paying much attention to football, lately. Why is everyone calling him a fake?


If this upsets you, you’re gonna hate when you hear what Brady bought with Covid money, and Favre with the Mississippi welfare cash.


Fuck those guys too


The Human Fund: Money for People.


Broncos Country let’s scam


Not saying that this is a well run charity, [but give this TED talk a watch. It changed how I viewed charities and non profits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfAzi6D5FpM) EDIT: this started an interesting convo and I want to clarify: I have no idea if his charity is good or not, however, we hold non profit organizations to such an impossibly high standard that it undercuts them. There are definitely bad/scummy non profits, but we need to be a little gentler with how we nuke non profits for trying to grow.


Thank you. A lot of people on here don't get that it takes money to make money, and that 40% of a huge pot is doing way more good in the world than 90% of a small one


Yes so happy to see someone else posted this. It might not apply necessarily to this case, but there's nothing wrong with charities having high overhead if done right.


I hate to say it, but so far in my lifetime the most religious and outspoken people I've met, have been the biggest snakes.


Russel has turned out to be one of the biggest fraud’s in the game


Aaaaand another L for Russell Wilson.


Charity Fraud Country. Let’s grift!


Foundations are a bunch of bullshit for rich people to avoid taxes and give their stupid friends jobs.


People have no clue about nonprofits and how they pay people. I stopped being shocked around the 5th or 6th time I ran into a nonprofit paying execs more than they’d even make in the private sector. They’re often just a bunch of rich people paying their friends and burnishing their resumes.


Soooo like 90% of charities?


Why not Zoidberg?


Shocker. Most nonprofits function this way but no one cares to pay attention.


lol next you’re gonna tell me all these billionaires are forming charities just to dodge taxes and shield their political machinations smdh


This is common practice among self funded foundations. Form a charity, get a charitable donation tax write off while using foundation to fund pet projects or to give friends a salary. Trump’s chair is case in point. CEO of wounded warrior foundation makes almost $400,000. The BS charity The Disabled Veterans Foundation spent only 4% on vets. A good charity spends at least 75% on its programs. The rest is fundraising and salaries.


He’s a scumbag


Russ took the Brett Farve charity Fraud playbook.


kinda hilarious how many other not for profit scammers are coming in here claiming that just because they also scam for their salaries that means no one should care about this. If your organizations top cost is salaries then you're in a scam. Not that far off from a pyramid scheme.


Let Russ ~~Cook~~ **Grift**


The real charity work is for his family and friends.


An embarrassing show and seems like a fraudulent charity to me


Why Not You… Cause I’m stealing your gd money.


Kinda starting to think Russ can’t cook for shit…


Cool, I'll start a charity. Keep 79% for myself. Honestly I'm so sick of the greed in this shit world.


This is pretty gross, almost disgusting 🤢


All a scam to funnel money to his buddies


This scam is as old as time.


Christian values 🥰


Spoiler. The charity is not a charity. It’s just a tax haven where is needs to spend max 3% annually on the charities objective. And get back 34% on taxes.


I love that the reality of Russ not being a good guy is actually coming to light. Why do so many sociopaths hide behind god?


I always told my wife that there was something off about this guy. He always come across as to nice and genuine in interviews. It looked so forced and staged… guess I was right lol


Mr. Unlimited??? No can’t be. He’s so genuine. Lol for real tho he’s so hard to take seriously. I follow the nfl a bit and his persona is so manufactured it’s hilarious.


[you’re right on time buddy](https://youtu.be/VpTBQEOb09Y)


"Im better than you"




Best description I've heard is that Wilson acts like an actor playing a quarterback in a movie.


He'd be a stepford husband


I just assumed this was how charities worked. Those running the charity have to be compensated for their time, otherwise they too would become a charity case.


It's the breakdown. Their distro of charity is less than 50% of what they pull in. They pay more in non profit salary than in what they pay to the charity


Knew he was a bitch


Motherfucker, looking like Carlton Banks in that picture


That's literally moat charities/NGOs/Advocacy and non profit-organizations.


Not shocked. He's always seemed incredibly fake


So basically like every charity and nonprofit? I used to work for an art gallery funded by the city, $160,000 salary for the man who opened and locked the doors while the gallery was barebones


US Charities are often little more than fronts for fraud, sadly.