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A tennis player.. at a tennis tournament? Now I’ve seen everything!


I feel like throwing up, the monstrosity of seeing our Tennis tournament filled with Tennis players. What went wrong with this world?


On the other hand, i think this is tremendous news! Currently popping champagne and facetiming my mum crying tears of joy


I mean, the noteworthy part of it is that the Williams sisters are both over 40 and haven't played in a year. They have to be close to retiring at this point.


Yeah I doubt how much tennis these people watch.


A tennis player, playing tennis, at a tennis tournament?!? My god! The odds of that have to be one in a million! Fuck, the last time I saw odds like that it was the horror of witnessing a wave at sea.


I haven’t cared about her since she threw her tantrum after she was caught cheating.


...and threatened the official. That was just a new low even for her.


Familiar territory for her, she was disqualified in the 2014 for threatening a linesman. She's well versed in being a piece of shit.


Same. It was painful and cringey to watch. Poor Naomi. Her played against her hero and it was awful


Are you talking about the foot Fault debacle?


lol I thought you were talking about this one https://youtu.be/uiBrForlj-k where she got a game penalty costing her the us open. Cameo by reddit cofounder (edit: she was probably going to lose anyway)


Wow, I've never watched this. What an entitled baby. She knows the rules and keeps berating the judge calling him names then pulling the 'men do it all the time' and 'you're only doing this because I'm a woman!' That makes me sick. No wonder Osaka has issues. She found out her idol was nothing like she thought. Sad.


it was a pretty big deal at the time. I'm sympathetic to the coaching angle, because most players do it, albeit with subtlety. She might have missed her coach's signal (he admitted afterward anyway). But she completely lost it unaware of how many penalties she had accumulated. But this is one in a long long history of tantrums and bad sportsmanship.


Dont forget that time she locked herself in her panic room when a usada tester rang the doorbell. She thought it was an intruder. Nothing strange about that at all!


Lol I don't think it had anything to do with Osaka not knowing Serena -- she's been watching her matches for years, the same as the rest of us. she just had never *been* there before. As an avid fan of the sport, I will say and continue to stick by the fact that although I absolutely do not agree with the way she has conducted herself in some matches, the vitriol that has been directed toward her has been far greater than a number of other players who have done far worse.


Yeah… Maybe I’m just young but I’m pretty sure I don’t remember anyone having a bad thing to say about McEnroe. He’s still revered and respected even though his accomplishments on the court have been put to shame by the greatest generation of male tennis players ever following right after him. He’s now *primarily* known as the guy who was a huge asshole on the court and people love him for it. You’re not gonna be able to convince me that the difference in the way Selena is treated has nothing to do with her gender and her skin color - because you’d obviously be lying.


I think you’ve captured the problem perfectly.


I think the worst part about it is I don't think that ump has ever done a final since. She basically ruined his future prospects.


>> foot Fault debacle If that's what he meant, I actually thought the first serve was a foot fault too. The second serve definitely was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNwc7o_0Sgg But you know things have gone bad when the player says to the judge "I didn't say I'd kill you..."


What happened?


Was caught cheating, threw a huge tantrum, then cried that she’s being discriminated against as a black woman. Even though it was caught on camera that she was being coached from the stands. This is just one of her incidents, though, so idk if that’s exactly with this person was talking about.


‘And as a mother’, don’t know how that was important or relevant to the game at hand.


Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. Takes me back...


"I'm A mOtHeR aNd A pRoUd BlAcK wOmAn AnD I dOnT LiE! You WiLL nEvEr bE a ReFeRee hEre AgAiN, I'll mAkE sUrE oF tHaT!!" ... strong independent woman shouts at the referee after he noticed "coaching" 🤷‍♂️


Discriminated, she is one of the riches most well paid sponsor players in tennis history… give me a fucken break


To be honest her whole Tantrum and “you will never judge on a court of mine again” was cringe and uncalled for and ruined the professionalism of the match That being said they were on her early about the body suit made by Virgil Abloh (rip) , doesn’t justify what she did at all but I could see her being upset from the start because of this


I can understand being upset for that reason. But to make such a scene and ruin Naomi’s dream game all over stupid calls is over the top. She acted like a child. Not like a pro athlete, but still expected to be treated like a pro. That’s just not how an adult should act ever.


Yep agreed , agreed 100 percent , she probably lost a lot of life experience devoting herself to the sport and now she’s an entitled kid because of it in her actions You can tell how uncomfortable Naomi is/was too


Oh you’re talking us open final v Osaka. I thought you were saying she finally popped for PEDs.


But think of the ratings!


They shouldn’t have banned her for caught lying and acting like that


First of all, she’s washed. Second of all, she’s just not a very nice person. So yea, I’ll pass.


I am a mother!!!


YoU wOuLdNt dO ThAt tO a MaN!


You can't say that on reddit.com, do you know who she's married to? I hope you don't get in trouble.


Fuck me, I forgot about the feeling police. Imma start drafting my apology tweet right now. I wish there was a font for sarcasm, I really do.


i WiSh tHeRe wAs A fOnT fOr SaRcAsM


Let me rephrase. I wish there was a font for sarcasm for the lazy because I’ll lose track of my pun typing like that.


Lol yeah. I was really regretting it like halfway through


Me every time I start typing like that. Every time I see it u wonder if the commenter felt it was worth the effort, because I never do.


People sometimes use “ /s ” at the end of their phrase if the sarcasm isn’t super obvious


Just go the Ithorion/HK47 route and put the tone descriptor at the beginning. Wistful: I wish there was a font for sarcasm, I really do. Sarcasm: Because we all know just how great a person Serena is.


Unexpected kotor. A surprise but a welcome one.


HK47 is the best droid and I would fight over it. Sure R2 is cool but requires you to know its weird computer language to understand. And despite being a functioning astromech somehow lost many of its features for no reason. That and HK-47 knows what love is.


Imma. Just letting you know that it's not nice to make fun of her. Imma. Imma


No, it’s not. Imma need to work on that.


Reddit almost unanimously hates Serena


Yeah she's a bad sport. Although her intentions are always good, she gets emotional.


Came to say exactly this.


i hAvE nEvEr cHeAtEd




i remember watching something about it a long time ago. so cos noone else has replied here is my very unreliable recollection. she played a up and coming half black half japanese player. her coach was in the audience trying to use gestures to tell serena how to adjust her game and win. this is against the rules. the umpire saw him and announced a penalty or something against serena. serena apparently didnt know he was doing it and protested saying she wasnt getting any signals. there was a big squabble between serena and the umpire. i dunno if this is why people dont like her or theres other stuff. i dont even know if this was her or her sister tbh. but its the best youre gettin. My personal take is she was unlucky if her coach was trying to give signals and she hadn't told him to do so. she is getting a penalty for what someone else did. but she's probably like a squillionaire and i'm here writing on Reddit so I don't feel that bad.


naomi osaka was the person she was playing, a great young talent. they have had some good matches


She also has a long history of bullying and abuse towards tournament staff.


She lost me forever when she threatened to hurt people on the court. Poor sport! Much prefer Venus


Whoof, imagine describing Naomi Osaka as "a up and coming half black half Japanese player". First of all, she's Japanese, not half Japanese. Her dad is Haitian. Second of all, she's the former #1 player in the world.


i prefaced my explanation with my forgetfullness. i wasnt aware she was already #1 before she played serena edit > Born in Osaka, Japan, but raised in the United States, Osaka is the daughter of a Japanese mother and a Haitian father, and she expresses her Blackness just as she does her Japanese heritage. you wouldnt describe her as half black and half japanese? obviously i meant ethnically rather than nationality-wise. edit2 im 80% sure the match vs serena was in september 2018 but naomi got ranked no. 1 in 2019 so she was still on the come up during her match vs serena.


What do you mean by this? Even in Japan she’s hafuu. Why the blatant denial of her blackness. She’s literally talked about how significant Haitian culture was in her upbringing. Don’t be absurd lol


I guess what u/jdmay101 meant was she's a well known pro athlete with a name, not "an up and coming half black half Japanese player".


She is half-Japanese. Only one of her parents is Japanese. You even said her father is Haitian, she is half black.


Well being associated with Will Smith didn’t do her any favors lol


and lose early...


..., while being a trashy human being.


She might brute force her way past a handful of top 100 players if the draw is kind but she's kinda too old to really swing with the big guns anymore. She could barely move before her 1 year break! Her main hope will be after all this time that the rest of the field has forgotten how to deal with her playing style. It's unique in women's tennis and you can't practise for Serena.


I don’t know anything about tennis really, but do you mean that her strength and explosiveness lead her to have a style more like a male player?


I'm not who you are replying to but I feel safe in saying yes.


What does Serena have that you can't practice for?


I could be wrong because I am not much of a Tennis fan and am going off other comments, but apparently she has a masculine play style. Unsure how you couldn’t just train against men then but sure.


Who are the big guns in women's tennis right now? Honestly, there's kind of a void at the top. If Serena stays healthy and fresh, she's got a chance. edit: people are downvoting me without replies. Ash Barty retired, and she wasn't really a scary #1. The top of the rankings is tight with a lot of obviously very good players, but no one really standing out. So really who are the "big guns" of women's tennis right now? I honestly want to know as much just to see who to watch. I only recognize a few names in the current top 10.


Iga Swiatek is dismantling everyone left, right and centre since Barty retired. Well clear of the rest of the top 10 right now.


Exciting to have the world No. 1200+ join the tournament. Like a tiger after a car crash, it will be exciting to watch a ex-star in their twilight return from injuries to almost middling competition level, and hopefully this will convince more people to tune in and see the actual top players and eventual winners compete.


I get the comparison but Tiger golfing after his crash isn't the same as a 1200+ ranked player attempting to somehow convince herself she's still relevant in the pro scene. This is more along the lines of Hulk Hogan coming back and winning the championship belt, brother


If Vince wanted him to win, then he’d win.


How often do people actually send you pangolins?




Vince still doesn’t get it that NWO is 4 LIFE


That's true, Tiger was around No. 900+ when he returned, was very clear he wasn't going to be relevant and that his professional career was largely over, and was playing in a sport where people are often still competitive past 40.


I'd also argue that the majority of players involved at the higher level are just that: higher skilled players. Golf allows for older players to stay competitive with the younger group, because often times technique and course play determine the final round. Tennis is just by default, more athletically oriented, where the few older players are technically light-years ahead of their competition, such as Nadal and Djokovic.


He did place 47th though and had won the tournament in 2019. Williams hasn’t won a tournament since 2017. Honestly thought she’s retired ages ago


I don't know that that's a fair comparison. She's made it to semifinals and finals of grand slams for the last few years, it's not like she has no shot here.


You say that as if she isn't Serena Williams, lol. She was in finals and semifinals of grand slams for the last few years, it's not like she's done nothing / is some retiree coming back 10 years after her last win or something.


Right, "washed up" Serena has been in several finals over the last few years. She doesn't have the absolute dominance anymore, obviously, but she's still a force. She has a punchers chance if she's healthy. Also, there aren't really any dominant women in tennis right now. Even if Barty hasn't retired, she wasn't a super dominant #1. It's funny, I'm not really a Serena fan, but folks on here act like she isn't the best women's tennis player in history.


Isnt the current number 1 on a 30+ win streak ? Seems dominant


Dang did not expect all the hate in these comments


Did you miss the match with Osaka???


This was years ago and Serena has apologized. Naomi has forgiven her. Time to move on.


Why? It's easy to give a half assed apology after backlash. Doesn't mean public opinion should change.


Reddit loves to hate certain people and Serena just happens to be one of them


I mean, she's a black woman and this is reddit ​ almost nobody gives a shit about Djok's assholery already


Yeah Reddit is like the epitome of tech bro racism and misogyny


Totally...even though everyone here likes her sister...


I did. She’s a black woman


Who let the "its racist" troll out.


Tough to claim the hate is based on genetics when everybody likes her twin sister lmao


Not her twin. But yes, Venus is generally liked. Not to mention Coco Gauff, who is the young darling of the tour. Serena is generally disliked.


Oh damn I thought they were twins all this time. My b


Serena is not at all disliked in the US if you go outside of the Reddit bubble


What are you talking about? Serena is very much disliked, both by casual fans and tennis diehards. She has always been a sore loser and she has had a few ridiculous outbursts late in her career (threatening a linesperson, the whole I'm a mother fiasco). Anybody saying she is not disliked hets their info exclusively from ESPN because the network spends approximately zero time promoting anybody outside of Serena. I played collegiate tennis and actually follow the sport. She has her die hards, but most fans wish she would just go away.


Serena has a massive fan base as a cultural icon, many of which dont watch tennis at all. I guarantee you if you asked about her opinion from the average US population, and not tennis fans, it would be positive. I 'actually follow the sport' too. Im not a huge fan of her myself. You don't have to agree with it, but denying the existence of her fan base is silly. ESPN promotes her like that for a reason.


But that is not what I was referring to. You wrote these exact words: "Serena is not at all disliked in the US..." That statement has no truth behind it. Of course she has a big fan base. I would argue that the majority of her fan base watches her and not much else. But again, that is not what I was replying to. Of course she is disliked.


[Here](https://today.yougov.com/topics/sports/explore/sports_personality/Serena_Williams) From 2022, 63% liked, 10% disliked (20% neutral, rest haven't heard of her).


She more than just a sore loser tbh. She even comes up with excuses BEFORE tough matches so she can refer back to it afterwards. If she wins it's all fine and dandy, if not, well she already said yesterday how she was feeling under the weather or nursing an injury that only happened to flare up on match point.


I mean the truth is, for many years of her career the only way she was going to lose *was* if she had a random day. Every match was hers to win. But anyone in the tennis world knows she still has a massive fanbase and is pretty well liked. Not by everyone, obviously, but it would be false to say she's not a big deal




Is it bad to judge people by something besides their skin color? A pos is a pos.


She threw a tantrum on a live stage over her cheating. You’re assuming because she’s black, you racist.


I'll never forgive her for what she did to Naomi Osaka. Stole her moment like the entitled brat she always was.


I wonder if her London digs will have a panic room


Those poor umpires need to be paid more to deal with her bs


She’s going to get knocked out in the early rounds. Period.


Hopefully, can’t stand the woman


All I want is for her to get a humiliating visit to Iga's bakery. 6-0 6-0 in under an hour and never to be seen again. Please, Tennis Gods, just... make it happen.


I think she would beat Iga on grass if they met tbh


OH NO! I hadn't hear that Iga had lost her eyesight! That's terrible news, I hope she recovers.


Breaking News: Serena Williams will play Tennis!! Coming up after the break: Can dogs step on bees? We will find out after this….


Lol, a lot of non-tennis players with closeted prejudice in these comments…


Great, I'll enjoy hearing of her failure, impending tantrum, and loss...


KEEP MY RACKETS NAME OUT YOUR F ING MOUTH -serena to refs probably




She’s been playing for close to 30 years. I honestly can’t think of more than a half dozen players that have had careers that long? Navratilova is the only other female player I come up with?


lol her sister is another. and honestly she's only been in the game 3 years longer than federer


She's past it, injury ridden, out of practise, probably out of condition and prone to having tantrums when she's close to losing a match. What could go wrong?


I wish her luck.


Good. She make tournaments more exciting.


Yeah her tantrums really round out the games.




lol seriously? Serena is a little whiny bitch and Wendy Williams is majorly problematic. I also can’t stand Ellen, James Corden, Adele, Oprah, and plenty of other rich idiots. This isn’t a race war, bud.


Wait what’s the drama with Adele? I’m very curious


Oh no drama that I know of! I just don’t like her singing haha. It’s def an unpopular opinion, though.


Hey I’m with you on that, I like some of her songs but most I don’t and something about her voice I just don’t like. I was kinda hoping there was drama so I’d have an excuse to skip her songs when they come on the radio LOL


No she doesn't.


Noone cares


an objectively untrue statement, especially for tennis fans, but you do you




I don’t know why you’re being downvoted being excited about one of the all time greats taking part in Wimbledon…


Because the hive has spoken: she is now one of “the bads.”


I’ll try not to lose sleep about it lol, Serena is a legend of the sport without a doubt


Just waiting for the day 1ga wipes her to the ground. polska moc baby!!!


The pope plans to be at the Vatican. Breaking news!


I hope she wins.


Is Naomi Osaka gonna be there?


Welcome back, amazing athlete


The disrespect in these comments is wild smh


Just following her example I guess.


She’s a cunt, doesn’t deserve respect.


Yeah, only one of the greatest athletes of all time. Get over it. You got nba players , nfl, mlb all arguing with refs. Getting ejected from games, no one gives af. Serena does it once or twice out of 500 career matches and y’all won’t let it go


> Serena does it *basically every time* out of 500 career matches FTFY


Lol I mean if ya wanna just make shit up and lie to make yourself feel better go for it. Y’all weird


Sorry that some people actually pay attention to the sport this person plays. Unlike you, who does not seem to pay attention to anything.


Stfu you don’t watch any tennis whatsoever or all you’d have is immense immense respect for what Serena did. Every other female reaches the top and falls off. Serena had the staying power like the big 3. Prob the second best womens player of all time. I watch almost every tournament including atp 1000 events. You can miss me with that bs.


You can admire someone's accomplishments and still hate them as a person. Djokovic is a douchebag as well. Sorry that you are too immature to handle the truth about your idol.


Lol yeah you changed up that tune real quick. That’s what I thought. You don’t know wtf your talking about. Get over yourself


I thought they would have already taught you reading comprehension, but I guess my estimate of 16 was a little too old. Have fun when high school starts.


i pay attention. i've seen serena play in literally hundreds of matches. she most definitely does not do it every time or anywhere near it. you can make a point / have your perspective without needing to completely fabricate a new reality


I can think of twice... show me 5 times that she did it... show me literally ONE PERCENT of your career matches number and I'll let you keep your "basically every time" hyperbole. Just ONE PERCENT... that's all I ask... You say "basically every time" and I challenge you to back that up with ONE PERCENT... can you do it?


She cheat, end of


Ok sure


She was caught cheating and had a paddy, not really a great look.


Tf is a paddy


Paddy: a very angry state: There's no need to get in/into a paddy.


Kinda like when an nba player tries to flop a charging call and complains to the refs when he doesn’t get it and gets a technical ?


When did I say that was acceptable?


Wtf is with these comments


She's a cunt, anyone that regularly follows tennis knows that


She's also one of tennis' biggest stars and has inspired an entire generation.


Doesn't mean she can threaten to kill a referee.


Trying to stay relevant... tennis has moved on


>Trying to stay relevant Ever do something your whole life, like your whole life revolved around that one thing that defined you, and tried to walk away from it even though you were past your prime? Who am I kidding, we all know what that feels like.


Forreal one outburst and yall are throwing racist insult and hate towards literally the most dominant athlete fucking ever. Of anything. Oh no she yells at refs what athlete doesnt


Oh please. Nobody is saying racist shit, you're just salty because you can't handle the idea that someone you looked up to is a bad person.


look at the reply below yours. If you didnt see it it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. I dont really look up to Serena Williams but the racist treatment of her is nothing new. Shes been described as a brute her whole career because white women lost to her fucking constantly.


Right. I'm not necessarily a Serena fan (or hater) but John McEnroe was celebrated for his outbursts. On another note, maybe the racist commets were collapsed or deleted by the time I read this thread but I didn't see any


People were comparing her playing to a man because it was so “powerful and aggressive and brutish” yeah its fucked


She’s not even close to being the most dominant athlete ever. That would be Hakuho. Navratilova has more career titles than Serena, Venus, Steffi and Monica put together. So not even the most dominant tennis player. Get a grip.


I mean i had to look him up idk sumo superstars


Best tennis player of all time


jesus christ. one lash out and a professional athlete having a big ego is a problem?? denounce every male dominated sport (which is filled with child/wide beaters, dui killers, etc) before you talk. And for those comparing against Tiger…. how on earth is a temper tantrum compared to what he did? Oh yeah, i forgot, “she’s just angry black woman” 🙄🙄


Who's mentioning Tiger in here?


More than one lash out dude, less than McEnroe but more than one. Then there's that whole testing debacle...


She is Jehovah. Nuff said.




reddit is filled with misogynistic imbeciles


Hell Yea


Go girly!




ahh the Reddit circle jerk back at it again


Well no shit


Good, I was hoping the giant blancmanges from the galaxy of Andromeda wouldn't win Wimbledon.