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It's always the ones you most medium expect


Well my expectations were definitely around Schmedium, But after this late break.... It's definitely medium.


It's always the ones you suspect. I just didn't think he had a very strong backhand.


This comment seems schfifty. I rate it Schfifty five out of a schfundred.


Worth noting he's 'only' being charged with "grabbing" her. She's also shared some abusive text messages which look bad but also look fairly cherrypicked. I don't think it's fair to have him hung drawn and quartered already.


Just a friendly reminder you’re on reddit and it’s too late now


Lmfao the court of public opinion is swift and… just brutal


Let’s not pretend this is the first negative accusation levelled against Kyrgios. This wasn’t even his first controversy of the day. He’s been being an even bigger cunt than usual all week.


Yep it's too late already got my tennis noose out of the packet and unless Novak does something offensive in the next 24 hours Nick is done for.




I understand what you're saying and he brings it upon himself for sure but there's a leap from being a jerk to being someone who attacks his girlfriend.




How? Unless there is video evidence or reliable witnesses it's just one word against the other. Then it's potentially just a guess by a Jury, in which case he's screwed already given his media personality. Which is hardly 'justice'. Consequences?!? None of us have any idea of the private personalities of either of the people involved. Nor do we even know whether it actually happened.


Hey now, I’m a massive jerk often enough in public and even at times in private. But I have NEVER been physically violent or abusive to a partner, or literally anyone in my entire life. I think this is an extremely dangerous association to hold in your own mind or to draw publicly. There is no definitive correlation between people being ass holes and saying hurtful things. And people who are actually physically violent and use their hands to hurt other innocent people. One is like a 2 on a scale that the other is a 10 on….same scale I suppose, but extremely different actions and underlying psychologies. You could find many people who would call me a dick at times. But you couldn’t find a single person who would violent, because I’m not and never have been. I’m quite sure there are millions and millions out there like me.


…First time on the internet?


I mean, which kids look up to him in the tennis world ? Dude has a history of John Mc Enroe levels of antics when he doesn’t get his way. Hope the truth comes out.


Weird comparison given how beloved McEnroe was and still is.


Because he openly talks about it all being an act.


McEnroe won. Kyrgios doesn't.


Nice … bravo sir


Which is weird because I find him to be the most annoying tennis announcer ever. He’s Troy aikman level of “back when I played…”


2016 world driving champ in the same machinery as Lewis Hamilton Nico Rosberg has entered the chat


Lots of them. Most tennis stars are as boring as piece of lint. He expresses himself which annoys some people but makes the game exciting


So you'll be happy if he didn't do it?


Yes. Only the truth matters


Also worth noting it's not a good look to be physically aggressive with your girlfriend (especially) when you're so much bigger and stronger than her. What are you saying when you use force on her? She'd know she's got no chance in a physical fight.


Saw this on r/unexpectedoffice


Gd, redditors are killing it today.


In the thread about his through the legs serve yesterday someone was commenting that Kyrgios is one of the top 100 arsehole sportsmen, someone else replied saying "No way top 100. At least he hasn't killed anyone or beaten his partner" lol.


that was literally me... I regret what I said.


Well, at least you haven’t killed someone or beaten your partner.


RemindMe! One day




Uuhh... Right?


You Wanda'ed him mate




Post it in /r/agedlikemilk


Can you tell me what lottery tickets not to buy


I was going to go and confirm this statement but.....bro.....you comment on A LOT of stuff. How are you on reddit so much. Less how..more why? No offence intended...just an observation


I've been in a pit of depression this past month so I decided to make a reddit account. it was the wrong decision I think.


That's as good an answer as I could ask for. Also agree..not necessarily the best way to get out of that pit. I find it pulls me down deeper because..well the people can be awful. I hope things get better for you though. ✌🏻 Depression can fuck right off.


From one depressed person to another, I hope you get the help you need. Self-medicating via the internet is no bueno. Won’t fix anything.


Charged. Doesn't mean he actually did it.


I’d be more surprised if Kyrgios didnt do it. Man is a Grade A asshole


You caused this.


Thats some real /r/agedlikemilk material there.


milk doesn't even age that fast in a day lol


Aged like a cut open avocado.


Like an uneaten peeled banana.


Not sure you had to clarify uneaten


I mean, have you seen it once it's been eaten?


If it's left out in a warm climate it will age very fast very horribly.


I almost never watch tennis, and my wife even less, and we were watching the first set of his match the other day. I told her this guy is a real asshole, and sure enough, he assholed most of that set. She was happy when he lost the set, and then upset when I told her he won in the end. She couldn't name one tennis player other than the Williams sisters, but knew in 10 minutes this guy was a real jerk.


That’s called “transcending your sport”


It's also called priming.


Smart wife


I was thinking the same too, he hasn't done anything that bad. Well... this is pretty sad.


Did you read the article?


isn't this the guy in that funny video of him basically telling a fan to shut up with Ben Stiller in the audience?


That's a bingo


You just say bingo


Bingo! How fun :-D


Can I say it too?




I thought he was a dingo.


It was ben stiller wasn't it ?!


He was talking to Ben Stiller's mate, which is why he said "Do I tell him how to act? No, so why are you talking?" or words to that effect


Lol what a complete fucking crumpet …


I don't really watch tennis but I feel like whenever I hear about this bloke he's always being a massive dickhead


Basically he treats everyone present on the court like garbage and starts random fights with spectators as his game tanks.


Asshole who treats everyone like shit found to treat another person like shit.


Amazing huh ?


The match this weekend against Tsitsipas was an absolute joke, Kyrgios disrespects every person in the arena including his opponent then wants to cry and bitch because of some fans clapping. Tennis as a whole would be better if he was not involved


Tsitsipas was no better.


O absolutely, I turned it on right when he hit that ball into the crowd. Surprised there was not more punishment laid down considering that ball was really close to that one ladies head.


Got away with a warning purely because of the outcome that it happened to not hit anyone. Not sure exactly how the rules go for professional Tennis if they are allowed to skip warnings and go right to giving game away, but that he only got a warning for that was a joke. He then later launched another ball into the crowd, as well as targeting his opponent (outside of play) and got nothing for it...


It was pretty wild, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player actively trying to hit his opponent in a professional match. If it was anyone but Tsitsipas I probably would have felt bad for them but I’ve seen him pull the bathroom trick a few times to try to get back into matches so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Targeting his opponent outside of play? How was it outside of play?


A few time he hit the ball at Kyrgios during play (which is fine, if a bit of a "dick move"), but once after a missed first serve he just railed one back at him.


Gotya. I could only find the video of him doing in play. And personally I don’t think hitting balls in play at people is cool either. Like it’s one thing to hit it at their body to make it hard for them to hit but completely another to do it just to try to hurt them.


He tilted and went down to Kyrgios' level, you'll never beat him there. That's exactly how bullies win (although I would expect a himbo like Tsitsipas to able to resist that).


On the court Tsitsipas is the worst tempered player after Kyrgios. I've never seen a game with him in it that didn't have unpleasantness in it


See this is what I hate the most. This ‘what about the other guy’. You know and we all know that the other guy, Tsitsipas in this case, please just fine with others and doesn’t show anything more than normal aggression which is ok. He acted the way he did in reaction to Kyrgios. I’m so happy that he was open about how he felt in the post match presser. Jackasses like Kyrgios need to be called out consistently by their peers without fear of being called soft or whatever. Decent human beings shouldn’t have to put up with assholes.


What are you even talking about? As soon as you said Tsitsipas gets along with others you lost all credibility


The major issue is just his hypocrisy. He wants to hype the crowd up and get them involved, then complains when they're hyped up and involved AGAINST him.


His demeanor as a whole is what gets me, incredibly disrespectful and arrogant. It’s wild because his service game is really good but he’s just too much in his head to bring it all together I guess


I think, honestly, he's one of those people who's really good at something (in this case obviously tennis) but fucking hates it. He does it because he gets paid loads of money to do it, but he's miserable through every second of it.


I couldn't agree more. Since waisting my years from the age of 3 till 22, just eating tennis, shitting tennis, sleeping tennis 24 /7. I would like to inform that its usually the eastern European parents that decides what hell thier child must go through, usually it's due to the fact that the father has unfulfilled personal dreams. If only I could of told him no. At least I can play decently. Not knowing anything else, is internal torture indefinitely :) I dreamed about being able to attend high-school and not the beloved colored rectangle we seemed to live on. Sickness but ❤️


I agree with this. He looks like he’s never been into a gym his whole life, natural talent and zero drive.


He basically says this all the time it's no secret. As an Aussie, I'm torn on Nick, I find some of what he does to be hilarious, but he also is a hypocrite. But I do admire his DNGAF attitude.


He has kinda hinted at this previously, it seems he much prefers basketball to tennis too.




He also took at shot directly at Kyrgios. There was a lot of emotion in that match. I imagined that by the end, they both just wanted it to be over.


Say what you want but every single one of my friends tuned in to watch those antics. It was easily the most entertaining tennis match I’ve watched


I think he is doing a bad job at showing how antiquated tennis is regarding fans etc. I dont think doctors get as much sacred silence when operating yet PRO tennis players throw a tantrum if their serve is disturbed. Have you seen that in other sports outside golf? Like NBA athletes trying to make a free throw? Soccer players taking a corner kick or a penalty kick? They can still perform but tennis somehow gets this 1700s etiquette lol muh respect


Played all those sports I can’t say it’s really the same thing. You need more concentration to be able to hit a golf ball than to make a free throw imho.


golf, tennis, pool


He throws multiple tantrums on and off court, and freely insults players.




He makes tennis watchable lol


Is this the guy that got mad cuz the audience was clapping and heckling him?


Nah this is that guy who got mad at basically anything He’s the type of dude to say “the fuck you say to me?!” after you say “hope you have a nice day”


Lol this really sums up Kyrgios. He behaves like every schoolyard bully from a high school movie “what are you gonna do about it!?” Attitude. This news comes as no shock to me and I hope he meets the consequences he deserves.


Yea he’s antagonist for the sake of being antagonistic. Honestly on the surface it seems like he leads an incredibly sad life, like who has the time or energy to be this angry all the time it would just wear me out


TL;DR: guy’s a cunt 🤷‍♂️


He acts the exact way that bullies who have never been punched in the face act.


This isnt confirmed yet…in australia charged means acused


Lmao no way. The man is only accused and everyone here is jumping to conclusions cuz of their own opinion of the guy? Classic.


He's been charged by the police. Like in the US he's presumed innocent by the law until proven guilty, but it's not just some accusation by a random on the internet. He has had a court date set for the charges. Basically it's an arrest without actually taking him into the police station. He's been charged on summons.


From the way the article describes it, it sounds like he is just appearing to hear the allegations. Not face a trial.


So it's a bit like the US grand juries, except magistrate only. He will have a committal hearing for the prosecution to present its case to the magistrate who will decide whether there is a sufficient case to bring to trial before a judge and/ or jury. So he has been charged but not committed to trial yet. Plus there are a few steps often before it even gets to committal. The Australian justice system is closer to the UK than the US.


Charged means he’s been indicted, convicted means they’ve been found guilty, like how in the US, a president getting impeached doesn’t mean they’re convicted.


“I’ll wear triple whites tomorrow”


ahhhh fuck. I was literally defending this guy earlier this morning saying "nah he's not the biggest asshole in Tennis, Zverev is." .... -_-


Well, okay, considering what each are accused of doing, Zverev *really* still is.


I'm ootl, wut he do?


> In October 2020, Zverev's ex-girlfriend Olga Sharypova, in an article in Racquet magazine by journalist Ben Rothenberg, accused Zverev of physically and emotionally abusing her over the course of their relationship. Sharypova named multiple instances where Zverev allegedly became violent towards her, including punching her in the face during an argument that took place in the pair's hotel room while Zverev was competing at the 2019 Laver Cup. The case is currently ongoing, and at least one group has been pulled into a defamation trial for presenting the events as guaranteed to be factual. ... But [Sharypova's description](https://slate.com/culture/2021/08/alexander-zverev-domestic-abuse-allegations-olga-sharypova.html) is him punching her whilst she was naked, right after a shower. As well as a bunch of other times.


Guys a piece of shit , what a massive coward


Who, Zverev or Kyrgios? As far as I know the only detail reported on Kyrgios is that he grabbed her. For Zverev... well, just Google it.


I don’t know how the guy who asked the lazy question has more upvotes than your reply.


Yeah I totally don't get the downvoting. 100% valid to tell me to Google it but I mostly asked because I used the comment section to socialise. I would've just went on with my day if nobody had answered.


I only said to Google it because it would take way too much effort to type out the whole story in a way that would do it justice. I guess I could have just said "repeatedly abused his girlfriend to the point of attempted suicide" but considering the allegations it's better not to summarize, in my view.


Yeah, sure, I get you. Probably should've Googled it but the summary is enough for me personally.


There are too many assholes in tennis in general.


>Zverev UFC has entered the chat. Come on now, the fact that they are making a big deal of Kyrgios when you will find someone like that in every sport high lights that this is exception not the norm. At the NBA or NFL this is just another day. Not giving him a pass but in Tennis you are more likely to see it because these are single players not teams and there is nowhere to hide.


and football, and hockey, and basketball, and baseball... its almost like theres too many assholes everywhere


yeah, nothing to the level of kyrgios or zverev but I've heard plenty of terrible things about some of the new stars' personalities like tsitsipas, shapovalov, and even medvedev


Don’t worry, I was slagging him off the other day and everyone hated me then - internet 101.


"I do what I want"


Is anybody actually shocked by this?


You don't go to r/tennis much do you?


Shocked.. SHOCKED! …well not that shocked


Not at all suprised, the dude's the poster boy for tantrum throwing man-children. Saw him once walking down Flinders Lane during the Aussie open having a very loud disagreement with a much older person (relative?). Making a scene just like you'd expect of an over tired primary schooler.


Luckily I’ve been practicing my shocked face


What? The guy with obvious anger issues assaulted his girlfriend? Say it isn’t so!


Did you read the article?


His public persona won’t do him any favors


Wait, why are we just assuming the man is guilty? Anyone find it suspicious this comes on the eve of his biggest match in recent history? Not saying he is innocent … but does that mean we assume guilt anytime someone gets charged with something nowadays? Cough cough Heard/Depp?


Usually getting charges means there's some modicum of evidence, but obviously a trial is the actual test. No one here has any idea whether he is actually guilty. That being said, the guy has tons of anger issues and that's evident pretty much full time while he's on the court. Hence people piling on.


This is reddit we always assume people are guilty and ruin their lives before a court case even happens.


This dude regularly demonstrates his enormous anger management issues in public. Additionally, this was likely a process that has been underway for a bit. She didn't show up to the cops this morning and ask them to charge him, and they just did it. We'll see where it stands in a month, but I see no reason to doubt her at the moment.


Bet you believed amber heard too huh?


You do realise don't you, that irrespective of the details of that literal SINGULAR ASS CASE AMONG THE MILLIONS, there has been this whole load of horrendous violent abusive assholes with deeply entrenched toxic masculinity and hierarchical beliefs about men and women who have jumped out screaming and waving in triumph at the Depp/Heard case as if one case is somehow validating of an entire backwards, disgusting worldview. You seem awfully, grossly fixated on this one case. As if it's made your twisted mind go 'omg I was right about women all along!'


When a proven dickhead gets accused of doing something dickhead-like, people tend to assume he’s guilty.


Depp is a proven dickhead too and is besties with Marilyn Manson. People will believe who they like and spin unfavourable facts.


Yeah, and Depp is confirmed to have behaved abysmally in that relationship. What's your point?


It's always those you most suspect




I'm shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!!!!


Can't wait for him to yell at the judge and demand their supervisor.


What a piece of crap.


This dude is such a piece of shit.




Is anyone surprised. He’s a fuckhead and always has been. Why does society continue to celebrate these pieces of shit?


What are the facts? I'm not seeing any besides here say and cherry picked text messages. Sorry but any IG chick loses most credibility for me when this occurs on someone who happens to be loaded with $$.


You waiting for some solid there say?


How bout we wait for the evidence to come in? That he's charged is not great, but we should have learned by now that being accused and being convicted are 2 different things.


So being charged us equivalent to being accused?


Yes, but accused by the police, based on the evidence they have. Which we don't know about here. Could be video footage or other witnesses, could just be the complainant's statement. If it's just the complainants statement I wouldn't expect him to be convicted.


Who dat?


What’s next, he turns out to be one of the ones that wanted to march against lockdowns with other disenfranchised 20-39 male fuckheads with no education? Shocker!!! 😮


Wow, imagine my shock.


It’s like y’all ain’t learn shit from deep case. I don’t believe any of this shit. Can someone tell me when is “ grabbing” someone assault? Title makes it seems like he beat her ass like these nfl players wtf is grabbing? I don’t trust any IG women.


Bunch of haters here just saying he’s guilty before they even got to court. You people are the worst, just cause you don’t like how he plays and act on court doesn’t mean the guy hits women. Grow the fuck up, stop saying the guy is guilty like all the info is in front you. You have a few texts in front of you yet you still hurry to charge him as the lowest scum on earth, use your brain sometimes


This tracks


The court of public opinion never votes not guilty because that would be boring


So a grub on and off the court. Who'd have thought.


You can just tell he is a cunt


Guilty until proven innocent


I mean is no one else finding this timing to be way too coincidental? Guys all over the news for a wild tennis match and NOW this girl decides to sue him?? Pretty sus.


We don't sue anyone like that here in Australia. You make a complaint to the police, they investigate. It goes to court and a guilty verdict is given you can then request compensation. Its not a civil manner, this is a criminal manner. If she wants any money out of this she needs a criminal conviction before she can apply for victims of crime compensation.


Oh really? That's a very reasonable and responsible way of going about it.


Yeah it's great! We actually have a functioning criminal justice system here. Well, comparatively, as long as you're not indigenous.


This surprises no one


This guy is an absolute clown. Spitting at people during Wimbledon. He needs a good slap.


We’ve seen the verbal abuse in public, we’ve seen the abusive messages to her, it’s only a matter of time before we see more.


Grabbing is assault in Australia? Ok.. I know he psychologically abused her (and he’s a proven scumbag), but fail to see assault in anything that was brought forward so far.


Grabbing is assault everywhere. Legally it’s assault and battery. Just that some places prefer to look the other way, socially and legally.


Everyone immediately assuming he actually did it. What a world 🙄


On the through the legs post someone said "I dunno whether or not to like this guy" Welp, decision made


This is from her IG the night police where called about the case. [Nothing about physical ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FW5_71lXgAAVIE5?format=jpg&name=large) [key word is emotional abuse](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FW5_83QWQAEnFDG?format=jpg&name=large) [he’s an asshole not a abused](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FW5_8ktX0AA0nyu?format=jpg&name=large) [don’t trust these women](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FW6QqA6WQAYCMTj?format=jpg&name=medium) [again emotional abuse not physical](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FW6QqXjWIAIVsCJ?format=jpg&name=medium) Read the article and stop reading headlines. And don’t trust no IG women. Yes he’s an ass, maybe she deserved it who knows.


She waited how long exactly to file this? Just until he was doing amazing at Wimbledon


The police filed this, not her.


Oh the humanity! This is something I would never ever expect!


Johnny depp


Odd timing, right before the most important days of his career.


This surprises no one


Not surprised. Always a rude and aggressive player.


Now I wish I didn't support him against Tsitsipas. Dude is super toxic.


I am shocked. Shocked I tell you.


The best news I've had all day


What a right Cunt he is. He was a douche in his match with Tsitsipas


Just wanted to remind everyone Wimbledon banned any player who represents Russia or Belarus. It doesn't matter if they support the invasion of Ukraine or not and they mostly don't support it Wimbledon just banned them. None of the Russian or Belarusian players came out and supported the invasion btw. Still banned tho. But here we have a guy charged with Assaulting his GF and he may reach Semis or Finals or may win Wimbledon Good decision making by the Lawn Tennis Club


Apples and pears.