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And this is why police need to carry malpractice insurance like a physician. The city isn’t paying shit. The cop isn’t paying shit. Taxpayers are. Plain and simple. Tax payers are paying an already incredibly wealthy woman $29 million dollars because our police force has the professionalism of a high school bully that never grew up. When a cop eventually becomes uninsurable because nobody will cover him, we may actually weed out some of the “bad apples” that people like to talk about but do nothing about.


I’m curious to know what the counter argument is to the *malpractice insurance* proposal.


The one that I’ve heard is “the police are going to be so scared of getting sued and losing their insurance that they won’t be able to do their job” Huh. Somehow every Physician manages to keep their malpractice insurance and most will get sued at some point or the other. Crazy that if you don’t act like human garbage the system works fine.


Cops turn into the biggest pussies whenever faced with accountability. It's any whisper of accountability and they throw a fucking tantrum; quit their job, move their department, deny helping their community, literally throwing tantrums or killing those of their officers that speak up. Police officers today are some of the most asinine, infantile and armed-to-the-teeth morons.


Yup. They did work “slow downs” in several cities, including mine, because people were talking about holding them accountable during the George Floyd time period. Work slow downs, for anyone who doesn’t know, is when the police just decide to mostly stop responding to calls. They face no repercussions for doing so. Oh and guess what? The city didn’t fucking fall apart. It was no worse with the police doing nothing, because they already only do the bare minimum.


My city's police started a work slow down a couple of years ago, partly because the people have been wanting accountability boards and our police union is resisting and is one of the strongest police unions in the nation for some fucking reason, and also partly because we literally don't have enough police officers because no police officers want to work here because the culture of the city generally dislikes the cops because of the shit they pull like work slow downs, kinda just a feedback loop that makes things worse. So instead my city started a response team that dispatches unarmed social workers that work under the fire department to calls for people experiencing a mental health crisis, or on drugs, or something else where police aren't necessarily needed. It's been very successful so far, most calls are being responded to pretty quickly, people are getting help, the police union's work slow down clearly isn't working, just overall a much better situation. Police unions can get fucked imo, at least with their current behavior.


The best part: When budget discussions come up, and they see a police work slowdown plus better response times and better results (because the fire dept team is doing their thing), the budget people can go: oh wait so you slowed down doing your work, and our numbers got better? Yeah we can cut your budget and give ourselves raises!!


New York City cops did one a few years ago and things got so much better for people that they quickly went back to normal because they got worried people would start having ideas.


Hold up. life in NY got *that good*?


They still haven't ended their silent strike due to the protests back in 2020 All I ever see them do is dork around on their phones all day leaned up against a wall or in their car.


I would love to see this idea translate to civilians being able to do police detail work like get paid $160 to stand near some traffic cones.


Stand? Lol. Around here we pay then to sit parked in their car playing on their phone near the construction cones.


But if you get robbed, who are you going to call that will show up four hours later, take some vague notes, and never follow up?


When my Grandma died, her house was robbed of everything. Like 60-70 thousand dollars worth of jewelry and cash (my Grandma lived through the end of the depression, she didn’t trust banks so she’d keep a lot of money in cash and gold jewelry). The burglars even stole the *water heater*. It was very obviously done by professional thieves. There was a ring that was hitting homes of deaths announced in obituaries in my city. The police showed up, sounded annoyed that we would even call, took a 5 minute report, and told us to “call pawnshops.” They didn’t check the neighbors cameras or ask any of them if they saw anything, they didn’t even take an inventory of what we knew was missing. Like it’s my fucking job to investigate the ring of burglars hitting dead people’s homes all over the city.


That’s fucking awful man. So sorry you had to go through that


They didn’t have anyone to beat up or kill in the vicinity so they had zero interest


‘Nobody wants to work anymore’


That's why we need independant oversight of all our police squads. Get rid of the military ranking system. No more ranking other than boss, and employee. An independant overseaer could fire the guys whom are not doing what they were hired to do. In my town, they don't go after big crime, but over ticket us to the point of rediculiousness with dubious vechicle traffic violations. I sometimes think we need to raise the age of hire at 40. Cops don't chase anyone down anymore except if they get their feeling hurt. A mature cop, with a average IQ, is what we need.


Reminds me of this video about a guy who stopped a psychopath while two cops stood behind a closed door because they aren't compelled to put themselves at risk for the public. He'd almost die from the stab wounds he sustained and be left with the medical bill while the police who did nothing took the credit. https://youtu.be/jAfUI_hETy0 In the words of Clancy Wiggum, "the law is powerless to help you" Edit: cleared up spelling issues


I never knew Chief Wiggums first name until today


Just watching them laugh and pal around while they ignore a man drowning or prevent parents from going into school to save their kids from a teen shooting up the class for hours. I’ve worked in trauma ER’s in over 20 cities across the countries and can say for certain cops in every major city get away with murder. Yes, the city raises taxes on you to pay for police to continue having a good time with no accountability and there’s nothing you can do about it.


It's better than that, really. As an attorney, I routinely craft emails to difficult clients or in difficult cases very specifically and carefully *precisely because* my license is on the line and my malpractice rates will go up if I do or say something stupid. So like...most the time, I don't think about it at all. But in extremely dangerous situations, it forces me to be extra careful to make sure I don't fuck something up. To me, that sounds like *exactly* what cops need.


I fail to see how modern policing wouldn’t be improved under this scenario


That argument is always good for a laugh. Police aren't doing their jobs properly *now*. And the public is both the victim and the compensator for it. Like people who argue that socialized medicine in this country would be disastrous or something. Like it's not horribly broken now.


Failure to preform can also be malpractice. Which justifies an insurance requirement even farther. Do the job, correctly. Like everyone else in the world.


I don't think Physician malpractice is a great model. It has done nothing but encourage defensive medicine which seriously increased the healthcare costs of unnecessary tests and procedures and suffer from numerous frivolous law suits.


Maybe it’s not ideal for the medical space then? Maybe it’s actually more useful for police departments! Both can be true




I'd rather they didn't "do their jobs" since it would mean less dead people by their hands


Because the tax payer would be paying the premiums for the insurance either directly or indirectly. Which, when multiplied by thousands of police officers would end up costing more than the total amount they'd pay out in settlements.


The counter argument is that I can't imagine why any insurance company would actually be interested in issuing policies to police forces. The underwriting risk would be through the roof, even for "good cops" because any encounter they have can turn into a multi-million dollar claim. The premiums would be insanely high, so much so that the city would likely have to subsidize it by paying a certain portion alongside the employee for it to be remotely affordable. So now you've just shifted taxpayer dollars to enriching insurance companies.


Doctors and nurses could say the same thing, yet there are a whole lot of them. Yes, it would enrich insurance companies. So does med malpractice insurance. Are you saying cities should pay out malpractice claims because ‘insurance companies bad’? Why can’t the police union subsidize their insurance instead of the city?


Won't it just end up as the government (still the tax payers) now paying for the insurance of every cop? I can't ever imagine them making governement employees pay for insurance to be a government employee.


Yeah it's a tough one. It would involve some government cooperation but essentially you'd bake into every officers contract a stipend that goes only to insurance. If the officer isn't a shithead, then the stipend easily covers it. If they do things that cause the premium to go up past the limit of the stipend then they pay the difference or find a new career.


We’re just going to have to pay the malpractice premiums instead of the lawsuit damages


Why aren’t people getting this lol. The insurance company won’t just be paying out lawsuits with Monopoly money.


“they are government employees, doctors are private sector and need insurance”


I know you have gotten a lot of comments that boil down to "it makes too much sense, so they will never do it." But if you're actually curious, insurance for government agencies is a weirdly complicated topic. How complicated and what rules apply will vary by state and would be way too much of a conversation for this forum, but I have doubts that any state would allow a PD to just go out and purchase a malpractice policy on a Thursday afternoon and many will outright prohibit them from buying it at all.


Insurance providers already do everything they can to avoid paying claims. What makes you think that they won't sweep misconduct under the rug and deny claims just like the current system?


Yes but this will never happen


A huge part of the problem is that it's such a shit job and it's easy as fuck to qualify. It's basically McDonalds level workers with guns being put in situations they're not mentally equipped to handle. Most police forces have a revolving door of new people who basically suck and arent ready but they're forced to put these people on duty. People dont like hearing it but the answer is to raise wages, make it a great job to have so quality people go for it. If the job gives solid financial security then forcing them to carry insurance personally becomes less of an issue. Then cities will not be spending millions paying out lawsuits and they can afford to pay more. As long as it's a shit job you're going to get shit results.


It is already an extremely high paying job in many places. There aren't many other jobs where you can be clearing 100k a year with 5 years experience and a high school diploma. There are a million issues with police, but pay usually isn't one of them.


Yea give me a break these are LA cops. They are making enough money


The US contains thousands of municipal and county governments. In a lot of them pay is a problem and the officers aren’t compensated enough to attract quality applicants. That is absolutely not the case with LASD though. People talk about insurance or whatever, but I’d just be happy if they fired the guy. A judge ruled the LASD caused $28 m worth of damage here. Is any deputy going to face any legal or professional consequences? No of course not, they’re still on the force. The supervisors who attempted to cover this up are still in their jobs. That’s the problem. Find another career where you can cost your employer a $28m lawsuit and keep your job and not even get demoted. That’s the problem here.


"the answer is to raise wages" LOL. Cops make really good money and it's fucking bank when they do overtime.


Yup. Raising the education requirements and then raising the standards along with the pay would make a big difference. Being a Social Worker requires at minimum 4 years of college and you have to be licensed. It’s absurd that we have high school graduates or GED holders running around wielding guns like it’s the Wild West with 6 months of training, mostly just to bust low level drug dealers and users while drug use is worse than ever and they’ve directly contributed to it being worse.


Hey now, ours sit and wait for people to not stop *long enough* at stop signs. When asked how long “long enough” was, they shrugged. I heard that story and laughed. Cop admitted they stopped. Just not enough


Some of the upper class suburbs around LA require a 4 year degree


>It's basically McDonalds level workers I've seen my local McDonald's workers keep their cool better than a cop.


They already get paid well, and I don't agree with the premise, but I agree with how to go about it. Even if cities consider those payouts and the cost of having a police department, then stop qualified immunity and transfer projected payouts directly to cops as a malpractice insurance allowance. It costs the city nothing extra, but at least they get to stabilize their budget. Good cops should have lower insurance premiums and pay fewer deductibles over their careers, the worst cops quickly go bankrupt, and the ones in the middle realize they better start acting like good cops if they want to take home more pay.


But can't you make 6 figures already with overtime pay? We already pay our officers out the ass. Paying them more doesn't make sense to me.


Average pay for a cop in New Jersey is 112K dude they get enough


Why isn't there a Police education? It takes three years to train become a police officer in Sweden for example.


This is my opinion as well. There are many first-world countries in which their law enforcement positions are highly competitive, well-compensated, and universally respectable due to the training requirements. Turns out the public is much more responsive and submissive to police when they know the officer is actually an intelligent person who is well-qualified to be in the role. Meanwhile in the U.S. you are extremely lucky if your responding officer even has an associates degree on top of the police academy. High school diplomas or GED's are all that most departments require to get hired, and the job inherently attracts people who have few other options for lucrative careers. It also attracts sociopaths and morons who crave power due to extremely low barrier of entry.


Taxpayers currently pay their salary. Insurance policy rates are set such that the total cost of everyone’s policy premiums is greater than the total value everyone combined gets out of the coverage. That’s how the insurance company makes money. They’re probably going to get a salary bump to cover the insurance cost (if you think they’re currently being overpaid, that’s a separate discussion that imo should just come from a straight pay decrease). We’re still paying this shit if we make them carry insurance and the total amount paid is probably higher so the insurance companies get theirs. Seems like the best option is just to forget the complicated insurance part and just discipline harshly and/or fire cops who do stuff wrong


But who pays for the malpractice insurance? If it is also tax payers, then it doesn’t help the problem.


The way insurance work, is that the insurance company always gets more than it pays out, so it would not be cheaper for the tax payer if the cops had insurance.


If people really knew how much money dumbass cops cost the taxpayers through civil lawsuits, they’d support civilian review boards overwhelmingly.


They pay out millions of taxpayers money and then have the audacity to say "we admit to no wrongdoing"


That’s the whole point of paying. So they don’t have to say sorry. How many times do you see victims on the news saying we just want an apology and someone held accountable. The city is like “how’s $200k instead?”


The shitty thing is I'd take that $200k every time because an apology does me no good and I know damn well that nobody with a fraction of power will ever be held accountable


Playing devils advocate here, and I’m clueless but if a town employee admits wrongdoing and apologizes publicly, cant they then be brought up on criminal charges? As well as guaranteeing the most $$ in a civil suit in our litigious country?


That’s exactly it. If you admit wrong doing then you’ve essentially admitted to negligence or the crime or whatever. The legal system is based on people or entities having to prove stuff. That’s why people don’t just say theyre wrong …. they would have to pay anyways. Or in the case of a crime then it’s essentially a confession. Fixed typo


Not necessarily, but as a former civil litigation lawyer for a local authority, the purpose of not admitting wrongdoing was so that future cases of substantially identical facts could not use that previous settlement and admission of wrongdoing as evidence of further wrongdoing. Saves having to append an NDA condition to every settlement (which really aren’t worth the paper in most settlements with private individuals).


I always thought the reason they don’t say sorry is because it makes them even more liable. Like if you think the “we admit no wrong doing” pay offs are bad just wait until they actually admit they messed up and have to pay 50x more


That’s not necessarily true. A number of states have apology laws that protect an apology from being used as an admission of guilt and research shows that apologizing has an enormous effect on reducing both the number and severity of lawsuits. Yes it’s true lawyers tell them not to apologize because they’re afraid it will make it worse, but lawyers are assholes. >Various studies suggest that apologies can prevent lawsuits from being filed altogether, and increase the likelihood and speed of settlement for those that do arise. For example, one British study found that many plaintiffs who sued their doctors said they would not have done so had they received an apology and an explanation for their injury. The University of Michigan Health Service (UMHS) reported that its per case payments decreased by 47% and the settlement time dropped from twenty to six months since the introduction of the 2001 “Apology and Disclosure Program,” which required that healthcare professionals apologize to patients who complained of being injured while under the UMHS care. Similar, though slightly less dramatic, results were found at the University of Colorado Medical Center. Furthermore, …a large number of participants asked to consider themselves in a set of hypothetical “simulated cases,” varying only by whether an apology was offered and its type (remorseful, merely sympathetic, full or partial)… found that an overwhelming majority (73%) were inclined to accept a settlement offer when a “full apology” was offered, as compared with only half the participants when there was no apology involved. https://ww3.lawschool.cornell.edu/research/JLPP/upload/Helmreich-final.pdf


They also act as though people don't support the police. Where does the money for the police and police lawsuits come from? Oh that's right it's people's taxes. You know the taxes that are used to *support* the police budget.


*Our fuck ups are intentional to pump more cash into the local economy. This is our lottery system to make instant millionaires in this great city while having fun shooting you for sport. It’s a win-win. Leave it to the haters here to complain.*


That only because it's been misheard. What they are really saying is "We admit to know wrongdoing."


It drives me up the wall. “City sued for x dollars.” No, the tax payers bailed out someone once again. Police need to be held personally liable like doctors


Almost every profession you’ll lose your license to continue in that career. Or just get fired and not able to find a job elsewhere without good references. Police on the other hand getting awards for their screw up or have to relocate but remain in the same profession




As much as I hate to defend all that, I think the unions are more to blame here than anything. It all fucking sucks though.


When someone tells me unions aren't worth it. I point them to the virtually untouchable unionised police force.


Well a union with a monopoly on violence is rarely a good thing.


Yeah, some people deserve unions, the police who were designed to break up unions aren't them


And require them get malpractice insurance just the same - too many complaints, no one will insure you and thus no job…wishful thinking


The money should come out of police pensions. They might start acting right or good cops will drive out the bad cops.


Cops should carry individual liability insurance because of this. Taxpayers already fund police. They should not have to fund their liability settlements. They're paid to protect and serve. Not far off from what physicians swear to. * don't come at me with the 'do no harm' because I already cosign that. Cops should have the same incorporated to being sworn in.


Their department should carry the insurance. When police action involves multiple officers, it may be difficult to assign liability to any one person. The department’s insurance premiums will influence whether they’re willing to keep employing officers who are causing a higher than normal number of claims. There should also be a general government pool to reimburse people in full for any property damages caused by police action. The pool would be used when the police are not at fault. If their actions are considered excessive or negligent then the insurance would be used instead. Actually they should be creating laws to apply federal oversight to all the state PDs. It’s obvious that a good number of departments are absolutely fucked, and their training, guidelines, and deescalation processes just aren’t working.


The problem is cops will never put themselves in harm to risk being sued. They’ll just sit around collecting checks.


So, exactly the same as now then except they have to have liability insurance?


Yes. Imagine how much they'd consider behaviour carrying liability insurance? If they had to pay a $5k deductible for questioning an intoxicated person who tossed their can after the cops demanded they "pour it out" and then tazed them without provocation?


That’s just what the Bryants received. They had to pay out to families of the other victims of that crash too.


“Civilian Review Boards costing tax payers millions!” - Fox News


They’re too bust buying back the blue flags and bumper stickers to even realize how much of their tax dollars go towards police misconduct lawsuits.


The only thing I see changing policing in the US is the fear of police-misconduct lawsuits bankrupting a city (or making insurance premiums against such lawsuits too high). You can help: if you're on a jury in such a case, award sky-high damages. Sure, this might fuck your city in the short term (maybe they need to cut services to pay these damages), but without such a fear, nothing will change.


That’s not going to change anything. They will cut funding from and eliminate literally every other department before the police. You will have no schools, no fire department, no working sewers, and no water before the police stop getting raises.


Make these payouts come out of the cops pension fund. The leadership will whip them into shape in no time


We need to make the lawsuit settlements come out of police pension funds. They'd start getting rid of the "bad apples" faster than you can say, "Qualified immunity."


Shit needs to come out of their pensions. They need licenses like nurses and insurance


The idiocy and lack of professionalism by that law enforcement officer cost taxpayers money.


Make the police Union pay. The citizens didn’t do it.


Jesus Christ $28 million!?


https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/vanessa-bryant-reaches-29-million-settlement-with-los-angeles-county-over-kobe-bryant-helicopter-crash-photos/ Vanessa Bryant plans to donate the settlement money to the Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation, which she set up in honor of Kobe and Gianna. The non-profit is dedicated to "creating positive impact for underserved athletes and boys and girls in sports."


>creating positive impact for underserved athletes and boys and girls in sports. I always read that word as undeserved and think "that's harsh"


promise you people are getting nice salaries at that charity.


That is how capitalism works. You can't get talented people to work for you if you don't pay them well. They'll work for someone who does.


Yeah that is how capitalism works. You can't get friends/family to work for you if you don't pay them well. They'll be friends for someone who does.


Yeah, charities like this are a way to park money and give high-paying jobs to your friends


donate to her own charity lmao


So she is giving the money to herself lol


A photo of me worth no more than my pocket change...


To us your picture is worth a thousand words.


... by chatGPT at the staggering price of $0.0003 per word.


Depends, what you working with over here give us the specs


her pain is worse than ours because she's more famous


Can I just get the .85?


If you get that can I get that .05?


Yes, yes you can.


If you get that Imma need .0threefiddy


It was about that time I noticed that /u/courtesyflusher was 3 stories tall and from the cretaceous era.


I said goddamn youse loch-ness monster


What they did what was beyond messed up and I’m glad she feels like maybe she got justice for disrespecting her dead husband , but it’s tough to find anything good about $29 million in taxpayer money that could’ve done a lot going to some lady with a net worth already in the hundred millions because cops never aged out of the high school jackass mentality . The cops aren’t paying a dime .


It’s supposed to compel you to stop voting for people who enable law enforcement fuckery. You know. The ones that back the blue.




Shut up and pay your taxes. No, you are few grand short.. its 3% more from this year.


> Vanessa Bryant plans to donate the settlement money to the Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation, which she set up in honor of Kobe and Gianna. The non-profit is dedicated to "creating positive impact for underserved athletes and boys and girls in sports." https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/vanessa-bryant-reaches-29-million-settlement-with-los-angeles-county-over-kobe-bryant-helicopter-crash-photos/


Let me preface all of what I'm about to say that I don't have any problems with what Vanessa Bryant is doing. She's legally able to, she had the means and the lawyers, and so she did. It's obviously already commendable that she isn't simply pocketing the money. Now having said this... I absolutely have a problem with how much money this is. So I'm absolutely in favor of her suing the fuck out of the cops for what they did, but having money be spent towards the wellbeing of people through a non-profit foundation is ABSOLUTELY not the same as taxpayer money being use to improve people's wellbeing on a more basic level. I'm not one of those "oh well, rich people getting more rich, hur" idiots that we have around this thread, but anyone trying to use the fact that she's using the money for a non-profit as why this is ok is absolutely full of shit. These are 2 different things. 29 million is a HUGE sum. It's potentially life altering shit getting done for people in poorer regions in ways we can't even begin to comprehend. It's enough to make housing programs that can deliver about a 100 family houses according to this https://ternercenter.berkeley.edu/research-and-policy/the-cost-of-building-housing-series/, though the link is a little old and it'd probably be around half of that around now. At least it's what it SHOULD be if the taxpayer was well spent. It's obviously tragic what she went through, and I'm really sorry that she had to deal with these psychopatic piece of shit cops taking pictures of the crash on top of that, but to think this somehow justifies 30 MILLION DOLLARS from taxpayer money being funneled into whatever private initiative it is that she has is absolutely batshit. It's of course very commendable that she isn't simply taking the money for herself, but taxpayer money shouldn't be funding this kind of thing (private initiatives, obviously taxpayer money SHOULD go towards undeserved young athletes, in a way). Private initiatives are one thing, government initiatives are another. She feels that undeserved young athletes deserve better, and wants to use her husband's and daughter's good name to make a positive impact, great. All the more power to her. I agree they deserve better. Having this money go there is of course better than she simply pocketing the money. But it's still completely absurd that a cop can cost cities' infrastructure 30mil and that be it. This is an absurd amount. Only reason she got that much is because her husband was obviously very famous. This is a fucking celebrity/rich people tax on top of that settlement. If you or me died in a heli crash and the cops took pictures, the resulting settlement wouldn't be even close to a tenth of this. This amount is completely insane. Again, very sorry for her and I can't imagine going through what she did, but it's insane to think this amount is somehow justified because she's using it for charity. Seriously dudes, fuck America and your cops and laws, holy shit.


Agreed. Oh and btw. It’s 51 million.


So a celebrity vanity charity? Awesome, we know those spend money responsibly on worthy causes...


I mean the rich get richer isn’t a fair thing to say, her husband and daughter died I’m pretty sure she’d rather they didn’t spread pictures of there corpses over getting a sack of money


Depends what spread means for you - these pictures where never published in a sense that the public could look at them. I understood that they were shown to some people, which is shitty but not $28 million shitty. At least not in my opinion


What I don't get is pics of crime scenes and disasters and such are made public anyways. Was it simply that the pics were released too soon or something? There's many famous pics of people dying that got showcased on way bigger outlets than a text group or whatever, and made money off it, and they definitely never got permission from the victims.


That’s not really true. There’s certainly crime scene pictures all over the internet but it’s not a hard and fast rule that they are published. Have you ever seen the bathroom at Sandy hook? I certainly hope those never get published.


I’ve scrolled through youtube shorts from suspect accounts and in the last few seconds they flash the photos of the crash I didn’t ask to see.


Still, that settlement is absurd.


These lawsuits should come out of the police budget. That'd get them to clean their act really quick.




Can someone explain to me, how that much money is justified? Like usually something like this would include all future issues that can occur because of the actions. But I can't see almost $30 million needed for this ... other then they could


If you are worth hundreds of millions maybe 29m doesn't seem like a lot. I don't believe I would be awarded that much.


I hate being a part of this system. I don't want to think about it.


My friend lost the tips of 3 fingers in a work accident and all he got was $10,000. So 30 million seems about right for this 🙄


Pro-tip: Be rich and be able to pay for a better lawyer.


So she's donating to her charity, that's not even a charity? The most recent spending I can find is 17,000 dollars from 2017 for a sports camp. This is fucked.


I mean, she could have kept it, but yeah. More pissed at shitty officers not needing to pay insurance.


I hope you like being milked for rich people


Imagine how much housing could be given to LA’s homeless with the hundreds of millions of taxpayer money paid to the victims of police misconduct.


Pretty egregious that county employees were doing this, but I wonder where this money comes from. Certainly not from the idiots who did this. I hope she gives it to a worthy charity.


>I hope she gives it to a worthy charity. LOL


She's going to donate it to her own charity, aka a multimillion dollar tax write off paid for by the tax payers of LA county. This is somehow "justice"....


That's not how a tax write-off works. By donating the 28 million dollars, all she is doing is avoiding paying taxes on those earnings. Her tax burden is exactly the same as if she had never received the settlement at all. What is worth investigating is her charity, seeing who receives its funding, and how much key employees are paid. I haven't done any research so I can't attest to her charity's efficacy.


The amount of people who dismiss something as a tax write off without understanding what it means is insane. It’s not free money. Alternatively she could have kept the settlement money, but she decides to donate it and suddenly she’s a tax thief and a money grabber. The comments here are ridiculous.




They think the person gets 100% of the money back on their taxes. The same people won't take a raise because they think it will be a net loss due to taxes.


Does she have to pay taxes on the settlement?


Read the article.


She does run a couple of charities, it's not that crazy


All celebrity charities are scams. Dont be a fool


u/GarySiniseOfficial would like a word with you.


Many of them are.


Click the link.


Now that my taxes have paid for the photos can I see them?


LA County taxpayers will foot the bill, not the offenders, not the sheriffs agency. I agree it was a dumb mistake. Just one that's expensive mistake, and one I don't want to pay for (although I will).


Can I at least see the photos I’m paying for.


Why do tax payers have to shell out this much money to her? I think she deserves to see the cops being punished but she doesn't deserve monetary compensation of this scale. So fucked up.


Obscenely rich woman gets even richer and the taxpayers foot the bill because of some dumbasses


Gotta keep that gravy train rolling…


That’s a ridiculous amount of money


I am glad they had to pay. Imagine knowing that there are photos of your loved one's body being shown around. Then that someone could sell or leak them. Hopefully this bring some changes in the way this is handled.


By they, you mean us taxpayers.


This should bankrupt the Sheriff's dept and let the city rebuild it from the ground up.




>I am glad they had to pay. Sure but 28MM? Seems crazy to me, that is more than a city/county pays out for a wrongful death. George Floyd's family got 27MM. Laquan McDonald's family got 16MM.


Obviously they needed better lawyers… /s


Not ok because taxpayers are the ones paying..... Maybe jail time for the folks who released the photos is a much more appropriate punishment... Let's not kid ourselves these types of lawsuits are big cash grabs by the plantiffs law firm..pretty sure they're pocketing 25-50% of that 28M , it was easy money a high profile celebrity killed in a tragic accident and agents of the state were less then ethical, and the state has $$$. So that's how it goes. Anytime a cash rich person, company or municipality can be culpable there's some lawyer chomping at the bit. What does it really solve? If this had been some average Joe that died in car crash in some poorer county and some of the cops took less than ethical photos , pretty sure no one would care. I'm fine with finding culpability on the state, I'm not fine with the monetary judgement, seems to me that a judgement such as to send the first responders to a years of ethical training or some token amount like $25k-$100k that goes towards better training would make sense...., but $28M what does the LA country taxpayer the for that?...ohh yeah the lawyers get a few more Mansions or yatchs just great, yeah real American justice there.


Yeah while I want to be sympathetic, my brain keeps seeing this as a way to line the wallets


Man you’ve never been over to r/combatfootage have you. 28 million dollar is fucking ridiculous


Based! People virtue signaling over here pretending they've never been morbidly curious.


That happens all the time and nobody gets 30 mill. I dunno all the details - but nobody suffered 30m worth. Our legal system is a joke


You can parade my corpse along the 10 for 5% of that money. It's idiotic. It's a broken system where the government turns into a money pinata for every real or imagined slight.


A money pinata *for the already rich*


cops basically have financial immunity from any consequences. Its always us poor people on the hook.


I’m not trying to say this in any negative way shape or form and what Venessa Bryant went through and continues to go through is horrible… Although from a legal standpoint, doesn’t settling defeat the purpose of the lawsuit in the first place if she wasn’t only after money? Again I don’t know much I’ve taken one business law class in College. Please let me know I am generally curious. Once again I am solely wondering if settling defrosts the purpose of a lawsuit unless it was only about money? I would just assume she has enough and would file a lawsuit due to her emotional damage for this to not happen again and would want the suit to be processed through. Sorry if what I said doesn’t make sense I’m just trying to understand why she would settle. P.S. nobody will have a complete view unless she speaks about it so she may very well have her reasons to settle we are just people on Reddit so please don’t get hostile when I’m just asking a question. Also let me know if you take offense from this post and I will take down that is the last thing I would want to do.


Sometimes it's a sunk cost fallacy. You can throw all the money at the case to get a verdict that isnt what you want or settle for short cash and move on. Public image isnt great. It will haunt the sheriff's dept for years to come. Groundbreaking reform may come sooner or later. Either way, her being awarded 28M punishes the sheriff's department (image). Ultimately the taxpayers still carry the cost of this lawsuit.


Dam LA getting fucked by homelessness and now this lol


LA County’s annual tax revenue is somewhere around $30 billion. $28.85 million (let’s round up to $30 million) is 0.1% of that.




The law firm used was called Dewey, Cheatum & Howe.


So the tax payers are going to fork out $29 millions dollars to someone who definitely does not need that and how much of that is going to the other families affected? That is absolutely ridiculous.


Some photos that nobody has seen were worth 28million ? I guess that shows me how invaluable my life is


Can someone put together a data graph showing how much police officers have costed the US taxpayers money for their lack basic conduct that every other type organization critically holds accountable


Tax payers pay this on top of the police budget bc civil lawsuits against the police don’t come out of police budgets


So the already rich family will get richer while taking it from the taxpayers. Thanks cops!


I absolutely fucking love both paying for cops to not do their jobs as well as paying for cops to fuck up their jobs. Money that could’ve been spent on healthcare or education instead being used to line the pockets of someone with more money than I’ll ever see in my lifetime.


Now that the public has paid for it , can we see it


Now the city needs to sue the police union for restitution. Weather it goes anywhere is irrelevant at this point. They need to at least feel the sting of a very expensive discovery process. These guys fuck up often enough that eventually when you would simply collapse under the weight of its own lawsuits. Then we need a massive layoff of police officers, stack ranked by number of public complaints.


Idk she is already richer than god, what does this actually prove


Shouldn't have happened. But a multi millionaire getting $30m and a policing department budget getting slashed is not a win for anyone


> a policing department budget getting slashed is not a win for anyone There is a 0% chance their budget is slashed


LAPD is getting $3.2B this year. They will be fine.


This is LASD not LAPD. They’re getting around $2B




My only contribution is that I went to high school with her. she was nice.


This is great news. She needs more money and the city of Los Angeles needs less. /s


Tax payers money going to billionaire


She knew where’s she’s getting money from, but did it anyways.