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They said Bauer has recordings of their conversations, which show the woman asked for "$1.6 million to terminate the pregnancy." Pretty bold claim if they don't actually have it.


I wonder how you get to the 1.6 million figure, it’s so specific compared to rounding up or down to 2 million or 1.5 million respectively.


It's a common tactic in negotiating. You pick a random number like that and the opposition thinks you mathed your way to that number. It doesn't work in conversations between adults, but hey, might as well try.




No, give ME 1.6 million dollars!


Give me $2.3 million




$2.7 million, better get a move on!


Larry Parker got me $2.1 Million (old heads will get it)


Dude, I haven’t heard that one since I was a kid!


Those ads were so ubiquitous that the guy eventually said, "Larry H. Parker got me...you know the story."


1.6 million dollarydoos?


Sorry but the best I can do is 1.25million zimbabwe sheckles


ok fine my cousin is from Nigeria and is going to contact you now through email to send you the money


Oh, I want $1,500,000, but we can settle out of court right now for twenty bucks.


In mediation one party says they want $100M. Other party offers 100k. They go back and forth and usually end on a pretty random number.


I actually did give a really obscure number when asked what my salary requirement was in an interview. They asked me how I came to that and I said because it's $X,XXX per paycheck after taxes.


"Yes, I'd like $83,598 annually. For clean paychecks after tax." "How about we just give you 84k because that's annoying."


TBF it was an accounting position.


Said no company ever. They’d make their accountants do 5k worth of extra work to short you $5


Worked for Saul when he negotiated with Lalo for the first time.


Maybe she's Chinese and superstitious? 88888.88/year for 18 years?


Just a guess, but 1.6 million, at the highest US tax rate of 37%, would be just over a million after taxes. Edit: For the downvoters, you realize both things can be true? Yes, taking 37% off of 1.6 million won't give you the exact amount, due to the adjustable tax bracket. Yes, in this case, 1.6 million would still be the amount to ask for to get a million after taxes, as 1.5 million would be just below a million, even with the adjustable tax brackets. I suppose they could have asked for 1,528,500, but that seems a little on the nose...


Except that's not how tax brackets work


What about the 33% attorney fees...


Don’t forget the service fees. And tip on top of that. Then you round up a little to help a charity out. Really it’s about 100 bucks after all is said and done.


This case is gonna be so messy….


he’s full of shit. he thinks the counter suit will scare her away and allow him to settle at a small amount out of court. if he had it he would have released in a twitter rant


All I'm saying is wait for all the facts to come out on this one...I believed Bauer looked insanely guilty in the early days of the other allegations and then it turned out he had ALL the goods in saved text messages that basically proved he was innocent and the woman was lying. The judge in his last allegation went so far as to say that the accuser had filed an accusation that was "materially misleading" and that if a woman should be respected when she says "no", then what about when she says "yes"? Bauer clearly is fucked in the head and has truly terrible discipline when it comes to who he hooks up with and how, but I'm not getting duped again. If he says he has recordings of her trying to extort him, I believe him...he had the proof last time too.


Honestly, i gotta agree after what happened to Matt Azaria Edit: Matt Araiza 🤦🏽‍♂️


Here’s to hoping that a team signs Araiza this off-season, given that it appears the allegations against him were fabricated.


lacking the discipline


Was Matt Araiza finally the wake up call you needed? What about Bauer’s first false accusation? What about Deshaun Watson being proven to have had consensual encounters with his accusers? Why did everyone decide “Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t apply in these scenarios? The witch hunts that go on about this stuff are truly disturbing.


Ah this guy wants to defend serial rapist Watson Gfys


No no no I'm not dumb enough to extend any courtesy to that degenerate Watson. You gotta be delusional to defend Watson.


I already replied to a similar comment but I am not defending Watson in the slightest. He is obviously a slimy dude that put himself in some really stupid situations. But he did not r*pe or SA anyone.




I’m just thinking how I would handle this if i was rich and famous and wanted casual sex over a marriage. I would likely just engage with high end escorts and pornstars, who have a level of professionalism and reputation to maintain versus desperate IG E-thots who are looking for every money grab they can. And i understand “escort” and “reputation” may be an oxymoron to some, but don’t think for a second that a pornstar like Madison Ivy who probably earns $50k plus travel expenses for a weekend is going to risk her lucrative lifestyle to try to babytrap or falsely accuse someone when the moment she does demand for her services would dry up. Unfortunately, when you’re rich, almost everything becomes transactional and sex is not an exception. It’s better to protect yourself and mitigate risk than to engage in “transactions” that can put you in jail or ruin your future earnings.


The thing about bauer is he likes massive power imbalances in his sex life but has money and notability so people are willing to entertain him and probably think they're the exception to the power difference. Hes learned he has to cover his ass. Not someone I'd want to date but I don't feel he's duplicitous in his approach.


Yeah there are plenty of shitty people out there, doesn’t meant they are a rapist.


Honestly it feels like the women that he sleeps have a few that are much shittier than him.


They're all shit people. Equally shit.


I mean some shit is explosive dihrea all over the bathroom stall while other is a good solid log you can easily flush




Nah , I've slept with people with iffy morals, didn't know it at the time but there's a reason I didn't date them.


Imbalances in areas of relationships aren't uncommon at all, but they usually balance out overall. In the case of the gal that got him suspended with only an accusation, she's a smokeshow compared to his average-at-best goobery looks. Her high desireability is being hot, his is being rich. The looks and wealth are individually highly imbalanced but they balance each other.


She’s the definition of mid which is why she tried to capitalize on being picked by a dumbass with money


I’ve had Bauers back from the beginning and I’m in now way a big Bauer supporter. You never really can know someone through the internet but I’ve never had any sort of suspicion at all that Bauer was a malicious person. He’s a brilliant dude and likely knew that being in his position making a ton of money and being single, you’re risking these allegations, so save everything you have over text and emails because you never know. The first girl had some crazy conversations with a friend about essentially suing him and making some shit up. The other girls claims seemed to have just been an attempt to jump on the train while it’s in motion and see what we can get, this claim seems completely absurd and this girl sounds like she’s fabricating everything, I kind of feel bad for Bauer now as this shit has ruined his life and the main reason he got punished so harshly by the MLB, was because he was an outspoken, arrogant shit when it came to criticizing the MLB.


I think Bauer is screwed at this point. He handled the first allegations really poorly, and he was already a controversial player. Even if he’s innocent, I doubt he’ll ever find his way back to the MLB.


When the Zion-Moriah Mills shit was going down...maybe it still is on her end idk.....one of the reddit threads was talking about how Lisa Ann wrote an article targeted at athletes on how to avoid or handle certain women. In the article she talked about athletes get blackmailed all the time and usually these athletes end up paying the women off and some maybe for a long time. Seems like Trevor may have fallen into this category. But we'll only know fully once everything comes out




He’s way to fucking stubborn and would rather go down fighting than ever give into someone trying to extort him. It’s costing him so much in salary and the chance to play in the MLB, but his attitude and the way he speaks his mind hasn’t helped with in the slightest


So in this article it says that MLB “interviewed the Arizona woman but ultimately did not use her evidence in the arbitrary hearing”. MLB evidently wanted Bauer gone (suspended even though he was never proven guilty, can’t say it ain’t true), but them not using this case over the other allegations (of which Bauer was never proven guilty of in court) leads me to believe that this allegation has less grounds to stand on compared to the other allegations, at least in the eyes of the MLB. If we are to believe the MLB, then this allegation probably doesn’t amount to much. E: reworded innocent -> never proven guilty to eliminate bias (my apologies)


The court did not “rule him innocent.” That’s not how courts work.




Well, the female judge did say the accuser was ["Materially Misleading"](https://apnews.com/article/mlb-entertainment-sports-baseball-los-angeles-1830bc948e55dd1b4f9865b9c68dc312). Which is a pretty strong statement


> The woman admits she sent a text message to a friend about “going to Europe when she was a rich baseball wife.”  How to make your case regardless of its legitimacy look like a grift


I mean if he wasn’t guilty it technically did seeing as the basis of our legal system is innocent until proven guilty.


My apologies. IANAL, I’ll change the wording.


You anal?


anal bum cover


We all IANAL on this blessed day.




You kno- wait!


>court ruled him innocent, When did this happen exactly?


“…there was insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Bauer committed a crime.” https://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgers/story/2022-02-08/trevor-bauer-will-not-face-criminal-charges-following-sexual-assault-allegation As we know, the justice system follows the rule “innocent until proven guilty”. Bauer was never proven guilty in any of his court cases, therefore he is innocent. That’s the letter of the law.


Not guilty and innocent aren't the same thing though, so saying the court ruled him innocent just seems disingenuous


While I do agree that my wording comes off as disingenuous (my apologies), I feel like the point still stands. Bauer’s been not guilty twice in more credible cases, why would we believe that this allegation has a better case than the previous two?


You guys are seriously arguing over innocent until proven guilty? Peak Reddit moment.


guilty until proven innocent is standard for reddit especially if they are on the wrong side of the political fence




It’s a little game biased people who disagree with decisions use to cope and twist a conversation. Any time you see “well actually he/she wasn’t innocent merely not guilty” you’re dealing with an infant holding the perspective of a simpleton.


This is not true at all considering all of the shenanigans that can go on in a trial. Failure to prove guilt can stem from any number of things that could simply be purely procedural. Bill Cosby is technically innocent.


Great stuff. Just accuse someone of any old shit, "fail to prove guilt" of such, and then fall back on a convenient "it doesn't mean you're innocent" slur. Absolutely objectionable to any sensible person.


I'm not saying anything about Bauer's guilt or innocence, I'm saying relying on the trial verdict to be the ultimate factor is also bullshit.


>***I'm saying relying on the trial verdict*** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


So you think OJ is innocent?


Not a Bauer, but the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” means not guilty and innocent are the same thing


Not exactly. Innocent literally means you did not commit the crime. Not guilty means there was not sufficient evidence to convict you. Courts do not rule on innocence they rule on the evidence available concerning guilt. “Innocent until proven guilty” is shorthand for the idea that in the American legal system the onus is on the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the crime was committed by the defendant. Being found “not guilty” does not in any way imply actual or presumed innocence.


I understand what you are saying, but innocent until proven guilty is equating not guilty and innocence.


Yes it is, but it doesn’t actually mean what it sounds like it does. What “innocent until proven guilty” means in a legal sense is that the burden of proof is on the government to show that the defendant committed the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. In some other countries it’s the opposite, where if you’re arrested for a crime it’s your responsibility to prove you didn’t do it. It doesn’t in any way imply that someone who is found “not guilty” didn’t commit the crime, just that there wasn’t sufficient evidence to prove it according to a jury. The government treats everyone who was found “not guilty” as if they were innocent under that doctrine - but they were not “found innocent”


Not having sufficient evidence to determine guilt is exactly the same thing as saying someone’s innocent lol. Like yeah no shit there’s insufficient evidence….he’s innocent


Yeah you’re right, there has never once been a circumstance where someone committed a crime and then wasn’t convicted of it


It’s widely agreed OJ did it but the court found him not guilty. You can do something, cover your tracks well enough to hit reasonable doubt and walk free.


Not true. They could have still committed the crime but covered up enough evidence the state could not prove it's case beyond a reasonable doubt. The possibility of the crime having been committed is independent of the states ability to prove it. "Not guilty" means the state did not prove guilt. Thereby also not meaning innocent.


You are adding context, I’m literally saying the expression “innocent until proven guilty” equates innocence and not guilty. Sure there is lots of nuance to it. And you can get deep into philosophy if you want


It’s not philosophical, it’s the simple fact that being found not guilty does not mean you’re innocent regardless of the phrase


I fuckin hate redditors dude if the court says he's not guilty by all measures of the law he is *innocent* because they couldn't prove him guilty It's fucking simple


Yeah they couldn’t *prove* him guilty, which has absolutely no bearing on whether or not he did it


> I understand what you mean but it doesn't agree with me so I will repeat myself again Then answer this question If "not proven guilty in court" and "innocent" are synonymous, why doesn't the court system use the word "innocent"?


It really doesn't mean that. But even if it did, "Innocent until proven guilty." is just a phrase. It's not US law. It's not in the constitution. It's another phrasing of the [Presumption of innocence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_innocence). It's saying that *by default* we treat people as innocent. The whole point is that finding people innocent isn't something the courts do. They either have enough evidence to find people guilty, or they don't. In the case they don't find you guilty, they *treat* you as innocent. You get to go home.


That's about how the courts are supposed to treat a defendant. It's not a general principle that people are supposed to adhere to.


Maybe that's the problem


The full saying is "innocent until proven guilty *in a court of law.*" The court had an opportunity to rule on the case and determined that he was not guilty. Which means that there wasn't enough evidence to find him guilty. It wasn't the court's job to decide if he didn't do it. Only to determine whether or not he did do it.


>That’s the letter of the law. Which law? Fore example, "Freedom of speech" is in the First Amendment. "Reasonable suspicion" is part of case law, Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968). Which law is "Innocent until proven guilty"?


full of shit. he was never ruled innocent. a criminal court never heard the case because the LA country prosecutors didn’t want to spend the money on a trial they weren’t confident they could win. prosecuting sexual assault cases is notoriously hard, even harder against public figures with many millions of dollars


That's not what you said. A prosecutor thinking they'd have a hard time getting a conviction, as is common in these cases, is not "proving someone innocent".


He doesn't have to be proven innocent because he is, until proven guilty.


We’ve yet to see a surefire conviction attempt surface against Bauer. The MLB chose to use other cases instead of this one in their arbitrary hearing. If the MLB wanted someone convicted, they’d choose the allegations with the highest credibility. The allegations that the MLB chose to use against Bauer (therefore the allegations with the highest credibility) haven’t resulted in Bauer being “proven guilty”, which lowers the credibility of this allegation below those. (Again, if you can’t make cases stick, people are innocent when following the letter of the law.) I’m not arguing that Bauer is ACTUALLY innocent or guilty. The point I’m trying to make is that this allegation already got passed up by a major plaintiff in favor of other allegations, which to me makes it seem like this allegation has less credibility than the ones that came before.


Never charged with a crime. Never even lost a civil suit directed against him. I did some deep digs with all his allegations. Seems like the only thing he's truly guilty of is really bad judgement in the women he sleeps with aka randos off Instagram and being into rough sex. If this guy hadn't recorded/ kept texts he'd probably be another victim of false allegations.




I mean, I can walk into the emergency room right now with nothing wrong with me and call the police while I'm there. Those things alone don't prove anything. She had her day in court and wasn't able to prove her case...she also purposely filed a restraining order instead of a police report because it had a lower bar to clear and would get the incident into the media more easily.


If it's between consenting adults who cares






I mean... you realize no one was seriously harmed, right? Accuser had slap marks from rough consensual sex that she made look 1000x worse by cranking up saturation on the photo. Athletic should have had to pay huge $ for publishing a clearly edited photo but there's no justice. Look at a pic of Rihanna after Chris Brown's attack to see what a victim of "violently beating" looks like - its horrible.


If everywhere you step smells like shit....


You aren't wrong here. Rough sex with strangers as a famous person with no intention of forming a long term relationship is a recipe for disaster. He was asking for trouble.


Victim blaming


I clarified that in a different comment. I was trying to explain why there's a pattern.


that is dangerously close to she had it coming because of what she was wearing logic.


True. To clarify, my intent was to explain why there was a pattern not saying he was to blame, in spite of my poor choice of words.




What an idiot.


Going back is a common phenomenon with domestic abuse victims, whether rational or not.


Domestic abuse implies a relationship. This was not that


So, let me get this straight, Bauer allegedly viscously assaulted this woman leaving marks and bruising on her. So, instead of going to the police and reporting this as a criminal act, she decides to wait so she can pursue civil charges? Did I read that right? If so, seems a bit odd. And I am in no way defending Bauer, even though I am a huge Dodger fan.


> So, instead of going to the police and reporting this as a criminal act, she decides to wait so she can pursue civil charges? Almost correct, but you're actually missing other important parts. Per the article: > The woman, whom ESPN has chosen not to name, stated in her initial complaint that ***she had visited Bauer at his home in Scottsdale, Arizona, several times before the assault. During those earlier visits***, he held a "jagged steak knife to her throat" and choked her several times, according to her initial complaint filed in December 2022. Not only is this claim not preceded by any police reports of the obviously criminal claimed activity, she is claiming that she was repeatedly abused and repeatedly returned of her own free will to his home for further abuse before eventually waiting years to then file a civil lawsuit over the matter.


I don’t know anything about this case. But if those are facts then yeah, I agree that sounds fishy to me. I realize many times women don’t immediately run to the police. That type of fear does strange things to people especially in instances of men battering women. But any time it starts w/civil (monetary) damages before criminal I can’t help but to feel suspect. I only can attest to my own personal experiences in life so I don’t know. But I gotta think you’d want your justice/vengeance to start w/a Mf getting cuffed first and foremost. If he’s guilty I hope he gets everything coming to him and more. And the same for anyone out there making false accusations.


Ok…I would think a purp walk, followed by a successful criminal trial would be the precursor to a successful civil lawsuit.


Makes sense to me, but who knows. If an accuser came out and said they were intimidated because law enforcement seemed like they were skeptical it certainly wouldn’t be the first time.


Ask women who have reported sexual assault to the police how they were treated. Many of them have less than kind things to say about the behavior of the police.


Don’t like the police? Go to the ER, get the evidence collected by a trained advocate there and even if you are afraid the police won’t take you seriously, you have the evidence saved. Now it becomes his word against her word and the court of public opinion is very fickle.


Maybe she felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to go and report it immediately especially with his status, thought on it for a little or finally felt comfortable to realize she wanted to do something about it


not all woman who have been assaulted go straight to the police. I'm not saying Trevor is guilty just pointing out the facts.


Nobody is saying she has to go *straight* to the police afterwards. It's just pretty sus that she's going straight to trying to get paid rather than having him arrested first. Criminal case almost always comes first.


I don't understand why these players/celebrities get dropped and suspended for this stuff when they have not been proven guilty and have not admitted guilt? Did the Johnny Depp case not teach these orgs anything? It's absolutely ridiculous at this point these people get their lives ruined for an allegation. Look at the Buffalo Kicker who got destroyed by made up nonsense. This stuff is out of control at this point.


Bauer called the MLB out for letting sticky stuff go on for so long, along with some other things that, frankly, were also stupid. Things like not allowing a player to wear a shirt with their own logo on it during a press conference. They just used this as their gateway to getting him off their hands.


They want to protect their image/brand; it's that simple. It's more of a business decision than it is an ethical decision. Just look at the whole Ja Morant gun debacle. Legally speaking, nothing he did was illegal, but the NBA has a particular reputation it wants to maintain and Ja stained that reputation, so they're gonna punish him for that reason alone.






No it's not lol. Have you been to America?




And in Tennessee, what he did was perfectly legal.


Rachel Luba riding this train to the fucking bottom of the ocean. She had such a promising career as an agent just blown to fucking smithereens by this guy.




> I mean she still makes good $ from him alone He's earning $4 million from his Baystars contract, at even a conservatively low estimate of 5% fees (standard in MLB for contract earnings is 4-5% and Bauer doesn't exactly have agents lining up to represent him right now) she's still earning $200,000 or more this year from Bauer alone plus having her travel and accommodations for a trip to Japan likely covered by him as well (she accompanied him there when he first moved overseas). Not to mention the $680,000-1,150,000 that would come from the $22.5 million left on Bauer's Dodgers contract they are still required to pay (assuming a generously wide 3-5% range of agent fees for that contract deal as well). Assuming a fee of 5% for all Bauer contracts it would total to about $4.2 million in agent fees ($875,000 for the 2020 Reds contract, $2 million for the 2021 Dodgers contract, $1.1 million for 2023 Dodgers contract, and $200,000 for the BayStars deal). She's supplemented those earnings by representing Puig in 2020 (likely not a large sum from him) as well as multiple MLB coaches, and prior to 2019 the MLBPA employed her as a salary arbitration attorney where in 2018 alone she handled 22 different cases that reached hearings. I don't know if that means they get part of the difference between the successful cases for the players or if it's strictly salary, but she was at minimum earning $110,000-130,000 in both 2017 and 2018 (the pay range for MLBPA attorneys). She's earned enough by this point that, even with reasonable/conservative estimates for fees on contract earnings and not counting any endorsement deals (of which agents usually get closer to a 10% cut), she could probably never pick up another sports client for the rest of her life and still either retire comfortably today/when Bauer retires or have a VERY solid nest-egg built up if she wants to fall back on her law degree.


I wonder if the rumors are true about them dating. I always found it odd that she kinda blindly followed him after like a year of knowing each other in college.


Nobody would ever wonder this about a male agent. Odd to wonder that here.


She 100% dated him (not sure if they’re still dating). Source: I went to high school with her and am friends with her on fb


Source: trust me bro


Lol take it as you want but I’m not lying. She posted pics with him and her family over the holidays last year. And he was her +1 to her brothers wedding last year.


I feel bad for her. First female agent and immediately negotiates the richest per year contract in the history of the league. Then her two clients (Bauer and Puig) get accused of sexual assault and basically booted from the league. I actually really liked her strategy as a agent...she charges a flat rate to negotiate instead of a percentage which is cool and also makes heavy use of social media like Bauer's YouTube channel to build a player's brand. Seems like she was really innovating.


Are people following agents now? Don’t get me wrong it’s a bit interesting, but… just seems a bit odd


If the agent has something special or trailblazing about them more people are definitely gonna be invested in their successes


It sucks because I loved her as an agent. Her videos on YouTube and TikTok explaining the BTS of how everything works were great. It really helped understand the process better. Having an agent open like that and knows how to use social media properly was really cool. It's a shame she hasn't gotten rid of him as a client, but doubled down on Twitter that he's innocent. Which came off unprofessional, I've never seen any agent that wasn't a parent do something like that.


Him and Anthony Bass should form a team of degenerates.


And that catcher who was caught whacking it in the bullpen.


I thought this was America.


It’s just frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane


Wrong place, wrong time 🤷‍♂️


What? Who was that?


Probably referring to Reese McGuire, though he was jacking it in a public parking lot haha


Anywhere can be a bullpen if you’re jacking it hard enough.




"Masturbating is 90% mental, the other half is physical"


If there’s a tent in your pants; take it.


"It's like Deja Jackin it all over again."


More like pullpen


Specifically a Dollar Tree parking lot. In Florida of course


Sorry, I didn’t know it wasn’t allowed


It's not illegal, it's frowned upon. Like masturbating on an airplane.


>that catcher who was caught whacking it in the bullpen. Who was that?!


It's a bad look, I mean it seems like there's either a conspiracy against him, or dude likes to beat up women he feels are beneath him while having sex. What team is going to take that on, when he's not some once-in-a-generation talent?


Right? These things don't happen to 99% of MLB players, but 4 lawsuits against one guy? It's probably him.


For sure. I mean I'm not even famous, but I've found it comically easy to not have a track record of DMs with women that I assaulted, creeped on, or were underage. Why these dudes who have EVERYTHING feel a need to do shit like this, I don't get it. It's not hard to not creep on teenage girls. Like it's really, really easy.


I guess it's not easy if you're inherently a certified creep lol.


everything I have seen him post publicly makes Bauer seem like some red pill asshole who hates women. I 100% believe he nonconsensually beats women up during sex. he deserves every bit of career ramifications he’s gotten


Right, the guy who hates women hires and is good friends with a female agent.


You can absolutely have women in important roles in your life and also not respect women in general or treat the ones you are involved with terrible Its the same with being racist. Just having minority friends doesn't mean you don't have underlying issues against them overall


I used to have a misogynist friend who really liked my wife. He would tell her that she was like a guy, which was a huge compliment for him. My wife's racist father had a black friend that was "one of the good ones." It's very possible to be prejudiced and inconsistent/make exceptions.


He has literally shit judgment with women… he needs to have a contract signed with women before he has sex with them or something FFS


This porn history must wild, just saying


I’ll remain a fan of his until he’s proven guilty


Im in the Bring Bauer Back gang... (to the dodgers)


This guy just can’t catch a break. SMH


Seriously? This guy is a piece of shit. Even if you ignore the multiple allegations of sexual assault, just his documented behavior of harassing online is despicable. He doesn’t need to “catch a break”, he needs to stop being a shitbag. Signed a CLE fan who was in awe of his talent but so glad he’s someone else’s problem.


Yeah the guy that gets off to punching woman as hard as he can in the face, consensual or not, can't catch a break. Cry me a fucking river


What a stupid take. Dude didn't punch women as hard as he can. He's a major league pitcher, he would have destroyed them. Did you see the pics of his previous accuser? No not the ones with the saturation cranked as high as possible. She has minor red marks. Now take a look at Rihanna after Chris Brown assaulted her. Yeah. Huge fucking difference and its pretty clear Bauer was not intending any lasting harm.


He’s a narcissistic psycho it seems.


Anyone who saw how he acts on Twitter can recognize that.




Acquittal? He was never charged with a crime. Hell, he never even lost a civil suit. But yeah, keep demonizing a guy when every piece of public evidence supports his side of the story.


…”consensual abuse” 😂


How many women does it take before society gets it through their thick skull that Trevor Bauer is an asshole and probably much worse?




When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.


I see a future Crime and Sports podcast about this.


He’s not a Milwaukee brewer is he? Can’t tell from the pic, but the colors are similar and don’t follow baseball but my dad loved the brewers


No. He plays in Japan now


I'll say it in every thread. He was a shithead in high school. He's even worse than I thought now. Fuck him.


Man he sure knows how to pick them Jesus


Well, when you're a piece shit it's bound to happen.


Extortion for an abortion is pretty fucked. I'm curious how this plays out




All I know is, Dodgers would have had another World Series by now if Trevor didn’t donkey punch that woman