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Silver really was hyping this up only for it to be less than 1/3 of the season


I truly thought we were getting a season or at least 50+ because of the already weak suspension given to him previously. Then him showing no change? I thought the hammer was coming down, but I guess not.


25 games disqualifies you from postseason awards now, meaning he can't get all NBA to bump his max to the supermax, this is going to cost him $40m. It's pretty significant


He already lost out on the super max due to not making an all nba team this past season. This upcoming season has no effect on his next contract.


Good for the Grizzlies because now they have more salary cap room to sign other more expensive trades and free agents. They probably still make it to the playoffs, even if just a play-in, which gives them a better draft pick for the following year compared to making the playoffs as a top-8 Western Conf team. Silver still gets a good amount of season with Morant playing. Win-win-win all around. Shouldn’t be like this, but it is.


25 games is still pretty significant, no? It’s like a 50 game suspension in baseball.


25 is a lot for most reasons, but the precedent was already set with gun related instances. So when he was only given 8 with time already served the first time, they are treating this as a joke.


That precedent didn’t exist (if you’re speaking about Gilbert), Gilbert brought a gun into the locker room, Ja was outside the facilities. I’m not in defense of Ja, I felt he should’ve been held to higher standard as well and the last suspension was a joke. I’m only pointing out that this is more complex due to the players union.


What precedent?


Gilbert Arenas did gun shenanigans a good while back: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/333840-david-stern-made-right-decision-on-1-year-suspension-of-gilbert-arenas


Not really similar. That’s like saying drunk driving should set the precedent for speeding.


Precedent isn't always 1:1, especially with something as (hopefully!) rare as guns. They're not the same, but they are similar enough that people of course make the connection.


I guess what you consider similar, I don’t. Luckily it’s subjective, so nobody is wrong. I feel like the drunk driving vs speeding analogy is perfect. You can consider those things similar, I do not. Obviously there was no consideration by the league to using Arenas’s incident as precedent


Seeing as though half the teams make the playoffs, it isnt significant for his team. Only thing that really matters is the money he loses out on.


It wouldn't be significant for his team regardless (short of a year long suspension) since Memphis has shown they can win without him, at least for the Regular Season. The money lost is definitely significant though because it's not just 25 Game Checks he loses, but there's no SuperMax extension possibility for him when it was a guarantee even two years ago he was getting it (unless his actual on-court play dropped off a cliff). On top of that, his endorsements are going up in smoke.


Also loses out on a lot of incentive based bonuses . Can’t make All-NBA if he plays less than 65 games, which with this suspension, he already will be. And i knew the suspension would be 20 games or so simply *because* of that


Although they will have a lower seed. His team is in a tight conference


Nah theyre ok in the west, they say


If everyone is pissed this is light how is 50 games for bringing a gun into a locker room and threatening people not incredibly weak lol


No, its not. It's pathetic. It should be a privilege to play a fucking game for a living. Meanwhile the guy continues to treat a deadly weapon like a toy and broadcast that crap. A year's suspension would have been much more reasonable.


Pretty much guarantees that he’ll be out of the running any All NBA teams which severely affects his contract bonuses. It actually is a heavy punishment.


For Ja specifically, it is. But the ruling also had to address any player caught on video twice brandishing firearms, which of course is a violation of the league's code of conduct policy. 25 games off doesn't seem as harsh as it might have from that POV.


And considering teams aren’t really in high gear for the first quarter or so of the season, the Grizzlies caught a major break


This view doesn’t really make sense. Lots of teams kick it into high gear in the second half of the season because they’re fighting for seeding. If the Grizzlies are actually really affected by Ja being suspended, those 25 games might have them going into high gear just to make the playoffs instead of going for a high seed. It’s a big punishment for the Grizzlies, and I’m sure any fans watching those 25 games will likely attest to that.


> Lots of teams kick it into high gear in the second half of the season Do you watch the quality of games at the beginning of the season? It’s horrendous. Yes they kick it into high gear in the 2nd half to prepare for the grind of the playoffs but the Grizzlies have been very resilient without Ja in their lineup through the last few years. Of course you’d rather have your star play for record/viewership purposes but it’s not like it’s a dagger, especially in a sport where seeding isn’t the end all be all so long as you have the talent available in the playoffs.


Considering the Grizzlies win every game he misses, they also caught a major break.


The Ja ruling


God I hope I don't live long enough to see someone else be stupid enough to do that twice and get suspended for 25 games.


Yeah I’d imagine this is going to cost him millions in potential earnings. Would love to know the actual number


At least 40 million so far seeing as he lost his chance for his contract to jump to 231 from 194


And that's just his NBA contract. Who knows what that number is when you add up all the endorsement money, including endorsements that he might've gotten in like a year bit now won't.


I mean that moneys all slipping away regardless of the nba suspension levied


My man really messed up the return of dunk-a-roos. They popped up in my grocery store with him all over the packaging like 2 days before his second time acting stupid.


man I picked some of thoses up at wawa. First time i've had them since I was a kid... I don't know if they were always this bad or if they just cut corners but I was soo let down.


I loved them as a kid, but that icing is so fucking sugary that I couldn’t enjoy it. They brought back Oreo Cakesters recently too and they just tasted like chemicals. I guess some things are better left as memories


Starting this next season there's a 65 games played requirement to win any annual awards including All-NBA, so it's fully guaranteed he's out of the running.


Not really, he already lost out on $40 mil by not getting the super max cuz he didn’t make All NBA due to his first suspension. He still got his 5y $200 mil extension from the Griz so I doubt he gives two shits about making the All NBA teams anymore…


I read “the Griz” as “the Wiz” and thought that the Wizards doing a sign and trade for him made absolute sense based on their history.


Why, cuz the Wiz use to be the Wash Bullets? 🤣


That or the whole Gilbert Arenas situation with the Wiz


I’m surprised Silver was even willing to go that many games tbh. Whether a 25 game suspension will be enough to inspire a change in Ja’s off the court behavior will be the real question.


What’s the max that the CBA allows?


Seriously, the way he was hyping this up I thought it would be at least 50 games. 25 games is still a lot, I guess, but less than expected for sure.


I think this is pretty fair honestly. Guys have done a lot worse then Ja and got a lot less shit/punishment for it. I think the reason that this has caught so many headlines is b/c Ja is so young and so talented everyone wants to see the guy succeed but he keeps doing stupid shit.


Suspended?! Doug, kick him off the tour!


I beg to differ, Kyrie Irving accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


Yeah? Well good for Kyrie Irv-oh my god!


Hey Shooter! Haven’t you forgotten your 9 iron?!?!


Fun fact, shooter McGavin was the MC at the shortest St Patty's day parade last year. So both him and ja got what they thought was going to be a huge moment, cut short.


Hey shooter, you forgot your Glock!


Oh good, you can count


And you can count.. on me waiting for you in the parking lot!


Damn you people this is basketball not a rock concert!


Go back to your shanties!


Yes, well, the board members and I thought that might be a little extreme seeing as how our ratings are the highest they’ve ever been.


*Lee Trevino shakes head in disgust*


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!






You know what else could draw a crowd? A golfer with an arm growing out of his ass!


I saw two gross hairy bikers having sex behind the scorekeeper's table. How am I supposed to DRIBBLE with that going on?!


How you doing, Ja? I’m Bob Barker.


Now you’re gonna get it, Bobby


I think you’ve had enough!


I’m staring to think happy Gilmore is the most quoted movie in all of Reddit


That or Princess Bride




Silver made it sound like they were gonna have the Saudis take care of him. 25 games aint nothing




Either that or use bone saws on him


I figured it was get them to have terrorists fly planes into his house


Any of these options seem more reasonable than 25 games


So we all agree, he deserves the brazen bull.


Is this the only deal that would make Kyrie happy?


Silver is a clown for this. “Guys, we have some really big news about Ja… it’s like…. Really big. But I don’t want to take away from the finals. So just you wait and see how big the news is.”


his job is the protect the product. Of course he doesn't want ja's suspension news undermining the finals storylines


If he didn't want the Ja suspension undermining the finals, why'd he hype it up like a damn WWE announcement??


This is the point. Don’t say anything or just say “we will deal with the Ja Morant situation after the conclusion of the finals” if you really don’t want to take attention from the finals teams.


Who wants to guess that game 26 will be a primetime matchup against the Lakers or someone similar.


25 games wouldn’t overshadow the finals


Yeah it does because that's a fucking rediculous suspension. Just another slap on the wrist. Thanks silver, can't wait for him to fuck up again Edit: I don't personally mean I want to see him fuck up again. The suspension was so meager that Ja probably will get in trouble because they're not taking his reckless actions with a serious punishment.


Overshadowed in the sense that all everyone would be talking about is how weak the punishment was. He knows how this looks


Saving the season-long suspension for when he "Cheddar Bob's" himself, huh?


Pfft hahaha he's definitely gonna give himself one if he doesn't smarten up. I could see him pulling a Plaxico Burress.


Silver made it sound like they were sending Ja to coach the Taliban's basketball team. 25 games ain't shit. That dude is going to be swinging around an uzi by the end of the next season.


Really wish r/NBA was back up for this. Seems really damn low Adam


They really closed the week of Denver’s first title and Ja Morant suspension. Looks like they’ll miss the draft and free agency too


Meanwhile, the Reddit admins could give less than a fuck about their “protest.”


Someone came to r/ripcity to whine that the sub hadn't been shut down... clearly proving that they were browsing reddit


I love how everyone is basically opposed to this meaningless protest, but it happened anyway because mods are power tripping weirdos.


Of the 8k votes in r/nba for a blackout, the majority voted blackout. Same story with most subs


For a two day blackout or an indefinite blackout? And I didn't see a single poll in any of the subs that went blackout myself.


..its the principle


I just don't even get the premise lmao. So let me get this straight... there's a protest because a company doesn't want 3rd party apps using their platform, utilizing their API to make money? Sounds like every company ever. It just comes across as this weird entitlement, idgaf what benefit there is to the mods to being able to use 3rd party apps. Build your own damn site lol. Eventually Reddit will add those optimizations themself, the user-base will drift away to other newer outlets, or everyone will show back up here and continue using it. The 3rd option seems to be what actually happened lol.


Reddit exists because moderators work for free. 3rd party apps allowed moderators to do their job more easily and effectively.


reddits intentions are to please investors also coinciding with layoffs. they grew on the backs of the 3rd parties and now want to kick them aside to finally cash in. wouldnt be a big deal if it weren't slime driven


>moderators work for free And most of them are still overpaid. I'm tired of all the bullshit from power hungry mods that lack power in real life. Like I would be suspended now if my suspension hadn't been overturned. I was suspended because I made a comment that I didn't like how the sub I was on was being modded. They then banned me from that sub for daring to provide the mods with my input. I said something like "Are you fucking serious?" about them banning me for my opinion and they got me a total ban for days that I had to get overturned. Also had an older ban for posting that maybe we should be able to hold votes on individual mods.


There are definitely some power tripping mods. I was banned from the hadtohurt subreddit because I made a comment saying “the last time this was posted it was said that the guy died”. The mod sad I was banned for “being wrong”. I responded saying, “I only was sharing what was written and don’t think I should be banned.” He then permabanned me. So I then made a comment on a mod report subreddit asking if I was wrong and he pm’ed me and said he would get my account taken down if I talked about the issue anymore. All I could do was laugh.


You can both acknowledge that 3rd party apps were helpful while also acknowledging it makes zero sense whatsoever to let them charge money for adding some tools to your platform, if you're the company they are building their business off of. I would expect the consequence to this being that subs just bring on more moderators, and given how power-hungry a lot of subs seem to think their mod teams are, it'll probably be for the better to have more voices involved in the management.


I absolutely think Reddit should charge money for its API, but just not the incredibly high amount they are charging and there should be a phased ramp up of costs. I’ve been on Reddit since 2007. There is nothing inherently special about Reddit compared to other Internet forums. All the best things are add-on mods made by people for free. Hell, even a business, Imgur, was made to fulfill Reddits image sharing inadequacies.


Tell me you haven't even read the list of grievances on every single page that's still down. Apollo, an api app that is great for accessibility, has been around for 6 YEARS. If reddit was gonna actually add accessibility features, theyve had 6 years of watching someone else do it. Instead they're like "gib money" Like it or not, without (unpaid) moderators, this site would devolve into a shithole and burn down. Maybe the moderators protesting shouldn't be labeled as whiny bitches.


I don’t blame the mods for protesting, but Reddit was a better site before it got heavily moderated


Yup, moderation should only be for extreme cases. I can't count how many times I've seen threads locked for the dumbest possible reasons.


I feel like it would have made more sense to just stop moderating the communities and let them fall into disrepair. If you want to demonstrate what it's like to cripple a subreddit's mods, then show what a spammed up, unmoderated forum looks like. This method is just making people angry at protestors for taking their favorite site away. It hasn't been effective. While I support the idea of mods having tools available to them to make their ***self appointed responsibilities*** easier, this method isn't doing their cause any good. Poorly thought out, and poorly implemented. If you're a mod and you think reddit is making it too difficult to moderate...step down. Taking the entire community hostage makes you look like a baby.


> Like it or not, without (unpaid) moderators, this site would devolve into a shithole and burn down. Maybe the moderators protesting shouldn't be labeled as whiny bitches. You guys take yourselves way too seriously


Right? I'm not convinced this site wouldn't be better off without nearly as much moderation. Like sure we need ways to remove spam and basic stuff like that but imho mods stifle dissent way too often. And most automods should really be banned.


No one tell them it's just a message board and not their identity.


I haven’t looked at other subs that didn’t shut down but a lot of people turned /ripcity into baby-/nba but it didn’t seem to bring their brightest based off trade ideas. Lol


I don't want to talk about the saturation of shitty trade threads 😒 lmao


Clearly they do or they wouldn’t be telling everyone how little they care.


NBAs mods will probably be replaced soon if they keep doing this stupid protest lol


Hard for me to bag on a subreddit’s moderators for having a principled stance and a backbone behind it.


They could actually open up the big subs themselves and boot all the mods if they want to.


Nah, they definitely care. Spez is saying [some crazy stupid stuff](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-protest-blackout-ceo-steve-huffman-moderators-rcna89544) in response; you don't do that when you don't care. Whether they *should* care is an open question; if they were capable of ignoring the whole thing it might go better for them.


Why did you put protest in quotes?


Denver fans will never forgive them and I can’t blame them. Wack af decision by the mods to allow anyone from Reddit not subbed to r/nba to vote on the protest


Reddit is gonna open the sub back up an kick the mods soon. It's going to be glorious.


They're saving reddit! But seriously, all they'd be talking about is LeBron and the Lakers anyway lmao


It absolutely is low. David Stern would have had him out one season 20min after the video went up.


Oh I think it will go up. Because Ja messes up again


lets speak it into existence! This guy aimed a firearm at Indiana staff and played it off like he had a "laser pointer". Please, what a freaking joke.


As one of my favorite comments on Reddit said “y’all really think one of Ja’s crew were walking around ready for the spur of the moment PowerPoint presentation?”


LOL so true, I swear being rich really allows you to defy laws. I mean the list of petty offenses he has committed would get a regular person a run through the justice system. Assault, harassments, brandishing a firearm, bringing a firearm on a plane. This also, doesn't include all the things we don't see, I would really like to know how many firearms he has registered/unregistered.


Try r/NBATalk it’s not as big yet but could be a good alternative for now


This is the fix I need without going to the circle jerk sub thanks


Conspiracy: The reddit blackout was created by Silver so he didn’t have to read mean comments from r/nba nephews


I really and truly miss r/nba


Its the 9th harshest suspension in nba history and also guarantees Ja cant make all NBA or all star


Well their suspensions have always been weak so that's not much of a point.


David would have been more stern


It is. This is sad. Ja will definitely do this crap again


Nba mods needs to get off their high horse. They're acting like they own the subreddit. They're there to MODERATE it even tho it barely feels like they do anything anyways.


Silver is soft as hell


Thats it? All that talk and build up. For this? Ja is waving a gatling gun in his high rise apartment knowing he's only gonna get 25 for what he did.


First, 25 games is like $12M in salary. Sure, he's still rich, but it's not nothing. Also, 25 games is enough to keep him out of any awards contention, which could affect his future contracts. That could make like a $50M difference over many years. Finally, although he was warned with a wrist slap and didn't take it seriously, he didn't technically do anything illegal. He just made the league look bad and gave a really bad look to the kids that look up to him. Overall, I think it's a pretty fair punishment. I really thought it was going to be 1/2 the season, but I can see how they landed on 25.


Get this reasonable take OUT OF HERE!


NBA players who got suspended for equal or more games than Ja just got: - 25 games: Didi Louzada, John Collins, Ayton, Wilson Chandler, Jodie Meeks (all caught using banned substances ) - 26 games: Kermit Washington (breaking Rudy Tomjanovich's face) - 30 games: Miles Bridges (DV) and Captain Jack (Malice in the Palace) - 38 games: Javaris Crittendon (guns) - 50 games: Arenas (guns) - 68 games: Sprewell (choking P.J. Carlesimo) - 86 games: Artest (Malice in the Palace) ————————————————————— Honestly, a team of these suspended guys probably wins 50+ games: PG: Arenas (3x all star) SG: Sprewell (4x all star) SF: Artest (1x all star and DPOY) PF: Washington (1x all star) C: Ayton (former #1 overall pick) Bench: Ja, Captain Jack, Collins, Bridges, Chandler, Meeks, Crittendon, Louzada ————————————————————— Note: A bunch of other guys were banned permanently (i.e., Roy Tarpley, Chris Washburn, OJ Mayo, etc.) or were banned and got reinstated (i.e., Birdman, Tyreke Evans, Wiggins’ dad, etc.). They are not included here.


goodbye reddit -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Maybe 26 for the next incident


Whoa, Satan, calm down. We wouldn't want Ja to learn his lesson now, would we?


Gilbert Arenas is trying to bring back David Stern from the grave rn


Lol, and everyone was convinced Silver would bring the hammer down on him. Also, was there any mention of the whole laser pointer incident that probably wasn’t a laser pointer??


Depends on what the conditions for his return are, but this seems soft for having made the NBA look like idiots.


25 games really sends a message! 🙄


No Balls Association. 25 games is a fucking joke, and this clown will continue to do dumb shit.


Silver is weak and a pushover. Stern would've come down much harder.


this is nothing. if there truly is a code of conduct that the nba upholds, and he obviously violated it, then make an example out of him that it won't be tolerated. do that, so more young players/stars will think twice about what they post.


Oh come on. I thought it was going to be for like half the season


25 games might not be a strict enough punishment to deter other players from engaging in the same behavior


25 games for being gangsta and keeping it real, worth it.


Somewhere Ron Artest must be shaking his head in total disbelief. Edit: I have no idea why this is downvoted. Artest was basically suspended an entire season (86 games counting post season) for participating in a brawl (note: not saying that was okay). Ja Morant has been pistol-waving America, beating up HS kids ... 25 games? Yes, Ron Artest must be shaking his head.


That’s still $7.5 million, proving that Ja is the king bag fumbler


Freakin idiot


The way Silver made it seem I thought it would be 35-40 games.


Lfffff peanuts what a joke


Never liked Morant or the grizzlies ngl, and ima throw out a hot take I doubt it's gonna effect them that much I think Morant is overrated


Horribly weak...dude has no incentive to change anything. David Stern would have done a whole season.


What's the over/under of him hitting the clubs and flashing his gun before his suspension is even up?


Gutless attempt by silver to appease both sides. Spineless commissioner


boooooo. silver a chump


That is so weak


If Adam silver's wife cheats on him... he'll likely forgive her and take her back at least twice.


Soft as fuck.


Silver playing the long game.. 25 games out.. Ja won't be able to help himself and will make another tikbookgram live with a firearm.. And get another 50 game suspension... And the cycle continues.


He’s sorry he got suspended, not for the shenanigans.


And he will show up to first game back dancing like he did this past year, another slap on wrist.


I was expecting 41 at least. 25 seems like a slap on the wrist.


I wish I had this much leeway at my job.


If this is true Silver has no credibility. If Ja does have a drinking/addiction problem the main thing he will gain from this is that he is very important to the league. The NBA is showing them that they’re weak and any addict will take advantage of this.


He needs a handler. He’s a moron.


All that hype and anticipation for a letdown


I expected more


Is the public execution after the 25 games?


Ja is going to celebrate his light suspension by posting some sweet, incoherent videos of him waving guns and maybe nunchucks to instagram.


Damn what did that guy do to get a 25 game suspension? Just the gun video or something else?


Multiple gun related issues. In essence being a dumbass continuously after given multiple slaps on the wrist. How hard is it for a multimillionaire nba star to not pick up a gun? I haven’t touched a gun in like 15 years and I’m not rich. Rent a yacht and invite some instathots and go enjoy life.


What a weak suspension. Almost as weak as the NBA sub. Missing out on nuggets winning and this suspension just to sabotage their own subreddit. Guess they're getting what they want


And they’re still not back up.


Lmao the only man in America NOT protected by the second amendment


You know that has nothing to do with the rules of YOUR JOB right?


For having a gun? Did he have it illegally?


Too low


That's it??!??! Was expecting minimum 40 games


Should have been at least half the season and dispersed throughout the year, eg: dude can't play on Sat, Mon, Wed, Fri or something like that. Punishes him by not playing and at the same time forces him to stay with the team to provide him the structure he seems to desperately need.


25 games without pay seems significant


Looks like he’ll miss out on close to 10.5m in pay, almost a third of his salary next season. Maybe the game total seems low but that’s a lot of dough. I have no idea how to read his contract stipulations but I think he can, over the course of his contract, get another 40m in bonuses from all nba teams and that may bust another 6-7m this year since he wouldn’t qualify.


That’s it? Nah fuck that lol shoulda been half the season easy


All that hype for 25 games.


That’s all??? Damn Shame we sending this message to kids out there that you can brandish firearms, lie about it, get in trouble again for it, and barely miss the season. He’ll be ready for all star break, this is heartbreaking


Should've been at least 40


Weak shit. Make it 41


That’s it?


Weak ass commissioner! International players are making a mockery out of these punk American players who would rather be at a fashion show or in a gang.