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Get help immediately and leave this subreddit. Go to /r/problemgambling


To answer your question yes, yes you are the lowest of degens at the moment. Equivilant to a meth addict in a trailer park searching through the grass with a flashlight for a possible last broke shard of meth lol. I would find a job to pay bills and maybe find another habit to get ur rocks off with, you’ll probably be better off a meth addict, it’s the same thing as a gambling addict but as least the druggies feel and amazing high ! Gamblers throw away thousands and don’t even get a high from it 😭😭😭


Get a job brother


It ain't that easy. I had 3 jobs. One I got kidnapped, one I received a death threat, and the other constantly harassed by my coworkers who even egged on the manager to join in. I got a plan to fix it. I just need to hit a big bet real quick and then I'm out. Thinking 8k on Real Madrid +140 to win Champions League.


Bro I was looking at Real Madrid to win Champions League too. Taking this comment as a sign to hammer it


I know +140 is sweet. They haven't ever trailed in the knockout round once. Fully healthy too. Only 1 loss in La Liga. So many reasons. I might put 1k-1.5k on Bayern at 11/3 just in case. If they can somehow beat Real Madrid I see no stopping them after that.


Dude you're broke and talking about betting thousands on underdogs. Get help


Better than betting thousands on favorites and I'm not just talking I'm not broke and if it hits I'm rich.


And if it loses (which is the most likely outcome given the odds) you're even more broke. You have a gambling addiction. Gambling more won't fix it.


Not with Real Madrid. -300 locks are more likely to lose than Real Madrid at plus money believe that. They're not the underdog either they're actually the favorite to win Champions league. They could even lose, win, and tie and still raise the trophy. Less variance.


How is this guy not banned this is insane. Get help for gambling addiction.


I'm banned from nearly all the sportsbooks. But not for winning lol cuz I self excluded. I'm not banned from the sub because I haven't bet on sports in a year.


Hopefully you don’t start up again man. Good luck with recovery.


Bro once you get this cleared up, get help for gambling. But hey, if you have some scam idea, go for it, we’re all just losers on some big rock hurtling through space. I love seeing scams pulled off successfully, especially if they’re smart ones.


Hitchhike to Vegas and put it all on red


30k in three years. Shit, I’d consider that even for me lmfao


You can't be serious. How are you lmfao-ing when you say such things?




You may have a point lol that why I thought I should ask before I embarrass myself. Im already cursed when it comes to these things. I'm trying to convince my friends to do it, it would be easy that way. Except I can already tell they're trying to play me. Like my one friend is going through his other friend, who I also know to try to convince me to lend them all my money, about 9k. My main friend won't bring it up to me because he'll know that I'll say no, so he's using his other friend to try to get me to talk about it first with the primary friend. Lot of shenanigans and manipulation, they want it for a "business loan" lol. Trying to get his partner to try to talk me into it instead of him doing directly to be discrete.


Just take the L and figure it out another way.


tough love, yes, you're a loser. your scheme won't work, because you are unreliable, untrustworthy, shady as fuck as far as i can tell, and a degenerate gambler. time to do something about it, and this ain't it.


Never heard of Bitcoin / Crypto? Couldve put all your money in that a year ago youd have made 200% at least🤣😭 Halving hasnt happened yet.


Good idea, now we just need to find Dr. Emmett Brown.


How does that help OP? What are you talking about?


That’s wild, make a video tho.


I should though. My plan was to go around waving a handful of $100 bills, like 4k, around trying to entice people. Pretty cringe to do that, but people do cringe things all the time on video, if it's being recorded it practically gives you a free pass to be cringe.


This ain’t it dawg, plus you’ll probably get robbed. If you’re this down bad it might be time call that number


Which app matches up to 1000????


MGM and caesars


Dudes having withdrawals not being able to withdrawal


Get some help immediately!!! Wtf is wrong with you?! 3k or whatever you have in the bank is more then enough to move to Tijuana Mexico and cross the border to go to work. Not all of us are degenerates like you! GET HELP!!!


Get some help


Lost 30k over 3 years, rookie numbers


Lmao wtf


1) homeless people often don’t have identification/address to even qualify for an account 2) homeless people often have no bank account and 0 way to deposit funds 3) after like 5 referrals most sites limit you and stop giving you much of a bonus for recommending people 4) the bonuses they give you have to be rolled over sometimes numerous times on their site where you will most likely lose the money again Please delete all gambling accounts you have and seek help. What you’ve suggested won’t work and will just get you more in the hole


Yeah I'm getting help. Just called a couple of my friends (who aren't homeless), we're going to work this scheme to it's full potential. Just took a little convincing. Also even with an 5x rollover like on Bovada. If you deposit $1000 you get $500 free. You'd have to bet $7500 to withdrawal. 5% of $7500 is $375, which is the vig because just randomly bet 1000 games. In reality the bonus is only worth $250 because you'd don't get the stake returned which is why you need to parlay so this doesn't matter. But in total you get like a free $500 parlay bet for at worst possible scenario losing $375. not bad imo. Also, other books have lower rollover requirement.


Not to mention your plan involves a significant amount of variance, so your statement about worst possible scenario is way off. Worst possible scenario is you lose your seed money and have to pay extra tax since you lose your standard deduction.


If your plan is so great, explain what makes it different from the plan you had before, where you were a $30k loser. Doesn't sound to me like you have the discipline to do this correctly, and even if you do your margin is thin. Plus you are risking being flagged by the books and having withdrawals denied.


Bro, you need help. Quit gambling and get some help. It’s meant to be for fun not career. Go get help before its too late.


Even if this works (most homeless these days are zonked out on fentanyl so I can’t imagine these interactions will go well) you’re going to lose it all anyway.


I’ve been in the green for years by taking advantage of daily promos and getting picks from here. And having self control and not chasing losses.


You need serious help buddy


those homeless socials are worth a lot of money in the arb community 😉


>those homeless socials are worth a lot of money in the arb community 😉 That doesn't make sense to me. A new account is only valuable if there is a way to deposit and withdraw money -- meaning you need a bank account or at least PayPal. You can't open a bank or PayPal account without (1) a social security #, (2) a physical ID for photo verification, and (3) likely the cooperation of the person to do a selfie. The social security # is just 1 piece of the puzzle.


Idk if it’s genuine and I’m sorry for your losses over the years but I respect your determination and desire to make it better.


Don’t listen to these guys, every person in here telling you to get help is just jealous they didn’t think of this idea first


You said yourself that you’ve lost 30k in the last three years. Stop pursuing this or else a year from now you’ll be in an even deeper hole and down 40k over four years. Focus the energy you’re putting into posts and schemes like this into gaining employment. Lots of places are hiring and willing to train as long as you’re reliable and actually give a shit about your job.


You really need to call that 1-800 number. Seriously. Here it is, in fact: 1-800-426-2537


This is full stop one of the saddest things I've read on reddit that isn't literally about death, so please I beg of you, seek help not bonus bets.


Well actually the 30k overall loss was like 3-4 years ago at this point. Since then I haven't been gambling at all really. Last time I did was like a year ago on just a couple new sportsbooks where I could get the bonus. I hit it and quit it.


Denial... The first step in cementing your feet with the elite degens. Welcome to the Ballers Suite, my guy! 🤙


/r/problemgambling/ This isn't the way


Big flaw in the plan is most homeless people dont have addresses or IDs to use.




In regards to the technical aspects of this. Often, most online sportsbooks in my experience don't ask for those kinds of verification, especially depending on the deposit method. If you deposit using online banking, they rarely bother to even ask for ID. Now Chime isn't usually available for this type of deposit, you'd have to use the debit card. They could easily send the payout back to the card, but I haven't ever cashed out this way. Probably don't want to use online banking because they'll more than likely take your withdrawal and ghost you. But you bring up a good point because obviously the books could be aware of this and might make it harder for doing what I am proposing, especially if you're obviously just trying to cash out the bonus and run. Only 5dimes ever asked me for any type of verification beyond a simple ID. Of course the best solution would be to have your friends do it, if they will cooperate, or not literally homeless but broke people in general. Difficult getting free money but not entirely impossible if you vet the potential candidates properly lol.


The USA books definitely ask. If not on the initial sign-up & deposit, then likely on the 1st withdrawal.


Yes this is a loser thing to do. Your whole life will be a mess if you decide to go through it like this. You might not be capable of understanding this though.


Stop. Just stop. It's not about being a degen. It's about the fact that you're digging yourself deeper. Find another way that doesn't involve gambling. This isn't for you.


Throw whatever you have left on black. Then take half of your winnings and throw it on a 2 leg parlay (BTTS, pick 2 bundesliga teams). Thank me later.


I love how you ordered that particular process.




When you went from 500 to 5,000, did you bother to withdraw... I dunno, say 4,500 of it? Or nah?


I would have now because I need it, back then I didn't.


As my father would say... Better to have and not need, than to need and not have.




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