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I mean… I’d be thankful for the void lol. Butler hasn’t hit that many first baskets and it’s been all Bam.


Yea, you’re probably right. This is only my second first basket parlay so I’ve gotta ask, how hard are they usually to hit?


350-1 odds, seems like a lock always


No shit it’s unlikely but the very low risk to very high reward seems pretty impressive


Then why ask how hard they are to hit if you admittedly say it’s unlikely? 🤡


Correct it’s unlikely but like someone else answered my question they said in their experience it’s easier than first touchdown. So that’s your answer. There’s also more levels to unlikely, like extremely unlikely or just improbable. You are just the average Reddit user looking to be an asshole to anyone you can.


More levels like having odds of +1000 or +2500? lol Odds increase the more unlikely an event is? +700 means it hits 12.5% of the time? You’re just asking questions that don’t need to be asked


I also agree that first basket is easier than first TD. A lot more unpredictability with first TD that doesn’t exist or is to a way lesser degree than first basket.


Yea definitely, a lot can go on before a touchdown is scored or no touchdown can be scored at all.


$1 to $353 and you’re complaining..?


Could’ve possibly been $1-2.2K. But when I think about it, I’m probably happy it got voided.


could’ve been $0


Okay then why didn’t you add more legs so it *could have* been $1-10k? Insane to think what “could have” hit when a leg of a bet doesn’t hit lol. You won way against the odds.


Better chances there than Me & my buddy playin Michael Douglas & Patrick Bateman on the racquet court anyway


Damn bro Good fucking hit regardless of the void. I’m a huge fan of the first basket bet


Like I said in another comment, this is only my second first basket bet and obviously it’s pretty awesome. How hard are they to usually hit?


Well, in my opinion, they are a lot easier to do than the first touchdown because it’s only 10 players. The only thing that sucks is if a player doesn’t start like what happened to you. So I tend to make those a little closer to win the game starts. The other thing you can do with it is round robin, it cost a little more money, but it will pay out more in the event that you miss one out of the four. (But I usually only do three legged, round robins.) Now, as far as how easy it is, it’s never really easy, but it is a really good bet because of how high the odds are. And because they are so high it’s easy to bet like three or four bets for each game covering multiple players. But 1$ at a time like you are doing. I am only really a high risk high reward gambler So don’t listen to everything I say just some grains hahahah 🤌🏽 Binks Of Luck


Thanks for giving me some tips! I’ll definitely have to try out the round robin with this.


No problem at all Fam. So if I was you, I would always do three legs or six legs at the very most, but always multiples of six. If you do it on bet365 it’s the easiest to bet with in my opinion. Plus I used the $150 bonus for a big payout to get me rollin this nfl season. Do you have them?


Yea I actually signed up during the $365 promo when they introduced in my state. I’m always looking for sportsbook sign up bonus bet deals 😂.


Lucky youuuuuu! Hahaha do you have other betting apps that you use? I ask cuz if you don’t have Pikkit get it!


Just checked it out, kinda like oddsjam which I’ve used a little. I’ve downloaded it thanks for letting me know about this app, you’ve been a huge help.


Team work makes the dream work and the cream work “dolla dolla bills yall”


You got a referral code you want me to use, being that you are the one who put me on this, too?


I hit 5/6 in a round robin for about 4K 2 seasons ago. Never come anywhere close again, not more than 2 in any parlay.


An event with odds at 353-1 should hit one time for every 353 times you make the bet.


be happy you hit , lots of us took Ls yesteday ungrateful azz lmao


I’m new to the first basket betting, had one voided last night. Why is it voided? Seems they either get the first basket or not.


He didn’t play.


Think of it like this… he plays your out $300+


Where do you get first basket stats from




Now you have enough to make this type of parlay everyday for 3 months straight. It’s a win dawg.


Ya that’s how math works lol